The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“...We are vicious vicious people who just enjoy having a god as a friend just to torture a soul. There should be something wrong with this.”TJ snickered a little before nodding as he hugged the other back.”...You know, I wish I could say you’re lying, but I know you’re not.”he snickered before laughing. “Well, good. She deserves to be disgusted. I’m sure we’ll hear something appropriate and self-serving as soon as she comes to terms with it.”TJ sighed before grinning. “But at least her distracted by this, means she’s not looking for me. Though I’m sure Doug’s enjoying pretending to look for me with Natasha.”he snickered.

“Hmm yes.’Tony smiled a little before pausing, listening before snickering realizing that his boy’s were going to give him a girly day, but it was okay, because they were taking care of him, and letting him relax without sex for once, which was amazing really. “I like it. We should totally do that since I’m not allowed having sex....”Tony muttered because while he didn’t want to, couldn’t consider having sex just yet, the fact he was nursing a broken collar bone, clavicle and ribs kept him from really wanting sex just yet. “Just a trim, we promise, cause I do like your hair long.”Tony promised ruffling james’ hair as he relaxed.
he chuckled. "no. it's just a bonus is all. i'm friends with a god because he can do really, really amazing sexy things with his shapeshifter ability." he admitted, his grin turning wicked again. "you know how i have that thing about hentai?" tentacle sex. wow. and Johnny said Tony was kinky. "i wouldn't lie about that." he promised with a chuckle. "she is distracted. Dougie's having a ton of fun looking all over the world for 'you'. he mailed her an entire sake set straight from Japan." he admitted with a chuckle. "he even got picture's of you wearing a Yukata." he admitted with a grin. "i have no idea how he managed that kind of Photoshopping but she's under the impression that your living a safe, healthy life just hopping around the world using Tony's credit cards." he admitted with a snigger. "ones Tony doesn't even remember having so Elaine can't even yell at him for it." he admitted.

"your not?" James asked, looking worried. "then why where they gonna..." "they weren't intending on actually having sex James, they where going to give him some pleasure, some pain, make him cum and then let him sleep i think. no sex involved... well, no insertion involved." he admitted. "okay Tony." James agreed with a sigh as Steve chuckled and stroked Tony's hair as he polished off the food. "go to sleep Heart." Steve ordered gently, using the pet name without thinking about it. "we'll stay with you." he promised.
“...oh, oh stop there. I do like talking to your boyfriend sometimes. I will never be able to look at him if I know he’s made you kinkier then Tony on a good day.”TJ whined amused though before snickering. “I’m sure him and Natasha are having fun planning places ‘I’m’ at. It’s good for her to not know everything.”TJ snickered before going in search of his lovers, smiling a little. “Crisis over. Tony’s relaxing and the boys are taking care of him.”

“No, broken bones. I’ll heal quickly, but Bruce told me no sex.”Tony smiled before shaking his head. “No I rarely have sex with either of them these days...when we were younger, yes but now it’s just the pain pleasure and fun without sex.”Tony shrugged because it was sex in the european meaning of sex, americans were very weird about what they considered sex, insertion meaning sex. Relaxing as he butted his head against steve’s hand like a overeager kitten as the man petted his hair he blushed softly at the pet name but didn’t comment on it.”promise?Don’t go anywhere.”he muttered already drifting off to sleep.
he smirked. "he's a God Luvie. they don't have the same view as 'kinky' as us humans do." he admitted with a smirk. "i think they plan on getting married." he admitted with a chuckle. "Dougie plans on making it a 'well i got drunk and did it, but apparently it's binding and legal and since i kind of like her we've decided to try and make a go of it' excuse." he admitted. "that harlot bitch is trying to get a hold of him again." he admitted. "she's in for a bitch of a surprise eh?" he asked with a smirk as he watched TJ leave. "thank god." Clint sighed, Phil relaxing a little. "i'm glad that he's alright." Phil agreed, sounding rather strained. "now tell Clint to untie me." Phil was tied up! hands forced behind his back and attached to the headboard. apparently Phil had tried to do something stupid while TJ was gone.

