The Dragon Princess {Sweetnothings}

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Azula seemed disappointed when Mai pulled back, and it took a lot of self control on her part to not just grab Mai and ram her cock straight back in. She took a deep breath and then gave a cocky smirk down at Mai, beckoning for her to stand up before bending her over. She took a moment to admire Mai's rear- nice and toned, not as squeezable as Ty Lee's but certainly not unappealing. "Mm... I've never seen you eager for anything," the princess remarked, before pushing forward and forcing the first few inches of cock into Mai's tight and eager, soaking wet pussy. Oooooh she was a tight one alright.
Right after Mai pulled away, she could see the disappointment written all of the princess' face. It was certainly satisfying, knowing that she had that kind of control over someone as infamous as Azula. The assassin smiled and did as she was told, bending over and facing Ty Lee's pussy right in front of her. "Even someone like me can be eager for a cock," Mai countered before moaning as she felt the cock pushing into her cunt. It was a mix of pleasure and pain. Someone like Mai took pain as a signal for pleasure. Ty Lee then grabbed the teenager's hair and pulled her to her pussy, feeling the tongue beginning to dart in and out of her.
It was a little awkward to be multitasking like this, ramming Mai's pussy while eating Ty Lee out, but the princess of the fire nation never gave up or showed weakness in the face of a challenge. Azula bent forward a bit, allowing her to better eat out her close friend, while her hips jerked steadily to fully fit her engorged cock into Mai's depths. This felt great! Had she been denying herself the pleasures of sex all these years? Hm... well as it stood, she had plenty of time to explore and experiment.
Mai turned her head back to look at Ty Lee moaning and writhing in absolute pleasure while Azula fucked and licked. It was definitely impressive. She didn't slow her ramming down or stop eating out the acrobat. It certainly had its effect on Mai, causing her to start bucking her hips back and moaning loudly. There was nothing better than this. Staying holed up in that house was tiring. This was something she could never get bored of or hate. On this adventure of theirs, maybe they would encounter more people to join this...sleepover of sorts.
Azula's slurping noises were loud and lewd, filling up her mouth with that powerful tang. Ty Lee tasted as sugary sweet as her personality was. Faster and faster she went, showing off a great degree of dexterity with her tongue and powerful humps of her hips. But she didn't have infinite stamina it seemed, and all too soon he was grunting and spurting hot globs of cum into Mai's hot pussy- a truly impressive load that soon had her little swimmers gushing into the assassin's womb.
Mai was gasping and moaning loudly, her hands digging into the blanket she was using with her cot. The fact that she was getting fucked from behind while Ty Lee was getting eaten out, made her even wetter than she was. She could feel the pressure building in her lower stomach. She knew that as a signal of getting close. Ty Lee's fingers tangled themselves in the princess' hair, her nails scratching her scalp lightly. Mai was the first one to cry out, her walls tightening around Azula's cock soon after she felt the first glob of cum touch her womb. Then it was Ty Lee whose walls tightened around the firebender's tongue.
Azula was steadily catching her breath while her lovers came down from their own highs, the pleasure dying down in her powerful and imposing frame. With another grunt she pulled out of Mai and lifted both of her lover up, carrying them back toward the sleeping bag that she and Ty Lee had been sharing since they started travelling together. "Not bad at all Mai... you may just have a future at this," Azula teased lightly. She casually set both of her lovers down on the padded and soft material, and all too soon Azula was nestled between both of them. "Very nice... very nice indeed."
Mai panted heavily, small droplets of sweat coating her forehead. Soon, she caught her breath and stayed in the position, enjoying the lasting feeling of Azula's cock inside of her. Ty Lee loosened her grip on the princess' hair before being lifted by their strong lover. People usually underestimated her strength until they see her fight. She was strong on the field as she was in the tent. Mai laughed softly and kiss Azula's cheek. "I certainly hope I have a future at this," she grinned before rolling her shoulders and getting comfortable in bed. She smiled softly and draped her arms over the princess' body. Ty Lee curved her body against Azula's from the front, smiling gingerly. "Welcome to the family, Mai."
