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The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

James stopped playing as soon as Tony opened his eyes and set his Violin aside. it would be alright for a half an hour. "shh Tony. shh it's alright." Steve whispered, stroking Tony's hair. "Pepper was wrong. a liar. a fake. she can't hurt you anymore." he promised, holding Tony tightly, rocking him gently as James picked up Tony's feet and gently massaged and stroked the feet and toes and calves. just touching Tony to sooth himself and his lover as much as possible. "i won't let anyone betray you ever again Tony." James promised gently, stroking the others long legs. "Tony? do you need me to get Johnny and TJ?" Steve asked, knowing they could probably stabilize Tony more than he could at the moment. he hated to admit that, but Tony was his priority, not jealousy and inadequacy.
Tony shuddered a little, turning his head into Steve’s hand even as he flexed his feet into james’ hand, giggling watery, squirming a little, his feet where almost overly sensitive to touch, making the man nearly moan in pleasure despite the upset twisting through him, looking down at the brunette stroking his legs he nodded quietly. “I know you wont.”He muttered, resting his head against steve’s shoulder, frowning a little, actually thinking about it for a long moment before taking a shaky breath.”...Yes.At long as you two stay.”He said needing the other two, because they better then anyone knew how to knock his feet out from under him hard enough and rebuild the barriers quicker then the two holding him, but not feeling stable enough to let them go anywhere either. Sounding anxiously worried at what he was asking from him, expecting them to say no, to not let him do what he needed, but hoping that they'd understand why he was asking for it.
James blinked a little as Tony giggled. the concept of tickling was not something he'd come across yet. he decided to avoid Tony's souls, since they where what seamed to make him twitch and giggle. "we won't leave Tony." Steve promised. "we won't ever leave. never ever." he promised. "Jay? would you...?" "They are already on their way Captain Rogers." "thanks Jay." Steve stated with a smile as he continued stroking Tony's hair. "they'll be here soon Tony. would you like James to play some more or do you want him to keep rubbing your legs?" he asked softly, letting Tony decide as Johnny and TJ swept into the room. "Tony! are you alright Luvo?" Johnny asked, his head tilted as he crawled into the bed and stroked Tony's back while he handed Tony a massive steaming cup of Coffee. Tony's favorite cup. it was a witty thing that held up to three normal size cups of coffee.
“Good.Never ever. Even when I’m insane and doing the mad genius thing in the basement with my bots.”Tony demanded smiloing though even as he relaxed, calm and quiet for the moment under their hands, “Rub my legs until they get here. Then you can play.”Tony muttered smiling down at the man rubbing his legs, raising his head to look at the other, making a face at the cup even as he took the coffee, cradling it in his hands as he drank it down greedily. Even if it was steaming, and he was most definitely burning the inside of his mouth, it was good. Blinking slowly as he shuddered under Johnny’s hand he looked at his two best friends. “Can’t...focus. Not well.” “What do you need from us, Tones?”TJ muttered as he knelt on the edge of the bed, absently stroking his fingers over the soles of tony’s feet, looking amused as the man squirmed. Because he was a dick like that. “...Just let me not think. I need...” “Hey. You let us have the time of our lives when you got back from the ‘sandbox’”TJ said referring to the middle east and those months tony was kidnapped, without coming out and saying it, “can we do that?I mean, since...the she-devil came into the picture, we haven’t gotten to play with you.”TJ’s smirk was positively evil as he considered his best friend, nudging johnny. “We can play, Flameboy.” “....Yes.”Tony breahted out quietly, lust blowing his eyes as he rested his head back on steve’s shoulder as he downed most of his coffee.
Steve smiled. "James could play his violin and i could sketch." he agreed easily. "you'll have t get some chairs, and maybe a mattress on the floor if we get tired." he mused. "we could make a little nest down there for Jamie and me." he teased with a smile. "okay Tony." James agreed easily. Johnny had to chuckle at Tony's face even as Steve snorted. "i am never, ever believing you ever again when you tell me you only had a half a cup of coffee." he teased Tony with a smile. "it's okay Luvo. we'll help. it's okay." Johnny promised even as James carefully moved away, wary of Tony panicking at the loss of contact th way James sometimes did. he picked up his Violin and paused before smiling as he began to play the Phantom of the Opera. he knew it was one of Tony's favorites and he had l;earned the music just for Tony. memorized it even. he started with the overture in the beginning and he clearly seamed to intend to play the entire soundtrack.

