Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

JJ laughed. "Whatever you say, tony." He said as he snapped his fingers, and a cup of coffee, just the way tony likes it, appears in his hand. JJ smiled at his lover, and watched him get up before handing the coffee. "Here love." He said softly, sitting next to him and kissing his head.

Steve took her hand pulled her in close, rubbing her back soothingly. "Love, I don't think anyone could not like this more than bucky, well, except maybe Bruce. I'm convinced he's in love with Krys." He said kissing the top of her head as he rocked her softly, Jarvis turning on some old Jazz, because yes, tony insisted on having Jarvis installed in Krys and Steve's apartments. He stored her hair lightly. "Krys will be fine. She isn't called the 'violent" one for nothing. She can take care of herself, so don't worry. She has it under control." He soothed, smiling a little.
Tony groaned whined a little as he sat up, sipping the coffee as he smiled at him.”Thanks.”he yawned smiling as he heard the knocking on the door, rubbing a hand over his face.”JJ?Tony?”Bruce called sounding worried.

Elena sighed softly, trying to relax before smiling. “No probably not. Bucky’s going to hate this with a single mindedness that is going to put other obsessions to shame.”She muttered snickering a little, nuzzling her face against his shoulder closing her eyes. “what?Really?”She leaned back to look at him, looking slightly worried at the idea. “I know, but I don’t want it to happen. This is horrible. I could probably go as her. I mean, I can’t do alot but I do have some glamour....”
JJ smiled and chucked. "You're welcome love." He said before smiling again. "Get dressed. Bruce is here." He said, walking to the door and opening it smiling as he put a hand on his stomach. "Come in Bruce. If you're hungry there's some waffles. Tony was just getting up. We're fine. I just need you to examine me. " he said, watching as tony came out, yawning. He smiled. "Alright, Bruce, you may wanna sit down." He said, motioning to a chair in the living room. JJ sat across from him, smiling. "Well, you know how I'm a shape shifter, right? Well, my body has a reaction to semen. If I don't control it, it gets me pregnant. See, that's why I've asked you here. I think that I might be." He said, looking at his old friend sheepishly. He wouldn't be surprised if Bruce fainted from the news. Tony almost did.

Steve pulled her close. "Yes. He's about as happy about this as i'd be if you needed to endanger yourself." He said, stroking her hair before shaking his head. "A good idea, but it wouldn't work. Krys says he can see through glamour." He told her, kissing the top of her head. He nodded at her question. "We're lucky Bruce doesn't know about it. He'd go hulk on us with worry about Krys. Trust me, that's not a good thing in most cases." He finished, cuddling her. He had ordered room service, as Krys said it was free for them, and they had delivered quickly. He smiled. "Breakfast?" He asked, pointing to the cart filled with food.
Tony smiled a little as he crawled out of bed. “Kay.”he muttered already shuffling out of bed and getting dressed. “Thanks JJ.”Bruce smiled as he headed for the kitchen starting to eat before pausing. Staring at the two as he considered what he was hearing,”I-I can do that.”He said stuttering a little in surprise. “I think you broke Bruce.”Tony muttered sleepily, smirking a little.

She sighed, relaxing quietly trying to not worry as she snuggled him before huffing.”Damn. Surely there’s something we can do and keep Krys out of this.”He muttered wanting more then anything, to not send krys out there, because it was bucky. Bucky who she never wanted to see hurt to the point she’d put herself in danger before she let it happen, but she couldn’t help it. Before laughing a little. “No, I could see it not being a good thing.”She smiled before nodding stepping back.”Food sounds amazing.”she said, still not used to having enough to eat, it was amazing.
JJ kissed his lover's head. "'Good" he said, walking out of the room to greet Bruce and smiled as he saw him eat. JJ sat down on the couch, sipping some tea. He snickered a little at Tony's comment. "You see why we couldn't go to anyone else? Its a bit of a unique situation. Thanks for doing this Bruce." He said, smiling at the other as he squeezed Tony's hand nervously. "Whenever you're ready, I'm ready to be examined." He added, placing a reassuring kiss on Tony's lips.

