Wonderful Adventures (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

"W-whoa! R-really?" Oliver gasped out in shock, clearly taken aback by that bombshell. "Geez Laur... I'm pretty happy to hear that, and I appreciate the warning... I'd be less shocked if that came out sooner," he said with a small laugh. Alright, it was time to be a little more... refined in his motions. His teeth teased at the sensitive lobe of Canary's ear, and he started to thrust back and forth with more grace and ease, mindful of his own strength and depth.
"Yeah, really. I thought I could surprise with that right now," Laurel laughed softly, kissing his neck a little more. He reaction was priceless. "I wanted you to be this shocked. I've been waiting to tell you that since like, two weeks ago," she grinned and ran a hand through her hair before moaning softly at the teasing on her ear lobe. Oliver was amazing. She was so glad she married him. She panted softly and held onto his shoulders, bucking her hips to meeting his for each thrust.
Well he had to control his depth now, but there was also the issue of just how much he could cum. Was there any danger there? Honestly he wasn't sure- if it didn't involve first aid, he didn't know a whole lot about medical matters. He pressed on anyway, and Oliver was left grinning as he managed to get the upper hand against the cocky blonde after she managed to shock him so thoroughly. "I'm gonna cum..." he grunted as his fat shaft had more and more pressure building up inside it. "Should I pull out...?"
The blonde woman kept replaying the scene over and over again in her head. It still amazed her how shocked he was. Given the circumstances, she would've been as shocked as he was. Laurel came up wit ha small plan in her head. He probably would be cumming soon as his cock was throbbing and pulsating more inside of her, the obvious sign he was getting close. She gripped Oliver's shoulders, her walls tightening around him before convulsing for her orgasm. She moaned and quickly got over it, facing the matter of him cumming. "Hold on," she said as she pulled away from him, getting down on her knees. She wrapped her hand around his cock and took it in her mouth, smiling up at him to give him the "go".
It took a great deal of restraint and refined control not to just blast then and there when he felt the walls of Laurel's pussy tighten around him like that. Thank goodness she pulled off him like that... Oliver grinned eagerly when she knelt down, taking the the engorged head in her hot mouth. He managed to place a hand on her head "I have the best wife in the world," he murmured, before his swelling cock started spurting jets of hot and thick cum that hit into the back of her throat, a truly potent load that would filll her stomach if she managed to swallow it all.
Laurel had thought of it all when she found out about her pregnancy. He was known to produce large amounts of seed at any given time, so this was expected. To her, she was just teasing him when she pulled away from him right after her orgasm. It was one of the best ones, too. She let him place his hand on the back of her head, knowing fully what was coming. A soft moan rose from him as she felt the familiar taste of his cum touch her tongue and throat. She began swallowing, not daring to let any go. Soon, she began to feel her skin expand with the large load of cum she was swallowing.
Getting sucked off by Laurel had been more of a rare treat in the past- mainly with the potential risks of the sonic shriek she had- but Oliver loved getting to feel it whenever the offer was sent his way. "Hah... that was pretty impressive," he said, grinning down at the attractive blonde. He helped Canary stand upright and held her in a tender embrace, letting her share the heat of his body. "You shocked me pretty bad... but I'm more than happy to raise a kid with the woman I love."
To be honest, Laurel had always felt bad that he never got to truly experience what it was like to have a blow job. Sure, she gave some to him, but it was never on a daily basis. She knew Oliver loved it when she did something like this. "I have to agree," she purred before rising up with his help. Again, she wrapped her arms around his neck, instead in a loving way. "Thank you, Oliver. I knew you would be happy. We've handled bad guys. A kid can't be so hard," she laughed softly then kissed him softly.
The river streams around here were usually full of fish. Fat and slow swimmers that usually went along with the current, easy to catch. Still Beast Boy found that he had to teach his new mate how to properly fish in the event that he wasn't around. The shirtless green-skinned male was pressed into her from behind, guiding Jinx's hand so she could take aim with the sharpened stone-spear in her hand "Okay, just like this..." he was still no fan of hunting, but he could hardly force Jinx to become a vegetarian/. "That one there," Garfield remarked, pointing to a shadow in the water "Hit that oe as hard and as fast as you can."
