Wonderful Adventures (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

What did that traitor have to do with anything? She just came from the sky like everyone else. Now, there she was about to take something away. That was something Jinx wouldn't tolerate. Terra was soon straddling his lap with her arms around his neck. This was a position she used to love so much. He would bounce her on his cock non-stop. Garfield was amazing. Slade couldn't even beat him, and he was older. She smiled at the green mutant, starting to take her clothes off as well. She intended to be loud tonight. She would make sure Jinx heard them. She looked down at the canine cock, licking her lips. "Like I never do," she scoffed with a hint of seduction in her voice. She raised her hips and teasingly rubbed her pussy lips on the head of his cock.
"Glad to hear it," he said. His strong hands gripped her by her fuckable asscheeks, her breasts still grinding against his abdomen while his fat cock teased along her womanhood. Garfield nipped her neck like a playful animal, nibbling along the pale flesh while his hands combed through her long blonde locks. Even after all this time, despite all that had happened, he hadn't stopped loving her. He pushed forward, giving a grunt as the red tip of his canine cock into Terra's hot pussy.
Terra was more than glad to be here. She had her claws in him. Soon enough, he'll be crawling back to her. That pink girl had nothing on her. She knew exactly what Beast Boy liked. Her fingers entangled themselves in his short green hair, lightly tugging at it. He never changed. She once again looked down at his cock, admiring the way it was. It still looked the same as before. She knew it would feel the same as well. She moaned loudly as she felt the tip of his morphed cock pushing into her entrance. Her hips pushed down more, feeling her lower lips widening at this new member.
"Mm... not bad... buuuut Jinx is usually tighter," he teased. It was quite surprising really- regular sex with a horse cock ad it seemed she barely loosened between rounds. But he didn't mind, and she never seemed to either. He leaned in and nibbled against her collarbone, pointed fangs lightly nipping at the pale flesh. Garfield was starting to bounce her regularly, the first few inches of doggy dick easily forcing in and out until his knot was brushing her labia.
"She obviously hasn't been sleeping around like me," Terra grinned back, not being affected by his mention of Jinx. The blonde woman knew she could go around and fuck any man. She fucked the Teen Titan's worst enemy, Slade, just to join him. She moaned softly and moved her head down to his neck, frivolously sucking on his skin. She wondered if a hickey would show on his green skin. Her hands rested on his shoulder as he began to bounce her on his canine cock. "When you cum, you better put your knot inside of me."
"Relax, I know what you like. You rock-slut," the green-skinned male said, smirking and starting to bounce her faster and faster. Her sopping womanhood was lubricating Garfield's cock perfectly, and soon the hot juices were glimmering along the bulbous surface of his fat knot. He let out a wolfy howl and slammed her firmly down until their hips smacked together, his knot becoming lodged firmly into her pussy as his fat dick started spasming and venting thick globs of fertile mutant cum into her tight womanhood.
Terra grinned at the mutant. He never failed to please her. The name didn't bother her since it so true. She moaned louder, her inner walls tightening around his cock. This made her remember all the times they had sex. They always felt like heaven. Soon, her walls clenched around his dick as her womanly juices coated her thighs, his cock, and his belly. She cried out in ecstasy when she felt his seed touch her womb. She was so glad she did that thing a couple of months ago to make her infertile. "Oh...Garfield. I think...that's the best one we've ever done."
"It was pretty fun," Garfield remarked, smiling mischievously. He'd spare her feelings and not mention anything on Jinx's higher stamina. "This planet is kind of a dump, but I'm sure the three of us will have plenty of fun to make up for that." Little did he know that this would be far from the three of them sharing this planet.

When rumors of a new strain of Venom being developed in Kurac came about, the League had been worried to say the least. If a new and improved version of the super-strength drug was made, and if it was made readily available, then it would make their workload more than quadruple. It had been decided that Superman and Vixen would go undercover- Clark for his ability to handle large numbers of those mutants, and Vixen for knowing the desert land of Kurac like the back of her hand. Their first day had turned up minimal results, but as they were both tiring out it was decided that they should turn in for the evening.