Steve just looked curious at the two men who where clearly intending on fucking Tony. maybe he'd get to learn some new tricks. new ways to help Tony. " it strange that i'm not jealous right now?" Steve asked, looking a bit worried as Johnny chuckled. "no. because you know that while we love Tony, and have sex with him, we'll always give him back to you." "...that's not very comforting..." Steve admitted with a shake of his head even as he helped Tony to strip off his clothes while Johnny got out the bondage equipment and the... other things. "your going to hit him?!" Steve demanded as he stared at the doeskin... he wasn't sure what it was other than it was made of a very soft leather. it looked like a ton of small strips, but he knew it was for hitting. "it's okay Steve. Tony likes the Flogger." Johnny promised Steve. "but... but he's already hurt.. i..." "Steve. hey, calm down." Johnny ordered. "we've been doing this for almost fifteen years. i know how to hit him without hurting him. the pain helps him come back to himself." "...okay. i trust you." Steve muttered after looking at Tony for reassurance.
“Hm, Jamie can drag out the blankets from the closet for just a bit. There’s enough in there to make a nest for you two.”Tony smiled a little before snickering. “You should have known before now that I never ever simply have just a half a cup.”Tony snickered a little as he finished the coffee, shuddering a little at the tone of johnny’s voice, swallowing hard as james moved away, tensing a little but not panicking even as he turned his head to watch the other, his eyes widening as he realized what James was playing, melting a little into the bed as he heard the overture to phantom of the opera. This was home...this was safe for him.

“A little, yea. I mean, cause you three are new and you’re new at sharing.”TJ said rolling his eyes a little at johnny’s words, snickering slightly. “...You’re okay because we know how to help him. Because Tony needs something you don’t know how to give, and we can help. care more about him then your own feelings right now”TJ said, mostly for tony’s benefit, watching the billionaire relaxing, realizing he was important to steve, the politican in him might not be good at actual politics, but he was good at this. “Tony REALLY likes the flogger.”TJ smirked a littel though he was watching steve worried, eyes flicking towards tony’s face, watching the anxiety twisting those features, realizing belatedly that if steve was going to get upset, the more upset tony was going to get. “...As long as they avoid hard strikes right across my ribs, they wont do any more damage to them.”Tony said shrugging a little, even if his eyes were wide with more anxiety then lust. “steve?How about you draw him like this. He’s going to be blissed out, we could keep him there for hours....we could let you draw him...”TJ said reaching out and tangling a hand in tony’s hair, smirking as his eyes fluttered closed, relaxing into his hand. Even if he was anxious about steve and james’ reaction, the man was to wound up to not want to simply be dominated.
Steve smiled a little and nodded. "yes, but if he gets tired where is he going to sleep? you know he's not going to leave you. not for a second, not even to piss." he pointed out. using vulgarity just to startle Tony a bit. "yes well... at least you never lied about it." he agreed with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "so sneaky." he admitted as he kissed the other.

"....okay. that makes sense." Steve agreed. "i do know you can help him. i think that's probably the only reason your in the room at all. James would have attacked anyone else i think." he admitted as he watched them getting ready, looking at the sex toys, confused. "what is this?" "a prostate massages. they drive Tony wild." Johnny explained, making Steve blink. "and this?" "a cock ring." "what's that for?" "so he doesn't cum." "isn't that painful?" "if done for too long it can hurt, but in this case it's a delay, not a denial." "and this?" "...that's lube." "lube? oh! you mean slick! we used petroleum jelly." Steve admitted as he dropped some onto his fingers, eyes widening. "it's so smooth! like liquid silk. that's amazing." "i know." Johnny sounded extremely amused that Steve was so curious, yet so hesitant about what they where going to do to Tony. "and what are these?" "Nipple clamps." "Nipple WHAT?!" "oh i like those!" James piped up suddenly and Steve stuttered to a halt, looking wide eyed. "are you goig to make Tony float?" "yes we are Jamie." "...can i help?" "of course."
“...Oh.True.”Tony said eyes widening a little at the vulgarity, before smirking.”I don’t lie. At least not to you guys usually.”he muttered sighing into the kiss as he leaned into the other.

