The Dragon Princess {Sweetnothings}

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"I know, I apologise," she replied. She moved over to the far corner of the room, plucking up a padded shirt and thin pants, before donning those same furry robes she had been given when she got here. She moved along with Yue once she dressed, letting her lead the way to the dining hall. Even now she still had some trouble finding her way around this place. "I hope Mai and Ty Lee slept well. I know I did," she purred in a teasing tone, letting her hand graze lightly over Yue's backside.
Yue nodded in acceptance of the apology. She walked to the mirror and knelt down slightly, fixing her hair into the usual style it was for her appearances in public. Her room was all the way on the other side of the palace. Yue led the way to the dining room, already being able to smell the food from above. She looked back at Azula and grinned. "I did, too. Thank you for asking. It was...entertaining what we did last night. Talking and making jokes," she said the last part as someone passed by, bowing to the two princesses.
"Oh yes, so much talking," Azula replied, deciding to play along with the ruse. It would perhaps be a little troublesome if she just up and said 'I just fucked the princess of the North Pole until she was screaming and cumming like a fire-ape.' Once they reached the dining area, a small meal set out at every part of the table for every guest, she spotted Mai and Ty Lee and she rather quickly took a seat beside the two, leading Yue along with her. "Mm, good morning dears. Don't get too used to the luxury. The coming voyage and the pitstop at Kiyoshi Island will be far less extravagant."
That was a thing Yue hated about living here. When she would have private conversations, people would walk by, greet the princess, and they would have to change their conversation briefly. It was a reason why she wanted to leave and join Azula. Her father would easily say yes. He loved his little girl. The white-haired princess turned back into the shy one she was as they took a seat next to Mai and Ty Lee, her being on the far end. "Good morning, Azula. Will Yue be joining us for the travelling?" Mai asked, smiling at the smaller teen. Ty Lee grinned. "We heard you two last night. We recognized Azula's moans anywhere. Mai and I had some fun listening to you two."
"Ugh... I sorely hope it was only you two.." Azula said, while heat forced its way onto her cheeks. If other people in this palace had heard her, she felt she would die of mortification. Still, it was a little flattering to know that her lovers would still listen in on her. "Yue wishes to travel with us, and so long as she understands the danger then I don't object. Ultimately, if she comes with us then that depends on the agreement she comes to with her father."
Mai laughed softly and nodded. "I was nice enough to stuff towels under the doorway to prevent any other noises coming from your quarters. Coming from Ty Lee and me, you two sounded like you were having a ball," she laughed softly before beginning to eat her food. It was much different than the fire nation's. Ty Lee also began to eat, beaming at the expectation that Yue could come with them. She was such a pretty princess. Yue smiled softly and nodded modestly. "My father will definitely say yes. He believes a princess shouldn't be confined to her home. I see it as a very fun opportunity for us."
"I suppose that sort of thing is to be expected. I just always had a little more freedom personally," Azula remarked. And that was exactly what would be her own father's own downfall, giving her a freedom and a loose leash. The dark-haired princess started eating, taking a dew small bites of the refined food. Much better than what most people out here would stuff in their guts. "Anyway, I'm sure you'll enjoy the journey, plenty of scenery to come across as we head from here to the Earth Kingdom."
"That's kind of obvious considering what you are doing now: your father trusts you too much, favors you too much, and you go behind his back and dethrone him. Seems like something you would do," Mai pointed out, dipping a pastry into a sauce designed for it. The food here was actually pretty good. Yue smiled softly and nodded, happily chewing down her food. "How long will the journey take? Isn't the Earth Kingdom far from here? The maps here aren't that great."
"Far enough," Azula said with a small sigh. "We'll be making a few stops along the way. Firstly there's one island where we need to hire a female tracker and bounty hunter, she'll come in handy when the time comes to intercept the Avatar. Next there's Kiyoshi island, where we'll be able to stock up on supplies with any luck. After that then it'll be a long trek by land toward Ba Sing Se, and a stint of stealth if we want to get anywhere near the Earth King to work out a deal," he explained. She finished the last of her breakfast and folded her hands neatly in her lap.
