Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

“I don’t know!”Bucky said sounding utterly unstrung by panic. “get him out of here Steve.”Bruce ordered quietly, looking concerned for them both before examining Krys, sighing in relief when she blinked. “Krys?”He muttered gently stroking her hair out of her face.”How do you feel.”

“we were just talking and trying to sort things out and she just past out.”Bucky said sounding anxious, barely noticing when Elena appeared at his side, letting the two super soldiers lead him into the sitting room, barely noticing when she pressed a glass of whiskey into his hand, barely aware of sipping it, simply talking to steve about anything and everything that came to him as he talked.
Steve looked at him very concerned. "Right Bruce." And he brought him away, sitting him down on the couch of the sitting room. "She'll be okay buck." He soothed, looking to his friend. Krystal let out a small moan. "Tired, and hurting. We have to get him home. This is no place for babies, be them super or not." She mumbled, knowing her could still hear her. She knew it couldn't be possible, but something told her she'd go into labor very soon. She remembered at before JJ was born, she had fainting spells a lot. "Bruce.. is bucky okay?" She asked hoarsely, grabbing the doctor's hand in pain. She wanted to scream, but couldn't.

Steve looked at hid friend. "'Did she do anything else but talk?" He aked, looking concerned. He was no doctor, but he could tell when a person was over working their body. He sighed, looking sad and concerned. "Wanna know my theory? I think she's overworking herself while pregnant because she wants to give you another child. One you can see grow up." He said, looking to his friend again, squeezing Elena's hand.
“We’ll tell him you can’t be out here. Even if he’s still upset, he wont let you stay out here.”Bruce said frowning, looking worried about her before smiling quietly. “He’s panicking, and utterly falling apart. He’s hurt and angry with us, but he still loves you Krys. He’ll take you home.”Bruce smiled a little holding her hand, looking worriedly. “What’s wrong?”

“She was singing.”Bucky said nearly inhaling the alcohol, letting the alcohol sooth his panic, leaning into Elena as teh woman sat down next to him, looking up at steve anxiously. Waiting to see what he’d say. “Maybe. But she’s carrying a child who’s part super soldier. I doubt that makes for a easy pregnancy, no matter how much fae she is. She’ll be okay.”Elena said gently stroking bucky’s hair as he slumped into her.
Krystal nodded. "Okay Brucie." She breathed out, looking completely hurt physically. The altitude and cold were taking a big toll on her. She smiled a little. "You think?" She asked, looking at him wanting to be held, but he couldn't do that here. Not in this room. She sucked in a breath. "It hurts Bruce, everything hurts. I can't eaplain it. Though the last time I felt like this, 2 days later JJ was born." She said, sucking in a few breaths, needing contact, squeezing his hand. You should talk to him Bruce. God, I just want this all to be over. He's forgiven me, at least I hope he has..." she breathed out, closing her eyes. "I'm tired." She said, before she passed into sleep again. Mumbling something about Bruce telling bucky.

Steve looked to his ffriend. "Krys was singing huh? I wonder why that would wear her out so?" He questioned, not sure what to think. He nodded. "I agree Elena. Maybe we need to give Krys some serum..." he said, wondering if that would be a good idea. Certainly not until she gave birth, but.. it may make her handle any future children better. The three had no idea that it was really just stress from the sitchuation and the cold here that was making her so ill.
Bruce swallowed hard, it was hurtting so badly to see her hurting this badly, “I do.Rest. I’ll go get them ready to go, we’ll get out of here.”He muttered swallowing hard as he watched her, “He has. Sleep.”He ordered before walking out.

”I don’t know.”bucky said sounding anxious and slightly slurred, unlike steve, his serum still allowed him to get drunk, for a bit at least. He sobered really quick though.”Maybe.”Elena muttered looking worried. “The cold is what’s making her sick. We need to get her back to new york.”Bruce said as he walked in. “Really?Okay. We can go. Tony sent the plane out for whenever we wanted to leave. It’s waiting for us.”Bucky said already stumbling to his feet. seems bruce was right, no matter how angry, he would protect her.
Krystal nodded. "Okay Brucie." She said groggily, making a small happy face before going out like a light. She so didn't feel good. "Loves, you better stay in until we get home." She thought to herself, holding her stomach as she slept.