Life was a little better here on this deserted planet. They figured out it was a planet given there was a much larger moon orbiting this sphere. The good things were that Jinx had Beast Boy to have sex with, and there was a never ending supply of fish in the rivers. The witch wore her usual dress, but it was cut to allow air in in the hot weather. She held the spear while Beast Boy instructed her how to do it. She saw the dark shadow, raising her arm, then letting go of it. Suddenly, there was a large crashing sound near them. Jinx screamed and covered her face, a wave of rock coming towards them. "Get away from him!" The voice yelled, the pink haired teenager instinctively recognizing it as more rock was flung towards Jinx. "Terra?!"
The shapeshifter had sprung to life when he heard and felt the eruption of rock strike the river, quickly changing and twisting his shape into the body of a rhino for the sake of defense... only to breath out a small sigh of relief when he saw Terra's blonde form. He changed back to his natural shape and raised his hands up "Just relax Terr. Jinx is one of the good guys now, remember?" He breathed another sigh of relief and approached her "I'm teaching her to fish." It's not like she had any reason to be pissy, they hadn't started dating again when she came back from the dead.
Terra was officially crazy. She had no right to come to this planet and start flinging rocks at Jinx. The pink haired witch wanted to choke the rock bender. This was frustrating. It was a nice way to ruin everything the two that preceded Terra had. Everything was fine and dandy the way things were. The blonde teenager glared at the girl standing beside Beast Boy. What reason did that witch have to touch him? When he approached her, she raised her arms with rocks floating beneath her hands. "That doesn't matter. What did she do to have you teach her how to fish? Are you dating her?!" She gasped, beyond mad at him and Jinx.
"I'm teaching her survival skills. We might be stuck out here for a long time and I don't want her to be totally dependant on me," Garfield explained. At the mention of them dating, he furrowed his brow and let his eyes meet Jinx's pink ones. Calling them mates would probably be more accurate- every time they did it he became a little more like a rutting animal. "I guess? We've only had each other for company, and things just kind of happen. You and I aren't dating Terra, you made that pretty clear to me when you came back to the group."
Terra looked between Jinx and Beast Boy, wanting to see if any part of that was true. Of course he was. Garfield always told the truth. He could never lie to her or that pink haired bitch. Now, there was the issue of those two dating. They had to be. It was so obvious by the way he was holding her. They had something else going on. The green mutant easily confirmed it. "So? It still hurts to know you guys have had sex. You can't have sex with me than with her," Terra scoffed, dropping her arms along with the rocks. Whatever this place was, she was stuck on it with these two. Jinx blushed slightly. "You did stick it in crazy," she whispered in Garfield's ear.
"Not now Jinx..." he grumbled in response. He gave a small sigh and approached the blonde "Look... this is a bombshell and all, but don't take it out on her. We're stuck out here for the forseeable future, and until we can find Raven out here, then there's not much we can do but get along together," he explained. Beast Boy placed a hand on Terra's shoulder as a comforting gesture "We've set up a camp of our own, and you're more than welcome to stay with us there. No sex, I promise."
"Still...." Jinx went on, letting a little of her magic out which caused a patch of grass to die. She backed up and sat on the bank of the river, allowing Beast Boy to have his time to talk to Terra. The blonde looked at him as he explained everything to her. Whatever this place was, it seemed like it had no desires of letting them go. She didn't even know how she ended up here. With a sigh, she laid her head on his hand on her shoulder. Despite breaking up with him, he was still a guy who liked to make everyone feel better. "No sex?" Terra scoffed. "I want what she's getting. She gets to have sex with you, and I want to have sex with you again. Maybe...both Jinx and me?"
"S-seriously?" the slightly taller male replied, stammering in complete surprise. What teenager wouldn't dream of a situation like this? Especially one who had plenty of animal instincts to also rely on and life off of. Garfield turned his attention to Jinx, glancing over his shoulder and then glancing back to Terra. "Well... I guess I... can't really... say I have any issue with that arrangement. I mean if you're fine with it, and Jinx is fine with it, then we can live like that."
