Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

Krystal smiled, sighing in relief. "Thank rah. I really didn't want to have to go beg Anubis for him back. Though, nubi pretty much worships me, so it probably wouldn't have been so bad." She commented, knowing bucky wouldn't really like that. Anubis was non aggressive like that though. "Okay, I'll do that, and let him sleep.

JJ nodded. "Yes, that's a good idea." He said, looking to his mother. He could see the love growing between her and Bruce, and he wasn't sure what to do. Hopefully it would all work out.
“...No begging people. Only beg me for things.”Bucky muttered sleepily, as he fell all the way asleep.

“This is going to be a mess.”Tony muttered as he realized what JJ was watching, sighing quietly as they headed for their rooms.

Two days later Elena raised her eyebrows as she looked at James, rubbing a hand over his face as he leaned against the doorframe. “I thought you were still restricted to bed rest.” “..I can decide when I can get out of bed or not.”Bucky said frowning a little, hand gripping the doorframe, on his feet only because he needed to know. “Where’s Krys?” “Went out to get some food in the resturant downstairs. Needed a break from watching your grouchy ass.”Elena said, lying so smoothly that if you weren’t aware of the lie, you would never believe she was lying. Shifting a little from where she was snuggling in steve’s ass, she prayed that Steve was as good at hiding his thoughts, because they so didn’t need Bucky going out and realizing just who she was out to dinner with. “Good. I could use some food myself.”Bucky said even as he took some shaky steps towards the door to tired of being in bed to not stay down....and he had a suspicion elena was lying to him, and he wanted to know what.
Krystal chuckled. "Okay love." She said, kissing his head as he fell asleep.

JJ nodded. "Yup. But if I recalled from moms memory books from that time, dad did used to kiss Bruce a lot. If he remembers, this will certainly be interesting.." he whispered, low enough that none of the 3 super soldiers in the room could hear.

Krystal wore a dark blue cocktail dress with little green and white sparkles with matching heels and her hair was up in a high ponytail with jewels running through it. She smiled as she walked into the restraint, closed down for the night because she knew Bruce hated big crowds, and she wasn't a fan either, honestly. She waited for him in her favorite corner booth, ordering the both some tea. She knew Bruce preferred it over coffee.

Steve kept a straight face. "Yes. She went down to get some dinner. She loves you buck, but she doesn't want to spend every waking moment with you." He said with a chuckle, looking worried for his friend. "Didn't Bruce tell you you weren't allowed out of bed?' He asked, raising an eyebrow as he cuddled Elena.
Bruce smiled as he walked in, dressed with Tony’s help in a pair of nice slacks and and a dress shirt, his dark hair actually tame for once. “Hey Krys.”Bruce smiled quietly as he walked over to her, looking around in amusement when she realized they were alone, slipping into the seat next to her. “You shut the place down for me?”He teased a little, raising a eyebrow.

“...okay. You two are lying liars who lie, I’m hurt and Krystal is usually glued to my side. Now are you going to make me beat on you?”Bucky said taking care steps, concentrating on walking slowly. “And I don’t care what the good doctor said, I;m getting out of the fucking bed, and I can fucking walk wherever I want to. Which is downstairs.”Bucky scowled as he walked to the door, out of it, and elena well...she really didn’t want to stop him. Krys shouldn’t have hidden it from him, even if she was worried about him walking all the way down there.
Krystal smiled lightly. " Hey Brucie. You look nice, and of course I did. You hate big crowds. Besides, it my resturaunt. I do what I want." She said with a chuckle, sipping her tea. This was an awkward situation to say the least, now that she had her memories of im in silver millennium back. "So, have you remembered anything from silver millennium?" She asked curiously, blushing lightly. She had remembered, and all those steamy nights in her room.. she had to cross her legs to keep from getting the seat wet. Did he still feel the same way he did then? She knew she still felt it for both bucky and Bruce. It was utterly confusing to her.

