Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

“Never.”Elena quipped staring down at her stomach, frowning slightly looking down at her own stomach.Well. At least that answered the question of why she was having to resort to wearing steve’s sweats around since none of her jeans would fit. “Elena, we need to talk to him.” “No. No you really don’t.”Elena said simply before walking back into the bedroom to look for her phone, wanting to see what time it was before sighing. “I’ll go with you. Steve to.We’ll talk to him first. And only then if he wants to see you, can you come in.”she said studying the two.Knowing she was being really, really unfair, but it wasn't in her to be nice, not when for the first time in her life when he wasn't on ice, bucky barnes was completely out of contact with her. it was sorta freaking her out really.
Krystal looked at Elena. "I'll get you some more clothes, unless you wanna wear his clothes?" She questioned, wearing a pretty blue maternity kimono style shirt and a pair of prgnancy skinny jeans she had designed, and some black booties. She smiled a little at Elena. "That seems fair enough" she said,squeezing Bruce's hand nervously. She had no idea how this was going to play out, especially since bucky hadn't know she was pregnant, course he sure came in her enough times to make her pregnant.
Elena made a face, a similar one to bucky’s thinking face, the small wrinkle on her nose as she thought. “I’ll keep his clothes for now. They’re comfortable”She said, not wanting to accept things from Krys for now, because she just knew this was going to be bad. “come on soldier boy. Time to go face the scary one.”She said poking steve, smiling amused at her sulking boyfriend, leaning down to kiss his hair before hustling him to get out of bed. Contentedly working to get ready to go, before directing them to the house. Which, was actually not so much a house as it was a hunting lodge, in the old school way of lodges, like a million rooms and big enough to hold a whole royal court and then some. Though it was obvious why he’d chosen it, the russian hunting lodge was above the artic circle, utterly in the middle of no where, and far enough north that it was utterly, bitterly cold. “You know what I want?Ice cream.”She said as she let them into the house, disabling the alarm before looking at the nervous bruce and krys. “Stay in there.”she ordered pointing towards the living room, before looking at steve, nervous herself. “Ready?”She said, actually slight amazed that bucky hadn’t materialized instantly at their arrival. Though she had a feeling she knew where he was hiding,
Krystal nodded, sure she was just still mad at her. Steve groaned a little but got ready, looking to Elena. "I hope this all works out, Elena. For all of our sakes, but mostly bucky and krys's. She loves him a whole lot you know, regardless of the events of the last few days." He told his girlfriend, looking worried. When they got to the house, Krystal sniffed the air. "Me too elena. Got any pickles to go with it? It smells like a wood fire and cherry blossoms in here." She commented, nervously walking into the living room, sitting on the couch and cuddling into Bruce. "I'm so tired Brucie. Why is this happening so fast?" She asked, rubbing her now even more enlarged belly as she lay in Bruce's arms. Steve nodded. "I'm ready Elena." He said, ready to follow her anywhere, but especially to help fix his two oldest fiend's relationship.
“Me to. And I know, doesn’t mean I have to make it easier for her.”Elena muttered, looking tired and strained. “Hm, he might. He has weird shit here.”She muttered before smirking slightly. “James doesn’t have a heating system. He has to burn wood to keep it warm.”She shrugged a little wincing as she watched them cuddle, “uhhh....I wouldn’t do that. At least not in the house.”She warned, not about to explain but knowing it wasn’t a good idea.

Bruce looked nervous before nodding, pressing a kiss to her head.”I know. And I don’t know, but we’ll figure it out okay?”He muttered holding her hand.

“I feel like we should be suiting up, should have stolen the iron man suit.”she muttered before nudging steve, smiling as she lead the way down through the house, pausing as she heard the hard strands of hard rock, snickering a little. “well, at least he shares tony’s musical taste.”She muttered, maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. If he was listening to music, it was usually James and not the soldier. Knocking lightly on the door she let herself into the ‘private’ wing of the house, wincing at the rubble at her feet. It looked like a utter wild storm had gone through here, knowing the fury had had to come out, the fact that he’d destroyed things he’d had for 70 yrears...sighing softly she carefully picked her way through it, looking into the weapons room, looking slightly amused at the sight of the man cleaning weapons. “...James?” “Go. Away. And take them with you."
Steve nodded. "I know love." He said simply, kissing her head. Krystal laughed. "Sounds like bucky." She said, nodding at her next comment and laying on the other side of the couch, utterly exhausted. She smiled as Bruce kissed her head. "Okay Brucie." She said. So tired as actually fell asleep, drinking in the smells of the house, crying and whining from bucky in her sleep, tears falling to the floor.

