The Dragon Princess {Sweetnothings}

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The princess was surprised by her own actions at the moment. This was something out of the ordinary. She was supposed to be in bed, dreaming about who her husband was going to be. This was not in her agenda. Nothing she was doing now was in her agenda. Her hand continued to play with Azula's breasts, her fingers pinching and rolling her pink bud. She sighed softly as the night gown was off of her body, revealing her toned and tan body to the princess. "I definitely wouldn't mind leaving and exploring. It was so obvious the other two get to experience this as well," Yue brought up after moaning softly at the contact. Her hands moved to the gown Azula was wearing and pulled it off, revealing the cock she was yearning to see.
"Travel with us? Well it would be far from safe..." Azula said. She rolled atop Yue once they were both fully naked, pressing tight against the white-haired girls plump orbs. "Still... It would be nice to have someone new to fuck," she added. Slowly and carefully Azula slid down until her head was resting between Yue's dark and soft thighs. She was a virgin no doubt, so a little extra arousal and lubrication was needed. Her golden eyes met the princess' own, and she leaned in slowly to start licking and lapping at the hot walls of pink flesh. Already she could taste something very distinct about Yue's flavour.
"I've been kept safe since I was born. I don't want to be safe," Yue said stubbornly. She couldn't help but smile up at the taller princess as she laid on top of her. Their breasts felt wonderful against one another, their nipples rubbing against each other lightly. "Maybe I would be able to join you and the other two on your rendezvouses," she suggested while watching Azula move down move down between her thighs. Watching her was one thing, but thinking about what she was about to do next was enough to make the elders faint. Yue gave a look of lust and need towards her, wanting to feel the princess against her pussy. She gasped as she felt Azula's tongue start to lap up at her lips. "A-Azula..." She moaned, her hand gripping the fire bender's hair.
"Hmph... you certainly do like to take risks," she said in between swift licks once she felt that hand grip into her hair. Luckily Azula was too horny to complain any further she resumed her licking, lapping at Yue's labia and loudly slurping up her tangy juices. Indeed she was a virgin, but she had no qualms in eating her out so vigorously. Azula's nose ground into the fellow royal's clit, just to excite her further, and her tongue licked away with a swift dexterity.
As a response, Yue nodded meekly with a buck of her hips. This was so foreign to her, so new. The feeling of someone else between her legs was amazing. There were a few times where the princess tried to explore her own sexuality, but it always failed with her being scared of becoming impure and not capable of marriage. Now, it didn't matter to her whether or not she did something right or not. She tangled her fingers in Azula's hair, gasping with moans as she felt an unfamiliar pressure building up.
"Heheh..." Azula chuckled out, feeling her lovers pink pussy vibrating from the noise of her mouth. Azula grinned then and seemed to redouble the speed of her hot and wet tongue, wanting to add to the sensations and show Yue the heights of pleasure she never could have known before now. And if the white-haired beauty thought this was good, then certainly her cock would blow her mind. But for now she just wanted the princess to cum for her.
"Ungghh....Azula..." Yue moaned again, arching her back slightly and pressing her pussy against the fire bender's lips and nose. Everything about this was amazing. She felt like she was on Cloud Nine right now. Everyone should be knocked out by now, but she doubted everyone was asleep, so she kept her volume down even though she wanted to scream. The pressure in her abdomen was building quickly. Yue let out a gasp and a long moan as she felt her walls tighten around Azula's tongue with a torrent of her love juices.
When that flood hit her mouth Azula knew she would have to gulp fast or risk drowning, feeling that delicious tang going down her throat and filling her gut a bit. "Hmph... was that all it took? Naughty girl. How ever will you last against my cock?" she purred. By now she had fully broken in Mai and Ty Lee to fit her shaft and was used to being able to ram clan past their cervixes... here she would need more ease and tact. The head of her dick was suddenly pressed into her labia, and with no further warning Azula started forcing into Yue's soaking wet virgin depths.
