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What made you LAUGH today?

Got stuck talking to a homeless guy at work for damn near 30 minutes until my boss bailed me out. Then my coworker had the nerve to tell my OTHER coworker, "Maybe they know each other from back in the day." I almost slapped the shit out this man xD
My boss made a joke today about me not being there in three years because he knows this job is some bullshit lmao.
Dick Van Dyke's utterly terrible British accent in Mary Poppins.
Using a friend's support character in Star Rail that she won't stop gassing up and quickly confirming that Black Swan is hype as fuck lmao.

Enemy: *Exists*
Black Swan:
My husband trying to tell me what to do;
“You have to drink water” “you have to eat more than a bowl of cereal”
Funny funny little man
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