Steve laughed. "They're only coded to tony. Wouldn't have worked." He said, chuckling at his friends taste in music. "Krys's favorite band. How funny." He whispered to her, walking closer. Steve stepped out from behind Elena. "Bucky, I know your mad, but... Krys needs you." He told his old friend, biting his lip. He wasn't sure if he should tell him that she's pregnant. He didn't really think in was his place. "Would you just talk to her, buck? She loves you man. She does." He added, unsure what else to say to make him see. He wasn't about to reveal Krystal's secret, though he knew that he'd take one look at her and see.
“Damn. He couldn’t just make it easy.”She snickered before smiling a little. “That’s fairly amusing, that they like the same things.”he said smiling a little as she walked closer. “...Yea well, she needs a lot of things apparently.”Bucky said twitching a little even if he didn’t look up from what he was working on. “Fine.” “James?You revert back, I’m kicking your ass. Just so you know.”Elena said rolling her eyes a little, knowing that this anger was simply hiding, relief in her features, knowing it was going to be painful, but it was fixable. “I’ll go get her okay?”she said waving for steve to stay, watching over the man before she went to get krystal. Twitchign a little as she saw her, gently shaking her shoulder. “Krys?”
'Ack!" Krystal woke with a start, accidentally kicking Bruce in the crotch. She smiled at him apologetically, and sat up, looking at Elena. "He hates me, doesn't he, like you do?" She said, looking quite meek as she sat up, wiping most of here tears away, but her mascarra had run and now she looked like a raccoon. She stood, looking at Elena tentatively, unsure what to do. "So, he'd see me?" She looked only a little bit hopeful as she walked toward Elena, stumbling a little. She was very off balance these days, just like she was right before JJ was born.

Steve sighed. "Well, she really needs you now bucky. She didn't have you the first time this happened." Serve said kind of cryptically, hoping to god that this whole mess could be fixed. He knew that if bucky took one look at Krys, he'd probably look shocked. He hadn't known. Krystal looked to Elena. "So, I just follow you?" She asked, still looking rather broken. She blamed herself for this whole mess.
Bruce yelped, groaning as he schooted away from her feet. Elena tilted her head as she looked at the other, “No.He’s angry, and hurting. But he’s willing to see you. And you know he wouldn’t do that if he at least still like you.”She pointed out, sounding slightly annoyed with it, even if it was for the best, she didn’t have to be happy that bucky would probably forgive the two.

“Yea. Come on then.Be careful, he’s made a mess of things.”Elena warned as she led the other into the hall, wincing a little as she climbed over things, staying close and helping krys through before pausing at the door, looking at the dark haired super soldier as he stripped weapons and just as quickly put them back together. “We’re going to be just outside.”Elena muttered pulling steve would with her, setting onto the floor in the hall and shutting the door, not willing to leave them completely alone but not wanting to listen in either.

