Wonderful Adventures (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

"Huh?" he turned when he heard his name being called, looking over to the pink haired ex-villainess known as Jinx. So she had been brought here too... maybe the others who had been in the training room had been landed here too? "Hey, just relax... jeez you must have hurt yourself," Beast Boy said, crouching down and looking over the gothic teen. Now it was time to get serious, no joking or messing about. "Can you feel any injuries on your body? I should be able to find something to patch them up with."
Why the hell was he here? Out of everyone in the tower, this green thing came here. All she wanted to do right now was scream. That still wouldn't do anything, but that could solve her frustration. Jinx glared up at him with her pinks eyes. "I'm not hurt. I'm fine," the bad luck bringer told him with a dangerous look. Her hard stare softened up when she noticed how serious was being and not being the joker like he usually was. She sighed softly and sat still. "My hip and ribs, but trust me. I probably didn't break anything. If you want to be sure, go ahead, check."
"Trust me, I had to learn some first aid stuff when I was in the Doom Patrol," Garfield replied. Well, he was hardly surprised at her distrust. One hand reached down and gripped the hem of her strange black dress, raising it up a bit just to expose her hip and ribs while still keep her bust covered up. He grimaced at the bloodied cuts and quickly examined a few leaves nearby to make sure they lacked any poisons or allergens to them. He plucked one off the vine and pressed it to the bleeding area of her chest, enough pressure to keep it halted. "Okay... just keep that there, and it should be fine."
"Good for you. It's good to know the Beast Boy can perform CPR on the people we save," she said in a mumbled voice. Her whole right side was in pain. When she came to this strange world, was she light put down on the ground or was she dropped from above? It made sense to Jinx that someone wanted her to be hurting. She looked down at her side as he lifted her dress, frowning at the sight of the cuts and bruises. That couldn't be healed with her powers. One cut was deep enough to actually be bleeding. "That's so much work: using my left hand to hold a leaf," Jinx grinned slightly, showing the mutant that she, too, could be fun.
Beast Boy grinned in return at the pink haired girl "Heh. You're the fun goth and Raven's the gloomy one," he joked, before raising to his feet again. He hummed and looked around the clearing they had landed in, and when he opened his senses out wide enough, but he couldn't pick up on any lifeforms in the local area. The green-skinned male helped Jinx up and smiled again "Well... no sign of Raven or the others... we should probably get some shelter and then go look for them..."
Jinx shook her head, the pink twists shaking. The one thing that made her laugh was when the green boy was funny. It was rare for her to even crack a smile in the tower. Beast Boy was a special mutant in her pink eyes. She let her dress down again, the fabric able to hold the leaf in place for her. The plants in the area were still giving off the strangest smell. The smell wasn't really bothering her, but she felt like it had a weird affect on her. The injured goth smiled softly up at Beast Boy, taking his hand with ease. "They probably aren't here. Don't you smell the smell? It's weird."
Garfield shrugged his shoulders "Eh, not really. I mean most stuff in general smells a little weird to me, it's kind of an animal sense thing," he replied, walking along with Jinx. In the distance there was the occasional caw of a bird or a splash from a nearby stream, but still no sign of the others. Finally the duo came upon a cave in the side of one large uprise of earth and rock, and Garfield let the way inside "It's kinda small in here, a real tight fit, but we can make it work... hehe, that's what she said!"
The female teen wrinkled her nose, wanting to to get out of the area. "Whether its there or not, it's annoying," she grumbled as they began to walk. Actually walking in an unknown territory excited Jinx. It was rare for the team to walk through a weird area without having Cyborg do his map thing on how good it is. They didn't have Cyborg here; they were just walking around. She followed Beast Boy behind in the tunnel, mumbling obscenities about how small this thing was. Then, he made a joke that was nowhere close to funny for her. "You're such a child. You act like you're nine rather than 16," she giggled slightly and punched his arm.
