The Asset (Avengers) Moon/Lady

“Hm, but you like me being a tease. If you’re super nice, I’ll even do it still wearing a dress.”She smirked pressing closer to him, grinning as she felt him hardening against her hip before nodding. “I know.It’s adorable and amusing all at once, cause Teej has no idea how to deal with being smothered with that much affection.”Natasha snickered watching the others, so happy for them before smirking up at him. “Hmmm some hellish lie. We, and everyone who matters, know the truth. Why not even the scales by getting back at them?”Natasha snickered.

“ahhh.”Tony smiled before smiling at Steve, leaning up to kiss him back, groaning softly, before offering james a reassuring smile, not wanting him to think there was a problem., because there wasn’t. He loved those quiet mornings with just him and james, not all the time, he enjoyed steve being there to, but he liked his alone time with each of them also. “I always look hot. James just makes me hotter.”He smirked a little, looking amused. “Your turn?”he smiled stealing another kiss. “Let’s dance then.”
he jerked a little at that and very nearly went caveman on her cute little ass. "it really is cute." he agreed with a chuckle. "we should hold an intervention at some point." he admitted. "alright. you remember that night i was dancing naked on the table?" he asked with a smirk. "let's tell them i was married before that happened and i was celebrating." he decided. "they'll think it was a rash decision from drunkenness." he mused, smirking happily. "they'll try to interfere of course, they would have done that even if they had known about this wedding." he admitted. "of course, i'll tell them Anne was Hydra, just to see how they react." he mused. "i wonder how they'll react?"

James chuckled, relieved that he hadn't started a fight. "you know, you might be right." Steve muttered with a chuckle. "after all, if you mix two hot things, there's bound to be an explosion right?" he asked with a grin. "by the way, James, Natasha might be smacking you later." "i deny everything." James stated with a sniff even if his laughing eyes told them all a different story. Steve just chuckled and swept Tony up into a song. "we really have to figure out how to slow dance with three people." he admitted with a grin.
“We should, but its amusing for the moment.”Natasha smiled a little before grinning, laughing as she kissed him. “Oh, I like that. And it was a rash decision, at least to sleep with me that night. They’ll enjoy trying to get you away. I mean, come on, the papers love talking about you and teej...and everyone else.”she snickered a little before stealing a kiss. “Hmm, the nation will be outraged on your behalf probably.”

“Hm, and we do explode well together.”Tony leered smirking a little, laughing at the look on james face. “Uh-huh. I’m sure she’ll believe that.”He snickered a little before smiling as they danced, smirking. “We can slow dance. It’s call really slow sex. You might want to learn how to do that.”he teased stealing a kiss, looking up at the other, just enjoying being with him, knowing that he was their favoritist person.
he chuckled a little. "it's good for TJ to have all the attention he can stand." he agreed. "and it wasn't a 'rash' decision at all. you where hot, i adored you. not rash at all." he admitted with a chuckle. "it's not like i didn't know who you where love. although, i probably should have taken you out on a date before having sex with and then marrying you... speaking of, wanna go out on a date tomorrow? we could go somewhere public and act all loving and gushy for the public and then go have Dinner somewhere." he offered. "once people see how 'affectionate' we are they'll back off a ton and make my mother look like the evil witch of the west." he admitted with a smirk.

he snickered. "that we do." he agreed before shrugging. "she won't hit me, it was funny!" he complained, eyes glittering. "i taught him how to say 'i'm gay, suck my cock'." James admitted with a grin. he wandered off to get something to drink and Steve laughed. "Tony i don't think your capable of 'slow sex'." he admitted with a chuckle and a shake of his head stroking the others hair and kissed him back. "i love you." Steve admitted with a smile as he danced with Tony.
“No, I guess not so rash after all.”She smirked, “True. And of course, a date sounds grand. We’ll have to sneak out, with our luck if we tried to say we were going on a date, one of the threesomes would decide we need company.”Natasha snickered a little before kissing him. “Your mother is the wicked, can we go to sucking the cock, in a dress?”she smirked as she slid her hands through his hair before drawing away, “I think they can be left on their own. We have things to be doing.”she smirked a little.