Bucky glanced up, before pain tightened his features as he saw her condition, before looking down again, letting her make the first move.
Krystal looked at him meekly. "Think logically bucky. Not his. To fast." She said sort of broken sounding, watching him strip the weapons. It fascinated her, as usual. She sat on the floor, her expression painted with pain. She didn't look at him as she muttered "this is all my damn fault. I'm sorry." She sat there for a minute, at a loss for words for one of the few times she wasn't having sex. She sighed softly, feeling lost. "Bucky, you should know that I love you. I'm sure I've broken your heart, and I probably deserve to never be forgiven, but that dinner wasn't what you thought it was. Bruce and I were trying to work our feelings out so I could be with you." She said, now getting ready to cry. Her emotions were surely out of whack due to her condition. She didn't know what he would say, but she knew she probably didn't deserve him. She saw now what he done. "No. Just no bucky. No leaving me. I just got you back. No noble prince shit." She said, before pulling him in for a deep passionate kiss. "I don't deserve you. I really don't." She told him through the mind link the shared before parting from him. She wanted him to forgive her, to forgive Bruce. She loved him. Loved him so much, these last few days were torture. She hope he knew that. Krystal made a face. "If it makes you feel better, I accidentally kicked Bruce in the balls today." She said hoping he laughed. She knew he'd always found that funny,
“...I’ve only been back a month.That’s further along then a month.”Bucky said simply sounding totally wrecked, not looking up. Fitting pieces back together as easily as even listening to her, shoulders tense and aching, wanting to leave, so wanting to leave, but he couldn’t run away, it’d taken everything to walk away once, and she’d still come after him. Not sure what to say he sighed quietly as touched him, turning his face a little into the touch before she kissed him, letting her kiss him, but not responding more then necessary, not his usual desperate response to being kissed like that. Leaning back after she pulled away he smiled quietly, sadly as he stared down.”Poor bruce. You kick hard.”he muttered.
Krystal nodded. "I know it has. I suspect that it has something to do with the serum, that its accelerating the pregnancy. I can't exactly get a blood sample to tell you for sure. But, Elena is showing too, so I suspect its a good theory." She said, looking deflated. She hated seeing him like this. She felt so awful. She broke him. She did however feel a little encouraged that he kissed her back, though it was nothing like he normally kissed her. She giggled a little at his comment. "Yes, I do don't I?" She said, unsure what else to do, looking at him meekly. "I'd find you you know. If you ran. I'd always find you, cause you know I'm with you till the end of the line." She said softly. There was an unsure edge to it, but it was only because she was unsure what he'd say to that, not because she was unsure about him. She made that clear in her thoughts, which she knew he could hear.
“...Maybe.”Bucky said looking torn, and so confused. He wanted to believe, even if Elena had been showing, but he was to hurt, to upset to do so. “yea.”He muttered looking down, reverting to one words answers, and a quietness that would have killed him as a younger man, but had over the years kept him safe, kept him from hurting himself to much tilting his head slightly at her words, he thought it over before nodding slightly.”Till the end of the line.”he muttered, “Though, it had been steve that said that first.You might have to fight him over it.”he muttered, hearing the echo of her thoughts, knowing it was him she was unsure about, not what she wanted. which left him utterly confused on how to figure this out.
"Our situation is a bit unique, to be sure." She said, sensing he wanted to believe her, and she knew they were his. She had only had sex with one other man, and that was way to quick to make any difference. She nodded at his next one word answer, knowing he was only doing it because he thought he needed to protect himself. Krystal brightened slightly at his next comment, with an unsure "really?" Before laughing. "Oh, I'd so win. I knock him on his ass all the time." She added, looking in to his grey blue eyes, She took his hand and squeesed it before she kissed him sweetly on the lips. "There's enough room for both of you. We made it work once, why not again, onyx?" She asked, purposefully using his prince name.
“Yes, I guess it is.”he sighed quietly, before nodding.”...I left once.Can’t keep fighting to keep you away...”He muttered before smiling a little. “I wouldn’t try it for now. Even pregnant, I think El would love putting you on yours.”He muttered before looking up at her, eyes widening a little pulling away, “...Oh.”He stared at her, before nodding a little.”If you want.”He said simply, not about to argue, not wanting to, not used to the mental bond yet enough to realize that he was broadcasting the utter chaos and pain that was in his head.
Krystal chuckled. "It really is." She said, sighing a little, quit then smiling. "I'd always come for you." She said, squeesing his hand. She made a face. "I know. I'm pretty sure Elena hates me right now. I mean, I don't really blame her her, but it still hurts." She said, looking deflated. People disliking her made her twitch. It made her remember all the days she spent alone as a child while Steve was still frozen, and JJ was unaware she had been reborn. Krystal tilted her head. "You hate that idea, don't you. Trust me, it would be a bad idea to break Bruce's heart this time around. I'd really rather not have to run around being chased by hulk." She said, making a face as she showed bucky a memory of Bruce's last outburst. Even though the hulk liked her, if she were to break Bruce S's heart, hulk might want to break her. "Hulk won't admit it, but he cares a lot for Bruce." She added, looking frustrated and utterly unsure how to make this better. She couldn't help that she loved them both! Krystal sighed. "I'm orry bucky for everything. It was stupid of me to hide it from you. We'll figure this out. I'm not sure how, but we will. Just know I love you, James." She told him softly, walking away slightly. She didn't want him to feel to crowded, though she craved his touch. Kenshin and Celeste in her mind begged for it, but she wasn't sure how to ask, given their current predicament.
“Hm, she’s just angry. Just give her room, and make sure Steve stays with her. He’ll distract her from really settling into hating you.”Bucky smiled slightly thinking about his overprotective daughter before wrinkling his nose a little.”Yes. And he can just deal with it.”James said as he studied the memory, because while he was willing to do it, he also hated it to. “He does.”thinking about the hulk before watching her, his dark hair falling around his face as he nodded.”I always knew that.”He muttered watching her go.

“Krys?”Elena straightened from where she was leaning against the wall as krystal came out, looking slightly worried, having thought bucky wouldn’t hurt her, but she was still nervous.
Krystal chuckled. "Bucky, Elena's pregnant. You'd have to kill that boy to get him away from her." She said with a laugh, watching him. She was never quite sure what he would do. "He is. He really just wants this to be resolved as peacefully as possible. He knows I'd kick his (and hulks) ass if he hurt you, even by accident, especially in the condition you're in." She said, just nodding at his next comment. She gave him another soft kiss on the lips. "Good. Don't you ever forget it, soldier!" She said with a small giggle, pushing his hair back. "You know, I always did like your hair long. Wouldn't be surprised if it starts turning blue since you're regaining your memories. " she added, chucking a little. Blue had always been his color, like her.

