Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

"Ah.that makes sense."he muttered though he wasn't sure if hi relation to the good doctor would keep him safw,he wa willing to trust her if she said he'd be okay.lening intoher a little he ighed,closing his eyes.content to just be with her, even if he was still hurting,he was recovering."yes you should have.but its past now,so we'll just move on"
Krystal smiled. 'Yup, it does." She said simply as she cuddled into him, kissing his cheek. She really didn't feel like she deserved him, or Bruce. She loved them anyway though. "I'm so glad you could be with me yesterday. You have no idea how much it hurt to not have you when JJ was born. Which reminds me, he has to tell you something. You know he's a shape shifter like me, right?" She asked, trying a bit to prepare him for what his son would tell him when he came to see them. Krystal winced a little but then kissed him. "Good. So does that mean you've forgiven me?" She asked, cuddling into him.
Bucky winced a little kissing her head."I wish id been there for you,krys."he muttered before frowning slightly looking worried as he glanced dowm at her."I do.why?"he said before going quiet thinking it over before nodding"yes..I forgive you.."
Krystal smiled and cuddled into him, kissing his cheek. "Its okay bucky. It wasn't your fault." She said as she snuggled in deeper to him, popping them to the couch cause they were both done eating. She cuddled into him. "I'll let him explain. He'll be down in a few minutes." She said smiling a little cryptically before kissing him again, wrapping herself tightly around him, legs around his waist as she sat in front of him. "Good. I couldn't bear it if you didn't." She said,giving him a light yet loving kiss as JJ came in, smiling a little. "Well, don't you two look cozy" he said as he came in, sitting on an adjacent chair. He looked around nervously, shuffling a little bit. "Dad, there's something I need to tell you." He said, eyes still darting around.
Bucky looked concerned as he settled on the couch but was willing to wait for jj to tell him instead of demanding answers."me either...I've loved you to long to simply walk away."he muttered before looking up at jj,looking annoyed at being caught being adorable,blushing ever o slightly befor looking worried."what is it"he asked gently.
Krystal smiled. "I'm glad. I really didn't want to imagine life without you again." She said simply, giving him a kiss and smiling as JJ came in encouraging him. "Its okay sweetikins, you can tell him." She told him telepathically as JJ sucked in a breath. He looked to his father, smiling. "Don't worry, its nothing bad. Its just... well dad.. I'm pregnant." He said simply as he exhaled explaining, telling him about the first time he got pregnant as well. This was easier than he thought it would be.
Bucky stared at him looking shocked but not freaking out.simply atunned. Swallowing hard he clrared his throat after a long mlre and smirked,and you know whatever was coming out of his mouth next was going to reclaim his title as a sarcastic ass,and really would anyone be surprised?"I don't know if I should be happy I'm having a grandkid,or terrified stark's procreated."he teased.
JJ laughed. "Knowing my fiancee? Both." He said with a smile, letting out a breath he didn't know he holding. He had no idea how buck would react, but him being sarcastic was a good sign. At least he hadn't passed out like tony did. JJ chuckled, as did Krystal. "I bet tony fainted when he was told. Poor guy has such issues. He has no clue he's gonna be a great dad." She said and JJ just nodded. "I keep telling him that, but he doesn't get it." JJ said with a chuckle, smiling at his parents as Kenshin started to cry and Krystal went and got him, coddling him.
"That's not comforting t all JJ."bucky whined a little though he looked amused snickering at the idea of tony fainting before sighing."well considering howard...I'm not really surpried he has issues."bucky made a face before wincing as he heard kenhin crying,looking worried as he watched krys with him."but tony'll be fine." " he conning you into telling me that?cause that's not cool."tony anickered as he walked in.relaxing fully at the sight that keystal was indeed okay
JJ chuckled. "Could be worse. You could have a grand kid that's Tony's brother instead of his son." JJ quipped, nodding at his father's comments, watching as his fiancee came in hoping to god tony hadn't heard what he'd said. While tony knew JJ had been raped, he didn't know that it was Howard who had done it. Like father, sorta like son. Tony had permission, Howard didn't. Krystal coddled little kenshin, leaning into his father. She smiled. "JJ and kenshin are gonna look so alike." She said, kissing bucky softly.
"Okay that's worse."bucky shuddered looking angry with thd memoty of the man he'd known,looking worried as he looked up at tony. Tony paused paling slightly but not otherwise responding to the words,before smirking."they do look alike. Its sorta disturbing really."tony smiled.
"Indeed it would be. " he said, looking at his fiancee concerned, sensing he was having issues, but unsure what to do or say but cuddle into him. "Yes, he does love." He said, and Krystal smiled at tony. "Do you want to hold him tony dear?" She asked, hearing Celeste cry, and handint tony kenshin carefully. "Hold his head. Cradle him" she told him, going to get Celeste, returning quickly with the small now cooing baby.
Tony smiled slightly as he dipped his head, resting his forehead against the other’s shoulder, simply relaxing, and trying not to think to hard. “I uh-no I mean-”he stuttered even as he was handed the baby, looking anxious and looking across at the snickering bucky, looking like he expected bucky to attack him for holding kenshin, letting JJ show him how to hold the baby, looking anxious even if the baby was cooing.
Krystal smiled at tony. "Your doing fine, tony. Don't be so anxious. He's durable.' She said, smiling reassuring lay at one of her oldest friends. She cuddled into bucky, kissing his head. Little celestial was grabbing at her pinky, giggling uncontrollably. She couldn't help but smile as she rested her head on Bucky's shoulder. JJ smiled. He hoped that his twins would be a lot like his brother and sister. "You look so cute holding that baby, tony." JJ said with a smile, kissing his cheek before adding, "like a nervous father. Its fairly adorable."
“Durable you say. I don’t think you know babies. They’re small and breakable.”Tony said frowning as he looked down at kenshin as he tried to grab tony’s slightly long hair. “He does look fairly cute.”Bucky agreed snickering. “I’m not adorable. Or cute. I’m sexy.”Toyn protested snickering. “How’s elena doing?”Tony asked after a moment, looking worried about the super soldier, since krys had delivered this early, he was worried about the other pregnant woman.
Krystal chuckled. "They're not ordinary babies, tony. He has a shield like I do, and is part super soldier. JJ was like that too, very durable. I have pictures, if you wanna see." She said, before nodding at Bucky's comment, and laughing at tony. she frowned afterwards though. "I don't know. they haven't been around to see us yet." she said, looking sad.
“Oh. Well, that’s true.”Tony said relaxing a little more, pleased that the child he was holding was more durable, which meant he couldn’t break it. Though he was still nervous over his own. “Who hasn’t been around yet?”Elena said as she walked in, well. Waddled really, looking utterly miserable and hot. Cause while the warm was good for krys, the hotter weather then what she was used to, having spent most of her time in the artic with bucky when he was awake, was making the female super soldier miserable.
Krystal nodded. "Yours will be the same dear. They have senshi DNA after all. We're unkillable." She said, reassuring him,. She hugged Elena as she came in, turning the air down to almost 0. "Cold doesn't bother me now. Sit." She ordered, smiling at the supersoldier as Celeste coos in her arms. "This is Celeste, and tony had Kenshin. You want to hold her Elena?" She asked, smiling brightly as she cuddled into bucky.
“Good.”Tony said fully relaxing, closing his eyes for a moment as he leaned back into JJ, smiling at elena, looking worried though. “okay.Sitting is good.”elena smiled a little pushing her damp hair out of her face as she sat down onto the couch, whining a little as bucky hugged her. “I do.”She said though she looked nervous as krystal handed her the child, looking nervous as she cuddled the baby.
Krystal smiled. "Don't worry, you're doing fine Elena." She said as Celeste smiled up at the woman, cooing softly and grabbing elena's finger. Krystal smiled softly as she walked out of the room, and into her bedroom. She was looking for Bruce. "Bruce?" She asked tentatively when she didn't see him on the bed, looking worried. Sometimes his nightmare caused him to change, and the balcony doors were wide open. This was not a good sign.
Elena smiled a little, shifting to look up at steve, “She’s so tiny.”She muttered sighing quietly as she settled back against the couch, getting comfortable.

