Wonderful Adventures (MellowYellow and Sweetnothings)

"Can you blame me? You put on a real show..." Clark admitted. He felt Vixen pull away, and part of him just wanted to pull her right back... but then he saw the ebony beauty move down until she was sliding his last article of clothing down, revealing his truly potent cock. The alien tensed, shuddering and then groaning as he felt the head of his dick steadily pushing into her tight and wet mouth. As Mari did this, Clark reached down and casually undid the clasp keeping her magnificent breasts in check.
At Clark's comment, Mari winked at him. If he was that hard, she could only imagine what he would be like inside of her with this erection. That was something she was definitely looking forward to. Her eyes were on him as she slowly moved down to her knees in front of him. She could see he was thinking something else before she moved down. First, Mari lightly sucked on the head just to tease him and get him going before she began taking more. All the while, her tongue was moving across his sensitive spots as she sucked as well.
Despite his impressive size, and the fact that Superman seemed to find no shortage of female interest being sent his way, he was relatively inexperienced when compared to Mari. He did always work to keep his strength under control, so it was certainly a rarity for Clark to try anything sexual. Still he shuddered and let her work away, small gasps of pleasure rising out of his mouth while his fingers threaded through the raven material of the African beauties hair "You're... really good at that..."
There was one thing Mari could tell by his body language. He was a little inexperienced. The guys she has been with always put their hand on her head with their fingers threading through. Clark simply didn't get it. She didn't blame him. She planned on giving him more experience points by the time they're sleeping in bed. She smirked at him as she pulled away and ran her tongue on the underside of his shaft. "I can tell you're not the experienced," she pointed out as she continued licking him with her eyes on him.
"Aha... yeah. Usually I try to avoid having sex, since... well 'man of steel, woman of kleenex'..." he trailed off and scratched the back of his neck with invulnerable fingers. Every lick of her magnificent tongue was enough to make Clark shudder with a growing need. Clark let out a small groan an felt his back pressing aainst the modest headboard of the bed. "It's just a little dangerous to do. I could seriously injure most normal women by doing that, you know."
Mari could only listen to him tell his story. She felt so bad for him. It must've been hard to deal with knowing you could hurt someone. Now she was more determined to show him what it's like to be with someone. He deserved to be with someone like her. She felt his body shudder from the pleasure, and she pulled away to tease him. "Stop talking," shee whispered as she straddled him with her pussy lips hovering right over the head of his cock. She slowly lowered herself, feeling her lips stretched for his large size.
He didn't seem to mind her going on top for this, it was probably the safest option. He gave a small nod and planted his strong hands on Mari's rear, giving another grunting groan as he felt the tip of his cock forcing her entrance wide. "Okay..." Clark breathed out, before leaning his head in to nibble at the chocolate-coloured skin of her neck. It was a bit of a struggle for Clark to keep under control, but he kept his muscles in check so he wouldn't wind up hurting Vixen.
Despite what he said, Mari was curious to know what it was like that made it dangerous for other women. If he made it dangerous to others, she wondered what it must be like for her. "Why is it dangerous for others when you do this?" She asked as she lowered herself more. Fortunately, she was able to contain a very long moan while she talked. Afterwords, she moaned at Clark's nibbling on her soft neck. She finally lowered herself down enough to the hilt of his cock. Clark was definitely had an impressive size that she loved.
"Well... I can push planets when I try hard enough, and strength like that an be dangerous to ordinary women. If I'm not under absolute control of my strength, well a little miscalculation could break somebody's bones or worse," Clark explained. He trailed off into another groan, feeling that hot pussy sliding down deeper and deeper until the impressive head of his cock forced her crvix wide open and popped neatly into the back of her womb, stretching Mari's womanhood from end to end with his powerful cock.
"Push planets? Wow. I've only thought those were myths. I always believed it was impossible to do that, but enough of my fangirling. You know you don't have to hold all your strength back with me. I want to see you with your strength. No holding back," Mari whispered, her nails slightly digging in his chest with a moan. So, that's how big he was. She definitely thought that he was big enough to at least touch her cervix, but not enough to touch the back of her womb. "You are very large," she complimented before beginning to move her hips up and down Clark's shaft, her pussy hugging his large cock.