Krystal smiled. "Its okay. We're gonna work it out. I have to talk to Bruce." She said, walking out, giving Steve a look that told him to hold her, and he wrapped his arms around the smaller super soldier, kissing her head. Meanwhile, Krystal walked back to the living room, "Brucie?" She called, not seeing him anywhere and getting a little worried. She needed to talk to him.
“True. She’s going to not be allowed to go anywhere alone for the next nine months.”he snickered a little before nodding. “This is peaceful. It’s whatever.”He shrugged simply because he knew sharing wasn’t what he wanted, but he would, because she was happy, but it didn’t have to make him happy. “I always did like blue anyways.”he smiled a little.

“Okay.”Elena said smiling quietly watching her go, before leaning into steve, sighing softly as she closed her eyes.”This is going to be okay...”he muttered sounding worried though.

“Over here.Just enjoying the scenery.”Bruce smiled as he walked back in from the balcony, looking worried and anxious.”You okay?”He asked looking her over.
Krystal chuckled. "Or however long super soldier pregnancies last." She said as she nodded her head, giving him a soft but loving kiss on his lips. "I know, and I love you even more for it." She said, wanting to ask him to come home, but not sure if she should. She chuckled again, nodding. "Blue was always a good color for you, bucky-bear." She said, smirking a little at him before leaving.

She nodded at Elena, giving her a small smile before walking away. "Yes it will be. Don't worry." Steve told her, cuddling her close, a hand on her stomach.

Krystal smiled when she saw him. "I'm fine Brucie. He's agreed, though he told me you have to deal with him not liking it. I think though, he'll fall for you all over again, Obi." She said, giving Bruce a light kiss on the lips. She was happy to have things falling into place.
“True.It’ll be interesting.”Bucky muttered thinking about it, cause given that both parents were super soldiers, there was bound to be faster,even faster then krys’ really, to have the kids. Bucky flinched a little at the nickname, but didn’t protest it,simply watching her go.

“I’ll try not to.”She sighed softly, looking down as she rested a hand over his, leaning back into him. “Come on. Let’s go lay down. I’m sure it’ll be a few days before they coax him to coming home.”

“Good....and I can deal with that. He’s just not happy.He’ll be okay.”he muttered kissing him, even if he wasn’t sure this was a good idea in this house, not when bucky was already having issues. Swallowing hard he smiled quietly. “So, do you have a plan on convincing him to come home?”
Krystal chuckled. "Indeed it should be." She replied, smiling a little before walking out.

Steve smiled and kissed her head. "Good.and alright. Laying down sounds nice." He said, picking her up and walking into the main room, waiting for directions to her room.

Krystal smiled. "That's right." She said, plopping down on the couch. She really was truly quite exhausted. She didn't need mind reading powers to know what he was thinking. "It'll be fine." She said, smiling before smirking widely. "Two words. JJ's Pregnant." She said, knowing full well he wouldn't leave his son like that.
“It does doesn’t it?”She muttered resting her head on his shoulder, cuddling against him as she directed him toward her rooms, sighing in contentment to be with him,feeling sick and tired, just wanting to rest. And yea, she was feeling very, very pregnant these days.

“Ahhh...Yes. That would do it.”bruce said snickering a little at the idea, knowing James Barnes well enough to know he’d be protective.”Might want to warn tony before you tell him though.”he snickered settling down next to her.
Steve smiled and went where he was directed, kissing her head before laying her down. He took off his shoes and laid next her her, pulling off hers before cuddling into her. "Son, you're gonna be a great boy." He said with a goofy smile, kissing her stomach before cuddling into her yet again. Somehow he knew it was Grant in there.

Krystal chuckled. "Oh, I will. I wonder if tony knows why JJ was so freaked out about being pregnant? Last time it happened he was raped. I wanted to murder Howard, but knew I couldn't cause tony hadn't been born yet." She said with a sigh before adding. "Don't tell tony or bucky that okay? I figured you could tell he had been pregnant before when you examined him, and no, the baby didn't survive." She said, looking rather sad. It pained her to remember, but she trusted Bruce. She yawned, laying her head on his shoulder. "I need a bed. I'm exhausted. Not sure bucky belies these are his." She said sandy, rubbing her stomach.
Elena flushed, blushing a little as the man pressed a kiss to her stomach, smiling quietly as she looked down at him. “He’s going to be. You are fairly adorable like this. All cuddly and cute.”She muttered stroking his hair, huffing out a sigh.”I’m sorry....I feel like we should be having sex, and I just...don’t feel good. Or sexy.”he muttered.

“He does. Tony was still freaking out over it when I examined him.”Bruce said before pausing, paling a little.”though I don’t think he knows it was howard.”Bruce said not knowing what to think on that, cause that would be utterly scarring for tony to know before nodding. “Let’s go get a bed. And he wont be able ot not believe you know, they’ll look like him.”he said picking her up, and heading for oen of the bedroom, hoping things were going to go okay.
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