“Pipsqueak, I’m perfectly capable of having slow sex. I can totally do anything involving sex.”Tony huffeed kissing the other before blushing as they danced. “Love you to.”he muttered leaning into him, perfectly content before drawing away, smirking.”Speaking of sex, we should totally celebrate this grand occassion, by going to start our sex marathon...”He snickered a little
he grinned a little and shook his head. "just wait until you see the paper. i'm sure you'll want to strangle me." the papers where actually doing a 'true love' spin on things. how two friends came together in a time of agony and pain to look for his twin. how they had held each other and comforted each other through the trauma. it was quite sickening really. granted, that's not the story he was going to tell his mother, but that was half the fun. Elaine would try to break up the marriage and look evil for it. well, she was evil, but that wasn't the point. '....yes. they can be left on their own. Phil will contain them." he agreed, following her quite eagerly.

he scowled. "i really wish you wouldn't call me that." he complained, even if his eyes and voice where filled with laughter. "and your worse than a rabbit Tony. up , over and done all in a matter of seconds." " took him three hours last time." James pointed out, making Steve snort. "he has the tact of a troll." "what's a troll? never mind, Sex Marathon!" James cheered, already manhandling both his men to the elevator as Phil chuckled and ambled over to Clint and TJ. "it looks like we're being abandoned... a dance, My young Sir?" he asked, offering TJ his hand with a smile and a wink. "i think we might make use of that bed under the tree since Natasha and Doug don't seem inclined."
“Hm, I’m not so sure. But I’ll keep you around anyways.”She snickered a little as they left, amused that phil was being left in charge.