Steve looked at his friend worriedly. "She'll be fine bucky." He told him again reassuringly, eyes widening at Bruce's arrival. "Yes. Let's get her home then. I don't think Bucky can take much more of this." He muttered more to Bruce than anyone, looking concerned for his best and oldest friend. Steve nodded when he was told about the jet. "Right" he just said, not about to mention how JJ was gonna cry when they got home. The poor kid probably thought bucky abandonded him. He didn't have issues like tony, but his father just disappearing steve knew was surely taking a toll on the man.
When they got back to new york, Elena smirked a little as she looked down at the man sleeping in her lap, turning her head to look at steve as she leaned against him.”it’s a good thing we didn’t have to fly commercial, this might have driven him insane.”She muttered stroking her fingers through bucky’s hair. “Should we wake him up, or just carry him inside?”She said looking at the limo waiting for them, knowing that it was going to be emotionally hard on the man either way.
Steve nodded. "Yeah, I know how he feels. I still get a little freaked out when we have to fly over ice." He said, kissing elena's head. He looked contemplative. "Good question. Not sure, honestly." He added, looking concerened, but smiling as he saw krystal. It loooked like she was feeling better, which would hopefully ease bucky a little. Krystal yawned, coming out off the spare bedroom, feeling better. She let out a tired breath. "Well, its good to be home.. I wanna get outta here and back to bed." She said, yawning again and smiling at a sleeping bucky, but looking concerned. "Did he do better than last time?" She asked, looking concerned for the man she loves, as she wobbles a little. Her stomach had grown to almost full term by the time they had gotten hope. "Are you feeling okay, Elena?" She asked, looking at the concerned also pregnant woman, because she knew it had been tough on her. She needed to be held, but didn't want to wake bucky. She didn't didn't know where Bruce was either. "JJ's gonna be happy to see bucky. Poor kid probably blames himself for his dad leaving." She added, walking closer to bucky and taking his hand. She just needed contact.
“You okay?”Elena muttered shifting, looking up at him, looking worried for her lover, before looking down again. “We’ll ask Krys.”she said smiling as she saw Krystal, looking glad that the woman was looking better. Snickering a little as bruce stumbled out of the other bedroom, looking better. “We’ll be going back to bed soon.let’s go.”Bruce said smiling slightly. “He slept most of the way.”Elena smiled at krystal, sighing quietly. “I’m fine. Feeling sick and a little tired, but better. Looking after him was better for that.”She smiled a little looking amused as bucky stirred at the touch.”Krys?We there?”Bucky muttered shifting, sitting up. Yawning a little as he stretched.
Steve nodded. "I'm fine." He said, nodding at her next comment, smirking as bruce stumbled out of the other bedroom. Krystal raised an eyebrow, eyes looking a little hurt that he didn't sleep with her, but it was gone in an instant. she nodded her head at bruce's comment, and smiled a little. "that's good. last time i distracted him pretty well." she said, chuckiling. steve twitched. she nodded at Elena said next, smiling in happiness that the other was okay. while she had been ill at the lodge, she still worried for the others. she squeesed bucky's hand lightly