Steve nodded. "we'll make sure not to strain you then." he promised with a smile as he stroked the others hair. "i'm glad you have them. i had no idea how to help you." he admitted, throat closing in a gut fear reaction. what would have happened if they hadn't been able to help Tony? "i promise." Steve muttered softly, smiling as Tony went to sleep right there in his lap.
“Now that, will be something to see. Doug getting married. I sorta wanna see it happening, just because you know Natasha would be the most epic daughter in law ever.”TJ snickered at the idea before raising his eyebrows at the sight in front of him even as he started to untie Phil.”What did you do?”he smirked stroking red rubbed skin looking curious as he stole a kiss.

“ would have figured it out...painting was a good idea jamie...”tony muttered sighing softly as he let the other sooth him into sleeping peacefully, hands holding onto the other’s shirts, yea, definitely not going anywhere without waking him up first.
Phil huffed. "i indicated the desire to go slice a few throats when i came across the video feeds of what they did to Tony." he admitted. "Clint hasn't seen the feed yet... and he wont." he promised TJ before continuing. "i was... unprepared for my own emotional response." he admitted as he shook his hands out. "Clint had to takle me and wrest me to the ground... it was quite arousing actually." the way Phil was talking though, told both TJ and Clint that he was still 'having an emotional response'. he didn't usually talk so... stiff like that. usually he tried to copy Clint's way of talking, or Steve's. this was a Fey prince speaking and he was extremely unhappy.

James beamed at the praise and Steve chuckled as James crawled into bed with them, the two boys more dozing than sleeping, too worried about the state in which Tony might wake up.
TJ’s eyes widened as he realized what Phil had seen, swallowing shakily. “Good. Tony doesn’t need everyone seeing that.”TJ said sounding a little shaken before leaning down to kiss the other, “Hm, getting tackled by Clint is very arousing. And if it makes you feel better, tony was more upset at being refused entry to your super secret boy band of superheros then by what pepper did.”TJ said sounding a little growly himself, even without seeing it, it was hard to know what his friend had gone through. Worried for his lover, and having every intention of teasing him into a better place.

When tony woke the man squirmed, frowning a little at finding himself sandwiched between super soldiers, “We should go on a date.”Tony announced, trying to distract himself from the momentary panic of being afraid of waking fully, even with them pressed against him, worried when he really woke that this would be a dream.
he nodded. "i was looking through the databases to see if i couldn't find more of the high profile Hydra agents. like the Vice and i stumbled across the video feed." he admitted. "Jarvis has already eliminated every single copy and if it was saved to disk it will be destroyed as soon as it is connectable to the internet for him to destroy." Phil promised. "...yes well... i'm sure Steve and James will assist him for as long as he requires it." he agreed as he shook his head. "...i need to kill something." "no. your going to lay down and stay put." Clint ordered, smirking when Phil growled, narrowing his eyes at Clint. Phil Hated it when someone told him what to do.

Steve chuckled a little. "an inside Date." he agreed. "we could have a picnic on the roof." he agreed. "or maybe a dinner in one of the ballrooms here. we could go dancing." he offered with a smile. "i don't think that James is ready to go out yet." James shook his head. "i'll hurt someone. too possessive." he admitted, arms tightening around Tony. "your painting didn't go away." "it won't for a while. it's oil based so even water won't wash it off right away." Steve admitted, sounding rather smug.
“Damn.We’re never telling Tony it ever existed. He’ll suspect, but unless he asks, we’re never telling him the video was watched.”TJ said knowing that more then anything, that would upset tony. Knowing that phil, a man he respected and cared for had seen him like that. “I’m sure they will. Steve painted him. He looks like a overpriced geisha at the moment”TJ snickered a little before studying phil, smirking a little.”No, I don’t think you get to kill anything. We’ll find something for you to do.”he purred a little.

