The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

he shook his head and rubbed Tony's back. "i will freak out!" Steve complained before he sat on the couch with Steve. "no. Tony. i'm not and you thinking i am is ridiculous." he stated, looking slightly amused. "i was angry for reasons that had nothing to do with you or James and i took it out on you... i'm too overprotective and i wrongly took James side when i shouldn't have been taking sides at all." he admitted. "you didn't do anything wrong and i think James knows it. he was hurt but he didn't leave until i started screaming." he admitted. "if i had controlled myself, it would have been fine. i'm sorry. i shouldn't have taken anything out on you." he admitted, taking Tony's hand again his lip trembling as he struggled not to cry. "i'm a horrible person..."

"yeah! there they are!" Clint stated, pointing to a small out of the way corner where James was staring at Doug and Natasha, frighteningly blank. "come on." Clint ordered, shoving his way through the crowds so TJ wouldn't get jostled.
“” are not the first person to tell me I’m ridiculous.”he snickered a little amused.”Oh...I know. You left bed. Which you only do when you’re upset.”he muttered nuzzling his face into the other’s neck, cuddling against him. Clingy in the wake of all the emotional upheveal. “..probably thought it was his fault for us yelling at each or something utterly stupid...”he muttered holding onto the other’s hand tightly now, almost painfully tight actually as he tried not to cry himself.”You’re not horrible, pipsqueak.”he muttered, hesitating on calling the other by the nickname, as if expecting another lash out, but doing it anywas, determined to relax. “If anyone’s horrible in this relationship, its me, I mean...who says no to amazing rugrats...”He muttered, sounding so so sad, even if he still looked utterly miserable at the idea of kids, knowing that was what was going to make the two super soldiers leave him, but just wanting to enjoy what time he did have.

“damn.”TJ cursed quietly, looking vaguely amused as his way was cleared. “You’re being awfully protective in a crowd.”he teased a little as he neared them, tilting his head. “Jamie?”he called, eyes dark and worried as he slowly approached.
he snorted. "you are ridiculous." he grumbled, shaking his head as he let Tony hold him as tightly as he wanted. "probably... we're all a bit stupid huh?" he asked with a smile. "i am horrible. and must you call me that? it's totally ruining my rep." he complained...okay he was whining and he knew it. "i don't understand why you wouldn't want babies." he admitted. "you'd make such an amazing father." he admitted as he stroked the others hair. "we'll work on it later. for now, we should go follow TJ and Clint." he decided. "i don't like James being out there on his own." he admitted, looking a bit troubled.

Clint shrugged. "your a delicate feminine flower. i have to protect you." he teased with a smile as he let TJ though and James turned to TJ, blinking. oh dear. seams he wasn't talking, at all now. clearly he wanted to leave and seamed to think that no one was going to stop him. "Well well." a familiar voice spoke. Loki stepping out, wearing an outfit he hadn't worn since that day. hadn't spoken in that tone since that day. this wasn't Loki. "it amuses me that you would step out into such a crowded area, even knowing that i am around." James moved, striking out at the imposter, but the fake Loki was faster, doing the same thing to TJ that he had done to Tony. stabbed him through the stomach with a bladed staff. "Enough!" now there where two Loki's, both wearing their green and gold armor, both identical save for the facial expressions. one mad and gloating, the other full of righteous fury. "Cease this at once! was it not enough that you made me love you!?" Loki demanded. "was it not enough that you stole my mind and body from me!? was it not enough you tried to bring War upon this world!? all of it using my face, now you use my face to kill my friends?!" "of course not. i want to see the worlds burn!" the Fake Loki hissed, laughing viciously as he turned to attack the Avengers again. Loki got in the way and soon the two Shapeshifters where locked in a viscous battle as James did what he could to stop TJ's bleeding.
“Yea, a little.”Tony muttered before giggling a little, nodding. “Yes I do. Cause it’s so, so not true. It’s cute and adorable.”he snickered a little before flinching a little at the other’s words, ducking his head to avoid looking at him, not about to admit just how horrible he knew he would be, cause he knew it would just involve talks and therapy and yelling for thinking that about himself. So no, he wasn’t going to say it outloud, even if he knew steve could probably guess where his problems with parenthood came from. “Me either. But he’s got Nat and Doug with him, not to mention clint and Teej.he’ll be okay till we get there.”Tony said even as he got up, head jerking up at jarvis’ announcement TJ and the other’s had been attacked, scrambling to get into the suit and only pausing long enough to let Steve suit up before bodily picking up the super soldier and heading for the train station.