as she stirred. "yeah, we're back. i'm feeling a little better." she told him, somehow knowing he would ask that next. her phone rang, and she picked it up, putting it on speaker. "mommy! are you okay?! dad! don1 leavvve meeee!!" JJ whined frantically, and sounds of tony trying to calm his frantic pregnant fiancee, alomst falling on deaf ears. Krystal smiled and laughed. "i"m okay sweetikins. and I hope he won't leave either." she told her son eavenly before looking to bucky. "he has slight issues with people disappearing." she said, looking meek. she still felt bad about hurting him.
Bruce tilted his head at the look, slanting a glance towards the soviet assassin, making it clear why he hadn’t slept in the room with her. “I know. Even with soundproof, we know.”Elena snickered looking amused. “Good.”Bucky said relaxing at the assurance that she was okay, smiling quietly before wincing as she heard the cries of his son. Paling slightly as he realized just how much he’d upset his son, looking slightly panicked with the idea, swallowing hard. “I’m not going anywhere, James. Are you two out in the limo?”He said looking vaguely worried and amused, which from the assassin was pretty much a shout of utter worry as he stood and walked off the plane, helping krystal down. “yea, we are.”Tony said over the phone smiling slightly as he opened the door for them.
Krystal nodded at him, understanding why now, she grinned a little. Guess bucky really had forgiven her. Steve stuck his tounge out as he remembered, his expression conveying his disgust. She nodded at Bucky's comment, smiling up at him. While she was quite tall at 6'even, he and Bruce were still taller. JJ made a small relieve dose before cuddling into tony as opened the door for them and JJ immediately glomped them. "Mommy! Dad! " he exclaimed, his eyes sporting tears as he sat them down on either side of him, snuggling into them. Steve looked concerned. "Don't leave him again, okay buck?" He said, knowing how much it pained the assassin's some after just getting him back. Only Krystal tony and Bruce knew the more true part of why he was so emotional. Pregnancy hormones.
Bucky smiled slightly as he looked at Krys, tilting his head a little, blushing ever so slightly before wincing as JJ glomped him, swallowing hard as he wrapped a arm around his son, anguished pain tightening his features as he looked down at him, feeling gutted at the sight of his son so upset. “I’m not going anywhere.”He muttered. “Let’s get home. I think we could all use some peace and quiet. And the relaxation things found at the tower.”Tony smiled a little looking worried as he got them all back to the tower. “You okay?”Bucky muttered looking down at his upset son, gently stroking his hair,
Krystal squeesed his hand, talking to him telepathically. "He's got issues with people disappearing. Tony once disappeared on him for 2 months because he had a heroin habit. Ever since then he breaks down when anyone disappears without telling him. You told me. You didn't tell him." She explained telepathically, kissing her son's head and rubbing his back soothingly. He was calming now, but he was still a mess, being with his mother eased it a little though. "I'm a little better dad. But, next time you get mad at mom, warn me, okay?" He said, exhaling. Steve smiled a little. "We're here now, JJ. Don't worry." His uncle soothed as he cuddled into Elena. Granted, Steve wasn't really his uncle, but JJ had always called him that,