“...Picnic and we can dance on the roof.”He muttered quietly resting his head on james’ shoulder, even if he was clinging to steve and had his legs tangled with the blond’s, clinging to both his men. “...we were doing so well...”he said tiredly, knowing that it was his fault that james had fallen behind in getting back to real life, and hating it a little bit, even if he snuggled into james’ arms as they tightened. “And you said I needed a collar, Cap. I think you’ve already laid claim.”TJ teased
he nodded. "i thought the same." he agreed. "i have received a vow of silence from Jarvis, he will tell no soul, not even us, of it's existence." he admitted. "we will never tell a soul ourselves." he ordered. "i don't think there are any hard copies. i think it was all on the servers but Jarvis will constantly monitor for it just in case." he admitted before he stared at the other. "...Steve... painted on him?" he asked, looking vaguely amused before he blinked at TJ, cocking his head. "are you trying to seduce me Mr. Hammond?"

Steve smiled. "i like that." he agreed. "i'll make all kinds of picnic food." he promised. "you and James can help...." he paused. "James can help and you can watch." he corrected. "we where doing very well. backsliding is to be expected though." Steve admitted. "James has a long way to go Tony and we can't always expect him to improve at the rate he was." he admitted. "it doesn't work that way... though, i think blowing up a lot of the bases helped." he admitted. "i want a more permanent claim of possession." Steve admitted with a smile. "and i want to be possessed too. i want you to.. claim me... own me." he admitted, stroking Tony's hair. "i want to be yours just as much as your mine."
“Good.”TJ smiled pleased, knowing that the secret would go to the grave with them, that tony would never know. Nodding.”Yea. He freaked out because of...Ms. Potts. So Jamie gave him a way to relax without needing sex. Being Steve’s canvas. His back is a koi fish and oil painted, so it’s staying for awhile.”TJ snickered before giving Phil that wide eyed innocent look he did so well.”Would I ever try to do that, Agent coulson?”

“Hey!I can make food. Picnic food can’t be that hard.”Tony sputtered pouting a little, before sighing. “I’s’s hard knowing that this didn’t help any...or that I can’t just...fix him. I mean, I’m a engineer. I’m supposed to be able to fix things.”he whined a little before laughing quietly.”Hm, it sure helped my mood blowing that base up.”he muttered before swallowing thickly. “I’m going to make your collar....I can go sit down in the workshop, make it while you make food....and you said I get one to?Just like Jamie’s?”He asked sighing quietly as he nuzzled his hand against steve’s hand, reacting like a touch starved kitten, despite the two months being with james, he was still a little touch starved.
he nodded. "i imagined so." he admitted. "once i saw the footage i figured that might be it... she took away the only thing he truly liked." he shook his head. "she died too easily." he growled before he stared at TJ. "yes, you would." he admitted, undoing his tie and pulling it out. "go get the rope." he ordered, smirking. "you wanted to see me play with Clint, did you not? i think he needs a bit of a reminder of who is the Boss in this relationship." Clint just groaned eagerly and started to strip.

Steve stared at Tony. " set water on fire." he pointed out. "and you melted a cast iron pan. i didn't even know that was possible without a blast furnace." he pointed out. "Tony... people don't work like that." he admitted. "we can't be 'fixed'. we can only be helped. you've helped James so much and i don't think you understand just how much of an improvement he has really made." he admitted. "i don't want you in the lab Alone." he admitted. "take James with you." he ordered gently. "yes. you have to make one for you as well." he ordered. "i want us all to have one, matching set, so we can all belong to each other." he admitted with a smile as he continued to stroke Tony, letting him have all the attention he wanted.
“Exactly. But it’s tony, and he’s making a sandwich with the peak of human perfection. I mean, have you seen the super soldiers’ abs?”TJ snickered because he just liked tweaking, teasing phil and clint, not as bad about it as tony was, but he was just begging to be punished before smirking a little. “I do.”He smirked pleased at the idea before going after the rope and returning in a few minutes handing it over to phil, settling on the bed to watch.