As her orgasm rocked her body for the first time, Yue tilted her head back to face the ceiling. Out of everything in the world, this was the best thing in the world. To her, what would beat out this pleasure was feeling Azula inside of her. She was still out of it, but she managed to form a suitable sentence. "I can just try," Yue giggled. To be honest, she felt like she was high. She closed her eyes briefly to shake off the feeling before opening her eyes again when she felt something different pressing against her. "W-wait, I-I'm not ready!" Yue gasped, but by now it was too late. She groaned, gripping the polar bear skin beneath her. Azula was a crazy woman, definitely, but she was still a hot teenager. The pain was tremendous, but for now, she pushed through it and waited for the pleasure to come.
"Just relax and the good part will come upon much quicker," Azula replied, speaking from experience now. She breathed out a low sigh and kissed Yue again. It was hard for her, admittedly, but this would make it easier for everyone involved. Still, the white-haired princess would no doubt pick up on her sensation of awkwardness and hesitation compared to how confidently she did everything else. She pushed a little deeper, giving some shallow jerks of her cock to jam in deeper each time.
"O-okay. If you s-say so," Yue said softly. Azula was the one with the experience. If the taller princess said something, it had to be true. A soft moan left her as they kissed again. By now, the pain had faded away and replaced with the amount of pleasure Azula had promised. Yue moaned a little louder, arching her back and bucking her hips. "You were right. Soooo right," she groaned after feeling the fire bender princess touch a sensitive spot.
"I'm always right," she said in a boastful tone. She smirked cockily and soon she was thrusting with a little more gusto, mindful not to apply too much force. Yue was loosening up to be sure, but she wasn't as tough as Mai or even Ty Lee. Azula leaned in and gave Yue a few teasing love bites on her collarbone, ensuring that there would be a few purple marks on her dark skin when morning came about- something to mark her as Azula's newest lover.
Yue took a moment to look at her Azula with a "really" expression. It was quite funny seeing the princess act so boastful whereas she was meekly saying a compliment minutes ago. She hoped to get that side out more often. Now Yue was beginning to moan a little louder despite the risk of someone opening the door. That shouldn't be a problem. The palace was more than used to ignoring the sounds of sex because of the wedding nights that take place in the quest rooms. Guests could get loud. "Faster," she breathed out, wanting Azula not to hold back and to show Yue how she really was.
"Well, if you insist," the taller princess said cockily. Soon she was rutting with a burning passion, each impact of flesh hitting flesh resonating louder and louder through the room. Azula pulled out, leaving just her tip lodged inside Yue's hot depths, and with a powerful jerking ram she buried every last inch of fat futa cock into Yue's pussy, jamming ast her cervix and hitting into the back of her womb. And that seemed to be all it took to set Azula off, leaving her howling and spraying thick globs of cum into Yue's womb that had her filled to the brim, her stomach bulging out a little bit.
This was something the young princess wanted. It was her goal to be treated how Ty Lee and Mai were treated. They had such a good relationship with Azula. Yue wanted the same thing. At the expected faster and more louder thrusting, Yue reached down with her hands and gripped the pelt, moaning louder and bucking her hips, wanting Azula to be deeper inside. It wasn't a terrible request. The dark haired princess had a big cock. She arched her back and cried out as the fire princess pushed past her cervix to enter her womb. It was such a strange feeling, but it was the best thing she could've felt. Her walls instantly convulsed around Azula's member, her juices spraying on their thighs. She didn't mind the bulge. It made her smile.
Slowly and carefully she pulled out, a slick popping noise filling the air. Azula laid herself down then, sighing in relief as she took the spot directly beside the white-haired royal, and her hands awkwardly came to rest on her toned and naked stomach. Try as she might, Ty Lee still hadn't convinced Azula to fully try... ugh, 'cuddling' as she called it. "That was certainly quite nice," she admitted, managing a small smile as she cleaned the sweat from her brow.
