The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

he smiled a little and nodded. "yeah, it's nice to be able to be here with TJ just to be with TJ." he admitted. "we all have unholy libidos. yourself included. hell, myself included." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "James is worst." he stated simply. "mostly because he has no self control. and technically. a shovel isn't a weapon." he pointed out, looking amused.

"me too." Steve agreed with a grin. "your adorable when you blush, did you know?" Steve asked with a soft smile. "you never tell me when your upset." James grumbled. "you where upset earlier, and you didn't tell me." so James had noticed, which meant Steve probably had too. but they where being nice and not asking about it, because they didn't want to upset Tony again. "no." Steve stated simply, though his eyes where amused. "for one thing, i don't think James would fit anymore." he admitted. in unison, both men gently clasped Tony's. holding his hands without even really thinking about it. "...that's me!" James stated, sounding startled as he dragged Tony, and thus Steve to a large James Barnes memorial picture. "that's who i was, before? one of your soldiers?" "no. never." Steve admitted. "you where my friend and my second in command." Steve admitted. "you where never 'my soldier'. that wasn't your place in my life. you where my friend, and my lover." he admitted. "even if we had to hide it back then."
“we leave the bedroom to save the world....Fury wont come to the tower cause he’s afraid we’re having orgies or something.”Natasha snickered a little before nodding. “And Tony has no interest in teaching him. He enjoys not being the most open and not in control person in the room.”Natasha smiled before rolling her eyes.”Anything in James’ hands is a weapon. So he’s not bringing anything.”

“Am not.”Tony sputtered a little before frowning at the other, tilting his head a little as he realized the other two had known, knowing if james had noticed, steve had. “...”Tony frowned a little trying to figure out what to tell them, not wanting to bring it up, because he knew there would definitely be talks about his self image and problems. And he didn’t want to ruin the date. “I would have told you if it was important.”he muttered nudging the other, giving him a half hug before pouting, “Damn. That sucks. It would have been amusing to see that.”Tony muttered before yelping as he was dragged along, nodding. “It is.Though your hair was shorter.”he mused before smirking at steve, “Well, I’m sure he was ‘soldier’ when he was on his knees in private. You get bossy.”Tony teased, even without knowing from experience, the man was aware of steve’s dominate tendancies.
he snickered. "we would totally have Orgies." he agreed with an impish grin. "totally. and James will learn eventually. whether or not he actually stops. well that's another matter entirely." he admitted with a grin. "so he's going to be completely incapable of movement then? because i'm pretty sure he knows a whole twelve ways, to your ten, of how yo kill someone with a string of floss." he admitted with a grin. "that's a hell of a turn on, by the way. watching you deal with those thugs that tried to kill me on the subway with a wire and a high heel."

thy both blinked at Tony. "no you wouldn't have." Steve stated. "but since your feeling better, i figure TJ or Johnny helped you out with whatever was wrong." he admitted. "i'm sure Clint could come up with something." Steve admitted with a grin before that grin turned sharp. "you'd like to be on your knees, wouldn't you Tony?" he asked, looking deliciously dominant while James leaned in to read information about himself.
“I’ve had orgies. Not nearly as much fun as everyone thinks they are. Prefer this, just me and you.”Natasha smiled because while she had had sex with multiple people at a time, at her heart she was a loyal person, preferred the quiet, amazing moments with someone she loved instead of the utter chaos of orgies. “Hmmm true.”Natasha snickered before staring at him before starting to laugh.”...If I asked, steve’d probably tie him up during the talk.”She mused before grinning at him, leaning up to kiss him slowly. “IT was, was it? Someone needs to protect you. You’re security detail is useless.”She muttered.