“...Bruce helped.”Tony said in his defense on melting the pan snickering a little before sighing, “I know...”He muttered, because while he said it, he still felt like he was failing. Howard stark having only ever recognized his failing, and never his successes, to the point that tony could only see his failing for most of the time, ony see how it could be better. “Yes, Captain.”Tony purred a little at the order, smirking a little as he considered just what kind of collar he was going to make them before grinning, stealing a kiss as he settled back with a smile, knowing he wanted to move, could head to the lab to work, but to relaxed and content to get moving just yet.
Clint narrowed his eyes at TJ. "...i have actually." he admitted. "but don't think you won't get punished." he warned looking amused as Clint knelt in front of Phil. "into Position." Phil ordered, Clint groaning as he sank into a 'downward dog' sort of position. "get me the gag, the remote controlled vibrating egg. the black butt plug-" that got a bit of a whimper. "-The Lube and the Nipple clamps with Cocking(NSFW)." Clint whimpered again, his hips jerking. good thing he was already kneeling with his face pressed into the carpet. not that Phil didn't slap his ass in punishment for it.

Steve snorted. "Bruce can cook." he pointed out. "i highly doubt he melted it." he admitted. "i'm glad you where there for him Tony." he admitted softly. "i don't think he could have recovered as much as he has if it hadn't been for you." he admitted as he smiled at him. "matching collars Tony." he insisted. "and perhaps some tracking chips of some sort in each one? with health monitoring that Jarvis can keep track of. that way he can tell as soon as one of us get's hurt or is having a bad day." after all, Steve's PTSD was still acting up and Jamie was... well there was no need to explain him and Tony.... well... "....i really like it when you call me Captain in that tone of voice." he admitted with a chuckle as he stroked the paint on Tony's back. "i liked Painting you too." he admitted with a chuckle.
“Hm, I wont.”The man looked amused though not to worried about being punished, eyes widening as he watched clint, shuddering a little at the requested items, smirking a little as he got the items for phil, holding them out to phil with trembling hands, already trembling a little with how turned on he was.

“No, it was bruce’s fault.”The man snickered a little, before flushing a little at the other’s words, blushing at the praise.”if you say so.”He smiled a little before smiling. “Matching collars then.And hm, that’s definitely better then a tracker in my balls.”H esnickered a little, “I’ll get the tracker in the neck;ace....”He smiled slightly, shifting, nuzzlign his face against steve as he trailed off, nuzzling him before swallowing thickly. “I’ll have to remember that. And good. Cause I can see doing that again. It was nice to relax without sex....I mean, sex is amazing but...”He trailed off, shrugging a little.
Phil smirked as he watched Clint and started to wrap him up with the rope, humming as he worked, occasionally stopping to molest his lover, pinching a nipple, stroking his cock, teasing his tight little hole. Clint stayed still the enter time, kneeling for the moment with his back straight as Phil careful tied him up. with ever look you could practically see Clint sinking a little deeper. though not deep enough to be called a subspace he was at least calmer. Phil paused once he had Clint's hands tied completely behind his back. Clint's legs had also been tied in intricate knots, his ankles to his hips, his knees to his ribs. leaving him helplessly immobile, incapable of even twitching, though he did cry out as the cock ring was attached. he whispered as the nipple clamps where connected, eyes watering but bliss on his face. he groaned but accepted the gag, and tried to wiggle away as Clint fingered him open, slid in the egg ad then the butt plug. "there." Clint chirped, pressing Clint forward so his chest and head where supporting his weight instead of his legs. "now. i do believe i promised a certain naughty boy some punishment?" he asked, smirking at TJ.