He laughed in return, reaching over to lightly rub where Jinx had struck his arm. For someone so cute and spindly, Jinx really did exercise enough to throw a decent punch.

Still, Garfield seemed nit to mind. It was just playful fun, the kind he would normally have with Starfire. That redhead was fun incarnate. "Well, if you wanted I could prove my age to you," Garfield teased, extending a snake like tongue from his mouth and wriggling it teasingly with a bit of shapeshifting. "Anything for a cute girl, right?" he teased again.
Now, that she thought about it, this was the most fun Jinx had in forever. Sure, the H.I.V.E Five were fun, but they didn't know how to do things. They weren't focused on the real job, the crime. That wasn't fun. The bad luck bringer said "eww" like a tiny girl when he moved his snake tongue. The scent from the plants must have had an effect on her because when he did it, she felt like she was on fire in her lower regions. "You're so stupid. Are we going to rest here for the rest of the day?" She asked seriously, sitting down on a rock.
"Well... no offense but I don't think you can forage or anything," he replied. Garfield still considered himself a vegetarian, so he was hoping he could just find some edible plantlife or berries... but if the need arose he'd just have to catch meat for himself and Jinx. He hummed and then smiled her way "Think you can set up a campfire? I'll get some food for us and see if the others are near. We'll have to stay close for the night. Ya know, for safety."
"Of course. The only thing my magic would do is kill the things we can eat and leave the poisonous plants and dangerous animals alive. You are amazing," Jinx stated. It was weird figuring out Beast Boy was a vegetarian. The main thing he loved was tofu. He could eat the all day. It mainly disgusted her. She stretched out her back over a rock, sighing when a satisfied popping sound was made. "I can set up a campfire. Don't go anywhere too far. It's creepy here. I don't mind staying close. It's not like we're going to do anything."
"You got it," Beast Boy replied. The teen hero quickly morphed into a mossy green wolf, and he soon padded over toward the thick woodlands. He was gone for over half an hour, double checking over everything he plucked to make sure it was safely edible for humans, and once he had a decent haul he headed back to the cave. On his back the tall green wolf carried a few large edible leaves, a large stack of juicy red berries safe to eat, and a large fish with deep red scales and plenty of meat on it's chubby body. Hec came to a hal at the cave and glanced about for Jinx to help set the food down.
As Beast Boy left the cave in a wolf form, Jinx stayed behind briefly to make sure her cuts were okay before dropping the leaf and exiting the cave. The pink-haired teen stayed in close proximity to the small tunnel. She used her magic to cut down about six branches to serve as fuel for the fire. Then, she cut them apart into smaller sections to fit in the cave. She walked back inside and set them down near where they would be sleeping for the night. A couple of times she tried to light them herself, but that wasn't going to work. Her ears caught the sound of the green teen's footsteps from the entrance. She stood up and walked to him, smiling at the food he caught. "You caught a lot of things," she told him as she took the things off one by one.
As soon as the supplies had been plucked off his shoulders, Garfield morphed back into his human form. "Well, I gotta help you our while we're together," he said, smiling. He helped her light the fire, this time simply using the friction of cracking two stones together rather than try any bizarre other methods. "I know my stuff, as you can see," Beast Boy said, smiling in a wry fashion and exposing his pointed fangs over to the pink-haired witch. "Question now is, how are we gonna sleep? I could turn into like, a sheep and let you sleep on the wool," he suggested as he set a fish to cook over the fire.
Jinx carefully set the supplies near the fire, thinking about what they could do with them. There was obviously cooking the deliciously looking fish, maybe some plants as "vegetables", and the berries as their fruits. That seemed like a good idea. The magician looked at him as he simply lit the wood on fire with two stones. "I could've done that. I just chose to try something fancier and more modern," she stated, crossing her arms with a humph then a giggle. "I wouldn't think that would be fair. You have to be comfortable, too. I hate saying this, but we could just sleep like normal people next to each other. Like...a couple," she suggested, blushing just slightly.
