Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

"Okay Bruce. Its only me anyway. The others are in the penthouse, unaware for now." He told the other, coming to sit on the bed with his mother, giving her a hug. He smiled. "Hey there little one! I'm your big brother! I'll always protect you" He told the baby, seeing the tuft of blue hair from under the blanket. She smiled at him, reaching out and grabbing his nose as he rested his head on his mother's shoulder. Krystal chuckled at her fiancee, kissing his cheek. "You have no idea how much I wanted you to be other when JJ was born, bucky. But you're here this time, that's what counts, and of course he has your eyes! He's your son, bucky!" She said with a small chuckle, cuddling into JJ. She gave Bruce an apoligetetic look, as if she thought she was hurting him somehow. She didn't like causing emotional pain to the ones she loves, and she love Bruce very deeply, as she does bucky. They were her most important men. She hoped soda she could be with both the way it was.
“Shush.You’re being to loud.”Bucky scolded lightly, even if he looked totally entranced by the child in his arms.Turning his head a little as Krys kissed his cheek he offered a small smile, “So I can see. He’s so small...”he muttered gently stroking the baby’s hand. Bruce smiled a little shrugging a little, glancing at the small family. Offering her a contented smile, because while he wanted to crawl in close to them, cuddle the two most important people in his life, but he didn’t want to upset the already shaky brunette, not when he knew just how much of bucky’s sanity was shaken sometimes. “I’ll go make sure steve and El know everything’s okay.”he smiled kissing her cheek before walking out.
JJ nodded and talked softer. "Okay dad." He said, before making goofy faces at Celeste who giggled loudly. Kenshin was quiet, like his father, but he did coo a little so his parents wouldn't worry. Krystal looked at Bruce her eyes showing concern for him . She didn't know what to say, but in the look she conveyed to him it was almost an apology. JJ cuddled into her. "I know mom." he simply told her telepathically, guessing at her thoughts as he cuddled into her. She smiled a little as Bruce kissed her cheek. "Okay Brucie. Make sure to tell tony too. He'll be worried." She said, and JJ just nodded in agreement. Krystal smiled at Bucky. "Do you wanna hold your daughter, bucky?" She asked, tilting her head.
Bruce tilted his head at the concern in her look, smiling a little wider, showing that while he did want to join them, he wasn’t to upset at being excluded either. Really, he understood, considering the super soldier had just got his family, he needed some time. “I will. Don’t worry.”Bruce said as he walked out. “I..I do.”Bucky said though he looked at a loss on how to get the girl without dropping kenshin before shifting the small boy into jj’s arms and gently taking celeste, holding her gently, looking anxious.”Am I doing this okay?”He said smiling quietly before frowning looking towards the door. "Bruce left?"He muttered frowning slightly.
Krystal smiled back at Bruce, but somehow she still wasn't convinced. She knew deep down he wanted very badly to just lay there with them too. "Good. I wouldn't want anyone to worry. Especially Elena. She's under enough stress." She said before kissing Celeste's little head and smiling at her fiancee, though she wished Bruce could be apart of this happiness too. "You're doing just fine love." She said softly, taking kenshin from JJ. She saw how much he looked like his father. Krystal cuddled him close, singing a soft song called "each step" and JJ smiled. It had been a long time since had seen his mother so content. He looked to his father. "Yes. I think that he wanted to give us some space. But, you know, he doesn't just love mom, dad. You were just to angry before to see it." JJ said wisely, tickling the small boy in his mothers arms. Kenshin giggled, though neither twin was oblivious, they chose to keep their intelligence secret for now.
“okay.I’ll do okay...”he muttered looking worried about hurting the baby before relaxing as celeste just cuddled into him, smiling quietly at krys’ singing, shifting to get comfortable before frowning a little. “...oh.”Bucky frowned biting his lip, thinking things over, realizign that he wasn’t ready to accept this,yet, but he could...maybe start to. “You can tell him to come back...when you go back to tony. I mean...he should get to make sure the three of them are okay..”He said, flushing ever so slightly, which was as close as he’d ever come to saying yes, he could accept having his fiancee wanting someone else to.
JJ smiled at his father. "I'll do that." He said, somehow knowing there was more behind it. He knew the stories of silver millennium by heart, and his mother always fondly talked of the both of them. Krystal yawned. "I'm gonna take a nap loves" she said, laying down with little kenshin in her arms, falling asleep quickly. JJ gave his father a look. "You know when I was a kid, mom used to sleep with a giant teddy bear dressed in your uniform. I bet you she still has it in her apartment in new York, too." He said, smiling a little.
Bucky smiled kissing her head.”rest.”he ordered quietly before staring up at JJ as celeste went to sleep in his arms.”...I don’t know if I’m touched, or a little creeped out at that.”Bucky snickered a little quietly, smiling when Bruce walked back in, figuring jarvis had asked him to return. Settling in with a tired smile, shifting celeste over to the good doctor.”gonna go to sleep now...”He muttered shifting to get comfortable and falling asleep to.
Krystal nodded as she fell asleep, and JJ chucked softly. "I guess it made her feel better cause the two most important people in her life were gone. That make sense right? Bruce hadn't been born yet. They didn't meet until the Loki incident." He said, sighing a little, but smiling as Bruce came back in. He'd leave them alone. "I'm going to bed. Stay with mom Brucie. She's shivering again." He noticed as he pulled the covers up over her before exiting and popping back to tony. He smiled. "Hey sexy. How're you doing?" He asked, giving his fiancee the classic smile tony used to give girls, making fun of him a little before changing into pj's and laying down in bed.
“Bucky smield a little, “I guess.”he muttered yawning tiredly. “I will.go.”Bruce said quietly slipping into the bed with the other two after settling the twins into their cribs, snuggling into them, for once, bucky simply accepting the other’s presence, simply holding krys.