Steve just snorted. he didn't believe Tony for a second. for one thing, Bruce could cook. for another Bruce did not find it fun and amusing to cause destruction in every step he took. "i agree." Steve admitted with a smile. "Bruce touches your balls and he's getting his cut off." he admitted with a chuckle. "i understand Tony." he promised gently. "Sex is going to be hard for you for a while. we don't mind." he promised. "James doesn't really understand, but he doesn't need sex to love you. so long as your smiling, he's the happiest man in the world. and being the virgin i am." that was a lie! and they both knew it, but Steve was laughing as he said it so clearly he was pandering to the world view again. "i'm rather relieved you won't have the chance to debauch me just yet." he teased with a smile as he gently kissed the others forehead. "we love you, Tony. not your... what does TJ call it? Bedroom acrobatics?"
Tj 50 was nearly whimpering by the time Phil finished tying up Clint his eyes wide and lust blown.while he didn't know if he'd like it for himself, it was amazing to see Clint tied up like that.twitching a little wanting to run his fingers over where the rope met skin he refrained as he looked up at phil, a playful teasing smirk curling his lips."you mean me? I didn't do anything worth punishing. I mean just cause steve's got those washboardabs and james' ass is a thing of beauty...I shouldn't be punished simply for commenting on it."tj said sounding so much like a sulking teenager that you just had to question if he was 18 instead of 32. He was just testing the boundaries which was actually a good said after being together a month the man trusted them enough to act out sometimes, to be his usual teasing self instead of being on his best behavior.

"So possessive...I sorta wanna take you to a charity event now to watch you two freak when the women try touching me."to you said snickering quietly over that mental image. Looking up at steve's promise he tried to see how serious the man was because for him, James and steve had been the only relationship, friend or otherwise, that hadn't involvedone sex from the beginning. Even tj and johnny, they'd had sex long before they'd become the friends they currently were. So he had a hard time trusting that anyone would want him without having been a genius teen's way of coping with being around so many older people, of finding a way to fit in."well, you claiming to be a virgin is definitely going to make me smile."Tony snickered but relaxed because he believed the other, needed to believe that it wouldn't matter they couldn't have sex yet. "You're just saying that cause you don't know if you can keep up with the bedroom gymnastics. "Tony giggled a little such a happy amused sound you knew that no matter how upset he was what had happened, he'd be okay. Squirming to get up he poked Hames in the side."come on.we'll go down to the lab while cap's cooking."
Clint was whimpering too, he couldn't s much as twitch and the vibrating egg was positioned perfectly to torment him. he as already as hard as a rock and dripping wet but couldn't cum because of the cock ring. his nipples ached with every shift of breath and he couldn't even moan properly, or bed because of the gag. it was his favorite place to be. he knew that Phil could leave him there for upwards of an hour and a half before he started to cramp. he had played this often enough that he was well used to it. it was going to be a long hour. "oh, you'll be punished." Phil growled. "for ogling men other than myself." he growled, eyes glittering playfully as he tangled his fingers in TJ's hair and forced his head back so he could chew and suck a bruising 'love bite' into existence. one that would last quite a while. "i think i'm going to claim you." he growled. "shoot my seed so deep inside of your ass you'll taste it." Clint whined on the floor, quite turned on by the show of dominance.

they both scowled at him, clearly unamused by the idea of women touching him. "not going to happen Tony." Steve growled. "your ours now. and we won't share with the likes of some harlot who wants you for your money." he growled, kissing Tony quite passionately before he chuckled. "shut up Tony. i can pretend to be a virgin if i want to be. it's not like James remembers debouching me as children." "did i?" James asked, looking curious. "Yup. tender age of sixteen. you buggered me so hard neither of us could walk the next day. you told my mother than i'd gotten beat up again." Steve admitted with a chuckle. "i'm pretty sure i can't keep up with you." Steve admitted, a sly smirk lifting the corner of his lip. "yet." he admitted, slipping out of bed and stretching. "don't wear a shirt Tony, it'll ruin the paint." he ordered as James stretched out with a huge yawn, not unlike a sluggish tired before he slid out of bed and followed Tony down to the lab where he curled up with his violin and started to practice some of the more interesting ballads he had discovered. like the Star Wars song.
"But they're so pretty, when you're just so out of my league handsome."tj whimpered yelping a little as the bite was suckered into his neck squirming a little but not trying to get away. Eager to see exactly what coulson would do to his naughty tease.