“Probably.”TJ smiled glancing towards james, making sure he was okay before snickering as he fisted his hand a little, smirking as tony whined a little as he got the billionaire looking at the toys as johnny got them.”Look how curious he is, Anthony.”TJ muttered, because it was just another restriction on teh man,another chain. Because he used his real name so rarely, that it was just another mental chain. “He wants to learn, just for you and’re going to have a ball teaching, Anthony.”TJ muttered stroking tony’s hair snickering as he watched Steve, amused as he saw just how blown tony’s eyes had gotten watching them. “Hey, you’re okay super soldier. We got him.”TJ muttered reaching out, running his fingers through steve’s hair before wincing,realizing maybe he shouldn’t have before smirking at Jamie. “Anthony, you get all of us, all here just to play with you....I think I want to watch Jamie with that flogger...just imagine what a super soldier’s strength will do...”TJ muttered in the billionaire’s ear, smirking as he shuddered. Knowing that even if they wailed on tony with all their strength, it would be hard to actually hurt him with the flogger. Not that he thought james would, he better then anyone, knew just how protective and fussy the man could be when given the task of protecting someone, and tony stark was definitely someone james wanted to protect. “ something.”Tony whined still high enough that he was thinking, even watching the sexy fun times starting to happen, his mind kept going back to hydra, to what happened.
Steve huffed a little before he picked up some straps, confused. "what's this?" "restraints." Johnny explained looking amused. "i don't get how it works." Steve admitted. "that's because there's two restrains. one if a collar to wrist, for when we start teasing him, and one is a waist to wrist, so he can't escape or wiggle too much when we're hitting him." Johnny explained, Steve blinking. " think of everything huh?" "of course, we've been doing this for a long time." Johnny admitted as Steve blinked at TJ, shocked that he had just been stroked. it had been... interesting. suddenly he wondered if Coulson and Clint knew what was happening up here... or Loki? "Anthony?" James asked curiously as he gently cleaned and put away his violin. he wanted to help Tony after all. but he couldn't risk ruining the 'I Love You' he'd gotten from Tony either.

"what do we do?" Steve asked after a moment. "we do a bit of pleasure first." Johnny explained as he picked up the prostate massager and laid Tony, carefully, out on the bed, a finger already slicked up as he started teasing that tight little hole as James bounced over and let TJ teach him how to use the flogger properly as Steve watched Johnny intently as a single finger slid inside Tony's hole and wiggled, getting him loose. the massager wasn't that bit. a single finger would be plenty to get Tony ready for it. Steve suddenly understood what was happening. they would slip it inside and every jerk or twist Tony made would make that weird little toy rub directly against the prostate, adding intense pleasure to intense pain. fuck. now he was hard. "it's going in now Tony. deep breath." Johnny warned as he slowly, carefully eased the Toy inside before grinning as he stroked hands down Tony's back. "it's like an Orgy, only we're all focused on you."
“Now if I did go moving around while they were using the flogger, I’d probably hurt myself.”Tony muttered smling a little. “We’ve been taking care of Tony to long to not be aware he’s a squirmy bastard.”TJ snickered a little before looking at James.”Yes. His name’s Anthony, but he prefers tony.” “....jamie?”Tony whined a little turning his head, trying to see the other as he tried to focus again whining a little as he was laid back. “Come here Jamie.”TJ grinned as he showed the other how to use teh flogger, smirking as each crack made tony twitch in anticipation. “...everyone’s always focused on me. I’m amazing.”Tony groaned whining in pleasure as the other stroked him, closing his eyes as he closed his eyes already starting to go under, relaxing before his eyes widened as 5hings massager pressed against him, panic tightening his body as he tried to pull away, tried to squirm away, the sensory memory of pepper touching him...teasing him..making him enjoy it sending him right into's what she'd done when she realized she wasn't going to be able to break him really. She'd destroyed something he'd always enjoyed, something she'd refused to do for him.dominate him in him exactly what he'd wanted for years as a punishment for not breaking....and staring up at the men in his bed, eyes wide and panicked, tears filling them as he realized just how fucked he really was, that she'd managed to mess up the one thing he'd always enjoyed in his life.
James blinked a little. "Tony can we try this too sometime?" he asked hopeful, Steve making a strangled noise in the back of his throat. James knew that sound was repressed delight at an idea so paid it no mind. though, he did wonder how he knew that, matters for another time he supposed. "i'm right here Tony." James promised as he watched the flogger swing through the air, making TJ hit him with it a few times so he could see how it felt, Steve demanding the same thing. Jamie loved it, Steve thought it was weird but agreed that it didn't hurt in a bad way.