Steve stoked her hair lovingly. "Its gonna be okay. I know you're worried for Bucky's sake, but i'm telling you, krys will be just fine. She is more than capable of handling this. i mean, she can knock me or bucky on our ass, and calm the hulk. She'll be fine. Promise." He told her, cuddling into her and kissing her shoulder before pulling away to open the food covers. "I ordered one of every breakfast food on the menu, so you have lots of variety." He told her, kissing her head.
“Yes, I can see why you couldn’t do that.”Bruce said smiling slightly. “After we eat. No need to rush.”Bruce added looking at the billionaire who was nervously sipping his coffee, trying to give tony time to calm down because he knew he was upset. “Besides. It’s been awhile since we talked. Catch me up on everything. I hear you have guests at the tower?”he said raising a eyebrow.

“I’m worried not really for Krys, but do you know how difficult it’s going to be for James to simply let it happen.”She sighed quietly shuddering as he kissed her shoulder before laughing “Variety is good. All I normally get is toast, so this looks amazing.”She smiled as she started digging in.
JJ smiled. "Yes. I'm glad you happened to be here, Bruce." He sails with a smile, before his expression changed to that of a young child. "Yes! Mommy's staying with us, and also this girl named Elena who's dating uncle Steve, and my dad" my dad never died when he fell. Its so exciting to have a dad. I never thought i'd know him, and now I do. mom is very happy to have him back too. she's always in his lap. its quite adorable." he said, watching as bruce twitched a little. he had suspected now for a long time that bruce was in love with his mother. he figured now would be as good a time as any to ask. "bruce, are you in love with my mom? the way you look at her ssometimes... it reminds me of how dad looks at her." he said, looking at his old friend, a mixture of curiosity and concern in his features.

Steve nodded. "Yes, I know how tough this is for him. Its eating him up inside, but he knows its the only way. I wish there was a better way, but, in this case, there isn't. Everything will work out, Elena." He said, kissing her head before chuckling a little at her enthusiasm. "Yeah, I bet. Moreover, have I told you today that I love our?" He asked, grinning sheepishly.
Bruce sucked in a breath between his teeth, startled at the knowledge that James barnes was back, feelign like he was being hit, and ignoring the look he was getting from Tony. “They are almost sickeningly adorable really.”Tony said making a face as he stared at his friend. “O-of course not. That’s stupid. She’s been in love with your dad, since forever.”Bruce stuttered a little.

“It is....and I know. But I worry about him.”she muttered making a face a little before smiling blushing a little as he chuckled, eating.”It’s good food.Better then runny eggs and burnt toast, which I totally blame James for. He can’t cook.”She snickered before blushing harder, feeling vaguely awkward, because she liked him, and despite him telling him he was okay with whatever she could give him, it still made her feel awkward to hear. “No you haven’t.”She smiled quietly feeling oh so awkward. oh, he deserved better then her, awkward socially stunted woman she was.
JJ raised an eyebrow. "whatever you say, bruce." he said, eyes showing his skeptesism. He wasn't a mind reader like his mom, but he was a very strong empath. He knew bruce was lying, but he let it go. Knowing he probably didn't want to confess probably because of his father, and because of the hulk. Though, he had noticed that the hulk was quite fond of his mother. He listened to her.

Steve smiled. "I know, Elena. I worry about him too. Especially since he was winter. I am glad though that hydra sent you two after us. If they hadn't, I wouldn't know you, and Bruce would probably be JJ's step dad. I've never understood why he never just told her." Steve said looking contemplative before laughing. "Yeah, he's pretty bad. I did all the cooking." He told her, kissing her head. He looked at her expression. "Whatever you're thinking, its not true. So stop. You're an amazing woman. You just have issues. Everyone does. I was frozen for 70 yeas, for one." He said, chuckling.
“Don’t give me that look. It’s true. I’m not in love with her.”Bruce said sounding annoyed as he looked at JJ, not about to confess when the woman’s fiancee was back and breathing. Perfectly capable of taking care of her. Making a face he sighed as he finished eating. “You ready for that exam?”

