Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

“It might. Magic had to be in the blade, if it did that. It might have other properties to slow healing...but he’s not bleeding out, he’s healing, just human slow.”bruce muttered thinking it over, running a hand over her back, trying to comfort her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I know. I wont let you. We’ll save him okay?”He muttered trying to comfort her, not even responding to the nickname, knowing that tony was to busy comforting the distraught JJ to notice.

Elena sighed quietly as she leaned into him, though she didn’t let go of bucky’s hand as she sat on the edge of the bed, resting her head against steve’s shoulder. “He is.He’s going to be fine.”She muttered though she sounded so, so scared.
Krystal nodded at his words, calming slightly as he kissed her head. "Thank you, Bruce. So much." She said softly, arms around his torso, and head resting on his chest. "I'm so killing that son of a bitch." She muttered, already planning how to give him a slow painful death. Krystal had always been violent, so when something went wrong, she always went for the most violent solution. It soothed her. She smirked a little, wondering if Hulk would like to help her smash sapphire. He certainly deserved it, after what he did.

Steve kissed her head, keepin his arms around her. "You're right. He'll be fine." he soothed, glad that Grant was with Clint right now. They had gone to Krystal's amusement park, which wasn't far from there. Hopefully they wouldn't be back until late.
“You’re welcome.I’d always be there for you you know that.”he muttered gently stroking her hair, “Hm, that’s one of the things I love about you. So bloodthirsty.”He said teasing her lightly before nudging her towards the couch.”now sit. Rest. You wont be any good to him if you don’t take care of yourself.”

“Yea...”She sniffled a little, trembling a little, frowning a little as she glanced at the other couples in the room almost bristling at the sight of bruce holding krys. Surely he wouldn’t be that cold, that calculating to seduce her while James was dying....and no matter what anyone said, or how much she wanted it to be untrue, she knew her father, her partner, and friend for more years then she’d could remember was dying.
Krystal nodded. "I do, and I appreciate it whole heartedly." She said softly before she chuckled. "Right, you like me for my violent personality, Mr.passive?" She said, him getting a tiny smile out of her before she nodded. "You're right as usual." She quipped, kissing his cheek thankfully before spiralling out on the couch, falling asleep. She was so mentally exhausted she needed it.

Steve cuddled her close, kissing her head reassuringly. "You can't die on us buck. Especially not when Krys I pregnant! Don't do this to her." He thought to himself, gaining Elena's hand a quick squeese. Steve had always been optimistic, but this time he wasn't sure. It was like bucky falling from the train all over again. He watched as Bruce comforted Krystal, unsure what to think. He didn't think Bruce was cruel enough to do something like that, but then again, maybe he was?
“Hmm, yea.I do.”he smiled a little before settling her on the couch with a small smile.

But it was two days before Bucky was even starting to show signs of healing, and even then he wasn’t waking up. Wasn’t even showing signs of wanting to or healing greatly. Elena paced frowning as she considered what she was looking at looking at her pale and dying best friend she studied the other before twisting to look at her boyfriend, “Cap. The sword. Magic right?It nearly killed him. Wouldn’t there have to be a reverse version of it? On the sword to? Just in case Sapphire cut himself, or caused a injury he wanted to delay?”she said sounding desperate and needing a way to think.
"Okay." Krystal said simply before konking out on the couch, mentally to tired to stay awake.