“I am not!Jamie, tell him I’m no delicate flower.”TJ demanded sputtering a little before looking up at Loki, pausing, utter confusion twisting his features even as he reeled back, eyes widening as he felt the blade sliding home, knees going out even as he lost what little control he’d had, melted metal from the bladed staff sliding down his sides as he collapsed, staring up at the fight going on around him. “Steve, help loki and the others. Me and Jamie got Teej.”Tony ordered pausing to take in the battle as they arrived, glad to see that natasha and doug were seeing to getting the civilians out of the train station even as they battled. Kneeling down next to James, he looked over the man, pale and shaken at the sight of his friend dying even as they tried to stop the bleeding, looking a little sick at what he was going to suggest but...”Teej, I need you to do something for me. Give me your hand.”he ordered, swallowing hard as he felt the heat even through the metal of his gauntlets, lowering the man’s hand to his stomach, cauterizing the wound so it could stop bleeding, “Phil?I need you here, grand central station, now.Bruce is in no shape to be a doctor, you’re our next bet.”Tony said as the fey answered his phone, looking utterly worried and scared.
he snorted. "it used to be." he admitted with a grin. "i have pictures you know." he admitted. "remind me to show you later." he ordered as he watched the other, sighing. "Tony. you are not your father and you never will be." he promised. "you're fretting over nothing." he promised. "your right, no ones going to mess with them when they have three deadly assassins in the same location." he agreed before pausing. "...i stand corrected." he muttered as he followed Tony out to get suited up, groaning as he was flown in via Tony. "i hate that." he groaned once they landed, struggling to shake it off without getting sick.

"You are a delicate flower." Doug teased with a smirk before he gasped as he realized that TJ had been stabbed, cradling his brother. this was horrible! "i'm on it Tony! you be careful!" he ordered as he raced after Loki and... well, it was a Woman now, with hair as red as fire and eyes as blue/green as the sea. both Loki and the woman where dealing some very deadly damage on each other and Steve was pretty much just getting in the way. fortune, it was usually to the detriment of the woman. Phil was there in a half a second, appearing at the wrong end of the station in a swirl of shadow and smoke. "TJ!" the voice was full of power, and Phil cut right through the battle as if it didn't exist, pulling the other into a tight hold before he was on his feet again, vanishing once more. this time... into ice that spread across the floor and dropped the battlers onto their asses. the woman vanished, Loki right behind her, unaware that TJ was hurt so badly that Phil had taken him straight into the Fey Lands.
“Definitely showing me later.”Tony snickered a little before sighing quietly shrugging a little at the other’s words,”Am not.”he muttered knowing he’d be horrible but not arguing about it. Before swallowing hard as he flew. “I know, but it needs done.”Tony said looking after them.

“ I found a new...awesome use heat...”TJ panted softly despite not bleeding quite as badly anymore, he still looked ready to fall apart, looking up at Phil with eyes that where starting to go misty and pained,”Hey....I love you you know?”He muttered as his head dropped against phil’s chest as he was picked up, quietly dying even as he was transported to the fey lands.

“.....What just happened?”Tony straightened, looking at James, anxiety tightening his features as he looked at the other.”Jamie?”He muttered sounding anxious and worried, not sure what james needed from him, but knowing they all needed help.
Steve nodded. "i will. and you are. and i think i'm going to puke." he admitted, faintly green after his flight.

Phil shook his head. "just keep breathing." he ordered. "stay awake! TJ! Stay awake damn you!" he ordered, flying as if the hounds of hell where on his heals. it was too late. he reached the gates of his mothers castle just as TJ's heart stopped beating and he unleashed a sound of horror and pain, staggering as the death of his Life Mate took from him the will to live. only the fact that Clint was still alive saved Phil.

