Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

Steve smiled. "Yes, they will. Don't worry love." He told him softly, kissing her head. He knew she was utterly afraid of being a mother. Steve knew it would be fine. He smiled. "Everyone will help love." He said, kissing her head again.

"He's fine. He's adjusting to the idea of us being in love too. Deep down though, I think he's falling for you." She said with a smile, giving him another kiss as she handed him his food. "It will be indeed, Bruce." She said, knowing tony was in earshot.
“I’m trying not to.”She muttered sighing softly as she leaned into him, closing her eyes as the baby cooed, smiling slightly as the child wrapped small hands in her hair, tugging joyfully at finding something to play with. “I know, I’m just nervous.”She muttered.

“You know he’s trying to simply accept things, and not get involved.”he said looking worried with the thought, laughing quietly as he took the plate, starting to eat. “How are you?”he muttered looking her over, worry on his face, even if he was trying not to worry to much.
Steve smiled. "I know love. Something tells me though everything will be alright." He told her soothingly, kissing her head, and laughing as the baby played with Elena's hair. JJ smiles. "She likes you, Elena." He said, cuddling into tony as he held little kenshin, who cooed at the genius.

"Yes, I know. But its not gonna work. He's gonna fall for you too. Its already happening. I can see it in the way he looks at you." She said with a small smile, kissing his head as she sat down. "I'm just fine Bruce. Crystal's healed any possible damage. Its like I was never pregnant. Though I thinking maybe I need to crack that serum from Stevie's blood and give myself some I think it would help for future pregnancies, be them his or yours." She said, words a bit off, like she knew something she wasn't saying, but smiling.
“So I can tell.”Elena smiled relaxing as the baby cooed happily as she played. “You know, I think kenshin’s in love with Tony. Look at him.”Elena teased looking at the genius who looked utterly entranced with the child he held, and as weirded out as he was about having kids, and as worried as he was, he was still okay with holding kenshin right in this moment.

“Good. I miss him.”Bruce muttered smiling a little, tilting his head as he looked her over, sighing softly. “Elena and Steve were talking about that. We think we can recreate it.”Bruce smiled looking at her, looking curious and worried, wanting to know what she wasn’t saying, but letting it go for now.
Steve smiled. "Yeah. Don't lie, you love her too." He said, kissing her head before chuckling a bit. "He he. Well, he is JJ's little brother, did you expect any less?" Steve said, smiling.

"I know you do. I think he feels the same, Bruce, he just doesn't know it yet. Krystal smiled at the prospect of doing science. "Can I help?" She asked excitedly, knowing he was curious, but would let it go.
“Okay, so I love her to. She’s cute.”Elena grinned down at the baby in her arms before smiling. “No, not really. It seems all of your family was destined to love Tony stark.”She teased a little.

“I know. It’ll be okay.”Bruce muttered before grinning, nodding.”I’m sure tony expects you to. We’ll start as soon as you want. It’ll be fun.”He grinned liking the idea of working with her
Steve smiles. "She sure is." He agreed, grinning at bucky as he held his daughter. "She's amazing buck. Looks like Krys. Has your eyes though." He said, still grinning before laughing. "You may not be wrong, Elena." He said, kissing her head.

Krystal smiled and nodded at his first comment before smirking widely. "As soon as possible, Bruce. JJ can help too. He has 3 medical degrees you know" she said, grinning at the idea of working with him too. She hadn't gotten much time with him since bucky. It would be lots of fun.
“She does. Though they look better on her then me. They look mysterious and cute on Celeste.”Bucky snickered a little smiling as he listened to the other’s praise his children, so utterly happy at being here with them.

“we will.And tony will like working with jj.”He grinned as he finished eating, stealing a kiss before leaning back. “We should get back to the others, before they start worrying.”
Steve smiled. "You're right. They do." He commented his friend, so happy to have him back. He never thought he would, and now he did, and with new friends too.