“Very true. As bad as it was, there was good parts of being who we were...we had each other, and now we have family.”She smiled quietly, before snickering. “We better not tell Bucky that. He’d probably not like considering her being with someone else, even if nothing happened.”He said before wincing a little looking away from him. “Well, you were I guess.”She smiled a little, trying to not upset him with whatever had given her thoughts away.
JJ shrugged. Whatever you say, Bruce." He repeated, finishing his breakfast and his tea, watching Bruce discreetly. He knew the other was just hiding his feelings because of his father. He didn't want to encroach on Krystal's happiness. "Yeah, I'm ready." JJ replied, smiling a bit. This was certainly big. Tony was going to panic for sure.

Steve cuddled her, kissing her head. " I know, and Krys adores you. She thinks of you like sister or daughter. I like you just the way you are, Elena." He said with finality, giving her a firm kiss. Grant popped his head out of his room smiling. "Mommy, I'm hungry!" He smiled, walking in.
Bruce sighed softly as he nodded, gesturing to the bed.”Lay down.”He ordered before looking at tony. “Go over there to. Sit.Relax.”Bruce said staring at the other man, watching as they settled before starting, and after a few minutes sat back, offering a slightly nervous smile as he studied them.”You are indeed preg-tony!”Bruce startled as he had to reach out to keep the billionaire from crashing to the floor in a faint, shuffling him around and making him lay down.

Elena sighed quietly closing her eyes as she leaned against his chest.”Okay. As long as you’re sure.”he muttered kissing him back, blushing as she leaned away as Grant walked in,”Come here then. We’ll get something to eat. Daddy got lots of food.”She smiled picking up the boy and settling him in her lap, before looking at steve.”should we see if Krys and James want some breakfast?”
JJ's eyes widened. "Tony!" he called, looking worried, cuddling into him as Bruce laid him down. His eyes showed deep concern. "Will he be okay Brucie?" He asked, using the nickname his mother had always called the scientist, stroking his lover's hair, kissing his head. Tony was out cold, so it was safe to call Bruce by the nickname he only let Krystal and JJ call him.

Steve stroked her hair softly. "I'm sure." He said as his son cuddled into his future wife, kissing both their heads. "Bucky and Krystal are still sleeping. They need all the energy they can get." Steve said, and Grant nodded. "Yes, today is the day aunt is fixes things, right?" He said, cuddling into his parents.
Bruce offered a small smile at the nickname, but didn’t protest the use since Tony was out, and wouldn’t be able to hear. “He just fainted. Just let him rest. It’s not every day you find out your male lover is pregnant. You just shocked him, is all.”Bruce reassured smiling slightly.

“True.”Elena muttered gently stroking grant’s hair as he ate, before nodding a little. “She will. We’ll all fix things. And then we’ll see about getting you home okay?”she muttered smiling gently at her son. This was so weird, to suspect she was pregnant, and have the result of it sitting in her lap.
JJ sighed in relief. "Good. I need him to be okay. I sense something bads about to happen. Not to my mom, don't worry. I think its gonna happen to dad." He said, he eyes sad. He couldn't loose his father. He just got him back. He knew his mother would be destroyed if he died again.

Steve just nodded, as did grant. Both knew how weird this was for the woman. she was handling it all quite well though given the sitchuation. "its all gonna be alright sqjirt. you're auntie's got it covered." he reassuredkissing his head.
”He’ll be fine. Just give him some time to rest.”bruce smiled before looking worried, “I’m sure he’ll be fine. He didn’t survive 70 years, just to die on you guys now.”Bruce stood, tilting his head.”but I’ll stay close by, just in case you need me.”He promised already heading for the door to give the couple alone time.