"We'll considering what happened last time I picked up someone at a charity event, I'm perfectly okay with them leaving me alone."he snickered a little moaning as he kissed the other back before laughing."so? It happened. And I'm so telling Cour son capt a in America had sex at'll scar him."Tony snickered before rolling his eyes."it disturbs me pipsqueak 5th you got in enough fights for that to be a good excuse."Tony teased before shuddering."we'll have to put the super soldiers to the test. I'm fairly certain the mere human me will tire first."he said as he slipped out of bed and heading for the lab. Laughing quietly as he realized what james was playing as he worked and when he was done he was holding two more collars exactly the same as james'gleaming silver and black but if you looked closely the silver highlighted with captain America colors or iron man colors depending on how you turned it. Tony being ocd enough to have stolen james' colors for a few minutes to add in cap's colors to. It was a good representation of them all really
Coulson smirked a little as he marked the the other before stepping back. "strip. slow." he ordered. "be pretty for me." he ordered, smirking. Coulson loved to watch TJ wriggle and tease.

Steve snorted. "no woman is ever touching you again, and aside from me and James no man ever will either." he assured Tony. "not unless they want to be nursing broken fingers and slit bellies." he admitted, looking amused. "Tony i used to get in a fight nearly every day." he admitted. "usually for defending various peoples rights." he admitted. "besides, i don't know if i can be sexually exhausted." he admitted. "never had the chance to test it out." he admitted. Tony had a bit of trouble getting Jame's collar off him. James was incredibly possessive of it, and in the end only let Tony have it because Tony 'needed it to finish the others'. he had actually bitten Natasha when she tried to touch it while Tony was missing. "Sit. Captain Rogers has asked me to inform you that the lunch is finished and that anytime your finished to join him on the roof. he indicated he would be sketching until then, so feel free to take your time making thema s perfect as you want them to be."
TJ smirked at the other before nodding, tilting his head a little because while most people couldn’t do skinny jeans and just a t-shirt well, TJ was one of those rare guys who looked good with just skinny jeans and a t-shirt, and could definitely make a strip tease of getting those tight tight jeans off his long legs, that seemed even more coltish and long when incased in clinging denim. Pausing middle wiggle he looked up at Phil through his eyelashes,”I was thinking about getting a nipple ring. I mean, I’ve had one before you know, thinking about redoing it.”He smirked as he bounced and wiggled the rest of the way out of his pants.

“Good. I am going to enjoy that thought. Of only you two touching me.”He smirked a little before rolling his eyes. “You pipsqueak,”tony teased, because it was a common occurrance for him to switch between nicknames often, though there was affection under his teasing, amusingly enough, only James’ name had never changed. He was always Jamie.” are bad for my health. It’s a good thing I met you after you were already Cap, otherwise I might have had a heart attack over it.”Tony snickered. “I promise I’ll give it back, just a few minutes.”TOny promised stealing a kiss before smirking, “Good. Come on, jamie, lets go surprise our captain.”he smiled happily as he picked up the collars, snuggling into james’ side as they headed for the roof.
Coulson watched, his eyes examining every bit of flesh that was offered during the strip tease, Clint whining as he too watched, panting through his nose. trying to pretend that being completely ignored wasn't sexy as all hell and turned him on so bad he was sinking into subspace faster than normal. Coulson growled loudly at the thought of a nipple ring and was on TJ in a second, lips attached to a perky pink nipple, teasing it with his teath and tongue as he backed the man up to the bed and gave him a shove so he fell onto the bed as he clicked his fingers, a swirl of blackness wrapping around Coulsons's fingers before it vanished, leaving him wearing a blue glove and holding something that was very much a nipple ring. "oh i am very much going to enjoy having you wear my mark in your nipple." he growled, making Clint whimper at the possessive, delighted tone in Phil's voice. "shall i give it to you now?" Phil asked, smirking at the other. "shall i make you mine?"

