No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

"H-Hai..!" She nodded, doing as instructed and keeping her stance wide and her shoulders lax. In truth, Nieve was scared of Grimmjow, his short temper and bad attitude didn't mix well, and the fact that he had thrown her out a window earlier that week didn't help.
She swung down again, swinging from her hips as she did so, keeping her eyes trained forward.
"Hm!" She nodded and did as instructed, carrying her weight into the swing as she took a half step forward.
"H-Hai!" She nodded, continuing her training, but after almost four hours she was drenched in sweat and breathing hard, after all, she grew up in a cage.
"Unpleasant desu.." She muttered, shooting a scowl at him. "I haven't stopped have I?"
"I don't even have a mask..!" She shot back, continuing to swing her sword, grinding her teeth.
Nieve faltered, stopping her swing to bring her hand up to the spot where Grimmjow had pointed to. "Eh!?" She could feel a small ridge just under her eye about an inch long, complete with a couple small bumps.
Nieve frowned softly and looked to Grimmjow. "I don't want to stop." She said, then took up a form again, resuming her training.
Nieve continued to practice for another five hours straight, but she was running on fumes and soon her strokes were becoming weaker and weaker, stomach growling, but she did not stop.
Nieve looked to Grimmjow, almost startled by his presence; she had nearly forgotten he was there. "Hai." She nodded, sheathing her sword and moving to sit against the wall.
Nieve perked. "Really? I was never allowed to touch any weapons, and to be honest I thought my work was shabby."
Nieve nodded, scratching her messy head of hair. "Ano... Tesla said he would teach me how to develop my Pesquisa tomorrow, may we push back tomorrow's lesson?"
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