The hotel room was nothing amazing, and a little cramped all things considered. The dark-haired male adjusted his glasses and then held the door open so Mari could enter first. Despite the desert heat, and the lack of proper air conditioning through much of the hotel, he wasn't really sweating at all. "I don't know... part of me is starting to think that the rumors are just that. Fiction," Clark said.
Life in the League was well. It was better than being a model in New York. It was good being able to be around people who she could relate to. They all had imperfections in their life. Mari had many. She spent a lot of time in Kurac. Mostly for business and an adventure. She usually explored places that could come in handy for the League at some point. It certainly did come in handy with the rumor of a new super strength drug being produced there. The League had sent out her and Clark to the planet to do some investigation. After finding minimal evidence of a drug on the first day, they returned to their hotel room.

There were dozens of hotels in this area that had much better rooming than this. This was the crappiest hotel room she's ever been in, and Mari had been in a lot of seedy hotels. She took off her light jacket and hung it up on a hook attached to the door. She was grateful that she had the powers of all the animals in the animal kingdom which prevented her from sweating, and instead panting lightly. "Maybe. This was our first day, though. We might find some stuff tomorrow. For now, it's best to rest. Looks to me there's only one bed. I'm sure you don't mind."
"One bed? Really?" he asked. But then again they were supposed to be posing as a married couple. Morally there was nothing too wong about it, Clark was single and as far as he knew Mari was too... Still, it felt odd to share a bed with someone who was essentially his co-worker. "Well I guess I donn't mind if you don't" Clark admitted as he set his duffle bag down beside the bed. He moved past the dark skinned beauty and tested the strength of the mattress "Hm... Seems sturdy enough..."
"This was the room League gave us," she sighed, running a hand through her dark brown hair. The hot, stuffy air was something Mari got used to. If you didn't, you'd probably go crazy on this planet. She was glad the League did an evaluation by putting the two of them in a hot room for two nights. Least to say, they passed and here they were now. "I don't mind. It'll be fun," Vixen said, smiling at the dark haired male. She stretched out her muscles before taking a seat on the mattress. "Come sit down with me, my husband," she teased.
He rolled his eyes casually at the teasing remark and made his way over. Since they were away from the public he saw no point in still wearing his spectacles and quietly slipped them off and set them on a small circular table. "You know we're not in public, you don't have to keep the ruse up," Clark said. Regardless he sat down beside the African beauty, his body radiating a warmth of his own. Some times he was like a miniature sun... "I could sleep on the floor if you'd prefer. I wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable Mari," Clark said. Plus who knew where their hands could go while they slept...
Being married sounded like a fun thing. She wondered who she would marry if she ever settled down. Mari doubted she would ever leave the League to start a family. It was a crazy idea. They were her new family, anyway. As she got comfortable on the bed, she took her earrings off then ruffled up her nicely done hair. "I like pretending we're married. It's actually fun," she remarked, rolling over to face him. Even in this heat, she was a little cold. She rolled over to be a little closer to him, enjoying the warmth that came from him. "Shut up, Clark. You're sleeping in the same bed as me. Get over it," Mari murmured. She faced him and kissed his cheek. "I'm fine. Let's get some sleep."
"Well if you say so," the older male said, giving a shrug of his muscular shoulders. Mari was a headstrong woman, when she wanted something she was going to get it one way or the other. So Clark laid back down on the large bed, finding it oddly comfy all things considered... for a cheap hotel, the mattress was quite nice. They were both single and both adults, so it was hardly a bad thing for them to share a bed. Clark gave a small yawn "Might as well get some shuteye while we're down here."
"Of course 'if I say so.' You're ridiculous," Mari laughed. Clark was always someone the younger female could enjoy being in company with. She wouldn't say they were acquaintances. They couldn't pretend to be a married couple if they were just that. The dark skinned woman curled up next to him, her hands resting on his chest. She smiled up at him and nodded, yawning also after him. "Well, see you in the morning," she murmured before closing her eyes. Her fingers lightly scratched his chest as she opened her eyes. Sleeping wasn't a good idea right now. "I'm not sleepy," she groaned, sitting up.
She was certainly quite flirtatious, but he tried not to dwell on it. She'd throw compliments to any man on the League, that was just how Mari was. Still Clark had settled in and tried to sleep, only to be almost immediately awoken again by Mari's voice. The tall and muscular male sat up, feeling the dark-skinned heroine press in even tighter as she did, and act that made his cheeks heat up a little bit. "Well... what else can we really do? We're supposed to keep a low profile..."
Around the League, Mari was known for flirting towards other men. It wasn't the following-him-around-giggling-at-everything-he-did kind of flirting. It was just compliments that was enough to make them blush a little. Clark was one of her "targets". The hot air wasn't helping her trying to sleep. Vixen sighed softly, running a hand through her short brown hair. "Did you bring cards? We could play a game. Something to take our minds off the situation. We could even play....strip poker."
"Willing to play strip poker with a ma with x-ray vision? Someone likes to live dangerously," Clark joked. Of course anyone who knew the boyscout also knew that he'd never cheat. Strip poker though... it sounded so dirty, but there was no real reason not to. He was okay with his body, and since he had no actual partner... Clark moved to his duffle and took out a deck of cards, shuffling the deck with superhumanly fast motions of his hands. "Well if you want to gamble that's your decision..."