Krystal and Steve both nodded. "Yes. That is very likely. If I'm right about what that sword is, that is. I believe that is an old black moon relic, the 'sword of dismembering" it was used only in the most dire of circumstances back in silver millennium. Sapphire might have found it in the castle on nemesis." She said, before going to on of her history of themoons books, looking at the picture. Krystal's eyes widened. "Shit. We have to get that blade or bucky will die." She said, eyes icy cold. "So, who wants to help me kill a rat?" She said, smirking wickedly, words dripping with blood thirst.
“You said he was a black moon prince. If it really is that sword, maybe it’s killing him slower, because of who he once might recognize him.”Elena said slanting a look towards bucky because while it was still killing him, his injuries weren’t killing him as fast as she might have thought it would. Looking at Krys her eyes went ice cold, “I will.” “Me to. Always fun smashing things.”Bruce said looking up. “I’ll suit up.”Tony said before pausing, shaking his head.”Krys you can’t go. We’ll go, you stay here with JJ and bucky.”Tony added, knowing he was going to get disobeyed, but it still needed said.
"Yes, that is very possible. The sword certainly would recognize an heir to the silver millennium, no matter where they came from. Bucky is mercurian. The bond between mercurians and black moon was unshakable. At least until sapphire fell for me." She said, smirking at all her friends. Steven nodded. "I've got you're back Krys. Besides, I can't leave Elena to fend for herself." He said, before looking at tony, and Krys smirked wickedly. "So not happening, tony. This is my fight. Besides, you guys aren't familiar with space travel. I am." She said, knowing the only way to get there was a sailor teleport. "We'll have to be on our toes. And make sure sapphire thinks bucky died. It will be easier to get the sword away from him then." She said, smirking a bit more. This was gonna be fun.
Elena huffed out a sigh, wishing she could forbid steve from going, not wanting to risk another person who held her heart. Because while it would hurt if the others got hurt, she had a feeling losing steve like bucky would cripple her. Swallowing hard she smiled a little. “I know, but I thought I’d try.”Tony sighed quietly before running his hands through his hair, nodding. “We can convince him of that. Now lets go, before I have to much time to think this through.”tony said and despite liking running equations and things through his head, he didn’t want to have time to think it all the way through.
Krystal looked at them all and smiled. "Good. Okay, everyone put these on. Nemesis gets pretty hard to breathe if you're not a silver millennium native" she said, handing them each an air tank. nemesis's air was an extreme concentration of oxygen and black crystal energy. if you weren't used to it, it could kill you. when she got to bruce, her eyes showed deep concern, but she wouldn't stop him from coming. hulk would be a good asset. "Something tells me you won't need this bruce, but here's one anyway." she said, conveying in a look her concern and love for him. krystal still only had vauge memories of being with the handsome scientist as well as bucky in silver milleniu . A kiss from him on the lips would restore them, if Bruce ever had the courage. Krystal gathered all her energy, instructing them to hold hands in a circle. It was the quickest way to channel her energy into all of them, and access bruses's latent power. "Hold on tight everybody". She said, activating the teleportation/ landing them in from of nemesis castle. "I'll go in and find sapphire. You guys follow close behind, unseen." She instructed, sensing where sapphire was. His room.
Elena made a face at the air tank disliking having to carry something else besides her weapons, but knowing it was necessary. “I’ll be okay.”Bruce smiled at her, flushing slightly as she looked at him, but taking the air tank despite knowing he probably wouldn’t need it. Quiet as they followed, the group was silent and deadly as they followed her towards Sapphire.

Sapphire looked up from the book he was reading in bed when she pushed open the door, the silky black pj pants he was wearing clinging to his hips as he stood to face her, tilting his head.”Krys. I knew you would come to me after your love died. We will be good together.”the man said, and yea, definitely insanely obsessive.
Krystal looked to Elena. "I know. But you're not fae enough to be able to withstand the air." She said, smiling a little at elena. She so appreciated her help though she knew Elena did it more for bucky than for her. Krystal smiled at Bruce, kissing his head. "I still worry. About all of you" she said, but the look she gave Bruce would tell she was mostly worrying for him.

Krystal sighed. "As persistent as ever, aren't you sapphire? Now how do you know I didn't come for revenge?" She asked, eyebrow piqued as she looked around the room, seeing pictures of herself everywhere, and a poster of her just out of the shower, clearly cum stained. He was so obsessed it was a little sad.
“I know, but its still annoying.”she muttered smiling at her aunt, offering support. Because she knew krys knew for her it was more about protecting bucky, but elena cared for her to, so it was hard to see things like this, even if it made anger tighten her stomach to watch krys and bruce together, wondering what was going to happen now.

“Always. I always knew you would come here.Because, you love me, as much as I love you.”He said walking closer, looking her over. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
Krystal smiled back at her. "We're gonna fix this, and we're gonna send grant home." She told Elena reasurringly.

Krystal could sense her friends close behind as she stood, watching as sapphire came closer. She had to resist the urge to barf. While sapphire was a very handsome man, he was like her little brother. Back in silver millennium, she was older than him, but they had been best friends. Her eyes looked sad. "Why did you let your brother do this? Where's that sweet lil' brother of mine?" She asked, knowing he'd know exactly what she was talking about. While she did love him, it was absolutely not in the way he wanted her to. They were opposing sides of the coin now.
“Because I am who you belong with. Not him. Not them.”Sapphire said looking at her not even aware of Elena coming closer, unseen and searching for what they needed. “...You have brought company, beautiful Krystal.How dare you?”sapphire scowled as he saw the magic snap and the whole team appear, tensing and backing away searching for the sword glaring at bruce. “So, already moving on to Obsidian, Krys?I did think better of you. I thought you would choose me.”Sapphire said even as he picked up the sword, betrayal and hurt showing in his face even as he squared off with them
Krystal sighed. "Sweetie, you really need to have a reality check" she said simply, watching him. She looked confused when he glared at bruce and called him obsidian, ging bruce a looke that said she for once had now clue what he was talking about. 'sapphire, ususally i can follow, but i'm lost.' she said simply, noticing how the sword they needed came right to bruce. it looked almost as if it was nuzzling him with its sheath on. krystal made a big oh face. 'bruce is a black moon!' she said, pushing sapphire away from her. she had never seen him like that, no matter how much he wanted her to. a flash of a memory came, and she looked at bruce, and then to sapphire again, smirking wickedly. "i'm gonna go get diamond. he'll have a heart attack." and then she disappeared before sapphire could stop her, coming back with the white haired prince, who already looked ready to faint. he was deathly afraid of krystal.
“No!You’re mine!”Sapphire said before frowning at her, then bruce.”You do not know how he is?”He said sounding amazed even as he pulled the sword, trying to swing at Bruce even though the sword was reacting to him, refusing to move towards him, probably only reason it hurt Bucky was because it had not realized until to late that Sapphire was going to harm a prince. “...Diamond, do you not have somewhere else to be?”Sapphire said glaring, scowling as he felt the sword being jerked out of his hand, yelping as elena decked him, sending him to the floor, the sword cradled gently in long fingers. “Krys. Can we get out of here?”
"So not, sapphire." She sh aid simply, smirking as Elena decked him. Diamond laughed, "nope. To amusing watching you fall on your face with Krystal. Haven't you learned yet?" He asked, laughing a bit. He was so amused by this. Krystal looked to both Bruce and Elena. "Give me a minute..." she said, slicing sapphkre with her sword a few times before piercing his heart. "Okay, now we can go, diamond, fix crystal Tokyo of I beat your ass up." She threatened and the man's eyes wide DND, spapping his fingers and all was back to normal. Krystal headed him a cookie. "Good boy. Now keep him out ta my hair okay? Or Bruce will mash him." She said before disappearing with her friends.