"Phil took TJ Loki and the fake Loki vanished and i think i'm hurt..." James admitted softly, sitting on the floor and clutching his own stomach where red was steadily dripping. fortunately for James he hadn't been gutted, though it had been very close. he just had to remain very still until he healed enough to not have to worry about spilling his guts all over the floor. fortunately, the man seamed to be lost in his own head so the pain didn't sea to be bothering him all that much.
All of the fey, from the maids to the queen all reacted to that sound of horror, and in the silence, all understood what had happened. And within moments the queen of the fey, morgana was hurrying towards him-well okay, it was a outright run, her skirt caught up in her hand to free her legs to run. “My son, what has happened?What can I do?”She said, not questioning why the human was there, or that her son loved him, simply knowing she needed to do something for him.

“What?Your hurt?”tony’s head whipped up as that idea shattered the shock he’d been in, eyes widening. “Fuck, Jamie, fuck lay down.”he said making him lay down resting his head in his lap, even if he knew the other was even already healing, even knowing the suit wasn’t comfortable to lay on, even knowing that he had no right to touch the other, he needed to look after him. “Steve!”He yelled looking around for the other super soldier, eyes wide and scared as he looked down at james. “Hey, stay still okay?We’ll let you heal some, and we’ll move you home. It’s still home you know,even when you do silly things like runnnig away.”he muttered.

"Doug?Ibusec?"Natasha winced as doug leaned into her side, feeling the cackle of electricity sliding over her skin, supporting him even as she made him sit down on the bench, he'd held it together even with tj being hurt, him nearly collapsing on her scared her, and made her wonder if they had lost TJ. No, she couldnt think like that. no. swallowing thickly as she looked around to find the others.
Phil was clutching his dead lover, sobbing into the still and cooling body and struck at a maid who was trying to get Phil to release the poor dead soul so she could get the body cleaned up for burial. "Dead! He's Dead! My Heart is Dead!" Phil wailed, well aware that his father, King of the Summer courts Oberon was there as well, reacting to his sons grief and rage. Phil was entirely too distraught to do anything but lay there, cling to TJ and cry. there was nothing that could cure a heart sickness.

"....yes." James admitted after examining himself, blinking as he was made to lay down, blinking at Tony. "i'm sorry..." he whispered. "it's my fault." James muttered, his eyes welling up with tears as Clint unleashed an agonized sound that tore at the hearts of those witnessing. "TJ's dead." James whispered. "it's all my fault..." "what's wrong?" Steve asked, limping over. he had pretty nasty burns all over him from getting in the way of the fight between the two gods. "fuck... this is bad." Steve admitted as he examined James stomach. "it's already healing though, as long as he doesn't move, i think he'll be alright."

Doug felt the cord snap. he and TJ had always had a very close connection, like a constant hum. the last time he had felt that cord snap TJ had died. the time before that too. he collapsed and waited. waited and waited and waited and he realized he was waiting for nothing. the cord, the connection wasn't returning. "....he's dead...."
Morgana knelt in front of him, a hand resting on TJ’s shoulder, sighing softly as she let magic curl around them, cleaning him up, even as she met phil’s eyes, nearly vibrating with anger and pain, responding to her son, “Darling, you need to let him go, love. Please, let us take care of him. And you.”

“Hey, its not your fault. It’s mine, never think that it was your fault.”Tony muttered gently stroking James’ hair, his head snapping up at the sound of that agony, tears sliding down his face, the only thing keeping him upright and not joining james on the floor in a small ball at the idea of getting his best friend killed, was that the suit was keeping him up. “No, not your fault., love. And besides, TJ dies more then anyone else here you know?He’ll be back. He’s like a bad penny, always comes back.”Tony muttered more to reassure himself then james, sounding sick and scared, and not ready to face the idea of his friend dying. Looking up at steve his eyes widened as he realized just how bad steve was hurt, “Sit down yourself idiot.”He growled, looking even more scared and angry with himself as he realized just how hurt everyone is including...pausing as he considered who was missing. “We need loki. Now.”He said, hope a fragile thing in his voice, having almost thought of something, but scared to even consider it.