“She does that. And james is going to help her.”Elena said smiling a little, knowing that it would be okay, even if the tight feeling in her stomach said otherwise.

Meanwhile, Bucky flicked a glance up as he heard Krys moving to get up, before returning to the weapon he was currently stripping, the small pile of knives and guns gathered around his crossed legs saying he’d been up for awhile and just let her sleep, “Food’s here. If you want some.”He muttered careful and steady fingers already starting to put the handgun back together.
JJ smiled. "Okay Brucie. And thanks. Something happens to dad and mom will need you for sure." He said, giving him a sad yet reassuring smile. If his father did die, he wouldn't mind having Bruce as a stepfather. He loved the man dearly, though it wasn't like the love he shared with tony. Besides, even if he did see him like that, he knew that Bruce only had eyes for his mother.

Grant smiled widely. "Yes! Uncle bucky is gonna murder the bad people!" He quipped, smiling as he ate.

Krystal smiled, walking over to her fiancee. "You'll show me how to use that sometime, won't you love? You know I always preferred swords." She told him with a light kiss to the forehead, going to make herself some tea. "Would you like some tea, mi'love?" She asked, smiling at him from her kitchen.
“I promise I’ll be close. Be careful,JJ.”he said watching the other in amusement and worry as he left.

“..Yes. Yes he is.”Elena said vaguely disturbed at the utter assurance bucky was going to take care of things. There was something wrong with that utter good grin and saying something like that. Even if she knew it was true.

Bucky nodded absently as he finished and moved onto the next handgun, slightly smaller then his own, obviously a custom made weapon for someone with smaller hands, a gift to elena actually. “Whenever you want. After we take care of this issue I’ll teach you to use whatever weapon you want.”he said with a absent leer, reflexively flirting rather then actually paying attention. “Coffee would be good.”
JJ smiled. "Thanks Brucie. It means a whole lot, and I will. I have a magical shield, and I'm not afraid to use it!" JJ said with a chuckle, walking Bruce out.

Steve cuddled her, kissing her head. "Its all gonna be fine." He said, not sensing the impending danger to his best friends life.

Krystal smiled. "Sounds good love." She said with a smile, kissing his head before fixing his coffee and her tea. Soon it was about 3 hours later, and everyone was ready to set the plan in motion. Krystal had a bad feeling but she kept it to herself, breathing slowly. She knew it would all work out. "Sapphire, punctual as ever"' she said, smirking a little. She knew bucky was watching from the shadows.
Sapphire tilted his head, smiling at the other. “Always, for you. Always for you, Krystal.”the man smiled as he looked at her, “you look lovely. Beautiful.”The man said as he walked closer, looking her over, frowning slightly as he tilted her head to the side as he cupped her cheek, looking at the hickey covering where her shoulder and neck met, “Moving on Krystal?”He said anger coloring the words at the idea of her finding someone else, someone besides him.”I did not think you’d never accept anyone but the Sniper as yours.” “She didn’t.”Bucky said as he materialized behind him, silent and as deadly as ever, the barrel of the handgun pressed tightly against Sapphire’s skull, ready to pull the trigger even as sapphire twisted under the threat, moving seamlessly from stillness to movement, the short sword appearing between them, slicing easily through the body armor bucky was wearing, the swords unique abilities allowing it to destroy it as if the armor had been tissue paper, twisting away from the gun as Bucky fired, the assassin’s aim ruined as he fell, one arm curling around his stomach as he fell, struggling to focus on Sapphire even as the man disappeared, willing to leave Krystal with her dying husband, at least for the moment. There was always later.
Krystal smirked again, nodding. "I know sapphire." She said simply, blushing as he cupped her cheek, and at the mention of the hickie. The one bucky had given her last night. Probably to mark her so sapphire could see. Bucky was very possessive. She watched in horror as sapphire easily cut through the armor with his sword, catching bucky as he fell. "Bucky! God bucky!!" She yelled, using her healing magic to stop the bleeding, and the other hand to dial Bruce frantically. "Bruce! I need you! Bucky's been hurt badly! I can only heal him a little. Enough to keep him from bleeding out. Please, come quick!" She almost yelled, sobbing almost to much to talk. Before hanging up she added, "don't you dare bring JJ. His body can't take the stress right now, as I'm sure you know."
“Krys...”Bucky blinked slowly up at her, bleeding out to quickly, the blood loss getting to him quickly even as she healed him and his own serum stopped it, but he was hurt badly, and despite that it was going to take alot to actually save him. “I’m on the way!”Bruce said the sounds of him running out the door already sounding over the phone as he hung up.