Tony laughed at the smile, looking up from the tablet he was playing on, smirking slightly. “I’m doing better now that you’re back.”he muttered reaching out and running his fingertips over the other’s side, rolling his eyes as he realized the other was making fun of him, but finding it amusing rather then insulted.”How’s your mom?”
Krystal pulled them both closer to her as she slept, smoring softly as she sweetly dreamed of marrying her most important men, and JJ being their best man. It was a wonderful dream, one she hoped would come true someday.

JJ chucked, and then let out a small moan as tony ran his finger down his side. He smiled at the mention of his mother. "Mommy's fine. She's sleeping right now with dad and Bruce. The babies are perfectly health too. Its exciting to have siblings. I never thought I'd have actual siblings. Maybe half siblings when and if Bruce ever confessed, but now I have actual siblings. They're so tiny tony. Its adorable. A girl named Celeste and brother named kenshin." He said, rambling because he was so excited. This was so new for him, being a brother, his mother being with his father, and him being pregnant. "Our babies will be just as cute" he thought, smiling more to himself.
Tony smirked fingers dipping into the edge of his sweats, just to tease leaning over to kiss him.”Good. I knew they’d work things out.”Tony smirked a little as he nuzzled him, grinning as he shifted to snuggle him, wrapping a arm around his waist, tugging his finacee close, sighing quietly.”You should rest, love. You’re over excited.”He muttered pressing a kiss to the other’s shoulder, finding the rambling adorable, but wanting him to rest and be safe with being pregnant.
JJ made a small noise, knowing tony was teasing. "I'm not sure it all worked out, I think that dad has just accepted that mom loves them both. I tend to think dad's gonna fall for Bruce all over again. That will be fun to watch." He told his fiancee as he laid down, smiling at the kiss to the shoulder. "As long as you cuddle me, tonykins" JJ said softly, yawning.
“Ahhh...A super soldier resisting falling in love again. This is going to be amusing to watch.”Tony snickered before smiling. “Always.Always and always.”He muttered promising as he fell asleep cuddling the other.

In the morning Elena smiled as she shifted to snuggle into steve, pouting a little.”Steeeevee it’s to hot, and I can’t go see the babies yet, and this is miserable in the heat.”She whined sulking at being so pregnant, so huge when it was like a million degrees in the tower, even with the air condition going.
JJ smiled. "Indeed it will be. Though, I think dad's way more stubborn than Elena." He said before falling asleep in his lover's arms.

Steve awoke, and walked over to the thermostat, and turned it down to 10. Cold never really bothered him, as long as ice wasn't involved. "You'll see them soon love. All 3 of them had a hard day yesterday, let them sleep." Steve said soothingly, hoping that bucky would figure whatever this thing was with Bruce.
Elena sighed softly as the cool air hit her overheated skin, offering him a small smile, swallowing hard as she tugged him back down onto the bed next to her.”I’m sorry...its just so hot...and I’m miserable...”She muttered before nodding, resting her head on his shoulder, knowing she was being unreasonable, but this was horrible. “we’ll let them sleep however long....I’m just feeling whiney...”he muttered
Steve smiled back, cuddling into her. "I know its okay. I suspect it won't be long before grant's in our arms and you're better." He told her, kissing the top of her head. He didn't mind catering to her every whim. He loved her more than anything, and just wanted to make her happy. Steve smiled. "I know love. Its okay. In the spirit of krys's favored movie, "the cold never bothered me anyway." He said, rubbing her belly soothingly.