"Tony?" Johnny asked, startled before he quickly pulled the toy out, making sure it didn't bump Tony's prostate on the way before he pulled the other into a tight hug. "shh, Tony. shhh it's okay. hush now Luvo hush now. it's not your fault." he promised, Steve looking worried. "what's wrong?" "...i think Pepper raped him. he's never reacted like this before..." Johnny admitted, looking deeply worried and James suddenly stood up. "i have an idea." he admitted coming up to kiss Tony. "i'll be right back." he promised before darting out the door, Steve and Johnny blinking. then he was back with a leather collar, pilfered from Coulson, and Steve's Art Case in his other. "Tony. here." he handed the Collar to Tony with a smile. "you collared me, so i'll be yours forever. go put that one on Steve. make him yours." Steve's pupils had gotten very wide at the idea of Steve putting a collar on him. "then your going to lay down, let Johnny hold you down and Steve's going to paint on your back and make you his."
"Of course. I'm always willing to do something withe you."Tony smiled a little tilting his head up to watch the super soldiers take theiron flogging, swallowing thickly, eyes blown wide. That was definitely something to see.

Whimering at the sound of his name he turned his head towards the other, trembling like a fly stung horse as he watched them with wide eyes that held no lust only panic."'re okay we got you."tj muttered moving back enough so he wasn't touching the other man, watching tony trying to see just how far pepper's cruelty had gone and agreeing with johnny, pepper had raped the defenseless man who'd loved her once. Biting his lip as he tried to figure out what to do he glanced up at james curiously as the man left, automatically making soothing sounds when tony whimpered in protest that the other man was leaving.tony startled a little as he looked up at james, before swallowing shakily shifting to lean against the former assassin pressing his face against his stomach, not wanting to look at any of thrm even as he clung to the collar."steve? Can i?"tony asked his voice muffled by james' shirt refusing to pull away, taking comfort in the closeness.
"it's okay Luvo." he promised, stroking the others hair, simply holding him as Steve gently rubbed Tony's back, all of them cuddling him because it seamed to be the only thing they could do that wouldn't panic Tony further. "Fuck yes." Steve agreed as he dropped to his knees in front of Tony and tipped his head up, the very picture of submission that made Johnny curse softly. Steve had done it almost instinctively. the Super Soldier was a switch, Johnny would have pegged Steve as being a total Dom. Steve would be very good for Tony, submissive when Tony needed it, Dominant when Tony wanted it. James too, would be good for Tony. if Steve couldn't fill the Role Tony needed, then James could. Steve shuddered as he felt the leather wrap around his neck and his breath hitched a little before he smiled at Tony. "you'll make me one right? like you made for James? i want to be yours in reality." he admitted. "we'll have to find a way to collar you too." he admitted. "maybe you should make a third one, just like James so we can all belong to each other."
Tony sighed, his breath shuddering a little as he relaxed under the cuddling, a breathyear laugh escaping at steve's words, flicking the switch back to lust. While he wasn't steady or at all okay, seeing steve, who he'd expected to be a complete dom giving himself over to what tony wanted, and needed flipped the switch for the billionaire. Settling the collar into place he smiled slightly nodding."I'll make one, don't worry I have every intention of letting the world know you belong to someone."he growled and while he might have reservations about the threesome actually working, he was going to claim them both as long as he could."and who says you get to collar me?"he teased mostly because he was pretty incapable of simply accepting submission he fought the whole way down, but once he was there, he was loyal and beautiful in his submission
Steve smiled sheepishly. clearly embarrassed that he had submitted so easily and his own words. James looked delighted that his plan had worked. "good... because i.. i don't think i'd like being hit much but... the ropes..." he admitted with a shudder. "and being out of control... i. i think i'd really like that." he admitted. "i do belong to you Tony. now and always." Steve promised. "now. i'm going to make you into artwork. lay down." he ordered, gripping the other and gently pinning him down, letting Johnny pin his hands down while James pinned his feet down. no one wanted to risk handcuffs or rope when Pepper might have used them to control him. "what should i paint on him James?" "Koi." "...Koi? like the Japanese fish?" "yes." "sounds fine to me." Steve agreed as he straddled Tony's back and wiped it clean with a damp cloth and then wiped it dry before he opened his case. it was just a briefcase where he kept his art supplies, his paints, brushes, pencils and markers and other such things when he went out into the city to work on a painting or a drawing. "if you move Tony, i'm going to be really unhappy." Steve complained as he dipped his brush and began, tracing lines down Tony's back, brush tickling and teasing as Steve started to paint Tony's back.