Clark gave a small laugh at Mari's so-called fangirling, feeling it lighten the air of the rather odd night they were having thus far. He'd hold back less, to be sure, but going all out was unlikely to happen. He pulled Mari in and kissed her with a clear passion, their tongues tangling and duelling in each other's mouth while his impressive dick forced in and out of her tightest depths with minimal protest and an ever increasing pace in his motions.
Mari had to admit she found strong men to be a huge turn on for her. She didn't know why, but just watching them do things to prove their strength made her hot down below. Usually, she would sneak into the training room and would watch them men work out. She was a little taken back by the kiss, but she returned it anyway, pushing her tongue against his with the same intensity. Soft moans rose from her continually into his mouth as he quickened his motions. Out of everyone she had ever fucked, Clark came in first. Not because of his dick size, but because of how good he felt inside of her.
He continued working away, his hips hammering away at a vaguely superhuman pace until it seemed that he was a jackhammer fully stuffing the hot canal of the dark-skinned heroine's pussy. His cock was throbbing, pulsing as an orgasm steadily built inside him. And then finally clark could hold back no longer. His strong hands had taken a firm hold on Mari's hips and his fat cock got to pulsing befoe he started filling her to the brim with rope after rope of thick and hot alien cum. He tensed, and then Clark fell back on the bed and slowly and carefully caught his breath. "That was... pretty impressive. Amazing really..."
When Clark started to take over more, Mari started to stop taking control. She loved it when her partners would do that for her. She would take control then they would take it back. It was basically a back and forth "battle" that she loved. Her pussy was tightening around his member repeatedly as her orgasm crept closer to unleashing its pleasure. Her chocolate tinged skin was covered in sweat from the rough sex. This was more than she was hoping for. It was beyond her expectations, and it took a lot to surprise her. She moaned loudly as she felt his cock release its potent cum inside of her womb, filling her to the brim and spilling some. Her walls convulsed around him when her orgasm hit her, her juices spraying her thighs and his stomach. "It was better than I expected. It was amazing."
Day by day it became a little easier to adjust to life on this crazy planet, and it certainly grew more comfortable as Beast Boy steadily taught his lovers about survival techniques. Over time their clothing decayed, so it seemed the three of them were wearing the bastardized remains of their older costumes, warped to look like some sort of tribal garb. Garfield gave a small grunt as he forcibly pulled a mushroom for the ground, quickly checking its scent with his canine nose to make sure that it held no poisonous toxins. He whistled in approval and then tosse it into the animal-pelt bag that Terra had created.
After endlessly searching for Jinx, Terra, and Beast Boy, the rest of the Teen Titans thought all hope was lost. Especially Raven. Lately, she's been more...gloomy. She knew it was her fault for Beast Boy and Jinx getting on that planet. Plus, Terra was watching her practice the same moves from that day. Now, she was gone. Raven was more than upset about all of this. More than the rest of the Titans. She sat in her room, meditating like she always did when she was suddenly pulled out of it. It wasn't by Starfire like it usually was, but it was something else. Instead, she was screaming as her vision was blurred and a feeling of whiplash took over her. Her eyes suddenly opened to a blue sky. "Where am I?" She groaned as she sat up slowly. Raven suddenly knew what happened.
A sudden crashing noise caught his senses, causing Beast Boy to tense up. He gave a low growl ad lucked a carved stone knife off his hip and started creeping toward the clearing, stopping only when he saw a feminine shape pulling herself out of the grass. "R-Raven?" Garfield blurted out in shock. From any distance, that purple bobcut and purple cape was a dead giveaway. "W-when did you get here?" the green-skinned male asked, too dumbfounded to think up anything smarter.
What is with this planet? It couldn't just keep picking up girls from the group and dropping them off here. Whoever was doing this was an asshole. As Raven stood, she rubbed her head to get the fog out. Her senses caught the smell of something familiar. Someone she longed for since the day he went missing. "Beast Boy?!" She gasped around the same time as he did. So, this is where everyone ended up. She just wondered where they all were. "I just got here. I-is everyone else here?" The purple haired demoness was just as dumbfounded as he was.