“ Something like that.”Tony muttered blushing ever so slightly before smirking. “I’ll have to ask him. It might disturb him to make costumes just so I can have sex. It’d be amusing.”Tony smiled at the idea before looking up at tony, locking his knees to stop from dropping in front of him. While he normally didn’t bottom, it just took pressing fthe right buttons and he switched hard and fast to submissive, and...well, he’d always had a fantasy about captain america dominating him. Like he said, it was a teenage fantasy that had grown to fit the man after tony met him, settled into even more then fantasy, desperate need and want and happiness tangled all around steve rogers, who just happened to be captain america, instead of being solely focused on the captain. It was steve tony wanted. “No, I prefer you on your knees really.”Tony muttered even with his eyes blown wide you knew he was lying, the man was just utterly unable to be submissive without fighting it, even if he was already starting to bottom out.
he snorted. "i haven't. too many people." he admitted. "i was invited to a few, and i did watch once but i never really got the appeal." he admitted. "i know Tony and TJ have had orgies together. they tried to explain it to me, but i never got it." he admitted with a smile. "i think Steve would enjoy it too much." he admitted with a grin. "we'll just distract James with sex and i won't get the Shovel talk at all!" he admitted happily. "i like this plan. and yes, my security detail is useless." he admitted. "that's what they get for fucking that soul sucking bint."

Steve chuckled a little. "Clint likes to make costumes. he might already have copies." he admitted as he watched James before he smirked at Tony. "i'll kneel if you want me too." he agreed, realizing what was wrong. "stay with us. okay Tony? we can do naughty wicked things to each other once we get back to the Hotel." he offered as he gently stroked Tony's knuckles with his Thumb as James, clueless as he was, looked through some of the medals that he'd won.
“You realize the problem with that sentence right?You let tony and TJ try to explain. The two most likely to be doing self-destructive insane things, like having orgies. Though I must admit, they’re both better then they used to be.”Natasha snickered a little before laughing, stealing a kiss. “Hm, he would, and you might try that....really. On all of them, you probably could avoid the shovel talk completely.”Natasha grinned before nodding. “Very true...I still can’t believe she’s calling you. You should just let me take care of it and we wouldn’t have to worry about her ever again.”

“....True. I’ll have to ask.”Tony perked u pa little at the idea before swallowing hard, “I like the idea of you kneeling.”He said sounding a little shaky, not only because he was starting to sink into subspace, but because well, it’d be the first time he had sex since pepper, and it made him nervous, the fact that it was going to be his first time with steve, made him even more nervous. Shuddering a little as the other rubbed his knuckles he took a shaky breath, before nodding.”I’m okay...and we’re going to the club before we go to the hotel. Totally want to see you dancing. Both of you actually.”Tony hummed pleased, for a moment distracted by the idea as he looked them over, snickering as he glanced at james. “he’s so adorably oblivious.”He muttered smiling, relaxing as he simply watched james enjoy everything.
he blinked and then. "...good point." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "they are doing better, neither Tony nor TJ have touched alcohol since TJ moved in here. Tony's been going dry for even longer, for James i think." he admitted. "i might have to try that." he admitted wit a smirk and a shake of his head before his grin turned sharp. "but if i did that, then i couldn't see her and my parents throw a fit over my sudden marriage." he stated. "Tony's not the only one who plays cruel pranks you know." he admitted. "if i'm really lucky, my mother will have a heart attack and have to go into the hospital for a few weeks and leave me the hell alo...." he paused as his phone started ringing and he sighed, took it apart and pulled the battery out. "that's better."

Steve grinned. "i like the idea of kneeling too." he admitted as he studied Tony. "if you need to stop, at any point, we will." he promised. "and we won't think any less of you." he promised. "if we have to, you can watch while James buggers me into the mattress, okay?" he promised with a smile. "we won't leave just because you had a hellish experience." he promised before he groaned. "i still can't dance." he grumbled. well, no, he could do a lot of dances. the Swing, the Tango, the Foxtrot, but he couldn't do modern day dancing where there didn't seam to be any steps, or rules or anything! "he always has been." Steve admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "James! come on! Tony's wigging out about the crowds, we need to go. we can come back tomorrow and finish up." "okay!"
“They really are. And he did. Mostly. He’d been slowing the drinking before then, but having to take care of James made him stop completely.”Natasha smiled a little before snickering, “That’s a thought. And he isn’ do realize there’s a problem in your life when you’re hoping your mother has a heart attack to just leave you alone right?”she pointed out tugging him down for a kiss, “It is.Just me and you.”She muttered, “Though you might want to put it back in....I mean...james, steve, and tony are in DC...we might like get a emergency call from the president or something horrible....”She snickered knowing better then to think that the date would go that smoothly.