As Azula slowly pulled out of her, the princess continued laying on her back to catch her breath. The feeling of that cock inside of her was unlike anything she had experienced. Not even the fire princess eating her out. For a second, Yue expected Azula to turn on her side and pull the northern tribe princess closer. Then, she remember how detached she was with her feelings and romantic gestures. "Why do you sound so...formal even after sex?" She asked, moving a little closer and laying her head on Azula's shoulder. "It's kind of a turn off."
Azula frowned and felt a little bit of heat touch at her pale cheeks. She seemed to mumble something in response, but when Yue pressed into her she sighed and decided to just come clean. "I don't know... how to be... how to act otherwise..." Azula explained with a small shake of her head. "My whole life I've been trained to focus on politics and power, and to try and focus on anything else is just... strange to me. I don't know how to be... romantic..."
Yue could see the change in expression on Azula's cheeks. It was cute considering who she was and where she came from, but the white-haired princess wanted her to open up. It would be the best if somehow she would actually express her feelings without being forced to. Yue canted her head slightly, showing her curiosity for wanting to know more. "That's why I'm here now. I can help you be...romantic," she giggled and pulled Azula close. "First, after sex, you wrap your arms around your partner like this." She demonstrated. "Then, you just cuddle. It's the best thing in the world. You'll love it."
Azula's flush grew deeper in it's red colour as her arms wrapped around Yue, pressing their curvy bodies tight together. She felt quite warm, especially when compared to the unnaturally hot firebender princess. "I... see... well, I can try that more often..." she replied. Aside from those occasions when Ty Lee would invade her personal space for a random bearhug, Azula hadn't been held this way in years... not since she was a little girl, when her mother abandoned her. The thought alone made her seethe a little on the inside. "Yes, this is... actually quite nice to feel," Azula added, pressing Yue into the crook of her neck.
Yue could see that this was something totally new for Azula. To her, it was a gift to be able to make the fire princess blush like she was and hold her in her arms. Thanks to the fire and Azula's heat, the water princess was more than happy with the warmth surrounding her. "You need to try that all the time. You'll get people to actually see your good side," Yue pointed out, wanting to make a known fact that she didn't have to worry about them not seeing her as a cunning princess. The white-haired female sighed softly, actually closing her eyes. It was making her drowsy. "Thank you...for the get to know you better."
This did indeed feel quite nice, and Azula was all too happy to sleep in this position it would seem. Azula gave a small yawn and happily nestled n, a little bit of tiredness filling her too. "It made for a great cultural experience," she added as she closed her eyes to sleep. Indeed it had been nice... She had to wonder how nice the rest of her voyage would be.
Yue woke up as soon as the Sun passed the horizon. She was accustomed to waking up extremely early to begin practice on healing. The white-haired princess opened her eyes to see she was still in Azula's arms in the morning, maybe even a little closer. It made her all warm and fuzzy inside to know the fire princess did have feelings. She pulled away and stood up before yelling out, "Good morning, Azula!"
Azula suddenly snapped awake and hopped to her feet, glancing about frantically as if she heard a threat incoming. She breathed a low sigh and looked down at her feet, now embarrassed that she'd been shocked by something so minor. "Spirits... Yue, seriously... don't shock a soldier like that..." she approached her fellow princess and kissed her cheek to show she wasn't mad or the like. "But yes... good morning." She smiled pleasantly.
Yue nearly screamed and opened the door to run when Azula suddenly stood up, looking like she was about to attack anything that moved. Nervously, the water princess grabbed her robe from the hook, draping it over her shoulders to cover her night gown. She smiled softly at Azula as she put her hands through the sleeves. "I didn't mean to. All I said was good morning," she blushed slightly and nuzzled the taller princess. "Breakfast should be ready. Care to join me?" She offered, holding out her arm for her to take.
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