Tony paused at the scowl, eyes widening as he looked up at the other, biting his lip. Maybe steve really wanted him to stop it?Looking worried for a moment before sputtering. “I’m not a rabbit!I can last. Hey. Don’t write me off just cause I’m just human.”Tony sputtered sulking but looking amused at james’ cheer as he followed. TJ grinned up at his fey, nodding a little. “Of course good sir, and I’m definitely up to using Doug’s bed, then telling him about it later.”He snickered as they danced.
the morning bloomed bright and well. James sighed as he realized Steve had gone for a run. he knew why of course, and it wasn't guilty feelings but nightmares that had driven the super soldier out of bed. James had heard Steve wake up and pen the note but hadn't said anything. Steve could be volatile when he woke up from a nightmare and James didn't want to handle a black eye and Steve's guilt about hitting him on top of things. besides, he would be fine after a run. "morning Tony." James muttered as he nuzzled his face into Tony's neck with a smile. "Steve had nightmares last night." he admitted. "he went for a run." he admitted as he snuggled deeper into Tony, thinking about what TJ had said. "Tony?... do you think we could have a baby?"
“Mornin’”Tony muttered, his words slurring ever so slightly, not fully awake just yet, smiling softly as the man nuzzled him, smiling quietly.”I know. Felt him get up. Knew what was wrong.”he muttered yawning, shifting, wrapping a arm around the other as he snuggled into him, pressing a kiss to his head.”What?No, are you insane?No.”Tony said the instant, overwhelming panic tightening his voice, making him angry, lashing out at the man who probably wouldn’t realize the anger was covering utter panic at the idea. “If you feel the need for children, I’m sure Doug and Nat will have some brats soon enough.”he added even as he mentally yelled at himself to not be a ass, to stop being a dick, but having gone from sleepy contentment to utter panic to quickly, he had no control of his emotions yet.
he nodded. "just wanted to warn you." he admitted with a smile as he snuggled Tony before jerking, surprised at Tony's sudden outrage. confusion fluttering over his face before it was replaced by bafflement. it filled with hurt next and then went blank. "...okay Tony." James muttered as he slid out of the bed, glancing at Tony, curiously blank. there was no emotion at all, not in his face, or in his eyes as he looked at Tony before he moved into the Closet he had claimed as his own and shut the door, locking it tight with the 'Snck' of a lock shooting home followed by a second. locking himself in so Tony couldn't yell at him anymore, couldn't get in. at least he wasn't hurting himself in there, they had fixed James of that within the first week of his appearance. not that Tony hadn't hurt him enough.
Tony startled a little when he saw the hurt fluttering over james’ face, before going blank. Watching him for a long moment before sighing quietly as he heard the lock snck into place he sighed quietly, biting his lip. Glancing at the closet door before taking a deep breath, deciding that it would be better to not try to talk him out yet, needing a few minutes to calm down himself as he tugging on a pair of sweats, looking fairly adorable in james’ to big clothes as he padded for the kitchen to attempt to make something easy for breakfast, figuring even he could toast some toast and get some milk.
"Morning!" Steve called, sounding tired but chipper as he walked in, sweaty and sexy and far too happy that morning. "guess what i did this morning!" Steve ordered with a grin as he went to the fridge to drink right out of the Milk Carton, a bad habit that James couldn't seam to train out of Steve. "i actually helped a little old lady across the street. can you believe that?.. Tony, are you cooking?" Steve demanded, narrowing his eyes at the other. "put the butter knife down and put your hands behind your head." he ordered in his best 'imma cop, you better do what i say' voice. the same one he used when he was making fun of Phil. "hey, where's James?" he asked, startled when he realized the assassin wasn't having a lay in. "...Tony? what's wrong?"
“What?Besides running?”Tony called looking up at the other man, wincing a little as he drank straight from the carton, but not yelling at him. “...You helped...oh my god, steve, you really are way to good to be true.”Tony snickered looking amused before wincing, remembering why he was cooking. “Yea.Toast....Steve, I can make toast. I can’t hurt toast.”He whined a little as he raised his hands though turning to look at the man, before flinching, looking down, anxious and worriedm” “...his closet.I was hoping if I made him food he’d come out...”He muttered anxious and worried, not wanting to tell steve he’d yelled at the other, or freaked out as badly as he had.
he snickered a little as he capped the milk. ins tread of trying to break the habit, James had tried something new. a galleon for him and Tony, and a pint for Steve. that at least seamed to be working. "i know! i've never helped an old lady across the street before." he admitted with a snicker. "the poor thing was trying to carry these heavy bags full of tinned cat food. you just KNOW she was a crazy cat lady. she couldn't get them across the street so i carried them all the way to her house! she actually gave me a kiss on the cheek and a piece of apple pie!" he admitted with a grin. "don't tell James i had pie for breakfast, he'll sulk for weeks." because they wouldn't let James have pie for breakfast. "you can too hurt toast i've seen you do it!" he admitted with a shake of his head as he started pulling out the things to make waffles before he frowned, worried. "did he have a nightmare or something?" he asked, examining the closet door. "he locked em, huh?" he asked after tested the doorknob. he knew from experience that once the doors where locked, James wouldn't come out until he was damn well ready to.
Tony snickered as he stared at the other shaking his head."only you cap would help someone and get pie for it."tony shook his head at the idea before smirking."we're going to end up with a crazy cat lady of our know that would totally be natasha."he smiled a little pained actually considering giving james pie to get him out."nah i wont tell him.thatd jusg be mean."he muttered before glaring at the other."i can make some fucking toast."he scowled looking annoyed before sighing, anxiety twisti g his features as he realized the door was locked, having not even tried it assuming james didnt want to see him."no..i uh...yelled at him.i fidnt mean to, but he still asked me something before i was awake...i overreacted..."tony muttered even as he turned off the toaster and simply went about getting himseld something to drink
Steve snorted. "i know right? it was awesome." he admitted before he smirked. "nah. Doug won't let her get that many cats, he loves cats, but he'll cut her off at three, maybe five if she uses sex to get her way." Steve admitted with a chuckle before he shook his head. "no. Jarvis can make your toast for you, it's not the same thing." he admitted with a lopsided grin before it faded. " yelled at him!?" he asked, startled, Tony never yelled at James. ever. "did you have a nightmare too?" he asked, looking confused. why would Tony yell? "you yelled at him." he looked at the closet again, frowning. why would James react so strongly to being yelled at? "why?" Steve asked, suspicious now. Tony was hiding something.