Tony sighed softly, looking at the other, nodding a little. “I just makes me nervous...I kept...expecting either of you to freak out and leave.”He muttered shrugging a little. Well, just another reason to hate pepper and howard, and every other person tony had ever cared for without the feeling being returned, for making him so afraid of being left behind. “Hmmm I like that. I can do that.”He said eyes a little wide at the idea of watching them fuck. Smirking a little at steve. “I’ll teach you. I mean, we’ll be in a club. Some dancing is required.”He smirked even as he watched james, amused. “I’m okay. If you really want to stay.”he muttered because while they bothered him some, he was okay with the idea of staying if it meant the boys got to see everything they wanted.
he nodded. "i'm just glad that TJ is finally happy." he admitted with a smile before he groaned. "i know. but she won't pull her claws out willingly and i'd rather not bleed to death." he admitted. "better to do it in steps so i don't end up a bloody corpse on the floor." he admitted before he grimaced and put the battery back in. "good point." he muttered before pausing. "i have an idea." he admitted, dialing to his voice mail. "This is Doug, i'm in jail right now because i punched someone. i'll get back to your call when i'm let out after i post bail on Monday." and he smirked. "there. that'll be entertaining." he admitted as he set the phone back on the bedside table.

Steve smiled. "i only just got you. your never getting rid of me now." he admitted. "after all, i've loved you ever since i realized i was completely wrong about every single thing i ever thought about you, ever." he admitted before he grinned at Tony. "i thought you might like that idea." he admitted. "i don't have to have sex with you, to know i love you Tony." he promised. "....fine." he grumbled before he smiled. "no. lets come back tomorrow when there's less people. then i don't have to share myself with kids." James mused. "besides, you said Dancing. i like to dance. let's go dancing!" he ordered. "you know how to dance?" "TJ showed me on Clint!" James admitted. "it's like sex, only not naked, and your standing up!" "....really?"
“Good idea. Just a little while longer, cause she’s going to sign off on your resignation without realizing what it is.”She smiled nuzzling him a little before laughing, “Oh gods. That’s going to have everyone but the boys freaking out. They’ll just laugh and return to whatever horrible thing they’re doing.”Natasha snickered before stretching lazily, to comfortable to think about getting up t oget food, even if she was thinking about it.

“Oh.Well.”Tony swallowed hard, looking ready to bolt at the mention of love, so very awkward. Cause while he’d gotten used to hearing it from james, adding steve into it was making him feel out of sorts. Eyes finding the floor as he thought about it, because he hated that he couldn’t simply say it back. “true. It’ll be less crowded on a schoolday.”he shrugged a little before laughing at james’ explanation of dancing, swallowing hard. “yea, really. Let’s go.”he swallowed hard as they left, sliding into the car and heading for the club. Trying really hard to not think to hard about the guys dancing, and trying really hard to not be jealous, because he just knew they were going to get hit on. Pulling in front of the club he smirked as he tossed the keys to the valet, smirking at the two.”ready?”He smiled heading for the door, knowing things were about to get crowded. Cause while it was busy, it wasn’t as busy as it once had been. But he knew that as soon as their presence was discovered, things were going to be insane.
he nodded. "exactly. and i intend to have as much fun as i can. i've been very repressed you know." he admitted with a chuckle. "if i'm lucky, my mother will be searching the entire country for me." he admitted with a smirk as he wrapped his arms around her, content and lazy and perfectly happy to stay where he was for the rest of his life.