"A couple eh? Well you have been single for a while, maybe someone should make an honest woman out of you," he teased lightly, a cheeky grin on his handsome face. Beast Boy rose up and smiled her way "Still, if that's what you want, I don't mind. Terra might be back and all, but my relationship status is... weird. Single, I guess," he remarked before shrugging. He settled back down to watch the fish cook. They'd be fine. It'd be a cynch to survive out here until their inevitable rescue.
"Maybe someone should shut you up before you end up with a broken jaw and arm," she glared at him, not completely appreciating the light joke he made. The bad luck bringer wasn't particularly fond of being reminded of her failed love life. No man thought it was fun to date a girl like Jinx. Deciding to forget her feelings for the time being, she smiled at him. "Well, at least we both suck at finding people who'd date us," she commented as she noticed the fish simmering. It was actually starting to smell good.
"Okay okay, take it easy," he replied, raising his hands up. Raven seemed to be in a similar boat, even after dealing with her father she and romance seemed to be estranged. Even Star's relationship status wasn't as solid as it had looked in the past. As soon as the fish was cooked enough, Beast Boy begrudgingly ate a small amount of it. The need to survive could cancel out a lot of lifestyle choices. "But just for the record, I think you're really cute. And fun to hang out with."
Jinx particularly hated being reminded how bad her love life was. About four or five times she had been in a relationship in the past. None of them every lasted more than a year. It was because they found out who she really was and what she could do. It sucked to be judged like that. While the fish cooked, the pink-haired female worked on cleaning the berries to serve as a side for their "dinner". She smelled the fish and ripped off a piece. After studying it closely, she took a bite, letting out a satisfactory sound. Her jaw nearly touched the floor when he spoke up. "R-really? You think I'm cute? Um...I think you're really...unique and handsome?"
"Hah, come on you don't need to lie for my sake," Garfield replied, smiling and flashing is fangs once again. Still, the mutant himself couldn't lie to her. While she did have her bad luck powers, Jinx was always a cute girl. He would say the same of Blackfire if she wasn't so terrifying. He took another bite of the cooked fish and then plucked up some of the berries. "I mean the only girl who ever really liked me flip-flops between being good and evil."
"I'm not lying! I'm not entirely used to getting compliments like that. Besides, I'm not entirely used to being in a position like this," Jinx admitted, her cheeks heating up once again. She hated that this had to happen to her. Why not Terra or Raven? They were people better suited to like BB. She took her a sharp rock and cut the fish in half. She began to eat it hungrily. "Well, you shouldn't date crazy girls. Isn't the phrase "don't stick it in crazy" true for boys?"
"I'm a green-skinned guy who can turn into every kind of animal that ever existed. Trust me, I'm pretty used to being crazy," the slightly taller male remarked, smirking her way. He gave a small hum and trailed his eyes up her slim legs, noting how well Jinx's fashion sense complimented her exotic features. "I mean, you know... we could always try it out. I mean, since we only have each other for company, what's the harm in trying new things?"
Jinx shrugged before nodding in agreement. It was true, but she never thought someone like him would be stupid enough to try and date someone who wanted to hurt them before. Terra was not in the best places with Teen Titans. Her eyes followed Beast Boy's up her legs, her face burning with realization. "I guess we could. It's something we probably won't be doing for a long time. We might as well do something...new." The pink haired female spoke confidently. She was surprised by how easy it was to respond to a suggestion like that.
"Hey, you never know, it might make things even better while we're stuck out here," he said. He had his usual carefree smile on his face, and inwardly he could feel a sensation of desire filling his attractive frame. Garfield leaned in, and suddenly their lips were pressed together in a soft yet pleasant kiss. Sure there was the mingling taste of cooked fish between the two of them, but he didn't seem to mind. His hands came to rest on Jinx's slim shoulders, and his forked tongue tickled at her soft lips.
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