Steve sighed. "Is it a crime to want to go to dinner bucky? You really shouldn't be doing that! Do you want Krys to cry cause you hurt yourself again?" He asked, but unable to move with Elena on top of him. When bucky was out of earshot, Steve sighed. "This is gonna end badly, isn't it?" He asked, looking concerned for his 3 friends.
“Hm, you usually do.”Bruce said smiling quietly, looking awkward to before nodding. “Some. I remember you, and’s...I don’t think I remember everything but...”He shrugged a little, shifting slightly in his seat, his pants tight, it’d been so long since he’d had sex. Glancing up startled, eyes widening as he saw the man walking into the room. While he’d never seen Bucky as the winter soldier truly, he had no doubt the man walking towards them was the international master assassin, ice cold and frosty enough to cause frostbite simply by being near him. The fact that he was moving slowly deliberately, was the only concession the man had seemed to make to the fact that he wasn’t strong enough to be moving under his own power.

“...You know it’s not just dinner, punk.”Bucky said sounding tired and worn down, before shrugging. “She wont care. Just going down to grab some food myself.”Bucky said. Elena winced as she slid out of Steve’s lap having waited till Bucky was gone, simply because she knew there was no use stopping him, but they could follow. “Oh yea. Bloody, and badly, and with weapons involved...”She paused glancing into the room, letting out a quiet sigh.”Well. At least he didn’t go down armed, so that’s a good thing. Lets go.”she said waiting long enough to make sure bucky was downstairs before heading down with steve, settling in the lobby to watch without being seen.
Krystal chuckled. "That I do. Bad habit I picked on the moon from Loki." She said, smiling a little. She looked at him, he was so adorable all flustered like that. She tried stomping the thoughts from her mind, but she couldn't. She couldn't choose either one because in her heart she knew she was meant for both. Krystal looked to where Bruce was looking and her eyes widened. "Now bucky.. I don't want you getting anymore hurt then you already are." She said, knowing that look in his eyes. It was the same look he gave her when he was assigned to kill her. Cool, calculating, almost like ice. This was not gonna end well, and bucky would be hurt even worse because she fell for a guy she was fated to be with, just like she was with him.

Steve sighed at Elena's answer. "I was afraid of that. That's just what we need, a rampaging hulk. I better put the suit on." He said, quickly changing and falling her downstairs, hoping he wouldn't have to interveene, but knowing he probably would.
“Loki’s horrible some days really.”Bruce snickered a little, because while he didn’t trust the man, he could stand to be in the room with Loki. “James-”Bruce started before going silent at the look he was getting. If looks could have killed....James stared at the two of them, the only sign that he wasn’t as calm as he appeared, was the slight wrinkle across the bridge of his nose, as if he wanted to frown harder then he already was, but no one could do blank faces quite like the winter soldier. “I’m fine. You two made her I was healed. I was just coming down to say I was going home, didn’t want you to worry.”he said simply, coldly before he turned to leave again, that slow deliberate walk not so much a gesture of casual arrogance, but more that it was taking everything to stay on his feet. Pausing at the sight of the two in the lobby, he tilted his head then promptly turned on his heel and walked towards the outer door, not about to let any of them to have time to stop him.

“Wait...he’s not hurting them.”Elena said resting a hand on steve’s arm watching Bucky, wondering if they should stop him or not. And wondering if they’d find him again if he really wanted to disappear.
Krystal chuckled . "Its true. He so bad." She said, nodding in agreement. If you weren't bucky Barnes, this would probably look like two friends having an easy dinner together, but since she knew he was, she looked at him almost scared. "Love? Why are you leaving?" She asked, concern, sadness and a small amount of guilt in her voice. She should have told him, but he was so hurt, and she could sense he knew something was up. Now she just felt like her world was falling apart. When he walked out the door, she burst into tears, both from anger and sadness. "What have I done? He probably hates me now, Brucie" she whispered, looking utterly broken.

Steve didn't move an inch. "Buck? You okay?" He asked, looking very concerned for his best friend, not just because he was hurt, but because he knew he must be feeling betrayed and unloved. He didn't stop him though, knowing that if bucky really wanted to leave, he would.
Bucky raised his eyebrows slightly at her words, “There are things to be done at home. So I’m going to go do them.”Bucky sadi simply watching her for a long moment. Bruce watched Bucky go before his hands closed over her hands, pulling her into a hug, pressing a kiss to her hair. “James Barnes is completely incapable of hating you. You know that. We’ll just have to talk to him.”he said looking anxious at the idea, before frowning. “Now...should we go after him, or trust that Elena knows where ‘home’ is?”He said sensing there was a story there, someplace that meant nothing to them, but would mean everything to james.