Steve smiled at him. "it's okay." he promised the other. "you can't say it. i knew that before i ever fell in love with you. besides, my new 'costume' is an 'i love you' enough." he promised. "seriously. it's amazing. i love it." he admitted. "i honestly don't know what Shield was thinking, making my suit that tight... Jesus." he admitted with a grin. "i like the Kevlar and leather much better." he admitted before smiling as James bounced along side of them, very happy. "very ready." Steve agreed, looking amused. "TJ is going to kill us." he admitted as he headed for the door, lifting an eyebrow when the doorman recognized them instantly. "....oh my god... it's captain America and Iron man!" he gasped. "i...uh... c..come on in! i need to make a phone call!" he admitted, turning and racing back inside to call TJ. since TJ was the only one still paying bills on the place, he was the boss.
Tony looked up at the other a little wide eyed before smirking. “It is better. I mean, shield’s was comfortable, but at least with this one you’re not worrying about ripping it if you bend over.”He snickered, because while the kevlar and leather one was still form fitting and tight, it had a little more give to it, a little more flex to it then the original . Hm, but it’ll be fun. It’s for TJ’s own good really.”Tony snickered, looking around at the doorman’s words.”Really?I mean-oh my god, I’m coming in with Captain america. I knew you looked familiar!”Tony gasped in mock amazement, nearly dying in laughter as he walked inside with james and steve, blinking as the music and noise hit him. “Dance with me?”He smirked up at the taller super soldiers.

TJ groaned, flailing for his phone from where he was laying half across clint, groaning as he missed his phone on the first chance, squirming away enough to answer the phone.”Hello?...Who?Well. Make sure they’re taken care of, and I’ll probably be in later.”TJ said groaning as he hung up, slumping back onto clint before laughing. “Tony is taking Steve and James dancing.”
he snorted. "Tony every time i crawled into the Shield's suit i got a wedgie and had to worry about flashing everyone my 'package'." he pointed out. "at least with leather and Kevlar i don't have to worry about springing a boner when the wind gets too stiff." he admitted with a grin. "and it will be fun... it's empty..." he stated, looking surprised. "there's no one here..." there where bored workers, but that was it. "yeah. let's dance." he agreed, ignoring the joke though his eyes glittered. "dance with James first, i wanna see how it's done." he just wanted to see Tony getting turned on.

Clint blinked at TJ, his head tilted. "dancing?" he asked before his lips twitched. "they're at your club..." he muttered. "well. we should join them." he decided. "go get dressed, i'll get Doug and Nat and Johnny and Loki. we'll really make your club pop!" he decided as he skipped off, calling Phil and telling him that they where all going to DC to liven up TJ's club. Phil even promised to be there.
“...You got wedgies?I’m so sorry....and no flashnig your ‘package’ anymore, unless its to me. Or jamie.”Tony grinned before smirking, leaning into steve a little, palming his ass simply because he could.”Hm, well I’ll have to endeavor to make you spring boners for reasons rather then wind.”Tony grinned before looking around. “...I didn’t know it’d gotten this bad.”He muttered knowing though that people would probably turn up as he could already see workers texting and taking pictures. “Hm, definitely not a problem dancing with jamie.”Tony grinned as he turned towards james, looking towards the DJ grinning as the fast paced song started, “Shall we?”He smirked tilting his head up to look at the taller brunette, focusing on enjoying dancing, and not what that dancing might lead to.

“Yes dancing. And they are.”TJ rolled his eyes as he slid out of bed, “You’re to excited about this.”TJ said rolling his eyes as he tugged on the leather pants and shirt, amused as he went in search of the others. Grinning as they all settled into the car, he smirked at Doug. “So. How much trouble do you think they-”TJ paused as his phone went off, before laughing when he saw the text. “Oh gods. They’re going to make everyone orgasm before we get there. James and Tony dirty dancing is going to cause heart attacks.” “Hm, just wait till we get there.”Natasha smirked looking amused as they drove.
he snorted. "i did. every goddamn time. made fighting a bit of a pain in the ass." literally apparently. "you'd pay to see my package." he teased with a chuckle. "and i get a Boner every time i see you kiss James." he admitted. "well... he did die in here... that would have a heavy impact..." Steve admitted with a shake of his head before smiling as he watched James grind against Tony, wriggle and writhe and soon Steve had joined them, dancing the way they did easily enough, even if he was blushing brightly.