“O-out here.”bruce said panting slightly as he appeared in the doorway, looking a little green around the edges, but holding it together for now.
Steve smiled. "Yeah, JJ was that tiny too. I saw him just before I got frozen. Krys gets what she wants, even it means getting on the front with a baby." He said with a chuckle, remembering. She had just kind of appeared in his lap.

Krystal walked over to him. "Oh sweetie, nightmares again?" She asked, pulling him close to her and stroking his hair softly as she pecked his lips. "I'm here. Its okay." She soothed, trying to make him feel better, kissing him anywhere she could reach as she held him close to her. "Hulk, I know you need time, but stay in there a bit longer for me, okay?" She told the beast soothingly, knowing that he could hear her. "Come on, let's get you some breakfast. There's a hot omelet waiting for you." She said, taking his hand and squeesing it.
“Well, it was good for you. At least you knew you had family.”elena muttered sighing softly, shifting the baby into his arms, before snugling into him, closing her eyes as she relaxed

Bruce swallowed hard, kissing her back, shuddering a little. Nodding slightly.”I thought...I thought I hurt James...”he swallowed hard, shaken at the idea that he’d hurt the assassin badly, relaxing slightly under her soothing, the hulk growling slightly in the back of his head, but calming slowly. “...breakfast sounds amazing...”He muttered squeezing her hand back, and following her towards the kitchen.
"Yeah. Krys was insistant that I knew that. All the time." He agreed, cuddling the baby. He kissed her little head, dreaming of his own family which was sure to appear soon.

Krystal stroked his cheek lovingly. "It's alright love. He's safe. He's in the living room with our friends. You didn't hurt him." She soothed, giving him another kiss. "Don't worry. Hulk will have his fun. I sense something coming. Not sure what yet." She said, kissing his head. "Alright. Let's get you that omelet." She said popping them to the kitchen and giving him his omelet.
Elena smirked quietly as she looked up at the man,gently sliding her fingers through blond hair. “Soon, ours will be here.”she said quietly, looking nervous at the idea, but trusting him enough, trusting that the other’s would more then make up for her being a utter failure at it. Despite James’ good raising, it had left her shaky and nervous, the holes where he’d been put on ice, and she’d been left on her own with others, had left her doubting her own competence at being a parent.

Bruce swallowed hard, leaning into the touch, relaxing as he shuddered a little.” is he?”He muttered utter relief in his tone as he realized he hadn’t hurt the man, kissing her back, humming quietly.”It’ll be interesting, whatever it is.”He muttered before smiling. “Food sounds amazing.”he muttered grinning as he took the plate, starting to eat.
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