No Regrets (1x1 with DarkMudkip)

Nieve sat on the kitchen floor, having removed most of the rubble so she could scavenge for food, only able to find some potatoes and uncooked rice. She was currently munching on a raw potato, legs crossed.
Nieve looked over at him, munching on the potato. "Um.. A potato?" She said, taking another bite.
"Here, let me show you!" Grabbing her by the back of her shirt, he threw her out of the nearest window into the unending night that was Hueco Mundo.
The potato was dropped as she was thrown from the building, screaming. "Unpleasant desu!" As she flew across the sands and tumbled to a stop before a large hollow.
Nieve scrambled to her feet, taking off running as fast as she could, terrified of the massive creature she had never seen before.
Nieve had to run for around two hours, panting and sobbing as she evaded attacks from the hollow, covered in dust and scuff marks as she tried to head back to Szayel's lab. "Otou-sama!!"
"Nieve wants to stop now!" She cried, panting heavily before she miscalculated a step and tripped, tumbling into the sand.
The Hollow roared and dove at her. "Ikurose, Shinso~" The tip of a wakizaki pierced through the Hollows mask, killing it. Gin sheathed Shinso and moved to Nieve, "Daijoubu, Snowie~?"
Nieve looked up at gin, hair more wild than usual and covered in dust from head to toe. "H-Hai! I'm fine!" She said, getting up and wincing, favoring her left ankle.
Nieve's cheeks flushed red and she held onto his robes, looking at him with the look of admiration. "H-Hai.."
Nieve held onto Gin, holding herself close to him as they entered what was left of Szayel's lab.
"I think I sprained my ankle.." She said, pulling up her hakama to look at her swollen and bruised ankle.
"Gomenasai... I've never fought one before, so I didn't know what to do." She said softly.
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