Krystal smiled. "Yes, he sure will." She said with a smile, kissing him back before nodding at her boyfriend. "Yes, your right." She said, taking his hand and walking out to the living room amid sitting next to bucky, cuddling into him,
Bucky smiled a little as krys walked in,hifting to get comfortable, resting a arm arounf her shoulfers and barely responding as his hand brushed against bruce's shoulder as he sat down next to her."steve was just telling me I make beautiful children. I think hes a little in love with mr,if hes trying to get to me through the kids." "You wish.hes mine these days james."elena rolled her eyes snickering
Krystal laughed. "Oh stop. We've enough ego maniacs around." She said, bonking him on the head lightly, smirking.
Then nodding at Elena's comment. "Definitely, cousin." She said, not really aware she had said it before twitching slightly. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're cousins. Have to check DNA for sure, but we can do that while working on the serum." She said, smiling a little. She didn't say anything about how bucky brushed Bruce's shoulder, she only pulled the both closer to her, sighing contentedly. She was so glad to have them both back.
“It’s not mania when he really does want me!He’s hitting on me, I think.”Bucky sulked. “You are so weird, seriously.”Tony rolled his eyes a little before wincing as elena stared. “I...cousin?”She said in a quiet voice staring at the other wide wide eyes.
Krystal laughed. "Sweetie, if anyone hit on you around here it wouldn't be Steve." She said with a laugh, looking apologetically at Elena, before nodding. "Yea, I believe so. You were probably to young to remember. Your real parents are Dmitri and Irina tragan, correct?" She asked, thinking back. She knew her father's brother had fallen for a human before he died, and had somehow turned her enough fae that she wouldn't die on him. They were madly in love, as she recalled, and spent much time with them after the war that killed her parents.
“I know, but he blushes so nicely when I tease him.”Bucky snickered a little. Elena frowned thinking on it before nodding a little, “They were. I...I don’t remember them, but I knew their names...”Elena frowned as she struggled to think, wanting to know more about her family, but not quite brave enough to ask, rubbing a hand over her stomach, wincing as grant kicked at her ribs.
Krystal laughed. "Well, that's true." She said, cuddling into him, but then looking at Elena, smiling soothingly. "I'll tell you anything you want to know, anytime you're ready. I still keep their house actually. I'm sure they'd want you to have it." She said, smiling lightly, as her free hand went absentmindedly over her stomach. She suspected somehow Bruce had impregnated her that night, but she wasn't sure. She'd have to do a few blood tests on herself. If it was true what she suspected? She'd tell Bruce when they were alone.
Bucky grinned a little, pressing a kiss to her hair. “Okay....maybe...we could go to the house?After Grant comes?”Elena said looking eager with the idea as she ran a hand over her stomach, suspecting that it wouldn’t be to long before her own child was there, and so nervous about it. But not about to tell the others her thoughts, not wnating to worry steve more then he already was.
Krystal smiled and nodded. "Of course we can Elena." She said, smiling as she squeesed Bruce's hand, sensing he was nervous about something. She kissed both bucky and Bruce's cheeks. "Okay, Who volunteers to help me grocery shop? No, you can't Elena. The heats not good for you." Krystal stated matter of factly, knowing. If bucky didn't want to watch them, she'd take the twins with her as well. She squeesed Bruce's hand again, telling him she wanted him to come with her. She knew Steve would want to stay with his girlfriend.

Just as she thought that, Steve handed her Celeste and got down on one knee, taking out a box from his pocket. "Elena, I love you, and I don't want to ever have you feel alone. Will you marry me?" He asked, blue eyes looking up at her hopefully, even though he wouldn't blame her if she said no. In side the small box held a ring with a heart shaped diamond and sapphires and rubies on either side.
“Good.”Elena smiled pleased with the idea of seeing her old house. “I-” “No.”Bucky said stopping elena from volunteering at the same time Krys did before kissing krys’ cheek. “I’ll stay here and watch the twins if you want to go Bruce.”bucky said, and despite his uncomfortableness with their situation, and his desire to not share, he was going to try and let them have time on their own.”I’ll go.”Bruce said smiling a little before staring at steve, startled.