Natasha tightened her arms around the other as he collapsed more into her, a glare tightening her features as she shook her head. “No, he’s not. He might be down for the moment, but we’ll get him back. He’s not leaving us.”Natasha said in denial and scared what doug would do if his twin really was dead.
Phil shook his head. "No! No he's mine! you cant!" Phil protested even as he let Oberon gently slide the body away, Phil clinging to his mother now as he erupted into fresh sobs. "you can't! you can't mother! please you can't!"

James blinked and a tear from corner of his eye down his temple to mix with his hair. "he's dead Tony... i made him dead." James whispered, Steve shaking his head as he pulled Tony into a tight hug, trying to comfort Tony while still keeping him upright so he didn't jostle James. "Loki?" Steve asked, sounding confused. "i don't know where he went Tony. he just took off after that... woman." Steve admitted as he stroked Tony's hair, swallowing thickly. TJ dead.... someone needed to help Clint and Doug. he couldn't bring himself to move though.

he shook his head. "no. he's dead. the cord snapped." he whispered. "it snapped and the connection is gone and it's not coming back..." he whispered, limp in her arms, eyes wide... blank. voice blank. he couldn't seam to bring himself to do anything but sit there, and that was only because Natasha was holding him up.
“He was yours, always. But love, you have your Clint to look after. Let us help with your Thomas, and to look after you. He will be well taken care of, my son.”Morgana muttered stroking his back, holding him as he cried.

“No, you didn’t. It’s not your fault jamie.”Tony muttered not about to say it was his where steve could hear, knowing the blond wouldn’t let him accept what was rightfully his own guilt and burden, knowing steve wouldn’t let him do that, even if he deserved it. “Yea...loki...his daughter...mistress of the dead you know...”Tony muttered the words coming out disjointed and irregular, as if the billionaire had utterly checked out on anything that was happening around him.

“Come on, we’re going home...come on sweetheart, we have to get clint and home...”Natasha said even as she gently guided him to his feet, moving over to clint, wrapping a arm around the at odds archer, “Come on, we’re going to get the other boys, and go home. We’re going home, and we’re going to wait. And we’re going to hope.”Natasha muttered getting them out to the car that bruce had gotten for them, settling them into the seats before going back in and moving over to steve, james and tony. Kneeling down she looked james over, before looking at steve. “It should be okay to move him. Can you help me with that?We need to get out of here.”she said nervous about being in the public, out in the open
he shook his head and clung to his mother as Oberon carefully worked the clothes back into pristine condition. he would take care of the funeral arrangements himself. make sure the human child that had so won his son's heart would have the best. "you Can't... please you Can't." Phil pleaded, already his mothers voice was soothing him. or maybe it was the mention of Clint. it as hard to tell with Heart Sickness.

James shook his head. "it IS my fault... i thought i made you and Steve fight..." he admitted. "i thought you wouldn't want me anymore so i ran away..." he scowled. "don't know where i was going to go..." he admitted. "Atlantis would be cool but i don't think Colonol Jack would let me in anyway." "...James... that show isn't real. it's make up. remember? it's pretend." "...oh." they both looked at Tony, hope flaring in their eyes. "that's right! Loki's daughter! Hel! she rules the Dead, she could give TJ back!" "maybe. even the gods have to follow the rules..." James muttered, but he too sounded hopeful. "we'll ask Loki as soon as he comes back!" James decided.

Doug just nodded and he wasn't sure but he thought he had gotten his legs moving. it was hard to tell. Clint was laying on the ground crying, his hands in a pile of blood. it was TJ's, his hands where soaked in it and he refused to be budged for a good minute or more before he finally stood up on shaking legs and followed her to the car. they curled into each other, taking comfort in one another as Natasha left to get the others. Bruce was still trying to find his pants. Steve was the first to move, carefully sweeping James up into his arms, cradling him gently, making sure not to disturb the wound too much. "...i can't find my pants..." Bruce complained as he followed them, wearing only the pair of super stretching 'boxer briefs' that Tony had made for him. thank god Bruce wasn't shy.
Morgana sighed softly, pained and hating that she could not fix this. “I know, but we have to, love. There is nothign to do. Let us take care of him, and you take care of your clint. We will see you are all taken care of.”