"i don't get to go clubbing all that often." Clint admitted with a chuckle as he forwent a shirt and instead wore only a leather jacket, letting his piercing hang in the light. it would please Phil immensely to see Clint showing off his mark. "trouble? them? probably enough to get arrested." Clint admitted with a laugh as he realized they where dirty dancing. "we need to get Jarvis to record it so that we could sell it later! highest bidder!" he admitted with a laugh. Doug just smirked as he glanced at Natasha. "yes. we'll show them how Russians get it on." he agreed with a laugh. "just don't let me get naked this time, i don't think i could handle the screaming again." he admitted with a snicker.
“I would. Thank god I’m rich.”Tony gave him a fliry smirk, before nodding.”He did.”Tony smirked a little even as he lost himself in dancing.

“I haven’t in awhile, even if I own the club.”TJ shrugged a little smirking as he got distracted by the sight of clint’s bare chest, it was distracting, immensely. “Hopefully they remember to not get arrested. That’s doug’s job. I mean, he even has his voicemail already ready.”TJ snickered. “Why were you calling doug?” “Cause I wanted to know what he was doing.” “Hm, might have to. There’s already going to be screaming if you remember who’s already there dancing.”natasha pointed out.

And it was true, by the time they got to the club even though he was still wearing the shirt, tony’s dress shirt was already undone, the dark material showcasing the well defined abs and scarred chest, the man for once not being self conscious about them as him and james felt each other up. Steve by far the only one still with his clothes in the right places, “We should stop them.”TJ snickered watching what amounted to foreplay happening on the dancefloor and the crowd slowly getting bigger. “Come on doug, we’re dancing.”Natasha smirked at the chief of staff, having every intent of causing big enough scene to get his mother to fire him, after all, if she did that, then she couldn’t blame doug for quitting, sensing it would probably be easier on him that way.
Clint nodded. "well your club is about to get busy." he admitted, being that Steve, Tony, Clint, Natasha, Bruce and Johnny had all tweeted that they where hitting a club in DC. soon the place would be pumping with people. when they got there, there was already an extra ten people watching the Avengers grind against each other. "i figured it would be a good way to freak mom out." he admitted with a snicker.

James was shirtless, jacket and button up gone completely as he wriggled against his two most favorite men in the world. "why?" Clint asked, smiling. "they look comfortable." he admitted, "besides, Phil's finally here." he admitted, watching Phil walk in, looking quite ready for clubbing. "Yes Ma'am." Doug chirped happily, bounding with her onto the dance-floor that was quickly filling up. he let her lead him to where she wanted and did his best to drive her wild. Clint was already dragging Phil and TJ onto the floor, settling close to Loki and Johnny who where less dancing, and more making out.
“They do.So comfortable they might consider getting naked.”TJ snickered though to amused to not worry as he watched the crowds. “You look amazing.”TJ said looking up at Phil with wide eyes, stealing a kiss. He’d

Later Tony looked up at james with wide blown eyes, shuddering as he was sandwiched between his two men, shuddering as he leaned back into Steve’s chest, resting his head against his shoulder.”We should go. To the hotel I mean.”He shuddered, his worry about sex momentarily forgotten as he felt the slide of sweat slick skin and muscles.
"Steve won't let them get anymore naked than they already are." Clint promised. "thank you. i had assistance." Phil admitted with a smile. "Agent Hill was fairly insistent that i look appropriate. apparently, wearing my suit would have been unacceptable." he admitted with a snort as he pulled TJ and then Clint into a kiss, growling quite possessively. "i'm not sure i like you showing so much skin Clint." "i'm just showing off your claim." he admitted, fingering his nipple and making Phil's eyes go dark.

James and Steve where both panting, eager, hard, aroused. "i agree." James muttered. "i want to give you a blowjob." he admitted. neither Steve nor Tony really understood James utter delight in handing out Blowjobs, but neither was going to argue when James offered one. "let's go. someone text someone else that we're leaving." James was already working on it. tapping quickly and sending it to each group in the club before letting Steve drag him and Tony out.
“Good. I’m fairly certain none of them would handle the groping that would follow if they were.”TJ snickered a little amused before grinning. “Yes, a suit would not be good. Though you look good in them.”TJ purred kissing the other back before smirking. “It’s such a good claim to.”TJ muttered sliding a hand under clint’s chest, fingers ghosting over the other’s chest.