Bucky paused in the act of pushing the door open before offering a jerky nod, his dark hair half falling out of his ponytail, eyes dark and annoyed, the hurt not showing through. “Fine. Just leaving. El, you know where to find me. Later.”Bucky said before he walked out. Elena slumped watching him go, her eyes sad as she considered that, she so, so didn’t want to know for sure where he was going, but pretty sure she knew. Not that it would stop her from not telling Krys,but at least she knew where Bucky would be.
Krystal nodded, eyes sad. "O-okay" she stuttered out looking like a wounded child though in her eyes this was all her fault, him getting hurt, her unconsciously falling for Bruce, she and him trying to work it out and him taking it the wrong way. Her fault. All her fault. She cuddled into Bruce, sobbing into his shoulders yet again. She took in a breath. "Really, you think so?" She asked, looking sad. She was distraught over this. She shook her head at his next question. "No. He needs time to himself. Go after him now and he'll just last out. You know that." She said before smirking. "Besides, I'd rather not have a dead doctor on my hands" she said adding in less then a whisper "because you have a boner... I could... I could help with that. Like old times" she added into his ear, and the were disappeared in an instant.

"Should we be worried about him getting brain washed again Elena?" steve asked with concern, knowing that both his friends were hurting, though he didn't know where Krys had gone with Bruce. Maybe they wanted to work this out in private, and that's why Krys set this whole thing up but, she hadn't expected bucky to come down stairs.

Krystal sighed in relief as they landed on the couch in her spare apartment, knowing Steve and Elena wouldn't know where to look for them here. "we're alone again now." She stated, locking all the doors magically. She smiled at Bruce. "I'm still offering to help, Brucie. I may feel bad, but he needs time to cool off before we can talk to him or it will be hurt winter soldier vs hulk. That would be bad." She said, making some tea.
“I do. He wont hate you. He’s just hurt.”Bruce promised looking worried before nodding. “I know. Though if we give him enough time, we’re going to have to deal with booty traps and unspeakable horrible things when we do go after him.”Bruce muttered snickering a little before wincing, flushing brightly. “I-uh-”he stuttered as they disappeared.

Elena bit her lip looking concerned, before looking up at Steve, shaking her head. “No. He’s going somewhere no one else goes.”she smiled sadly. “When he wasn’t on ice, he had a house, that not even hydra knew about. He’ll head there, cool off....might leave him there actually.”Elena hummed sounding vaguely worried, though she sorta really did want to go yell at krys, she had no idea what to do, expect brace for whatever violent way James was going to lash out if provoked more then he already was.

Bruce startled a little looking up at her, flushing a little before nodding slowly, looking nervous about this but wanting her. “I-I would like that. But are you sure?I mean...this isn’t how I thought we’d tell him...”bruce said looking worried and anxious, but so, so desperate to have her.
Krystal calmed a little in his arms. "I hope you're right Brucie, and yes, they're probably will be." She quipped, looking unsure. Not of Bruce and not of bucky, just in general. She had no idea what awaited them, but she knew it involved her crying and Bruce kissing bucky. Because that's how it had always been. The thee of them. Bruce and bucky shared her, and they loved each other too. She hoped it would work out again like that.

Steve nodded his head. "You hate Krys right now, don't you?" He said, just guessing at her feelings. If he hadn't known Krys for almost 80 years he'd probably be pretty pissed at her too. He knew though that Krys always had a reason for what she did. He suspected that this time it was because she was supposed to be with them both, which he didn't really aproove of, but if they were happy, he was too.

