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What made you say FUCK today?

Realizing its soon three days till christmas, the only thing i got was few intrests in smut rps instead of story fandom roleplays
Couldn't fall back asleep, took melatonine, THEN realized it's late (11 am...)
Frankly I'm not sure it's good it's now off the counter
My wife's mother passed away a couple of months ago, so this Christmas was always going to be difficult.

My niece - who is a high-maintenance princess with an "it's all about me" aura and a somewhat-justifiable dislike of her brother - arrived for Christmas Day lunch yesterday, sat in the car until I (with my wife and son) arrived before getting out and joining the rest of the gathering, then walked inside to give her greetings then promptly sat on the couch with her fiancé and didn't interact with anyone unless requested. We gave our presents, and she gave out hers - which included a deed/certificate showing that she'd gone to the effort of getting a star named after my now-dead mother-in-law. A fantastic gift, sure, but one that was always going to make the day far more difficult than it already was, given it just served to open up the still-fresh wounds of the MiL's loss. Then my niece said it was all too emotional, went outside, and decided she couldn't stay any longer and left - before lunch was served.

Yeah...not impressed.
knowing im tired but really want to begin on finishing the few episodes of two series but also wanting to watch batman since its christmas
Fuck come on sleep issues let me stay up
Realizing the hangover from yesterday is probably not a good way to start the day.
Trying to merge in a lane and have some asshole accelerate so I can't. The light's already red, bitch, what are you trying to beat?
the test is free, but you can't get it, you are vaccinated, also it took you four time for them to agree to vax you. Kafkaesque
MY SONS CLASS IS CLOSING because of corona
Last time, I saw the grade and hoped meanly that it would be the girls not the boys... and now it's the boys. Working moms want to fucking die.
Pulled out of my driveway... completely lost traction and slid directly into a ditch.


Got to work and learned that all in-person programs have been cancelled due to Covid... including the D&D campaign I run for teens... I might be able to do virtual but only if I do all of the work setting it up despite only having half an hour to set up before the program starts... noop
I come into work and first thing a supervisor says is "Whew, we're saved, you're here!" Then a second supervisor did it a minute later. I like the shift starting at a 0-10, not a 50-75 lmao.

One nephew just got out of the hospital, and the other had to go back to the ER.

What the fuck.
After just finishing closing/cleaning and thinking I'm going home on time, a customer comes in (5 minutes before official closing) and asks for two cases of 25 decorated cupcakes with yellow buttercrème frosting; the thickest and hardest fucking buttercrème color to pipe. Not only did I have to stay an extra half hour, but I also had to clean all over again. RIP my weak lil' hands.

P.S: I work at a bakery.
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