“No,it’s not your fault.Promise you that. Not you.”Tony muttered, before frowning a little. “You can’t go to atlantis...not have to come home...I’ll even have kids if you want...just don’t leave...”Tony muttered, he must have really checked out and be scared of being left behind if he was so easily agreeing to kids. “RUles?Rules are made to be broken....we’ll talk to loki...”He sounded so pained, so broken. Would TJ’s death be the thing that finally broken a strong man?

Natasha swallowed hard, the only reason she wasn’t falling utterly apart as the men in front of her, was that she knew she couldn’t. Couldn’t not keep it together, because the people she loved needed her to be strong for them. Smiling slightly at bruce’s complaint she sighed.”AT least you have boxers, no more flashing the innocent public.”She teased a little as she coaxed tony into standing, wincing as the man stumbled, bracing as the full weight of the suit and tony landed against her. “Come on tones, you can walk on your own.come on sweetheart.”she muttered loking relieved as the man straightened on his own, quiet as they got into the car. Swallowing hard as they got home she took them all up to the penthouse, settling everyone into tony’s huge ass bed, at least it had room for all them, it was orgy sized perfectly big enough to hold everyone, before settling about cleaning the blood up off them. “Bruce?CAn you look them over?I can’t tell how bad any of them are?They’re all to shocky.”She muttered as she cleaned up.
he nodded. what else could he do? Clint was probably feeling the pain as well. probably hurting. he had to find Clint... how could e leave TJ though? he didn't know what to do. everything hurt, hurt so much. even thinking hurt. "don't bury him... humans do things for funerals.... he should have a human funeral..." there, that was a decision at least. maybe now he could sleep for a few hundred years until the pain went away.

James knew better, but he also knew that arguing with Tony was pointless. so he sighed and lay still so they wouldn't get upset with him for spilling his guts all over the place. "i wanna go home." he promised Tony. "and i won't have babies. i'll just ruin them like i ruined Natalia." he muttered before nodding. "Loki can fix things." he agreed softly as Steve helped him to the car, a bit worried about how Tony was acting.

Bruce smiled at her, looking around. not aware that TJ was hurt, let alone dead. "...they've never acted like this before. what happened?!" he asked, looking worried now as he examined James first, carefully taping the wound closed so it wouldn't come open so easily. "there's not much i can do for Steve, not in here." Bruce admitted as he examined the burns. "they're bad, but he'll be healed by nightfall." he promised as he carefully cleaned the burns so that Steve wouldn't heal with dirt in them. "where's Loki?" "we don't know." "where's Phil?" "...we don't know." "where's TJ?" "...dead..." "...oh..."
Okay phil. We wont. Do you want me to go back to your human with you? Your father can take care of tj and the kingdoms for now."morgana said worried for how he son was acting, and even knowing it was a normal reaction to a death of a heart bond scared her.

"Good. We want you home...and natasha's not did a good job...dare you to tell her she's ruined..."tony muttered sounding distantly amused, to far away from being able to function that he wasnt even aware the others were worried about him.

"Tj..."natashatrailed off swallowing hard as she tried to focus enough to tell bruce what happened before realizing she couldnt do anything for the men left in her care, beyond standing guard and watching over them as they healed. Nodding as she drove she glanced back to make sure the others were still functioning she pulled into the garage looking at bruce."steve? Can you and bruce get doug and james upstairs? I'll take tony down to the lab, get the armour off.come on tony..."natasha coaxed wanting to kill the bitch asgardian as tony just stared at her uncomprehending, even though he let her get him out of the car and upstaird. Thank god jarvis was capable of talking her through getting tony out of the armor otherwise he'd be stuck for awhile."...need loki..." "hm? Oh. We'll get him soon tony. Come on lets go lay down. You can snuggle ja-"natasha said yelping as he snuggled against her."no cant. Cant do that-" "okay okay tony, we'll stay here."natasha said getting him to lay down on the couch before texting steve to tell him there was something seriously wrong and tony didnt want to go upstairs,
he shuddered and nodded. "yes." he whispered, his fingers tightening on her dress, as if frightened she might leave him alone. he let her stand him up, ignoring the blood that was now on both of them and swayed once he was standing, like he was going to collapse again at any second.

he shook his head. "i ruin everything." James whispered as he shook his head before falling silent, letting them all fuss over him. knowing they needed to fuss or they'd remember about TJ and fall into shock again.