“Come on. We’ll move him to our room. Steve’s already going back to make sure grant and the other’s aren’t there.”elena said crouching at Krystal’s side, her eyes watery as she gently picked up bucky’s side, paling a little at how his head just lolled back. “Krys!we can’t leave him here. I texted bruce, he’s going to meet us there.”She said goading the other into helping her, trying to move the man easily as they got back to the apartment, swallowing hard as her hands were coated with blood as she held a hand over bucky’s stomach, pale and shaken as she saw just how broken the master assassin looked. “Move.”Bruce ordered as he ran in, already starting to work as he settled on the edge of the bed next to bucky, hands working on sewing and bandaging, even as he watched the assassin starting to bleed out under his hands.
'Its gonna be okay bucky.." she muttered shakily, pushing more healing power into him as she cradled him, kissing him softly. She needed him to survive. She needed him to be okay. Sobs escaped her, and she just weakly said "okay" before the receiver on her cell clicked, and she was let alone.

Krystal nodded at Elena, still sobbing. This was getting to be to much for her. She helped Elena move him, but when she saw the was his head just lolled, she took a breath, "he survived once, he'll do it again" she kept telling herself, a look of relief on her face as Bruce ran in . Doing as she was told, she sobbed in the corner, just watching. JJ walked in a few minutes later, taking one look at his mother and running to her. "Mommy! What happened?" He asked, and she just pointed, unable to really speak due to the sobs. JJ looked at his father in horror, praying as hard as he can and adding his own healing magic to what Bruce was doing. "Is he gonna be okay, Bruce?" JJ choked out, tears brimming in his eyes to now.
Elena swallowed hard, nodding. “He’s always survived. He’ll be okay.”She said hoping she wasn’t going to be a liar, wincing a little as she helped bruce, looking up at JJ as he ran in. “Yea. I think.I got him to stop bleeding, and put everything together again, but I don’t think the healing magic is doing as much as it normally does. Or the serum does, it’s almost human slow.”bruce said as he stood, wiping his hands clean, leaving Elena to look after bucky as he crossed the room, kneeling down in front of Krys.”He’ll be okay, Krys. He wont leave you.”
Krystal nodded. "Right Elena." She said, but she didn't look to convinced. JJ looked at Bruce, worried as Krys did. "Sapphire.. he.. he had a strange sword. One I've never seen. It cut through the armor like tissue paper, could that have something to do with it?" She asked, sniffling. She was distraught with worry over her fiancee, and her head picked up as Bruce spoke so close to her. She pulled him into a cuddle hug, sobbing. She needed the feel of warmth from someone's arms right now, and even if she wouldn't admit it. She loved the brilliant scientist. 'God, Brucie.. I just got him back.. I can't loose him again." She sobbed, to distraught to remember not call him that around tony.

Steve pulled Elena close, knowing she would need the support as well. "Its gonna be okay, Elena. He's a fighter." He told her soothingly, not about to her he feared as much for his best friend as she did. Steve knew she needed him to be strong, and he would be that for her. He'd be anything for her, even die to save her.
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