Steve chuckled a little and shook his head as he kissed Tony a little more tenderly. "i'm not a pipsqueek." he protested, trying to sound annoyed but only sounding amused. "Tony i don't think you would have been at all able to handle me when i was teeny tiny. you'd have seduced me in a heartbeat and you know it." he teased with a chuckle and a shake of his head. ".... fine." James grumbled, though he kept a close eye on what Tony was doing, pleased as he realized Tony was adding the tracking and monitoring features so Jarvis could always get help if they needed it. "want it back." James ordered, plucking his out of the others hand and wrapped it around his neck, trying to clasp it with clumsy fingers.

(okay so the Nipple ring looks like this, only instead of the red heart on the bottom it's this red rose. Phil's insignia is a bloody red rose.)
TJ smirked glancing down at clint when he heard the panting, before yelping as phil pounced on him, a deep moan escaping as his head fell back as he was teased, hips rolling into phil’s as the other sucked on his nipple. Moaning as he fell back onto the bed he looked up at the other with wide eyes, before moaning at the sight of the ring, whimpering quietly in pleasure at the idea of wearing the other claiming him like that. Squirming as he looked up at him, nodding hard.”Yes!Please yes!”He whimpered.

Tony smiled kissing him back relaxing a little even more as he realized steve was more amused then annoyed with the nickname, sighing quietly before laughing. “Hm, you’re probably right. Not sure how Jamie managed to survive you as a pipsqueak.”Tony teased. “hold on, I can help. Hold on, Jamie. I got it.”Tony said looking startled at the order, swallowing hard as he gently pulled the necklace away and with quick clever fingers doing up the clasp, leaning into him, closing his eyes for a moment, content to just be held and be with the other. Reminding himself that he was safe, that he was never going to be taken again.

(oh!I like it,)
Phil smirked a little as he worked on that sensitive nipple, wondering just how much the other could take. maybe he'd have to pierce Clint's nipple too, since the man was whimpering so much, as if he was feeling left out. "Very good. it's good for you to beg for it." he growled, lowering his lips to the nipple again, rolling it and tormenting it in his mouth before pressing his finger to it, sanitizing it before a sharp pain would register in the others senses. by the time TJ had the sense to look down, it was done and healed magically. and appeared to be fully closed and probably wouldn't open. "Mine." Phil growled, pressing his hips down, grinding their cocks together. Phil fully clothed and TJ wearing nothing but a nipple ring. "i'm going to make you cum until you pass out." he growled. "and then i'm going to fuck you back awake before making you watch while i do the same thing to Clint." said man mewled though his gag.

Steve chuckled a little and left his boys to it. "thank you Tony." James stated happily as Tony locked the collar back into place. "you locked it right?" he liked the idea that only Tony had the key and only Tony could remove it. James held Tony close as they walked up tot he roof where Steve was, yet again sketching Tony using an old picture of the man that Steve must have pilfered from somewhere. "that didn't take long." Steve admitted, blinking. "i thought you'd be down there for a few hours." he admitted with a chuckle as he indicated a massive blanket with a picnic basket on top.
TJ moaned deep in his throat, squirming and needy, because the man’s nipples were horribly, excruciatingly sensitive, to the point that he could come just by having someone play with them. Gasping at the sharp pain, registering even after it was healed, blinking up at the other, tears misting his eyes as he looked up at the other desperately, pressing into him, “Please!I want to come. Please!Can I?”He begged moaning at clint’s mewl, so turned on it was nearly painful.

“I did.You’re locked and no one’s taking it off without me.”Tony growled kissing him before they walked, grinning at the sight of steve sketching, tilting his head as he saw the picture of him being drawn, rolling his eyes as he saw just how young he looked, leave it to steve to find a picture of him and TJ dressing up as James Barnes and Steve Rogers for halloween....even if at 16 they had been definitely way to old to playing dress up, but they’d been hosting the white house halloween party, and the two had gone all the way out. “No, it didn’t. And I might have, but eating with you and laying down on a blanket instead of sitting up on a workbench sounds amazing.”Tony smiled laughing as he saw the blanket, really it looked like steve had made a nest for them all to rest in.”So what’s for lunch?”
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