Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

Steve smiled and kissed he head. "I can't help it." He said blushing. He was ecstatic about going to be a father. He wasn't sure if he should tell Elena this, be he was. Utterly euphoric about it, actually. He kissed her gently. "Its alright love. Its not all about sex." He said with a smile, rubbing her belly softly, feeling as it enlarged.

Krystal looked contemplative. "Oh, I see. JJ probably didn't tell him that part because of who Howard was to tony. That would be major scarring for tony." She said, nodding at his suggggestion of getting a bed and me eking a tiny squeaking noise as she was picked up. She laid her head on his shoulder she cuddled into him. "I so don't deserve both of you." She said, pointing to a bedroom that literally had her name on it. "Huh, that's weird. Better get a spare room just in case." She said, not bothering to even look inside.
Elena smiled at him, "I know.which is even cuter."she smiled at him studying him,realizing he was so excited,and trying so hard to match him,but this terrified her to much to be really happy. Smiling quietly she shrugged."I know...I just feel bad."she muttered.

"Yea I don't think tony could have handled knowing that.he has enough issues with howard as it is."he sighed worried about his friend before grinning as she squeaked."you deserve us. We just should have handled it better."he muttered before pausing,staring at the door. It was obviously a old addition,which meant even winter had known he'd had a krys,somewhere even if he hadn't understood the desire to give her a room.looking curiously at the door before nodding."good reason to use it."he said before getting to one of the guest rooms and walking inside,ettling her on the bed with a sigh.
Steve smiled. "Don't be love, and don't worry. Krys says that the instincts kick in as the child is born. You'll be great. It'll be fine." He said soothingly, cuddling into her. He loved her, and nothing would change that. "Is it cheezy if I tell you I feel like we're soul mates. I've always been quite the romantic." He added, kissing her head.

Krystal nodded, agreeing. Cuddled into him as she was carried. "You're right. I'm just over thinking." She said, curious about what was behind that door, but not enough to open it without permission. "I'll ask about it tommorow." She said firmly, and she knew Bruce knew she was curious. She threw off her shoes as she was laid down, careful not to kick Bruce in the balls again. "Now, get in the bed and give me cuddles!" She said, frowning a little, telling the kids in her head. "Shush babies. When mommy and daddy make up fully you'll have plenty of cuddles." They quieted, and as soon as Bruce was with her she was out cold.
Elena sniclered blushing a little as she stole a kiss."no,well...a little cheesy but cute to."she snickered trying to relax, closing her eyes as she sighed quietly.

Bruce grinned climbing in with her,amused that she quieted as soon as he got in with her."rest."he ordered.

Early the next morning elena smirked a little from where she was sitting,amused as she ate the ice cream,amused that krys had joined her this early in the morning,knowing that both of them where waiting for bucky to wander in for breakfast,knowing him well enough to know he'd get up early simply to try and avoid the others in the house."cravings?"bucky said pausing in the door to stare at them,ondering if it was worth just walking away again but he was hungry.
Steve chuckled. "Cheezy romance is the best kind." He said, kissing her back and hugging her close. "Rest love." He whispered, kissing her hair.

Krystal cuddled him, exhaustion taking over. She gave him a kiss before falling asleep.