”Definitely not turning down a blow job.”Tony smirked eyes wide as he followed steve out, making sure that the other’s knew they were leaving before they left looking slightly anxious over the lust and arousal that twisted his features as they got to the hotel. Letting them into their room he swallowed nervously, looking up at steve before dragging him down for a kiss even as his hand tangling in James’ hair, not letting him wander to far.
he chuckled. "you mean like what Johnny and Loki are doing?" he asked, indicating a booth that appeared to be very fuzzy. no one was looking at it at any rate so Loki must have done something. but Clint and TJ could easily see Johnny fucking Loki over the table. "i'd stop them, but i don't want to be scarred for life for getting too close." he admitted with a chuckle. "it is a good claim." he agreed, shivering as TJ touched the peircing, moaning a little as he kissed TJ eagerly.

James beamed happily and Steve chuckled. "i've never given a blowjob before. you'll teach me?" Steve asked hopefully as he followed Tony to the nearest Hotel. another one that Johnny owned. not a lot of people knew it, but Johnny had become rich on his own. he'd taken his half of the inheritance and put it into stocks and bonds, and then started building hotels. he now had a hotel in almost every state. it was one of the reasons why Sue never bitched about his spending. because he' made all that money on his own. he was still building Hotels too. "God Tony." Steve gasped as he broke the kiss so he could breath. "that's amazing. do it again." he ordered, fitting his lips to the others again, kissing eagerly.
“...urgh.I could have done without seeing that.”TJ whined a little. “I’m going to have to like destroy that table or something.”TJ snickered a little kissing clint back.”Hm, we should give Phil some sort of claim.”TJ purred a little looking thoughtful as he rested his forehead against clint’s, slanting a look towards phil.

“I can do that.”Tony smirked looking amused as they got to johnny’s hotel, so glad that the other owned it, because it meant that their privacy was guaranteed. Whining as steve pulled away he laughed.”It was.”He panted kissing him back, groaning as he rolled his hips into the other, squirming and needy before breaking the kiss, looking up at the other with wide eyes desperate hands tugging at steve's clothes, growling when he couldnt get the buttons apart."Hate button ups."He growled annoyed, lust making the usually very skilled man clumsy.
Clint and Phil both chuckled. "just bleach it, it will be fine. if we have to, we'll just permanently reserve that one for Loki and Johnny so that no one else get's infected with their germs." Clint suggested. "besides, you know if you could make people not realize you where there, you'd have me bent over a table too." he teased, lips twisted into a smirk. "besides, he already has my mark on him." he admitted, indicating the hicky on Phil's neck.

"sweet." Steve stated with a grin. "mmm." Steve moaned as he felt Tony grinding into him and James giggled as Tony had issues with the shirt. he cut in and quickly undid Steve's shirt before he bounced off to... well, Steve wasn't sure what the man was doing in the bathroom. "Tony! there's no Lube in here!" James protested, making Steve laugh as he moved to his suitcase, pulling out the Lube he had packed. just in case.
“Hm, that works.”TJ snickered a little before smirking at Clint. “I totally would, or I’d let you bend me over a table.”He smirked, “Though I do have a office here you know.”He smirked, leaning up to kiss Phil.”I think I’m going to have to correct the mistake you don’t have a hickey from me.”

“I could have gotten it!”Tony whined as james cut him off, snickering at James’ yell, raising a eyebrow as Steve pulled out the lube even as he stripped down to the teeny tiny scrap of underwear he was wearing, smirking as he collapsed back onto the bed.”Jamie, Steve’s being a boyscout again. He’s got lube.”He smirked as he leaned back on his elbows watching steve.
Clint smirked. "oh i am so fucking you in your office." he purred as he started nudging both him and Phil towards the back office, looking wickedly delighted as he kissed the other. "i would agree to having another Hicky." Phil agreed with a chuckle.

James giggled again. "you where taking too long. i'm horny!" he complained as Steve sniggered. "like i didn't know you where going to insist on sex this weekend." Steve stated, rolling his eyes before he stared at Tony, eyes wide. "Tony's wearing panties!" James stated, sounding just as startled as Steve looked. "i like it!" James stated before he bounded onto the bed and stroked all the skin around the panties as Steve swallowed thickly, trying to contain himself so he didn't cum all over himself.
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