Assassin's Love (Lady x Krys)

“Go to sleep, Cap.”Elena muttered gently laying sara on her chest, closing her eyes as she started to fall asleep, sighing quietly as she relaxed, mother and daugther drifting away in sleep. Bruce smiled a little watching before smirking.”I’ll always return that favor. Though sex is going to be awkward until he’s more accepting, you know.”bruce muttered knowing that until bucky was better, it was goign to be a lonely sex life, cause he was so not risking pissing him off again.Smirking slightly as he started to change, rolling his eyes a little in amusement as he watched the other as he pulled on the other clothes.
Steve fell asleep quickly as did grant. They were all so tired. Krystal laughed. "Don't worry, I have plenty of places we can have sex without him hearing or knowing." She said as she smirked at him, knowing that bucky would keep his distance for them until he fully fell for Bruce again. "Besides, Bucky's got no clue where my penthouse is." She said with a smirk, giving him a kiss before licking her lips as he changed, he was so sexy, she almost couldn't contain herself, but she did, knowing bucky could hear, and that killed her girl boner pretty fast.
“ seems so wrong to be plotting to have sex without him.”Bruce snickered a little before smirking a little. “True. We can go there.”he smiled kissing her softly, before stepping back. “Come on, let’s go get groceries. I know we want other stuff, but I’d rather not leave elena alone, or the babies, alone for long until I’m sure they’re okay.”he smiled softly, already pulling her towards the door.
Krystal smiled. "Someday soon, obi." She said reassuringly before she nodded. "Yes, let's go get the groceries. The quicker the better." She said, though she sensed someone watching from afar. It felt like bucky, but different. She wasn't sure what to think. Krystal smiled and popped them to stop and shop, getting them each a carriage. "Shall we start in produce, milove?" She asked, smiling at him.
“Sounds good.”Bruce smirked a little as he walked with her, shoulders tensing a little, casually looking around. “Is it just me, or is someone watching?”He muttered feeling fluttery and nervous, almost jittery but not sure at the feeling. Alter-James smirked quietly as he walked through the aisle, looking casual in the jeans and dress shirt, but as deadly as ever as he was in real james’ clothes. “Krys?”he called walking towards them, dark hair falling in his face, tensing a little as bruce stared at him.
Krystal nodded. "No, its not just you." She said, shuddering from the feel of the person watching. When she heard Bucky's voice, she tensed. Had he heard what they had been saying in the closet? She looked over to him. "James Buchanan Barnes, you said you were going to stay with the babies. Now go home before I kick your ass right in this store. And don't think I won't." She said, looking annoyed. While she knew their twins would be fine with their brother and his fiancée, she still wanted to deck him. He promised he'd stay home. Something was off about this james and she knew it though. She was only pretending to not know he wasn't her bucky. She didn't let on that she knew though, except to Bruce, by squeezing his hand a few times.
James paused, for a moment confused flickering over his face as he considreed that they had children, before swallowing hard. “Tony said you’d probably need help. Sent me to help.”Bucky said before nodding a little.”But I’ll go home...Can I have a kiss before I go?”He asked nearing, dipping his head a little. Bruce tensed swallowing hard as he looked at this bucky, while he was exactly the same as theirs, he felt...wrong. Swallowing hard as he tried to figure out what to do.
Krystal tilted her head, totally aware off his game. "Bruce is more than enough help, james." She said, no edge to her voice, and raising an eyebrow at him asking for a kiss. It was odd for bucky to do something like that, especially in public like this. He was never much for PDA, even in the 30's. This stunk of an alter, but she couldn't be sure yet. Krystal looked at him. "If it means you go back to our sons and daughter, then yes. I've told you JJ has disappearing issues." She said with a sigh, her grip on Bruce's hand tightening as she kissed this other bucky.
“I know, but they’re the ones who sent me after you two.”Bucky muttered as he walked closer, leaning down to kiss her lightly, wrapping a arm around her waist to pull her away, growling quietly when Bruce didn’t let go of her hand. Bruce swallowed hard, holding on tighter, afraid he was hurting her, but not about to let krystal go.
"Still, he has issues. Especially with us." She said, looking at the other bucky, he had no clue she knew. Krystal kissed him back, squeesing Bruce's hand, the contact and spell giving her a way into his mind, without tipping alter bucky off. "Its okay. I can handle him. He's no worse than your little brother, obi. I cast a spell that will allow you to find me in either form you take. Go get bucky and JJ. Don't give kenshin aging potion." She told him, squeezing his hand again. She knew she had to let this happen. It was the only way to make bucky see, and the only way to find out why the alters were escaping their dimension again. She closed that portal centuries ago.
Bruce frowned a little before nodding slightly, “Okay.We can do that.”he muttered as he left, wondering what the hell was going to happen.