Terra laughed slightly at his reaction. It was expected. A teenage boy like him getting to have two girls to fuck was the best gift he could have. Beast Boy deserved it, too. He managed to fuck Jinx. "Of course I'm fine with it. Jinx has to be. She'll still get to have sex with you and an extra person," the blonde reassured. The pink haired witch walked over, wanting to know what was happening over here that caused the girl who was trying to kill her moments ago to laugh. "I'm assuming you guys have come to some sort of agreement?"
"Um... well an arrangement of sorts... I guess I'll tell you on the way," Garfield replied. He plucked up the discarded fishing spear and walked along with the spearhead pointed to the ground out of safety. They could go fishing another day, it wasn't as if they had a shortage of supplies right now. Along the way back to cave he explained the new arrangement to Jinx, just as Terra had relayed it to him. Things seemed fine at the cave, the embers of the fire still going slowly and steadily. "Want anything to eat? We have plenty of berries, and a few fish in storage," he explained.
"I do not like the sound of that," Jinx groaned. Since she did not know the agreement, she still thought that sex would be off for them. That sucked for her. She didn't the fun to end because of some crazy bitch. That wouldn't be fair. She walked along side him, occasionally glancing at Terra. No wonder why he dated her. She's pretty, but he was naive. He didn't know she could turn so easily to Slade's side. At first, Jinx was a little shocked at the arrangement, really wanting to strangle the other woman. Eventually, she knew it was going to work out. She still got her sex with Terra on her side. Terra shook her head. "I was eating before I was transported here." She chuckled slightly, sitting down on a rock. "How did you two start to have sex? Jinx is the last person I would think of to have sex with you."
"It just kind of happened," Beast Boy admitted with a small shrug. He sat down on one small and slightly smooth rock in the cave and gave the slender witch a small smile "I mean we both felt kind of lonely being stuck on this weirdo planet, and this was kind of our way of coping. But I do really like her now. She pretty fun to spend time with," Garfield admitted. "Not that you aren't fun Terra... well, before you rejoined the team and all, you were fun."
At his answer, it was expected. Terra knew that's how it happened with them. One moment they were eating at a Japanese restaurant, then the next she was moaning from his canine morphed cock. At the memory, she giggled to herself. She wondered what cock he used on Jinx for the first time. "I get it, Garfield. You don't need to clarify everything to your crazy ex-girlfriend. Still, it will be nice to have sex with you with another pretty lady," Terra purred, smiling seductively at Jinx which earned her a blush from the pink haired witch.
"You're all heart Terra," he replied, grinning her way. Even now she knew exactly what he liked to hear, and she could still get a rise out of him doing that. "Well, you're not hungry for anything... and we're already back at the cave, soooo..." he trailed off, grinning and then wrapping a toned arm around the blonde's slim waist. "Maybe we could start experimenting with this new arrangement of ours...?" the shapeshifter suggested, sticking his tongue out and giving a playful wriggle.
"And you're all dick, Garfield," Terra replied with her own grin. This was something she always loved about being with him. They always teased each other. Jinx obviously didn't have that deep connection with Beast Boy. The blonde woman smirked at the witch who gave her the stink eye. "Maybe we can start another day. I'm going to go practice my fishing," Jinx said, standing up then walking out of their camp with the spear in hand. If she could, she would jab it into Terra's eye multiple times. The aforementioned woman smiled at Beast Boy. "Let the cranky girl deal with her jealousy issues. Now, I have you all to myself," she whispered before kissing him deeply.
These arguing girls were going to be the death of him... he'd have to ask for pointers from Starfire on how to get them off each other's throats. Before he could say anything his mouth was captured by Terra's addictive lips, and he felt his back pressing into the wall of the cave while also pulling the blonde in and quashing her bust against his toned abdomen. Garfield knew what she liked, and he grinned excitedly as he undid his fly to free up his long and hard canine dick, the red bulbous cock brushing against her thigh slowly and steadily. "You've gone and got me excited," he purred.
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