Elena stared, eyes wide as she stared at her boyfriend, utterly at a loss for words as she looked at the ring. “El?”Bucky muttered before his eyes widened at the grimace that crossed her features. “ow...”Elena whimpered, eyes widening as she felt her pants soak, felt her water break as she stared at her boyfriend.
Steve in took a sharp breath. "Its okay. We're here. Breath Elena." He told his girlfriend, shoving the box back in his pocket before picking her up and running her to the bedroom. Krystal followed almost dragging Bruce. Steve had one hand and he squeezed it gently. "After then, mi'love. Listen to Bruce and Krys. I'm right here." He told her soothingly, showing her how to breathe, remembering how Krys had done it. Steve was not calm on the inside, but he held it in, knowing she would need him too. Krystal smiled slightly, pulling off her pants and underwear. "I have to check if you're dial acting or not Elena. How far apart are the contractions?" She asked calmly, waiting for Bruce to come in. She was a doctor, but she couldn't do this on her own.
“I am, I am.”Elena swallowed hard wincing as she was moved, trying to breath, panting quietly. “I’m listening.”She whimpered, twisting her head trying to be calm, such fear and anxiety in those blue eyes as she looked up at steve, needing to focus on him. “Okay....and not...far. Minutes, but not long.”Elena panted looking up at bruce as he walked in. “You’re okay.Elena. We’ll take care of you.”bruce reassured the woman as they set about taking care of her, swallowing hard, “I’ll let you touch her, I don’t think she’ll take well to have me do so.”Bruce said, understanding that some of those emotional scars were from abuse, and despite this being a totally different reason to touch her, he didn’t want to freak out the woman.
Steve squeesed her hand, looking down at her. "Just focus on me love. Krys and Bruce are two of the best doctors I know. You're in good hands." He told her as Krystal nodded. "Ah. Okay." She said as she checked Elena for dilation, breathing out as she realized she was already fully dialated. "Alright Elena, I need you to push as hard as you can." She told the other, scrubbing up quickly again. She knew this would take awhile being the woman's first pregnancy.
“O-okay.”Elena stuttered swallowing hard as she looked up at him before nodding slowly at krys’ words, whimpering quietly before starting to push. And as the time past bruce and steve talked, trying to keep Elena calm, smiling quietly as he lifted the small boy away, looking at Steve. “here. We still have one more to go.”Bruce said having realized what was going on as soon as he got Grant out, cleaning up the small boy before going back to work, “Just a few more pushes, El. Come on.”Bruce urged smiling as he felt the small girl pass into his hands grinning in relief that it was okay. That they were fine.
Krystal smiled, cleaning up the two children quickly, and wrapping them in blue and pink stars and stripes receiving blankets. That had been Bucky's idea. She quietly walked over to Elena, handing her her baby girl. "You're daughter, Elena. What are you going to name her? We already know the boy's name I'd Grant Dmitri." She said with a small smile, sitting on the edge of the bed. This was a big moment for Steve, and she knew it. Steve smiled. "Hey there, son. Its me, daddy. Its good to have you back again." He told the baby softly kissing his head. Krystal got cleaned up, pulling Bruce into the walk in closet with her. "Let's give them some space. We'll go to the store, buy some food and go to lunch, okay?" She asked softly as she changed clothes, doing it in such a way that it was sexy, but not so much so to turn him on.
Elena smiled tiredly as she saw what the blankets were, looking amused as she stared down at her daughter,”Sarah.”elena said quietly, sounding utterly exhausted as she rested her head back against the pillows, looking tired even as she looked over the twins. “Get some rest you two. I’ll have Buck bring in the cribs from the nursery.”He said knowing the new parents wouldn’t want the twins to be left alone. Nodding as he smiled quietly at krystal, tilting his head. “Let’s. They need to get some sleep anyways. They’ll rest better alone.”he muttered smirking as he wached her, groaning slightly as he looked her over, but not feeling quiet turned on, just apperciating the view.
Steve climbed into bed with Elena, pulling her close as he rested grant on his chest. The baby cooed. Krystal smiled "Sarah and Grant. I like it." She said simply as Steve nodded, relaxing as he yawned. Krystal smiled at him as she got undressed, enjoying teasing him a little bit. She wouldn't have sex with him where bucky was in earshot though, at least not yet. "Yes, you're right, they will." She said simply as she gave him a kiss and handed him his clothes. She smirked a little."now return the favor." She said, pecking him again before sitting on her vanity chair.
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