When bucky and Bruce would awaken, Krystal would already be up, having fed the babies, who were now napping in their cribs, and the sound of hard core black veil brides sounding from the stereo. She had had a fairly good day last night, and now she was rocking out happily, singing along to morticians daughter as she made giant omelets.
“I know. Its just it’s horrible now now..I lean, look at me.”she whined a little even az she snuggled into him,before laughing quietly. “Good.Cause it’s hot.”she muttered whimpering in pleasure quietly as h rubbed her stoiinach.Oh yea, poor elena was turned on and wanting her lover,even if he was so huge it was just miserable.

“ okay?”Bucky asked as he eased away from the sleeping doctor as he walked into the kitchen, smiling slightly as bucky kept sleeping, letting him knowing the man was exhausted.
Steve shook his head. "Bruce would kill me. Go back to sleep." He told her, singing a soft lullabeas he rubbed her stomach lightly, kissing her head.

Krystal smiled as she saw bucky come out. "I'm absolutely fine love. Want an omelet?" She asked, setting out a plate of food for him. She knew Bruce was still sleeping. "I'll take it easy for a few days" she said as she sat; eating her omelet, hoping Bruce was OK.
Elena whined turning her head to kiss him as she shifted to get more comfortable.”Fairly certain you could have sex even if I’m this big.”She said before something vulnerable filled her eyes, wondering if he still wanted her like this. Feeling big and clumsy, she qustioned if she could still be attractive like this.

“Are you sure?”He asked looking her over, looking anxious as he moved over to wrap a arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her shoulder, sighing softly. “Yea, food sounds good.”he muttered moving away and sitting down as he ate, looking her over. “He’s okay, you know. I think he’s not been sleeping well.”Bucky said seeing the worry in her face.
Steve smiled. "Probably, but Bruce would still kill me. I do want you, its just I feel weird about having sex with you this pregnant. I don't wanna hurt you." He said, looking extremely worried, his eyes full of love. It was true he didn't know much about modern medicine, but what he did know was that it was not a good I idea it have sex with a woman so pregnant.

Krystal smiled at him. "I'm sure bucky." She said with a smile, and truth be told, she was. She cuddled into him as he kissed her shoulder, sitting down with her omelette as well. A warm one sat under a cover on a plate fore Bruce, Zend she smiled a little sadly. "He worries about me, and he has nightmares about changing into hulk. Sometimes I wonder if he thinks I won't love him cause of hulk. That's obviously not true, or I wouldn't have had to go to the Arctic circle to get you, Mr." She said with a small laugh, giving him a kiss.
"Oh..yea...probably not a good idea..."elsna sighed relaxing nd feeling stupid for the vulnerability before sighing,shifting to get comfortable as she closed her eyes"love you."she muttered.

Bucky winced a little making a face at that."is the hulk that different from bruce?"he asked because while he'd heard stories,he hadnt met the big green guy yet. A slight flinching appearing around his eyes at her joke,sighing quietly."I'm sorry krys...I shouldn't have left.."he muttered biting his lip looking anywhere but her
Steve smiles. "You're adorable sometimes, you know that?" He said, pulling her closer. When she said love you, he couldn't help but grin like the Cheshire cat. "Love you too, Elena. Always." He said, kissing her head.

Krystal looked at bucky contemplatively. "I wish I could say no, but yes he really is." She said, Showing him a memory. "Hulk does have a gentle side though, he usually only shows it to me." She said, remembering the time hulk had saved her in the battle for New York. He looked at her with such love. Krystal laughed. "Don't worry about it love. I don't blame you." She said, giving him a kiss.
Elena blushed a little at his words,smiling sleepily"so tou keep telling me."she muttered relaxing as he said I love you,falling asleep.cuddling him.

"Hm...should I be nervous meeting him?"he asked looking slightly at the idea of meeting the hulk becore.sighing ataring sown at the table as he ate. Feeling bad for.simply.having a emotional reaction instead of letting her talk."okay."he muttered kissing her back lightly.
"Yes, its true of course. I love you a whole lot." He said kissing her head, falling asleep again to as she snuggled into him.

"No, as long as you don't provoke him. Hulk won't hurt someone close to Bruce intensionally. That's why the avengers stay safe." she smiled at him. "stop feeling bad, my midnight knight. I told you, its fine. I should have told you is all." She said with a smile, kissing him again.
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