"Every person has their differences. I like being hit and gagged. Jamie likes being tied down. We'll have fun finding what you like best."Tony muttered smiling happily at the idea of being the one to introduce his captain to bondage. Smiling slightly calm as he laid down on the bed, sighing softly but not fighting them as they held him."Phil knows this thing with ropes yout should ask him about." "I'm not asking sex advice from Agent!"tony sputtered a little but smiled as he listened to steve's instructions barelyou breathing in the need to hold still for the other."kay..I'll be still."he promised already starting to go under calm again
Steve nodded. "James always did like being tied down. i guess i never noticed it before." he admitted as he smiled at the other. "and who knows, maybe it's just floggers i don't like." he agreed with a chuckle before snickering. "oh! oh! i know what he's talking about!" James admitted. "i saw pictures of Clint all tied up in pretty rope patterns when i was looting his room one day!" James admitted before he paused. "...i wasn't supposed to tell you that." he grumbled, making Johnny laugh. "have you been stealing things from Clint!?" "no. just being nosy." James admitted with a shrug. "and looking for a shirt that smelled like him... he seams to only wear Phil's clothes though." he admitted. "i had to steal one that smelled like both him and Phil..." he grumbled, making Steve chuckle. "we should try using smells during sex on him. since he seams to like smell so much." Steve muttered, smiling as he watched the other relax. soon Tony didn't even need to be held down. "there." he muttered about an hour later, James making an appreciative sound. "it's pretty." "don't touch, it hasn't finished drying yet." Steve gently chastised when James went to stroke the pattern of lines and colors. "wanna see Tony?" Johnny asked, indicating the full body mirror that he had gone to fetch.
“Well, you were from a sexually repressed era.”Tony teased qouting steve back at him, snickering a little before smirking as he glanced up at James. “Oh!Are you the one who took my jeans?I totally knew I was missing some. Not that I care,”TJ said before james could be worried. “But he told me I was insane, and I wasn’t missing any.”TJ snickered a little smiling a little as tony laughed. “Hmm...we’re going to have to. Though we’re not allowed any other people’s scents on him...don’t want him thinking about anyone but us during sex.”Tony muttered blinking sleepily at steve’s words after teh hour. “He always was pretty. He’s prettier like this. Girly.”TJ teased as he looked down at the nearly asleep billionaire. “Yes.”Tony muttered turning his head to look at the mirror, eyes widening as he realized just how amazing it was.
Steve sulked at him. "it's not nice for you to tease me using my own excuses Tony." he whined, even though his eyes where glittering with laughter. "...i only took four..." James protested, fidgeting a little as Johnny started to snicker. "i think he's a kleptomaniac." "i am not!... what is that?" "someone wh can't help but steal things even when they have no matter of importance or need to you." "i am not! i needed those pants. they smelled like TJ and it made me feel better." "and the fact that i seam to have come up missing with three of my books?" "Loki said i could borrow them." "...oh. remind me to pretend to be mad at Loki later." Johnny ordered and James giggled. "i was thinking more like strawberry smells, or incense if it isn't too strong for him. scented candles maybe." Steve admitted before smirking as he watched Tony examine the painting. "this was a great idea James." Johnny admitted. "it's been a long time since i've seen Tony so calm without kinky sex."
“hmm, you’re the one who said it. I just reminded you.”Tony smiled. TJ snickered a little.”Well, as long as they made you feel better. I don’t care. Take as much as you want, though if you take something besides clothes, just tell me. I’d hate to be looking for it and not know where it is.”he smiled a little. “You always pretend to be mad at loki. Says you like angry sex.”Tony muttered. “Ahhh I like it...we could get scent wax...”Tony muttered his mind following that thought. “It was. A amazing idea really. Tony’s calm.”TJ said sounding slightly amazed as he simply stroked tony’s hair, simply because the man was laying next to him, before snickering, nodding. “I agree. Usually it takes sex to get him calm.” “...Not everything is about sex.”Tony muttered before turning his head to look at steve, “how long till I can get up?I kinda want something to eat then sleep...”he said knowing it was going to be a bit till the paint dried.
Steve huffed. "hush you." he ordered, poking Tony in the forehead playfully. "okay!" James piped up happily. "you can have them back now if you want? they don't smell like you anymore." he admitted. "i only take the things people don't want anymore... except from Steve. i like Steve's drawings." Steve just rolled his eyes. "as if i didn't know you where taking those." he scoffed, smiling. "he really is a Klepto." he muttered to Tony before he smiled. "he'd like that i think." he admitted. "'s not?" James asked, blinking. "can mostly everything be about sex? because i really like sex." he admitted, clearly not understanding what had happened to Tony that he didn't want to have sex. either way Tony wasn't supposed to have sex anyway. "just stay laying down." Steve ordered. "i'll feed you." he decided, looking up at James who skipped out of the room, coming back with a bowl full of fruit salad. mango, strawberries, coconut,and other delicious things in small bite sized pieces that where fed to Tony via Steve's fingers while James fed Tony cubed pieces of steak that where cold, but still delicious. water and juice was offered in a glass with a straw and Tony didn't have to move a muscle.