Bucky smiled as he wrapped a arm around her waist, tugging her closer, “So, lets get the rest of your stuff.”he muttered already turning to get the rest of the groceries, not about to rush things, nto when he thoguht he was actually fooling her.
Krystal smiled and kissed his head. "Good." She said simply, squeezing his hand again before watching him leave. She hated to do it, but knew it had to be done.

Krystal nodded at him. "Okay bucky. Let's do that." She said, starting with the produce, then meats, the dry stuff, then some paper products, and lastly frozen. Mainly ice cream, because that's what they all liked especially tony and JJ. "There bucky, all done. I still could have done this with Bruce. Why so jealous again all of the Syd den? You promised." She said, pouting a bit. It hurt her to see them fight, even if he was the alter bucky.

When Bruce came back alone, JJ looked back up from his book almost frantically. "What's happened, Bruce? " he asked, his eyes full of concern for his mother.
Bucky smirked down at her, smiling as they walked outside, “I know, but I wanted you to myself tonight.Come on.Tony said you had a apartment somewhere near.”He said already tightening a arm around her waist, not about to let the other go anywhere. Having every intention of keeping her to himself. Obsessed with having a krys of his own, despite loving his own, and bruce, he wanted her.

Bruce frowned looking worried,”I’m not quite sure. Where’s-”Bruce swallowed hard, nearly slumping with fear and relief at the sight of their bucky laying out on the couch, “Bucky. There’s another you. We need to go get Krys. She told me we could track her.”
Krystal sighed. "Always so posessive." She commented, feeling him pulling her in tighter. She looked to bucky confused for a moment. "Yeah, I do.let me just pop this tuff to the tower." She said as the food all appeared in its rightful places, and she smiled at this other bucky, not letting on he knew he wasn't her bucky.

JJ paled. "Another dad? Shit. Mom told me she closed that portal centuries ago! The alters. It was just alter dad, right?" He asked, looking wlrried. While he knew that his alter father loved his mother to much to hurt her, but this was gonna be sticky.
“Bucky smiled as she put all the food where it belonged, smirking a little as he pressed a kiss to her hair, running a hand down her back. “I just want you to myself for awhile. I dislike sharing you know.”He muttered nuzzlin her head a little as they walked.

“What?Another-”Bucky jerked, gently moving celeste to the floor on the blanket with kenshin before sitting up, looking worried. “Explain.” “Yea. So far, it was just alter bucky. But I don’t know if that’s because it’s just him, or if it was he got away from the others.”Bucky said looking worried.
Krystal smiled. "I know. You'll get used to it, don't worry." She said, walking to an alleyway before popping them to one of her penthouses. She took her shoes off and reclined on the couch, exhaling a bit. "So, how'd you escape you dimension, james?" She said, knowing he couldn't lie to her.

JJ sighed. "Well, the way that mom explained it was that there is a parallel universe to ours, which is the opposite of ours, but our counterparts love us as well as our counterparts. Meaning, alter dad wants mom for himself. I'm sure she's just leading him on to get information. Like you, he is unable to like to her." He explained, looking serious. If mom had cast the spell he thought she did, they'd both be able to find her, Hulk or not.
James smirked as they left, before tensing eyes dark with anger as he realized she’d known all along he wasn’t her bucky. Wondering what he was going to have to do to get her to go with him now. “What are you talking about, Krys?”He said buying time for a moment before frowning. “I came after you.”