Bruce swallowed thickly as he did what he could for the team. "i can." Steve promised as he carefully lifted James and glanced at Doug who followed Steve, silent as the grave. James and Doug curled into each other once more, taking comfort in each other as Clint staggered in and joined them on the bed. Bruce was crying silently as he carefully tended t Steve, who was struggling not to cry himself. Steve at least had the sense of mind to text Natasha and tell her that Tony would be okay with her and to tell them as soon as Loki returned. the God wouldn't be back until dawn, covered in burns and welts and cradling a broken arm.
Tony looked up when loki came looking worn and tired around the edges, barely holding it together and the only reason he was was because he needed to be the first to speak to the god."are you able to heal?"tony asked worried theyd lose loki to before swallowing."tj's dead...i remember you said your daughter was the keeper of thedead. Would she accept a baragain from a mortal to have him back? I know she cant do it for free, but I'll pay the price for it. Can you ask her?"so thats why he wanted to talk to him first. So loki wouldnt have a chance to talk to the others, would acc3pt tony's way of dealing and need to repent and pay for his friends death."i can do whatever loki, just bring him back..."
Loki blinked at Tony, looking quite exhausted himself. "heal myself or heal someone else?" Loki asked. "i'll heal myself once i get some food into me." he admitted. "then i can run a healing Glyph using the Towers own energy source to speed boost my systems. healing someone else is going to take a few days for my magical reserves to build back up. that fucking bitch drained me and then took off with my power." he growled, more annoyed than hurt. "....Tj's WHAT?!" Loki demanded, stunned, shocked, horrified. "...Tony... i don't think you can pay the price...." Loki warned, looking worried as he swallowed thickly. "...go call the others. i can make a connection with what magic i have left but i'm going to be very helpless after." Loki admitted. "you will have to make the plea yourself." he admitted. "and i'm going to need what little magic you all have to bolster and stabilize the connection." he admitted. "i can' do it on my own and even with everyone here, it's going to take ever drop of magic the Avengers has to keep the connection open o make the bargain... this is only if TJ's body is fully functioning. we'll have to heal it first..." it already was. Oberon had healed everything. the body was flawless once more. even the scars where gone. all they needed was the proper soul.
“Yourself. The boys are already healing, you look horrible.”toyn said watching him, before wincing. “Stupid whore.”he muttered wanting to kill her for what she did before nodding. “Tj died. I’ve been thinking it over...he should have healed. But...I think he’s been having problems because of the drugs...they fucked him up, messed with what he got from the serum...”He muttered staring down shaking his head.”I have to.Loki...he shouldn’t pay the price for my stupidity. I’ll convince her.”he muttered looking worried and scared even as he went to gather everyone else, pausing. “I don’t know where the body is...phil left with it...”He muttered before leaving, herding sleepy and grieving avengers into the living room, looking anxious.
he nodded a little. "i know. but i've had worse. i've fought by Thor's side after all. back before he had proper control. he'd electrocute me more often than the enemy." Loki admitted before scowling. "...i thought i loved her, once." he admitted softly. "i married her. and then i wasn't me anymore." he admitted. "if anyone is going to kill her, it's going to be me." he warned. "the Serum inside of TJ isn't fully active yet. it's adjusting." Loki admitted. "it's not your fault, what Lorelei did. she targeted TJ specifically. because she still wants War. in any way possible. Phil, in Heart Sickness could easily blame the Asgardians for not controlling her, blame the humans for putting TJ in danger... Queen Mab or King Oberon could have declared it for Phil once they saw his grief. she's doing everything she can to get what she wants." Loki admitted before sighing. "we can't do anything without TJ's body." he admitted. "i'll recover what magic i can, you get the others ready." he ordered. "we'll only have one shot." he admitted as he walked into the kitchen to wolf down everything he could reach. glad to see Phil was there. he could very well be the only reason the connection would work at all. "everyone stand. place TJ on the couch. out of the way. we don't want foreign magics in him when the soul takes root." if the soul took root.
“That’s fairly amusing actually,even if it would be painful.”Tony muttered before frowning, “We could have a club, me for pepper and you for this bitch.”Tony muttered before sighing, staring at the floor, not believing loki but willing to let the other believe what he wanted. “You have his body.”Mab said as she looked up from where she was sitting, her dark hair falling around her shoulders as she looked at the men walking in, before effortlessly picking TJ up, slight as she might look, the woman was inhumanly strong. Setting him on the couch she stepped away, “I shall wait away from him, phil... We should to. We can’t mess things up, but we can offer enough magic for the jotun sorcerer to work.”She muttered gently urging her son over more, letting the others settle around them. “Loki?What do we do?”Tony said looking anxious and worried from where he was waiting with james and steve, fidgeting and nervous.
he blinked at Tony and then shook his head. "i don't think i would like to go clubbing." Loki admitted. "yes. we have his body." Loki admitted, gently examining it with his eyes, or rather his magically enhanced senses to make sure it was a viable body. "Thank you. even with your assistance, this is going to be cutting close." Loki admitted. "i'm too weak. once i pull up the connection, i will hand it to so the rest of you and break free of the spell. do not fight it, or it could kill me." he warned. "and unlike TJ, i won't get a second chance." he admitted. "just take my hand, and don't panic." Loki ordered, holding his hands out. "take hands and form a circle." he ordered. "once the magic starts, i will step back and you will take hands, James, with Steve and complete it again, then i will finish the spell." Loki admitted.