"Its is going to be involved. "Tony said wisely before making a face."it totally counts if jarvis makes my toast for me."tony smiled before growing serious."yea i did."he muttered. And for him, he had. He hadnt really yelled, simply scolded harshly for bringing up kids, 2hich was exactly what howard had done. He hadnt yelled, simply been disappointed. So for tony, he'd done worse then yelling."no no nightmaares. But there should be a rule about talking about having rugrats before im awake. He really shouldnt have been surprised when i said no!"tony scowled so stressed at the idea of james being upset that he was lashing out at steve, subconsciously wanting the other man to punish him for messing up like he always knee he would
he chuckled and nodded. "it doesn't count." he stated simply before he studied the other, frowning. "...Tony... you had better tell me exactly what you said to him before i punch your lights out." Steve demanded, feeling his rage rise. how could Tony yell at James for such a stupid thing!? he wouldn't hit Tony, f course not, but soon they where screaming at each other. Steve because he had wanted children someday and because he was still upset from his nightmares and because he was overly protective of James. neither man would notice when James slipped out of the closet and into the vents, slipping down to the ground floor, seen only by Clint and Jarvis as he walked out the front door and into the streets. Clint of course, went straight to TJ and told him that he'd seen James leave and asked Jarvis what was going on. Jarvis of course, told the truth. Tony and Steve where screaming at each other.
Tj scowled looking worried as jarvis told them what was going on already texting to have both phil and johnny meet them in the pentbouse and asking doug and natasha to see if they could track down james. Glaring as he walked into the penthouse with clint he winced, itd been a long time since hed heard either man screaming, much less at each other."hey! Idikts! What the fuck are you two doing?" Tj yelled to get their attention worried and pissed at them both and having a bad feeling his teasing was behind this.if it was, tony was going to kill him
Doug was quick to text back that he and Natasha where on it and already trailing James who had, apparently slipped into the sewers. where he thought he was going, only James knew. Clint sighed as he realized they really where screaming at each other. not even fighting, they'd dissolved into insulting each other and hurling accusations. Steve stopped when TJ yelled and a blush crawled up his cheeks as he realized he'd gone way too overboard. "...i'm sorry. Tony, i didn't mean any of that..." he promised, ashamed of himself now. he wanted to do the childish thing and defend himself to TJ, but that was something he couldn't do. he was wrong to yell at Tony like that and he was going to own up to it. mostly because he knew if he didn't he and Tony would keep screaming at each other. "...we probably upset James..." he muttered, moving over to the Closet. "James did a runner." Clint explained simply, making Steve jolt as if he'd been electrocuted. "shit!"
Tony stared at the floor"its sorry to."he muttered, offering that sad little shrug that meant so many things for the genius. While he to had yelled and been insulting, hed always let steve take the first jab before retorting, while he was angry and hurt, he hadnt wanted to hurt the other either, so had in turn only defend3ed himself. Jolting at the idea that theyd managed to completely miss james leaving he looked up at tj with wide eyes, "where is he?" "Nat and doug are with rwo sit there and calm down before you go after him."tj said looking the two over
Steve sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "i am sorry Tony... i shouldn't have yelled at you." he admitted, gently taking the others hand. "you shouldn't have said what you did to James, but i think i understand that too a bit." he admitted. "we'll talk about it later." he promised. "calmly." he promised. "TJ? you better go with them. James won't listen to Nat or Doug but he'll probably listen to you." he admitted. "Sir, Lady Natasha has informed me that they are in Times Square and are attempting to convince James that getting on a train to Atlantis is not a good idea." "...Atlantis?" "i believe he was watching TV last night and came across Stargate Atlantis. perhaps he thinks it is a real place." Steve mused. "either way, you go and we'll follow once i've gotten my anger management done."
Tony sighed softly, tensing as his hand was taken, but not pulling away like he wanted to. Making himself stay still and quiet, like a rabbit waiting for the fox to go away. Because tony believed so many of the things steve had told him, well, was it any surprise he was having issues dealing for a bit. Staring at the floor he sighed quietly,”And I wouldn’t have, if I’d been more then half awake. I didn’t...mean to.”He muttered looking so much like a kicked dog it just made TJ want to hug him. But instead the brunette nodded, “I’ll go.”He said before pausing at Steve’s words. “Don’t worry. I’ll convince him that the only way he’s getting to atlantis would be on a acid trip.”TJ snickered a little as he walked out, intending to make them laugh. “Don’t tell him that Thomas!He’ll want to do that then!”Tony sputtered staring after his friend as he slumped down onto the couch.
Steve winced as he realized he'd really hurt Tony. he sometimes forgot that Tony was just as hurt as James was. "i know Tony... i know." Steve promised him. "i'm sorry... i didn't mean to hurt you." he promised, pulling the other into the hug that TJ wanted to give. cradling Tony. "i love you." he promised Tony before spluttering at TJ. "don't you DARE tell him that! he'll drink battery fluids or something! he doesn't know what Acid is!" he protested before he slumped onto the couch as well, feeling like shit. "i fucked everything up..." he groaned, pressing his hands to his face. "god. what the hell is wrong with me?"
Tony shuddered a little at the other’s promise, nearly jumping out of his skin as he was hugged before melting utterly into the man holding him, turning his face into the other’s chest, his breathing shaky in that way you knew he wanted to cry, and wasn’t simply through sheer force of will. Not even freaking out at the ‘I love you’ simply relaxing into the other, holding onto him tighter, a silent reponse before smiling quietly at steve’ protest. “I wont, don’t freak out Captain. I’ll get him home.”TJ laughed as he walked out. Tony’s head jerked up at the other’s words, staring at him, “What?You?You’re perfect, I was the idiot who yelled at him.This was my fault, don’t blame yourself. I told you I’d fuck this up...”Tony muttered sadly resting his head against steve’s shoulder, closing his eyes.

“Do you see them?”TJ asked, glancing over at Clint as they walked into the train station, looking around them, anxious to find james and the other two before this day got even more fucked up then it already was.
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