Krystal nodded at him, blushing. "Also, I just like ice cream. Want me to make you some food?" She asked, smiling at him, though it wasn't her full smile. She still felt bad about this whole mESS, and she knew Bruce and Steve would be up soon.
Bucky tilted his head a little, watching them before nodding tiredly. “I do. You always make better food then me.”he muttered as he shuffled into the room, his hair tied back into a small ponytail as he slumped into the kitchen chair, smiling as elena cuddled into his side. “Missing your super soldier?” “Hm, you’re comfy to lay on.”The pregnant girl muttered cuddling.
Krystal smiled. "Alright I will." She said, standing up and loosing her balance slightly, but quickly gaining it. She had a feeling it'd be solo the twins would be born, but she went on to cooking deciding to make french toast again, knowing how much he liked it. Krystal chuckled. "He is, isn't he?" She said absentmindedly as she bustled around the kitchen, finishing the food quickly, and setting up plated for all 5 of them as Steve came in. "Stealing my girlfriend, bucky? Really?" He joked sitting down to eat. Krystal sat as well, tired now.
Bucky tensed a little as she wavered, already preparing to catch her before relaxing a little as she was okay. Watching her cook in quiet contentment, trying really, really hard to not to overthink things before pressing a kiss to Elena’s hair. “Uh-huh. More then you’d think with that much muscle.”Elena muttered shifting to get comfortable as Bucky held her, smiling sleepily up at Steve when he came in, to tired to get moving. “Well, I was always more a ladies man then you. MAkes sense I get the girl.”Bucky snickered a little smiling as he started to eat, glancing at krys. “You should get some sleep.”
Krystal smiled at him. "I did just sleep love. I'm okay for now. I might nap in a little while, as long as you give me cuddles. I can't get kenshin and Celeste to shut up about it. At least, those are the names I'm toying with giving them. You can offer suggestions if you like." She said, taking a sip of tea and a bite of french toast. What she really wanted for both bucky and Bruce to snuggle with her, but she didn't see that happening very soon. She looked to bucky curiously. "Hey bucky, what's that room with my name on the door?" She wispered into his ear, eyes curious as she pulled away. She wanted permission before going in, even if the door had her name on it.
“Good. And okay. I can cuddle.”Bucky said looking utterly confused at the idea, wondering what she meant she couldn’t get them to shut up. Looking amused a little, but willing to cuddle her, cause well...he missed cuddling. No matter how much he wanted to be angry, he was hurting, and he wanted held. Absently stroking Elena’s hair before shrugging. “they’re nice.”he muttered before tensing, swallowing hard as he considered what was in that room, looking down at the table, avoiding her things. “Just stuff.”He muttered, blushing ever so slightly.
Krystal smiled brightly as she chuckled. "Just tune into the link bucky. You'll probably hear them." She told him telepathically, kissing his cheek. She so felt like she didn't deserve him, either of them for that matter. She looked at him curiously, headed tilted slightly. "Really?" She raised an eyebrow, unsure what she though, and she knew he knew himavoiding the question would only make her more curious. She wouldn't push though, as she knew he was probably still mad. She ate silently, looking every bit as tired as she felt. Her not being a super soldier meant this accelerated pregnancy was taking a toll, but it wasn't anything her crystal and her loves arms couldn't heal. With ever touch of either of them she was stronger both physically and magically.
“Ah...”Bucky tilting his head a little as he tuned in a little, smirking slightly as he heard the kids, rubbing a hand over his face at her question.”Uh, yea.Stuff.Lots of it really.”he muttered, knowing he was only making her more curious, but so not ready to admit what was in it. Before sighing quietly, finishing eating as he glanced at her. “Come on.You’re going to go lay down.”he said looking down at the woman sleeping on his chest, smirking at steve. “Here. Take yours, I’ll get Krys to bed.”he said scooting elena over to steve’s arms before picking krys up. Pausing in the hall as he considered what to do, not wanting to take her to his own room, but also not wanting to return her to bruce. Huffing out a sigh before pushing open the bedroom marked hers he settled her into the bed, which was erriely like the apartment he’d shared with steve, the apartment that had nearly been his and krys’. For not remembering, the man had managed to cobble a room together that held everything that had ever meant anything to him. Not saying anything as he tucked her in he sighed laying down next to her on top of the covers as he tucked her under them."get some sleep, Krys."
Krystal smirked back. "Told you I couldn't get them to shut up." She said, giggling a little, and smiling as Steve took Elena into his his arms, picking her up in his arms and bringing her back to her room, laying her down gently and cuddling her close as he softly rubbed her belly, singing a lullaby Krys had wrote long ago.