"you will feel... odd. humans do not typically carry genetic capabilities for withstanding forces of magic, the Serum you all carry, and Clint's new-found Fey blood will allow you to use the magic through my guidance." Loki admitted, waiting until everyone was joined by the hands before he began, speaking in low cants in a language that hurt the ears of those listening. like listening to music that was just a touch too loud. as he spoke, a warmth spread from hand to hand, filling each person in the circle until they felt as if they where having a hot flash. then Loki stepped back, still speaking and James and Steve took hands, completing the circle again. Loki continued to speak until a light formed in the center of their circle. they could feel something snap, and then each of them felt a jerking sensation, like something had yanked on their bellies. it was over quickly, and now the circle was stable, and something was coming through.
“We will hold it, Loki. I wont let my son suffer for your wife’s transgressions....she will be dealt with.”Mab muttered watching them all, glad that the humans seemed to be able to follow directions as they gathered and held hands, her eyes closing as she felt the magic settling into place, simply letting the magical feel go through her, even though she had to smile slightly as she felt the others respond with a slight jolt as the magic started. Looking up as the circle stablized and came through, she wondered if this would indeed work.

Tony frowned, and while he was extremely nosy and wanted to ask questions he set it aside for the moment as he watched for what was coming through, even if he couldn’t see it, he could feel it
Loki nodded. "i won't let him suffer either Lady Queen." he assured her. "this is all i can do for him though. i'm not allowed to negotiate or allowed to offer the price to be paid and neither will the Fey. TJ is human, of a sort, and it will have to be humans to get him back." Loki admitted. once he broke free he staggered and collapsed, smiling weakly when Phil caught him. he was too exhausted now to do anything but sleep, he fought that urge with everything he had. he had to see how this went down.

"Greetings to you." the voice was soft, fragile, feminine and soon they where looking down at a woman. if she was kneeling or standing it was impossible to tell because of the flowing white dress. she was as pale as the moon and glowed as if she was made of the stars. her eyes where red, but blank. blind. "i am Hela. Ruler of Nifelhiem. Queen of the dead. State your names, and the soul that you wish to reclaim." she paused and then. "the Fey, and the Asgaurdian will remain silent." she ordered, including the one within the circle." Clint nodded, promising his silence. Steve started. speaking his name, and Clint's name before allowing James and the others to introduce themselves. "We wish to have the soul of Thomas James Hammond returned to us." "there is no Thomas James Hammond here." Hela informed them. "but i know of who you speak. The one named TJ. by Law of Heartsong, he is mated, and is Thomas James Coulson. Phil made a soft whimpering noise in the back of his throat, but said nothing. "do you know the price that you will pay for asking such a thing?"
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