"Okay, future's fixed, and sis can do the rest on her own. Nruce, none of us can use that but you. It won't hurt us, but we can't use it." She told him, know he knew what he had to do, as it was an instinctual thing with black moons.
“I have learned she’s mine!this is not how its supposed to be!”Sapphire howled before slumping in a dead faint at the threat of being mashed.

“Good.”Elena said though she looked sad at the idea of saying goodbye to her son as they arrived back to the house, not rushing to the edge of the bed to check on bucky, trusting that he was okay. “I can.”Bruce said not sure why he knew but taking the sword, closing his hands around the sword as he settled it in his hands before movign to bucky. And quickly, following the instinct to heal a prince, settled into doing it.

After a few minutes Bucky blinked slowly, drugged and out of it, struggling to focus, to fight, reacting like he’d come off the ice, always fighting, always struggling, not trusting the people around him, hitting bruce, sending the man to the floor even as elena caught his wrist, strong enough to hold him still.”James!You’re safe, you’re safe I promise.”she said holding him still, wincing as he kept fighting, obviosuly not hearing her.
Krystal snorted. "As if." And then she disappeared with her friends.

Krystal nodded. "Its an instinct thing. The sword is now in the eldest's possession, so you can use it as you will. I am unsure if hulk will be able to, but it is plausible." She said, watching him heal bucky, but suddenly wary as he punched Bruce. "Did he revert back to winter?!" She asked, glowing, and chanting. "Hold him down" she said simply as metal curled around bucky and she kissed him, doing what she did the last time. "You're safe bucky. " she whispered, letting the bods dissolve.
"We might have to try that.."bruce said though he still looked a little shell shocked at all the information. Elena nodded struggling to hold bucky,glad that even healed he was still weak. "Hes hurt. Badly.I think it shocked his system back."she nodded at krystal looking worried but not releasing bucky's arms until he stilled, staring down into scared grey eyes,watching him try to figure everything out."you're okay james." "...krys?"he muttered after a moment struggling to focus.
Krystal squeezed his hand. "I'm right here love. See?" She said, getting into his field of vision and kissing his chhek meeting his grey blue eyes with her glacial blue ones. She smiled at him. Bruce saved you love. Turns out, he's a black moon prince. The eldest." She said, sailing thankfully at Bruce, eyes conveying just how thankful, amongst other things. She still didn't remember he life with him. She only remembered bucky. She got flashes the more she touched him though. If he were to kiss her, id'd probably all come back.
"Krys.."he muttered relaxing fully,thr utter relief at her being okay showing before frowning.wondering why his eyes weren't focusing riht,feeling a little blind. Not sure if he should mention it he smiled at bruce a little."thanks."he muttered."you're relax.I'm going to look you over okay?"bruce warned even as he started the exam.

"See I told you he'd be okay."tony muttered as he wrapped his arms around JJ.
"I'm here love. I'm not leaving." She told him, kissing his cheek, looking worried as she watched Bruce look him over. She knew that Bruce wouldn't hurt him, but she was still Leary, because he got so hurt. "I'm using my healing magic on you love. After Bruce looks at you, course." She said, cuddling him gently. She had been so worried about him. Thank god she had Bruce to keep her sane.

JJ sighed in relief. "Yeah. I'm so glad." He said, happy tears escaping him due to his condition.
Bucky sighed softly, closing his eyes as he let the other’s take care of him, trusting krystal to take care of him. “He needs rest. And sleep. But he’s physically recovering well. Even magic wont rush his recovery. You might be able to heal the wounds the rest of the way, but he just needs sleep.”Bruce explained quietly, not wanting to upset Bucky, or startle him when the man was already on a hair trigger.

“Come on. Let’s leave them alone...and you need to rest to.”Tony muttered fussing over his fiancee, and trying really hard to not look to closely at the couple that was forming in front of his eyes, because if he acknowledged bruce and krys, he was going to have to consider what bucky was going to do, and if he did, it just made his head hurt.
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