Krystal was already asleep in his arms, speaking softly in moonian to herself. The only thing her would probably recognize in her jumble of words was "onyx, where's my onyx! I need my onyx!" It was almost a whine as she said it, and she cuddled in closer to bucky as she was laid down curling up into the covers, shaking like a leaf she was so cold. Krystal really needed to bring him back home. The lodge, while she admitted she loved it, was much to stressful on her ice filled body. Krystal whispered softly, kissing him in her sleep. "Don't leave me onyx. Or you'll break me." She whispered in sleep, snuggling in as close as she could get to him:
Bucky sighed softly watching her, shifting to crawl under the covers when he realized she was cold, simply trying to warm her up, kissing her back lightly, closing his eyes.”not going anywhere. Just sleep.”he muttered already drifting off asleep himself, to tired, to utterly exhausted to stay awake, having been up since he’d left japan, his body was on the verge of rebellion and was shutting down as he snuggled into her, to tired to worry.
Krystal snuggled into him, her sivvering subsiding for the most part as she wrapped her arms around him. He had always been so warm, it was kind of ironic. Most mercurians had the gift of ice like Krystal did, all except for their crown prince. He was a wind user. She was radiating healing energies as she slept, somehow subconsciously knowing he still needed it. When Bruce would walk past the door this time, he would see it was open a crack. He peeked inside, and what he saw made him smile. "Rest loves. You need it." He whispered, closing the door with a soft click and going to get some breakfast and work on his computer. Luckily, some of Krystal's fresh French toast remained uneaten, and he chewed on that while working on his laptop.
Bucky stirred a few hours later, blinking stupidly as he struggled to figure out where he was, still hurt enough that it was taking him alot to figure out where the hell he was. “Krys?”he muttered frowning, feeling utterly lost as he saw his ‘apartment’, the change from the ultra modern room he norrmally slept in leaving him lost.
Krystal stirred, giving him a quick kiss on the lips, yawning. "Yes bucky?" She asked sleepily, cuddling into him, not really paying attention to where she was. She was just happy to be in his arms. She cuddled into him, burying her face in his chest, memorizing him, like he was going to leave her as soon as he woke up enough to do so. She pulled him tighter to her, talking groggily. "Don't leave me bucky.. I don't wanna be alone." She muttered softly, completely forgwtting Bruce for the moment. She needed just him right now, her midnight knight.
“Just making sure you were there...”Bucky muttered closing his eyes again, still groggy, still out of it enough to not leave. Because he had every intention of doing so, but to sleepy to remember that. “You wont be alone you know.”He muttered pointing it out, starting to wake up enough to remember why he didn’t want to be with her, them, right now.
She cuddled into him. "I'm here bucky." She muttered, yawning. She felt better after the nap. Krystal looked around, nodding at him. "I didn't leave." She said nonchalantly, feeling sad. She could sense he was gonna leave. She pulled him in tighter, a few simple very loud "no!" Would be hear in both their heads. She looked up at him. "I would be alone. He wouldn't come in here" she said, her eyes waking. They widened as she looked around. She was almost at a loss for words. It looked like his and Steve's old apartment, that would have been theirs. "Bucky.. what.. where am I? Did I travel through time?" She asked, looking shocked. He had a lot of explaining to do.
“...”Bucky sighed quietly, cringing away from the sadness he could sense, swallowing hard. Reaching up he rubbed a hand over his face, frowning a little as she considered that, wincing as she looked around, having hoped that she’d simply leave and ignore the room. “No, you didn’t. And you’re still at the lodge.”he said avoiding looking at her, as he slumped back into the bed, looking away from her.
Krystal cuddled into him, looking quite deflated. "I feel like we should have sex. I mean that's what we usually did here." She said simply, giggling before breathing out a sigh. She was quite frustrated with this whole situation. She touchis cheek softly before giving him a light kiss. "I so don't deserve you, james Barnes. Even when you're mad at them you can make me weak at the knees. When did you do this?" She finally asked, cuddling into him. She was curious, that was for sure. "Besides, Steve's to tangled up in Elena to barge in on us." She said, not really knowing why. She knew he hated her right now. She couldn't help it though. She'd love him no matter what. Even if he was still winter. She'd love him. She just wished he'd get that. Bruce she loved, but he'd always been first. Her midnight night.
“...I feel like we should have sex, then text steve to tell him he’s for once not interrupting in the ‘apartment.’He’d be so confused.”he snickered a little, the sound tired and battered, turning his head a little into the kiss before his eyes bounced arund the room, trying to figure out how to avoid it.”Uh...just over the years...things I would see, needed to add to the room...”he shrugged a little.
Krystal smiled and giggled. "That would be hilarious. Does Steve even know how to text? Oh, right, JJ showed him." She said, cuddling into him. She smiled into it as he kissed her back. "Ah, I see. That's cool. I'm glad to know I wasn't completely gone from your mind." She told him softly, smirking when she spotted the acoustic guitar in the room. She sat in the chair next to it, quickly tuning it before smiling at him, strumming away. He wouldn't know the song, but hopefully he would get the meaning. She sang "the ballad of love and hate" her voice ringing out like a bell. By the end of it though, small tears were pricking her face. Krystal set the guitar back down and walked toward him, her expression rather meek. "Bucky..." she managed to squeak out before she fainted.
“Hm, maybe. If he doesn’t, El does.”Bucky smiled a little closing his eyes raising a eyebrow as she got up. Frowning slightly as he listened to the song, sighing quietly, holding out a hand for him.”Krys...”He said watching her through half closed eyes, his expression soft, and for the first time, showing just how much he’d been hurt before bolting to his feet, nearly falling out of the bed in his haste to get to her, stumbling as he picked her up, yelling for bruce and steve, needing them, not thinking clearly, panic overwhelming everything."What happened?"Bruce asked pausing, looking around the room, understanding that this was their place, but needing to. Walking in as he exmanined her. "She just passed out. What's wrong?"Bucky said looking at the doctor anxiously."I'm going to find out. Go talk to Steve, okay?I'll look her over."bruce said soothingly, watching him.
Krystal chuckled. "True. Quite true." She said, giving him a small smile, reassuring him as she got up. At the moment, she was fine. She looked at him concerned, sensing his real feelings. She kept on singing though, hoping he'd understand her side. Then when she heard him say her name, hand out stretched and everything went black. She could hear the voices, and Steve walked in. "Buck, what happened?" He looked very concerned, wondering if maybe it had something to do with carrying a child so rapidly. He looked to his friend, pulling him out of the room. "Come one. Bruce is one of the best doctors in the world, he'll fix her. Now, come on, tell me all about it, buck." He told his friend, leading him out of the room, and toward a spare one to talk,
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