Krystal looked at him, smiling a little. "I know Brucie, but he doesn't remember that he loves you yet. We have to give him time, and circumstances have sure changed since we were together a thousand years ago. It'll be okay."' She said, for the first time in the whole ordeal feeling sure of something. She kissed him hard as she pulled him closer, running her petite fingers down his back. "God, I missed you, obi." She purred, using the nickname she had given him back in silver millennium. She wanted him as bad as he wanted her.
“A little. Knowing how rigged he’s got that place, I sorta want to send her after him.”Elena snickered darkly shaking her head as she headed for their rooms. “But I wont. Because he’ll regret it if she gets hurt. He’ll come back, when he’s ready.”She sighed quietly, not sure who they’d get back though. Bucky Barnes or the winter soldier.

“if you’re sure.”Bruce muttered looking vaguely unsure because some of those changes since a thousand years ago, had resulted in a vicious assassin who was going to utterly be pissed at him. Not someone he wanted to deal with, but...oh gods, that felt good. Shuddering as he arched into her hands he smiled a little.”Missed you to.”he muttered running his hands over her body, before picking her up, walking towards the bed.
Steve sighed. "I'd probably feel the same if I didn't know Krys. She has a reason for the things she does. Maybe he needs to remember something he can only remember angry at her?" He asked, chuckling a little at a t her dark additude before looking sad and nodding. "Yes he would. He'd probably know you told her where to find him though." He said, looking at her, unsure as well if he'd get bucky back or winter. He hoped for bucky, only because he knew Krys would be destroyed by winter.

Krystal smiled. "I'm sure Brucie." She said, then kissed him, helping running her fingers down his back. She knew he was enjoying this. She wrapped her fingers in his dark hair as she was picked up, wrapping her legs around his waist, she could feel his erection. "That's good. I'd feel a little sad if you didn't" she quipped with a smirk, kissing his lips again feverishly. She couldn't get enough of this lips.
“I know she does. But it doesn’t help when the man who raised me just walked out of here with his heart ripped out.”she scowled, angry with him, simply because she needed to lash out at someone, and trying so hard to not to as she slumped down onto their bed. “Maybe. He’s good at being angry.”She smiled a little thinking that over before making a face. “he would. Then I’d have to listen to him bitch about me letting her get hurt....I guess I shouldn’t tell her then.”

Bruce grinned rubbing against her, hands fondling her ass as he stole a kiss. “Hm, no need to be sad.”he purred a little before kkissing her slowly, enjoying kissing him as he laid her down on the bed, slowly starting to strip her.
Steve nodded. "I know Elena. It hurts me to see him like that too. Its not her fault though. Something tells me she was with both of them back in silver millennium. Like, at the same time, and that they knew and all loved each other. Krystal often says how moonians had multiple partners they were in love with." He said, contemplating and kissing her head. "Don't worry, I don't take it personal." He reassured, kissing her.

Krystal grinned back at him. "I know. I have my obi back." She said, kissing him back tangling on hand in his hair, and the other started undoing the buttons on his shirt, figuring he'd prefer it not being ripped off like usual.
“Yea well, no matter how hard she tries, not everything can be what it once was, you know. He might not accept it this time around.”She pointed out because that idea scared her. If James was totally cut off from what had been keeping him sane as he remembered everything...she shuddered a little, leaning into him, leaning up to steal a kiss. “You, are amazing you know. Totally willing to deal with me.”she sighed quietly.

Bruce grinned kissing her,”You know, it’s nice not to rip my clothes for once getting them off.”he snickered kissing her even as he got them both naked, smirking down at her as he cupped her ass in his hands, gently pressing into her as he lowered his head, mouth closing over her nipple, sucking gently.
Steve nodded. "Yes, I know that and so does she. She's taking a chance she may regret, but with Krys you never know for sure. She sees the future you know. She predicted grant appearing in our laps." He said, smiling as she reached up to steal a kiss, kissing her back. He smiled and blushed. "No, I'm not. I just want to make you happy cause I love you." He said, kissing her head.

Krystal grinned back, as she kissed him back. "I bet. The change must ruin a lot of your clothes. Remind me to ask reed for some of the fabric he uses for Ben's suit. I'll make you some pants that will survive the change." She told him with a smile, moaning as he pushed into her and took her breast in his mouth. He had remembered one of her favorite kinks. "Oh Brucie!" She almost screamed, glad that her walls were sound proof.
“She minutes. She hadn’t seen the long run. This changes everything”She said worrying because it was easier to worry about that, then to resist the urge to go after Bucky. “Well, you know what you can do for me?Distract me.”She said running her fingers through his hair, shifting her hips a little, leaning into him more firmly.