There was one thing Yue didn't like: long trips. Even going from coast to coast of the North Pole was long. By what Azula was telling her, it was going to take a long time to get to Ba Sing Se. It amazed her that they've been travelling by themselves for so long. They have seen everything. The only thing Yue had known her whole life was the Arctic. It wasn't extremely fun. As Azula explained the plan to the three of them, Ty Lee, Mai, and Yue finished their food. They were treated with the best food. The servants came around to pick up the plates from their guests. "When are we going to be leaving?" Ty Lee asked politely.
It hadn't been too hard to find June. After all her reputation proceeded her, and everyone in town seemed to be more than a little afraid of the bounty hunter and her fearsome mount. And with her drinking habit there was only one watering hole where one could find her. "Well, the rumors didn't lie," Azula remarked, seated at one far booth of the tavern with Ty Lee perched beside her. "She is a rather tall and imposing woman... attractive too. Not that I really pay attention to such things," Azula added a moment later, flashing her first lover a small smile, her eyes shining with a teasing mirth.
Cheers rose from the seedy drinking tavern as the tattooed woman slammed a burly man's hand down against the towel. "Now, you give me your drink!" She cheered, taking the man's cup of alcohol and downing it with ease. The men around the table cheered again after the defeated man walked away. "Who's next up to the amazing June?!" She yelled, standing up and holding out her hands. By now, she was a little buzzed. Then again, she drank ten cups of alcohol. Her eyes went to a table of four over by a corner. Grinning, June walked over there dauntingly. "What are you four royals doing out here?" She asked, recognizing all four of them with ease. Ty Lee blushed, her hand squeezing Azula's. "We're here on business."
Azula seemed not to react as June drew in closer, about as icy looking as Mai usually was. Perhaps it would have been best not to bring Yue into a place as seedy as this, but she was quite headstrong and stubborn when she wanted to be. "Indeed. As Ty Lee said, I have need of your services and I'm willing to pay quite handsomely for them," she explained. Her golden eyes met the drunken bounty hunter's own and she rather calmly added "If you accept, you will travel with us into Earth Kingdom territory and serve as a tracker for us when the right time comes. Is that acceptable?"
The fire princess always made June laugh. Everybody knew what she was doing against her father, and everyone supported her. Supposedly, she was moving from kingdom to kingdom, getting supporters along the way. Obviously, it has worked so far, but the true reason why they followed was easy to see. The two smaller women in the group of four trembled just slightly. "Handsomely? Depends how much you decide to give me," she pulled up a chair and sat on it backwards with her legs around the back. "Of course it's acceptable. I want to have what they're getting. See, little princess, I know what you are. I'm not going to judge you, but I'm certainly interested."
Azula kept a firm poker face as June made not to subtle references to her current... condition. Indeed, passing jokes of Azula's sexual preference and prowess led to jokes about the princess having a cock, and those jokes had come to evolve into rumors and whispers. "Very well..." Azula said simply. She reached for a pocket on her belt and took out a small smooth red leaf. Dragonleaf, a Fire Nation aphrodisiac that supposedly improved virility and stamina. She would need it now... "If you'd adjourn to the ship with me, we can discuss the... terms of your employment," she said as she rose up fully. June was taller than her, but Azula still looked imposing.
The bounty hunter had her little spies around the kingdoms. They looked for her bounties, but they also had use for her: spying. Supposedly, the ones she had in the Northern Water Tribe heard the oh-so-shy Yue moaning in Azula's quarters. The only explanation was simple. Obviously Azula did it on the other three, and they all loved it. Her eyes darted to the red leaf she pulled out, almost thinking it was a knife at first. She stood up from the chair and kicked it back to the table. June had a good three inches on the princess. Most people were taller than her, but it was no surprise they all bowed down to her. "That sounds like a grand idea." She pulled out a couple of coins and placed them on the table, her payment for the drinks she had. She turned and began walking out of the door.
It took a little bit of time and preparation for Azula to brew the leaf into a steaming cup of red tea, which she quickly gulped down without waiting for it to at least cool. She was a firebender, as if a hot drink could bother her. Almost immediately she let out a grunt s her heavy futa balls swelled a bit, growing larger as they went almost into overdrive on cum-production and storage. She breathed a low sigh of relief and headed into the adjacent room of her ship, where she and her lovers had been 'sleeping' since their journey at sea began. "Alright bounty hunter, show yourself and I will show what I can do."