(I should probably point out that I have no idea how to play poker)
"Someone like you wouldn't even use your x-ray vision on a woman," Mari countered, poking his chest as she stood up. Already she knew this was going to be fun. Poker was never really her strong hobby. Just something to do when she was bored. It looked like tonight was going to be actually fun. She laughed softly and shifted to face him across the stack of cards. After about an hour of playing, they finished with each other in their undergarments. Mari was only blushing slightly, but she could see Clark was about to die if he had to be wearing his boxers. It was nice seeing how close fitting they were. "Want to call it a tie?"
He never was much of a gambler, but Clark did like to learn extra skills whenever he found the time to. Now he was having to put his personal poker lessons to good use, and after almost a half an hour of the game it seemed they were at a dead heat- now left solely in their undergarments. The muscular male let out a small laugh and set his focus back on Mari, trying not to dwell on just how nicely her underwear framed her chocolate flesh. "Probably for the best," he agreed as he set his cards face down on the bed.
From the beginning, Mari knew this wasn't going to end well. Here they were in their undergarments, looking like fools. It was fun. Especially while looking at Clark's muscular body. He was so sexy. She just wanted to run her hands down his body, touching him everywhere. Mari shook her head to clear the thoughts. She laughed softly and sat back down on the bed. "Well, it would suck if we didn't bring our semi nakedness to use," she teased as she crawled over to him, running her index finger down his chest and over his muscles. "I've always found you...sexy," she purred.
When the African beauty moved in closer, he was left smiling nervously. Her finger pressed down his diamond hard muscles, the alien male feeling a little bit of blood rushing south from her merest touch. "Is that so...?" Clark asked, giving a small nervous laugh at her remark. "Well I guess the feeling is mutual... you're one of the most beautiful women in the world after all," he admitted. Clark's cheeks flushed, but he made no effort to pull away from her.
Mari could easily hear the sound of his blood flowing. It wasn't like she was going to eat him. She just liked knowing where his blood went when there was a sudden rushing sound. Her gaze drifted downward momentarily, smiling at a slight bulge. "Aw, really? Thank you, Clark. You're one of the muscular guys who don't act like jackasses all the time. That's very good." Mari smiled at him before standing on her toes and kissing him softly with her body pressing against him.
He gave a small murmur of pleasure once their lips met, feeling the silky material of Mari's bra scraping up against his toned muscles. She knew how to please, clearly. "Well, I appreciate the compliment," Clark replied. He pulled her in and let his strong hand push against the small of her back, feeling up her silky smooth chocolate skin. From where she was she could see he how hard he was... and how large to boot. That massive shaft seemed set to shred clean through his shorts, and it would make for a very snug fit... it'd hit straight to the back of her womb if she took it all in!
Her hands came up to scratch his scalp with her long nails. Out of everyone in the League, Clark was definitely the one man she would fuck to all heavens. Thinking about that gave Mari an idea. What would it be like having sex with him while he floated in the air? It seemed like a very good idea. She had to get him to do that. From her position against him, her toned stomach brushed against his hard member and did it feel huge. Out of curiosity, her hand moved down to grip his cock. "Ooh. Someone is very excited," she purred, emphasizing the very. She smirked and moved down to her knees slowly while pulling down his boxers. Then, she reached out and wrapped her hand around his large shaft before wrapping her lips around the head.
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