“I will.”bruce panted a little, swallowing hard as he moved, rolling his hips a little, smirking slightly at her scream, sighing quietly taking his time, relaxing slowly enjoying being with her, eyes widening as he lost control though, to many years without sex snapping his control as he fucked her, shuddering as he came, holding onto her tightly.
Steve nodded. "True. Bit what do you mean it changes everything?" He asked, looking confused. He didn't know what she was trying to say. He could feel himself harden a little as she pushed into him, blushing a little. "H-how should I distract you, milady?" He asked, giving her a light kiss.

Krystal smiled. "Good, thank you." She said running her fingers down his back and giving his ass a tight squeeze. She kissed him, sensing him loose control. She smirked. "Its alright Brucie." She said simply before pulling him down for a hot and amazing kiss, all the pent up sex energy from a thousand years without him making it all the more passionate. "Oh Brucie!" She crooned, her blue painted fingernails digging into his back as he came.
“Because he’s not...”She struggled for the words.”she didn’t tell him.he would have been pissed, but understanding if she had explained.He found out on his own this time.”she pointed out before smirking as shfe felt him harden, smirking a little. “Hm, I’m sure you can come up with a way, you’re a smark guy.”she teased as she rocked her hips into his.

Bruce shuddered as her nails dug into his back, kissing her hard and desperate, closing his eyes as he slumped into her, panting as he recovered before pulling away, stumbling to the kitchen to get their smoothies before returning, smiling at her. “here.”he muttered leaning down to kiss her lightly.
"I'm thinking she didn't remember until our encounter with Bruce's apparent younger brothers. It was happening before that." He said, trying to think of a logical reason for Krys to have kept this from bucky. He groaned a little as she teased, quickly flipping them on the bed so he was on top. "Clothes off. Now." He ordered in his "captain voice" planting a kiss at her neck.

Krystal kissed him back just as desperately, digging her nails deeper, until he slumped on top of her, panting, when she just sucked in a breath and stoked his back. "Do you want me to leave the marks or keep them?" She asked, a little confused when he got up, but smiled widely when he came back, kissing him back. "You remembered!" She said, taking a sip of her smoothie.
“Hm, maybe.”Elena said sighing quietly, laughing as she was flipped over, looking up at him, her hair falling around her in a careless disarray. “So demanding.”she teased even as she squirmed away just to get them both undressed, completely content to forget for awhile

“Leave them, they’ll heal soon enough.”Bruce smiled a little kissing her, sipping his smoothie. “I did. Rest.Then we’ll go see Elena, she might know when its okay to talk to Bucky.”He sighed, worry on his face, even if it was distant, to far away to really worry him yet.

Which was how, nearly a day later, Bruce was knocking on steve and elena’s door, making a face a little when he heard the quiet sounds on the other side of the door, slanting a glance at Krys.”Did you suspect they’d be as bad as teenagers once they got started?”He muttered snickering a little before looking at the tiny assassin as she pulled open the door, Elena’s hair in obvious sex hair around her face, steve’s shirt pulled hastily on. “What?”
Steve chuckled, stripping. "Only for you baby." He said, smirking as he kissed her hard, his cock now rock hard.

Krystal smiled and kissed him back. "Okay Brucie." She said with a content smile, happy to have her obsidian prince back. She looked at him with worry on her features. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure she'd rather see me hurt right now than tell me where bucky is" she come noted sadly, sighing. After all that work to make Elena like and trust her, she had ruined it all because she fell for Bruce.

Krystal chucked. "Of course. Bucky and I were." She said, wincing a little, looking hurt. She knew this was all her fault. "We wanted to know if you knew when it'd be okay to talk to bucky." She said, absentmimdedly putting her hand on her now protruding stomach. "It appears the serum in the children grows them quicker. I should not be this pregnant. Its only been a month, not 3." She added, and you could clearly see she was poking out like someone 4 months pregnant would.
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