While Azula was preparing her tea, the three teenagers were discussing things in Mai's quarters. "I can't believe we have June on our team now. Isn't that exciting?" Ty Lee quipped, giggling with joy. Yue smiled, nodding in agreement. She could be a quiet one when she wasn't around Azula. Mai just grunted. "One mistake and she'll probably paralyze us with her Shirshu. We better be careful despite how beautiful she is," the gloomy teen remarked. Across the hall in the room where the lustful events take place, June sat on the bed naked with her legs crossed, her tattoos in full display. When Azula walked into the room, she rose from her place and walked over to her. "I'm going to assume your little companions were mostly virgins when you got them to join you, correct?" She asked as her hands bravely began to take off the princess' pants.
Azula gave a small grumble of annoyance. She certainly wasn't used to someone being as perverse as she was, or as cocky before sex, so he was taken a little by surprise. Still, she started to strip too and kept hr eyes glued to June's pale and beautiful busty body. "Indeed. All of them were virgins before encountering me," she said matter-of-factly. Her massive cock flopped free, and she slowly stepped out of her pants leaving her as naked as the bounty hunter. "I take it you have more skill on your end."
It was a reaction June was expecting. Azula had been in the company of submissive teens for who knows how long. Then here comes a woman who is certainly more talented than them. At least for the first time. "It makes sense. Cooped up teens wanting to get away from their life style to be with a beautiful teenager with a cock," she said rather bluntly. Her hands looked at Azula's cock, actually in awe. She was bigger than the men she had been with and that was a lot. "You saw where I drink all the time. I've taken home lots of men for the night. They're all the same. You can't be any different. You have a cock." She smirked and wrapped her hand around the drug induced cock, beginning to move her hand up and down the length before letting her tongue dart out and run over the head.
"I assure you, I will out last anyone else you've ever been with. I'm no peasant," the younger female said. Azula folded her toned arms under her soft breasts, and she gave a soft moan of growing pleasure as she felt that hot and skilled tongue lap at the tip of her impressive shaft. She contained her moans surprisingly well, giving off a few low noises that she covered with the best of her abilities. "And with the help of the dragonleaf, even you will find this troublesome."
"Of course you're no peasant. You're the prodigal daughter of Ozai. Soon, you might become Fire Lord yourself if you successfully over throw your father. I would love that so much," June admitted before she took Azula's cock into her warm and wet mouth. This thing better feel like heaven inside of her pussy. She began to move her head up and down on the cock, her tongue touching the princess' pleasurable spots that she knew. She gave a grunt as an answer, showing she would get through it with ease.
The younger woman gave a small murmur of approval, pleasurable pulses running up her dick. Usually she only ever got blowjobs from Ty Lee, and while she was eager (Nowadays she was very eager to make Azula happy) she had very little finesse with her motions, especially compared to June. "Well... not bad at all..." Azula whispered. Her heavy balls bumped against June's chin, and the futa could feel herself heating even further under the skin. June could probably mentor her lovers when she wasn't doing her tracking duties at least. A viable application of her talents.
Now, this was something she could start to enjoy. The older woman had already grew a little fond of the pretentious princess. Sure, June had a good ten years on her, but that still didn't mean she could have a good time. By far, she had the most skills between the other three. It was clear to the bounty hunter they needed someone with the skills. June kept sucking and licking until she was satisfied Azula was close to the edge. Just how she liked cock. She pulled her mouth away, a string of saliva trailing from the head to her lips. "Your turn," June said, not taking no for an answer as she laid back on the bed with her pussy lips spread.
If there was one thing Azula loathed, it was being deprived what she wanted- ESPECIALLY at a critical moment. That was why she was particularly seething as June callously pulled away and laid back, expecting the princess to 'return the favour.' "Count yourself fortunate that I still have use of you," she growled as she made her approach. She wasted no time, no teasing or foreplay, and simpy drove straight in to start savagely licking at June's pussy at an almost superhuman speed.
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