It had certainly not been easy or safe for Azula's personal vessel to find a more stealthy route toward the North Pole. And even once the ship had dropped anchor and the three women made their way to the city of ice clad in stolen blue robes, they were still playing a great game of risk- walking into a lion's den. But Azula was nothing if not a good negotiator, and she was able to not only get into the palace of the capital but also managed to win over the head of the tribe with her plans for victory, how she planned on overthrowing her father and ending the war. Now she and her defectors would need to stock up, and for the time being Azula had been given a room in the palace. She strode through the frozen corridors, clad in those same blue furs that covered her attractive frame. Time to head to bed.
After reaching the coast of the fire nation by foot and animal, they boarded one of Azula's personal ships. It took them to the North Pole which was obvious by the colder climate. Once they got close to the tribe, they raided one of their ships and stole their clothing. They looked like ordinary Water Tribe women. Ty Lee and Mai acted as her advisers, pretending to whisper in her ear to give advice when all they said was encouraging words- like she needed them. The two women were giving separate rooms away from Azula, the people of the palace wanting to give such a highly profiled women her privacy. All but one woman chose to not to respect that. During the course of the talks, Yue sat beside her father, listening and studying the woman. She knew where Azula's quarters were. Yue was dressed in her night robes with her beautiful white hair down her back. She silently followed her until the door was closed. When she felt like she waited long enough, she knocked on the door lightly. "Princess Azula?"
In her brief moments of privacy, Azula had let her hair down and slipped out of her tight blue robes into something more comfortable.Her silky red bedrobe hung loosely to her frame, the golden trim wrapping around her cleavage and the hem exposing a good portion of her long and slim legs. "Hm?" Azula turned to the doorway after hearing the distinct knock and she was quick to pop the door open. "Ah, Princess Yue," she said, smiling mischeivously at the exotic woman "What brings you by?" she purred.
The Princess of the Northern Water Tribe was wearing a blue robe that similar to her robes during the day. It covered her night gown, a silky light blue gown that went to her knees and did little to hide her cleavage. Princess Yue waited for bit before the door opened, exposing the beautiful Fire Princess. During the talks, she would blush at random times due to her fantasizing about her. She smiled confidently at her. "I was hoping I could come in and talk. It would be nice to know you outside of the peace talks with my father," she said, her hands inside the sleeves of her robes after knocking.
"Ah of course. It would be nice to talk to another princess for a change," the taller female replied. Even with those furry robes on, Azula could still indeed tell that Yue had a bigger rack than her. Sure enough Azula did have a mild case f brast envy, but the teen managed to keep that internalized. She stepped aside, allowing the dark-skinned girl access to her own personal quarters. "Do tell, what do you want to talk about?" she asked casually.
The white haired Princess smiled at the comment. "I'm guessing you don't meet many princess' often?" She joked, trying to make some conversation. She walked inside the room, feeling the warmth the fire was providing. With a sigh of relief, she took her robe off and hanged it on the hook on the door. She took a seat on the bed comfortably. "Anything really. Like, your favorite hobbies," she suggested, crossing her legs and giving the other princess a view of tan and slender legs.
Azula hummed in response and then took a seat beside the white haired princess, not pressing into her as she would with her lovers, but close enough so that Yue could feel the unnatural heat of the firebending princess. "Well I have an affinity for martial arts, firebending practice and pai sho," Azula explained before giving a small chuckle. "And what of you, Princess Yue? How do you like to spend your free time?" she asked.
Yue took a brief look around the room. The fire place that was built into the wall was lit to keep the room warm. It seemed strange to her how a fire bender would need the fire to keep warm. It didn't matter to her. "Pai sho? You never seemed like the one to play that," the princess giggled softly. "Walk around the palace grounds, stay up all night watching the moon. Strange, I know," she laughed softly and turned to face her. "You know, you're beautiful."
"Well you know, it does help one learn about tactics and strategy," Azula replied curtly. She reclined nto the silky white polar bear pelt that served as her bedsheet, paying close attention to Yue out of novel curiosity. Just what brought the northern princess here? The remark then had Azula blinking in surprise, the heat inside her body growing a little more intense. "Ah? Is that so...? Well I certainly have heard some things like that in the past," she replied, glancing away in a bid to hide the light pinkness that just touched itself upon her pale cheeks.
