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What made you say FUCK today?

Very odd family meeting. My mom insisted on showing my baby pics, including to me. Then she complained I lost weight and went on a rant about this careless, immoral new generation. It was to no one in particular but I imagine every youngun around wondered.
Money doesn't replace not being a fucking sociopath. At least I guess he listened and remembered/noticed I like pink gold and actually wanted THAT book. Kuddos for running out to find some place opened? Too bad! I'm still mad.
(just found out he also sent me a gift on a video game we both play LOL)
At the end of menstruation and I got the worst cramp I've ever had. Nearly got sick and was half tempted to go to the ER. I'm ok now but I made a doctor's appointment to make sure I'm ok.
Among the messages I got about my book, an asshole asking for a BJ. I can't. The book is clean, there's no pic of me on it (not done in my country) though you could always google… Just why?
The Strange is going on. Some months ago a historical page on FB posted pics of my grandmother as a kid with my great grandfather. Now, another historical group has posted about my (other) grandparents. I wasn't expecting to find that while browsing. Some stuff was wrong and I told them. They insisted they were right… Luckily an old poster said she remembers and of course I'm right. Urgh. I'm actually getting pms about it now, from people who don't understand.
The store not charging me for something I had in my basket and almost telling them about it. I like being honest when I'm shopping.
Oh hun. I don't care if there is another book, on another continent, with the same title as mine. I am not changing my title "to get published in America", and tagging the author is just off. BTW the author said there is no law against this, though she found a need to brag about her publisher.
Urgh. Woke up to the news that my fav gaming league is dissolving. I loved it, would get up early for the Morning challenges and all. Another one is doing bad, too. There was a long ass fight and then some people quit.
I woke to find, much to my chagrin, that it is still indeed the middle of January. And thus, cold as hell outside! Or as my father would so eloquently put it "Colder than a well digger's ass."

Spring cannot come soon enough.
i was like fuck yeah!! ^^

Went to Taco Bell to get some food and it was kinda late so no one was really around than when I walked in. Had a nice conversation with the cashier who told me how my day was and after I told her how my day was and what I did and the conversation ended, she pulls out a large or extra large soda cup ( didn’t order soda though ) and let’s me have it for free and of course I thanked her. (^ν^)
Who wishes newlyweds "male children" seriously? I'm used to old fashioned ways but that one took me aback from someone rather young and not especially backwards. #italy
Gaming fuck up of the day… I'm usually good at intuition and strategy but not this time. I basically waited until it was too late. WTF.
A cousin has been selling family stuff on Sotheby's. Poetry (several centuries old), traditional clothing (2 centuries old). Whyyyyyy? I'm sure someone in the family would want it. Plus, someone modified my great great grandmother's maiden name on geni, and someone else is arguing with everyone else about the maiden name of a great great… wedding in 1815.
The wind chills here are BRUTAL! Just walking from the house to my car felt like a trek across the arctic tundra.

On the plus side, it was a very pretty morning. I've never seen the sky so crystal clear, and the trees are practically sparkling with fresh snow. A truly postcard worthy scene.
We're having a family event in a couple months and just received our gowns (us gals will match from newborn to +++). My little relative wanted to try on her gown. I said no. She insisted. I'm not the type to wear gloves to try on gowns but I had her wash her hands at least. Now she's refusing to take it off and if something happens to it…...
I received the weirdest pm on FB. Someone checked my public pics (minority, but there are some) and basically said I seem to love make up and be great at doing it, so would I want to be PAID doing my make up and posting pics or videos. Then, the person asked for a cam tonight. I said nope as soon as the cam was mentioned but… is that a concept? I could totally be paid for posting dumb selfies instead of posting them anyway.
(Years ago I had a guy approach me at a vacay resort and suggest I give him feedback for his make up app. I said yes because YAY MAKE UP and he just used this to get my phone number )
I was babysitting for my cousin today. Baby and primary schooler. The primary was so sick, sparing you the details, but he was in such pain I panicked and called my relative almost in tears. He told me to stop stressing, the kid is manipulating me, give him water and bread and I can go back to my video games (hum). The boy said he couldn't stand, I can't carry him and by the time I thought to give him a basin he had used the couch as a toilet. I considered cramming everyone into a uber but if something happens, no carseat… and many taxis don't want a sick kid. Not that I had the health info for the hospital either. I considered calling a home visit but my cousin said not to. I was so badly annoyed when he came back. He told me the apartment looks like a refugee camp :rolleyes:
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