When they got to the tower, Steve carried Elena to their floor, and JJ carried his mother to her floor. He laude her down, and kissed her head. "Rest mommy." He told her, and she slept for around 6 hours, but it was sort of restless. Krystal's eyes widened as she realized what happened. "Bucky! Bruce!" She yelled, howling out in pain. Her water broke, and contractions were murder.
"Oh."bucky sent back wincing a little as he pressed a kiss to jj's dark hair."sorry.hadn't thought of that. If it happens again,I promise I won't go without telling you.and trust I'llalways come back for you."

Bruce tartled from the side of the bed he'd been sleeping on looking at her blearily a bucky ran into the room,having been sleeping in a guest room across the hall."what?what is it?"bucky demanded even as bruce examined her looking anxious."krys its to soon.."
"Its alright dad. You were to upset and hurt physically to do anything but think about leaving, and good. I appreciate it." He said, kissing his father's cheek.

Krystal looked strained and in pain. It was happening though. "I think I'm in labor Bucky" she managed to breathe out, looking at both of them worriedly. This was ten times the pain she had felt with JJ. She breathed out, trying to to gain enough strength to talk again. "I-I know, b-brucie. Bu-but it i-is." She studdered, sucking in a breath, remembering from lamas class.
"Dammit.okay,we can do this.don't worry.its okay."bruce said the picture of calm despite the worry in his eyes as he prepared to help her before glancing towards the pacing super soldier."cap!get in here. Get bucky out of here. Hes just making this worse."bruce said looking up at steve as he came in looking at bucky worriedly,wincing as the other growled."no.I'm not going anywhere.I wasn't here last time.I can be here this time."
Kry!stal smiled as she took a breath. "I'm not worried." She said, looking to bucky as she took in breaths. She knew she wasn't fated to die just after finding them again. That would be to cruel. "He has a point Bruce." Steve said, unsure whether to listen to the obviously worried doctor or to his best friend. He put a hand on buckyy's shoulder. "Be calm buck, she needs you calm." He said, take a breath. He was worried for all of them, but something told her it would be alright.
Bruce sighed, glancing at the other’s before nodding.”I know, but he needs to calm down.”He said looking worried himself, and trying really hard to be calm and in control himself as he settled in to help krys. Bucky swallowed hard as he looked at the others, giving a jerky nod asz he moved over the the bed, sitting down next to krys, holding her hand, hesitating a moment, as if after everything, if she wanted him touching it. He knew it was stupid, but he was half waiting for the rejection. “What can I do?”He said quietly looking at her.
Krystal took a breath. "Just be here, bucky." She said simply, taking his hand, needing the contact, his very presence a comfort. It was so nice to have him here, to not have to scream his name in anguish, knowing he couldn't ever come. She gave him a quick kiss. "I need you to be calm love. Everything will be fine." She said, exhaling a breath. Krystal's expression was calm as she looked at them. She wondered if she was dialated enough to push? The kids wanted out. Now. She kept breathing, squeezing Bucky's hand occationally. "Am I dial acted enough?" She asked Bruce, still breathing. The contractions were quicker and shorter now, and not as painful. It was getting closer. She'd have her babies in her arms soon.
Bucky looked down at her anxiously, thumb rubbing absently over her knuckles that showed just how anxious he was, usually he was very good at hiding the emotional tics, kept himself from showing things, but he was to upset,even if he was being calm and pleasant sitting next to her, he was slowly losing it. “Okay, krys. You can push now. Calm and ready, okay?”Bruce said smiling at her, giving bucky a small reassuring smile.
Krystal nodded and started to push, breathing in and out. About 45 minutes later, little Celeste was born. She took in a few more breaths, pushing as she felt kenshin on his way out. After a few more screams and a few Japanese curses from Krystal, he was out as well. She took in a few breaths, and squeesed Bucky's hand, body glowing a faint shade of blue. "Wow, that was a doozie!" She joked, waiting for Bruce to hand her one of her babies. She want to hold them for what seemed like forever. "She kissed bucky softly. "We did it." She said simply, glowing faintly as the crystal went to work healing her from all the stress and pain. When she finally stopped glowing, she smiled. "See, now the next Tim I say everything will be okay, you'll believe me right?" She commented, smirking at both of them and holding out her arms for one of the twins, either Celeste Serenity or Kenshin Shuichi.
Bruce rolled his eyes a little at her words, looking amused though as he cleaned the twins up. “You, are one for horrible jokes. Have mercy on the super soldier, he looks ready to pass out.”Bruce teased gently, because over the last hour Bucky had relaxed, while he was still anxiosu and worried for krystal, he had relaxed to having bruce around. “No, probably not.”Bucky muttered smiling as bruce slipped kenshin into his arms, and celeste into krystal’s, eyes widening as he looked down and met his own grey blue eyes.the same eyes he saw every time he looked at jj. it amazing to be there, for this moment, as his son looked around the world for the first time
Krystal chuckled. "Yeah, but you still love me." She said, hugging the small pink bundle to her as if she would break. The child cooed softly as she looked at her mother, and Krystal gently kissed the little girls head. "My little Celeste." She whispered, smiling as the child took her pinky. She giggled a little and smiled at her mother: there was a knock on the door, a slightly worried voice coming. "Can I come in now Bruce?" JJ asked, excited to meet his new baby brother and sister. He couldn't even imagine what his father was think right this minute. Krystal gave bucky a kiss, smiling. "How's it feel to be here this tme, onyx?" She asked, curious.
“Yea, come in JJ. Just you though. No need to crowd them.”Bruce said smiling as he opened the door for the other, looking at the other two and the twins. Looking worried at bucky, not sure if he was really focusing on anything but the baby in his arms. “...I’m okay. It’s...he has my eyes...”He muttered quietly looking amused and pleased as let kenshin grab his finger as he stroked a small hand, wincing as the child grabbed fistfuls of his hair as it fell out of his ponytail.
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