Yue had to nod in agreement. It made sense. The fire was really helping her keep warm even in the skimpy night gown. For once in her life, she did not the heavy robes on her body. It was a simple compliment. She wanted to get to know Azula better. To her, that met in a friendly way and in the bed way. The Princess of the Northern Water Tribe laughed softly at Azula's reaction and words. "For one, when someone gives you a comment like me, you don't say something like that. You have to give them a compliment back. Looking away doesn't help either. Might give someone some hurt feelings," Yue advised, moving a little closer. "Do you have a compliment for me?"
Despite Ty Lee's best efforts, Azula remained adamant in not coming out of her shell. Sex was fine and dandy, and indeed she needed it to keep herself from getting too stressed out. But the princess simply lacked the understanding of romance, and in some ways she almost seemed afraid of it. Well, perhaps not afraid. "I see..." she replied in a low murmur as Yue pressed herself in a little closer, a mutual warmth now starting to form between them. "Well... you are a very attractive woman. Exotic compared to what I'm used to... I do particularly like your white hair."
It was obvious to Yue that Azula was one not to express her feelings. She had heard rumors about the princess, saying that she was a cold-hearted woman with no feelings for anyone else but her. She chose to ignore those right now. Azula just seemed like a shy person under her exterior. Yue smiled up at her, the warmth from the fire and the fire bender making her sigh in relief. At the compliment, she smiled and clasped her hands. "See? It's that easy. It's not hard to express how you're feeling. It can be simple as giving someone you like flowers or kissing them. Like this." Without warning, she pressed her lips against the firebender's.
"Hmph... I may be used to receiving compliments, but I lack a... strength in returning them," Azula explained with a small sigh. The sudden kiss caught the princess off guard, but considering who it was with she had no qualms in returning the gesture with as much force ad passion. She seemed not to care that she was getting turned on by all this, a small amount of blood racing down south and making her cock peak up out of her robe. Her flimsy silky garment had fallen open, and from where she was Yue would have a good look at her pale and naked breasts. Very nice in their own right.
Yue certainly didn't need to hear that twice. It was so clear to her that Azula had never expressed how she felt before. At least not for someone else. Kissing someone like her was such a brave move for the shorter princess. She never did something like this before. The bravest move she has done before was riding down with the Otter Penguins, and she got in so much trouble for that. Her eyes moved downward, seeing something unfamiliar poking up from Azula's crotch. Now, she was genuinely confused, but all of it was washed away when she saw the princess' beautiful breasts. She moaned softly and began to move her hands on Azula's body, stopping at the bulge. "What is this?" She asked curiously in a teasing way.
A low moaning groan passed from her lips as Yue touched near her most sensitive spot. "Well... I would have imagined you would have been trained in this sort of thing," Azula said, giving a small scoff and turning her nose up "It's a penis, and yes I'm a woman who has one." Even now she wasn't too fond of having attention drawn to it, no matter how often Ty Lee said that she loved it. "I should hope this isn't a deal breaker," Azula added, taking a firm grip on the wrappings over Yue's large bust.
The princess knew what it was, but considering who Yue was, she didn't know much. When she was married, that's when she was supposed to learn everything. Her husband was supposed to teach her the art of pleasuring him. "We are, but it's not a lot of training," Yue admitted, now a light blush covering her tanned cheeks. Seeing Azula with a penis was interesting, and Yue liked it. "It's not a deal breaker. I'm interested to learn more, though," Yue grinned and kissed her again while one hand started to stroke Azula's cock as her other hand played with the princess' breast.
Ordinarily Azula would have flipped Yue over and gone in for a bit of rough action... but with things as they were, she couldn't risk causing any offense or controversy. She gave a soft moan and let the princess' hands explore away, moving herself in such a way that Yue could explore with a little more ease. She helped slide the white-haired princess from her clothing, smirking as those impressive breasts bounced loose "Hm... I think I should make keeping you for myself a condition of the peace treaty," she purred, taking and pinching one of her coffee coloured nipples.
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