From the distance, Terra and Jinx looked on. Another girl to add to this. Fun. They both had the same thoughts. Everyone knew Raven and Beast Boy probably had a little crush on each other, and if it was true, it would ruin everything they had built together. He was already in a "relationship" with the two of them. It was going to suck worse. Instead of dwelling on it, they put on their happy faces and ran over to see their longtime "friend".
"Everyone? Well... Jinx and Terra and I are here... I don't know if anyone else landed on the planet after the accident in the training room," he admitted with a small shrug. Garfield gave her a sweet smile and moved in closer, before tensing up a bit when he heard the other two heroines approach... damn, as if things weren't complicated enough around here. "Come on, we'll take you over to our camp so you can rest up. Then you and Jinx can try and find a way to bring us all home."
"That's what I meant. Gosh. I can't believe you've been here this whole time. And no one else came here. Everyone is still back on Earth while we're here," she laughed softly, almost hysterical that he was here. Raven even smiled at him a little. This was not like her. She looked at the two girls who came towards them. "Jinx, Terra. I'm...h-happy to see you guys," she muttered, going back to her gloomy self. Jinx forced a smile and nodded while Terra just ignored her. The purple skinned girl nodded at their attitudes and looked at Beast Boy. "That sounds like a good idea."
This was both great, and a pain in the ass. For as much as Beast Boy liked the gloomy goth, thiings had just calmed down between Jinx and Terra and this was just as likely to fire things up again. Regardless, he led the way with the three women, in through a winding path of jungle that they had all become quite familiar with by now, until they reached the cave. They had expanded a bit now, setting up more proper bedding and traps around the perimeter for when night fell. "You didn't hurt yourself on the fall down here, did you?" Garfield asked as they moved into the warm cave.
From the first time the two of girls have been put on the team, Raven had a bad feeling about them. It wasn't like they were evil, they were just...rude. They knew what they knew what they were doing when they pretended not to hear her, or when they would say something behind her back. Being stuck on this planet was just going to spark old tensions and cause problems for all of them. The demoness could tell they've all had sex with Beast Boy since arriving her. It made sense. One guy and two girls. Eventually, hormones was going to get the best of them. She walked into the cave and shook her head. "Surprisingly not. I fell kind of hard, you know?" She replied before sitting down on a rock.

Jinx moved past Raven and sat down across from her, giving her the stink eye when she wasn't looking then forcing a fake smile when she did. Terra did the same thing, but she did it when Garfield wasn't paying attention. She still wanted him to think she was a good girl.
"As long as you're okay," he replied with a slight smile. He was quick to cook up some leftover pieces of fish for her. It was nothing too glamorous but he knew that Raven wasn't too high strung about what she ate. And besides, when you were out here you just stuck with what you were given. No sense in complaining. "Be nice Jinx. C'mon, we all gotta get along here," he said glancing to the pink haire witch as he handed Raven the cooked fish in a bowl-shaped leaf.
Raven couldn't help but smile at her long time crush. It was so sweet to see him worried about her like he was. At least she had him by her side while the other two girls were busy giving her bad looks. The purple haired girl wasn't stupid. She knew exactly what they were doing, and she could see that Garfield also knew. Jinx scoffed at the boy she lost her virginity to. "So what? I'm not going to hide my true feelings for her just for you," she snapped, glaring at him now. Terra blushed slightly, embarrassed that she participated in something like that. Raven frowned as she decided to keep her anger down. No use in cutting this girl's head off.
"Aw Jinx, c'mon. Don't be that way," he said with a small sigh. He knew that Jinx was being snippy, but he could swear he was picking up a new scent from the witch that made him cut her some slack. Garfield sat back and focused on Raven, smiling fondly at her as she ate, before returning his focus to the others to prevent them getting too mean. Raven could handle herself, sure, but he hardly wanted a fight to break out here and now. "It'll all be fine from here on out," he remarked.
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