Bucky stared, his mouth dropping a little as he considered exactly that a opposite him, that even if he was love, might be violent towards the other. Swallowing hard as he looked at jj.”you’re going to stay here.Me and bruce can go after Krys.”He said looking worried and already plotting what to do.
Krystal raised an eyebrow. "You know exactly what I'm talking about james. I kicked your ass 3 centuries ago, and I'll do it again. How did you escape? I know you came for me, james." She said, snorting derisively. He was such a pighead sometimes.

JJ raised an eyebrow. "Fine. But you may want to smash him, Bruce." He said, knowing someone had to stay to look after kenshin and Celeste, and also keep an eye on the new parents as well. "He won't hurt her. But she might hurt him. She's rather sadistic about that." JJ said, as he saw tony shudder. They both knew how sadistic Krys could be.
James glared annoyed with her, his lips twitching a little. “I always did find you amusing, krys. So much better then mine.”He smirked at her walking closer, “Same way I did last time. But this time you’re going back with me.”

“I will.”Bruce said though he wasn’t sure it would work, since the two bucky’s looked alike, and it would be hard. “Don’t worry, I’ll shoot’d be sorta suicide rather then murder.”Bucky chirped looking amused before shuddering as tony did at the idea of krys being sadistic, swallowing hard. “And don’t tell steve and Elena. We don’t need either of them trying to get out of bed to come.”He said smiling quietly, worried as he looked at bruce. “Let’s go then.” Bruce nodded already heading for the door.
Krystal snorted once again. "Yeah, like that's happening." She said annoyed, while she saw this bucky as more of a friend, she so did not want to go with him. Not when she had a boyfriend, fiancee and three children who needed her. Particularly JJ, being as he was pregnant.

'It'll work. The dogtags mom gave dad emit a signature that hulk can pick up and differ the two. Alter bucky doesn't have that." JJ stated simply, knowing his mother prepared for any and all situations. "No, they won't be told. As far as they know, mom, you and Bruce will be out shopping." JJ reassured, smiling at his father, and the man who would possibly be his stepfather as they walked out.
“It will.I don’t want to share, krys. Come back with me.”Bucky said looking so angry and annoyed.

“Ah, that makes sense. Okay.”Bruce said relieved that he wouldn’t accidently hurt his bucky, smirking a little as he watched the others. Swallowing hard as he nodded.”Good. Keep it that way.”Bucky said as they left, already starting to track, looking worried as they walked. Pausing as they considered what they had to do, frowning as he pushed open the door. “Krys?”Bucky growled looking worried and anxious, getting ready to hurt the other bucky.
Krystal shook her head. "No. I have responsibilities here, james. I can't just leave." She told the other bucky firmly, crossing her arms defiantly.

JJ smiled. "Yeah. She did that in case you accidentally hulked out." He told his friend, JJ simply nodded at his father, knowing that the couple needed to rest. When Krystal heard bucky she smirked. "I'm in here, bucky. I'm safe." She told him from the living room, knowing alter bucky was gonna be annoyed, and that's what she wanted. To make him set off Bruce.
“Yes, yes you can. I knwo you love me. We’d be happy.”Growling as he twisted towards the other two. “No!She’s mine.” “No, not here. She’s ours.”Bucky growled barely hitting the deck in time as the hulk materilized at his back, smacking alter bucky off his feet. “My krys. Not yours.”He growled sounding annoyed.
"No I can't james. You don't understand, you never did. I've never seen you they you want me to." She said flatly, watching as Bruce changed behind bucky. She liked how bucky had used the word "ours" that meant he was getting the idea. She straight out grinned when she heard what hulk said. It appeared the big green guy liked her too. That was quite relieving. She liked him a lot too.
“Yes!Yes you-”Bucky yelled, yelping as he was knocked sideways, glaring up at bucky as the man was pinned, the two bucky’s looking erriely alike as they stared at each other, but the real bucky, was to hard, to well trained to let the alter get a leg up on him.”Krys?What do you we do with him?”Bucky said, his pistol nudging against the alter’s face, enjoying the look of utter fear in his face, enjoying watching it. Which probably said more about how twisted the real bucky could be, then anything else.
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