Tony whined as he was poked, going a little cross eyed at the poke. “okay. You can just change them out for some of the smelly ones.”TJ snickered a little smiling. “We all like Steve’s drawings.”TJ snickered a little. “Hm, yea if you want. Sex is fun now that you gave in and enjoyed it isn’t it?”Tony teased his assassin, smiling a little. Reveling in the fact that james didn’t know what happened, didn’t understand enough, didn’t look at tony any different for what pepper had done. It reassured him, made him feel better, to know that he was going to be okay. Settling on his stomach he smiled, “Kay.” “WEll, I think we’ll leave you three then. Yell if you need anything.”TJ grinned watching them feed tony for a moment before leaving with johnny. “this is good.”Tony muttered as he ate, still down low enough that he was relaxed and quiet, simply floating. “I could get used to this you know, getting fed.”Tony snickered a little.
he smiled and Johnny chuckled. "actually, from what i heard Bruce saying, they where dosing James food with a high grade suppressant. physical pleasure would have been extremely minimal." he admitted. "the desire for physical pleasure would have been even less." he admitted. "it was only because he'd purged the drugs out that he was enjoying sex." he admitted, looking amused before he nodded at TJ, smiling as he left. "thank god for James and Steve." he muttered. "i don't know what i would have done if they hadn't had that idea." he admitted. "god TJ... how do we fix rape!?" he asked, his eyes filling with tears. "that bitch died too fast... should have been prolonged... should have been painful." he whispered, making sure Tony couldn't hear him even if he was sure that Steve and James could. "well. we'll have to feed you more often then." Steve agreed, smiling as he stroked Tony's hair in-between feeding him. "i agree." James admitted. "i kind of like feeding him. we could blindfold him, and tie him up and feed him different things just to watch his lips when he sucks on a strawberry or a piece of chocolate..."
“...You know, that actually makes sense. Really.”Tony said thoughtfully as he considered why james was enjoying sex now. “yea. We would have been screwed.”TJ muttered because he had no idea what they would have done if james hadn’t thought to paint on him. Smirking a little at how utterly relaxed tony was be swallowed hard, ducking his head to hide tears, not wanting to upset tony. “I don’t think you can...but they’ll take care of him Johnny...and it was painful for her. At least. This proves it was. She might have raped him, but he won. She didn’t break him, not completely, and she knew it. Besides...aren’t you dating a god?maybe you should ask him about the after death torturing.”TJ snickered a little watching tony, glad that the man was so blissed out that he wasn’t even aware that they were talking about him. “Good. I want fed...ohhh...”Tony moaned quietly at the picture james described, torn between wanting to let them do that and have sex after, and scared to death of having sex. Even if he trusted them, sex...was upsetting. It was going to be hard for him to reclaim that part of him that simply enjoyed the decadence, the sex, the simple quiet slide of skin on skin. reaching up he fingered james' collar absently as he ate, grounding himself.
Johnny offered TJ a delighted, viscous grin. "you know. now that you mention it, Loki's daughter Hela is in charge of all the incoming souls." he agreed. "i bet he could put in a good word for us." he admitted with a nod. "i'll see what he says." he agreed as he smiled at TJ, pulling him into a hug. "she barely broke him at all. i've seen him more broken after a talk from Fury." he scoffed. "by the way, i called your mother and told her that Pepper was Hydra. she's fairly disgusted and horrified." he admitted. "and the Vice is dead too. he had an 'accident'. i'm not sure if she's going to keep running or not, but she's been appraised of the situation and she still doesn't know where you are." he promised.

"You like that idea?" James asked with a smile. "we could make a whole thing out of it. like the Spa i saw on TV where they cover your face in stuff that makes your skin nice and do things to your hands and feet that feel nice." "hey that's a great idea! it can be a Tony Pamper day." Steve agreed. "we don't have to use sex to give him pleasure, there's tons of other kinds of pleasure we can use on him instead. like a full body massage. or a haircut... he really needs one... you do too actually. "i like my hair long. Tony can pull it better that way." "...James your hair is all uneven. at least let me trim it. it'll look twice as nice and Tony will like it even more." "....fine. but only a trim!"
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