The Dragon Princess {Sweetnothings}

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Ty Lee could tell this was Azula's first time. Even though she had a stunning body, she was never one to just have sex. Plus, she was different. The acrobat considered herself lucky to be the one riding the princess' cock for the first time. Despite multiple times of masturbating, she never had orgasmed. She always stopped thinking someone was going to catch her, and that she would get in trouble. Her way of thinking was that it was bad to orgasm by your own fingers. Maybe it wasn't anymore. She felt her walls tighten around Azula's cock as she came a few seconds before she did. Ty Lee panted heavily, enjoying the feeling of the warm seed inside of her womb. "T-that was amazing."
She leaned back on the bed, breathing out a harsh little sigh. She had gotten herself off in the past, but this was something all new to Azula, a feeling of raw pleasure that had almost knocked her out. Azula leaned in and brushed Ty Lee's braid off her shoulder, lightly nipping at the creamy and smooth flesh. "That was quite pleasant... we'll have to do it more in the future..." the princess said, before giving a small sleepy yawn.
Ty Lee wished someone would've told her how good sex felt. Then maybe she wouldn't have been a virgin for this. However, her first time was amazing. She doubted it would've been the same with someone else. The acrobat smiled down at the princess. "Of course, Azula. Whatever you wish," she teased, climbing off of her and laying down beside her again. She kissed her cheek and closed her eyes, more than exhausted now.
The next day, after another bout of traveling, they came upon a manor house in the Fire Nation countryside. A large place, owned clearly by someone wealthy who had earned the good graces of the Fire Lord. The family home of another of Azula's oldest, and few, friends. "And that's the situation we find ourselves in," Azula said, finishing recounting the issue involving the appearance of the Avatar in her bid for dominance. "You're a thrill seeker Mai, and one of the few people I can count on in times like these..." She trailed off and tried to get comfortable on the couch, difficult with Ty Lee pressed tight into her side. "So can I count on your help?"
During their travelling in the royal carriage, Ty Lee had lots of fun. She took it upon herself to pleasure Azula with a new skill, her mouth. When they arrived at their destination, the young acrobat realized where they were. It was only a few times they came here when they were little with Azula's older brother. Mai sat with an expressionless face while listening to Azula, the oh-so-scary Fire Princess. It came as no surprise to her that she came here with Ty Lee for help to get her father off the throne. With a sigh, she nodded. "I guess you can "count on me." I have nothing better to do anyway. I'd rather go with you than stay here with my little brother and parents. It's so boring here, anyway," the gloomy teenager said, waving her gloved hand in the air.
"You haven't changed a bit." Azula had a cocky little smirk on her face, partly from knowing that she had another ally and partly from the lingering traced of pleasure Ty Lee had given her earlier. She could work her throat with far more dexterity than her pussy. "We'll give you the rest of the day to get your supplies in order. When tomorrow comes we'll set out for the North in a scouting vessel. I don't imagine winning them to our side will be easy, but if a job is worth doing..."
"I would say the same for you, Azula," Mai countered, offering the slightest smile. Thankfully she didn't seem to be the same stuck up bitch as before. That made her happy. Ty Lee had to smile at the gloomy teen. If she had to compare who she missed the most, it had be Mai. Even with her dark aura, she was still a great friend. The governor's daughter sighed with a hint of annoyance. "I'm already packed. My dad told me you were coming. We can leave tonight preferably." Mai had to take the closest opportunity to get away from her family.
The teen gave a cocky smirk "I've never known you to be eager." Azula was surprised, certainly, but she did well not to show it. In some sense she felt... happy, to know that Mai was so quick to come with her. "Very well, we can leave this evening. After dinner..." she gave a small sigh and rolled her eyes in Ty Lee's direction "This one won't quiet down if we don't have something to eat while we're here... and truth be told it will be the last meal we have for a long time which won't consist of some kind of ration..."
"I'm only eager if it means getting away from here. It gets so boring," Mai said bluntly in a friendly tone. It was a tempting offer. A chance to finally get away was too tempting. She nodded in agreement. Tonight was the perfect time to go. She could say goodbye to her parents without emotions. Plus, they would have eaten dinner. Based by the mission up north, it was going to be a long one. Ty Lee giggled. "We should have like a sleepover in here carriage. Or in the tent. Wouldn't that be fun? It would be like before we were kids."
Azula was a little curious about what Ty Lee was plotting. They would share a tent, as Azula didn't trust her own men not to make a move on Mai... but at the same time she didn't want to think of what the young assassin would do if anyone were to try and hit on her. Still, Azula made no objection.. As they prepared to sleep that night, the dark haired princess had removed her crown and let her ebony locks flow down past her shoulders and to the middle of her back. She sat at a vanity mirror in her tent, dressed solely in white wrappings over her bust and crotch. "Hm... say what you will about your parents, they can give a good meal."
Ty Lee had a lot of ideas for the "sleepover." She could clearly see Azula was getting stressed out again. One person couldn't keep relieving the princess. She had to find someone else. Someone newer. To her, it was a blessing they came here to get Mai. Convincing Mai was going to be hard, but she knew of Azula's secret. Ty Lee and Mai were both in their white bandages around their chest with the wrappings made to look like shorts to cover their front and rear. The gloomy teen sat on her cot before scoffing, "The only thing they're good at is cooking. Other than that, they are boring people. Trust me." Ty Lee giggled as she laid on the cot she and the princess were sharing. Long ago, Mai had confided to her the crush she had on Azula. It was so tempting to bring it up.
"Hm... well at the very least they don't burn people alive for minor slights," Azula said in a low hum. She finished setting her hair down, and with her ebony locks hanging loose she looked to be almost... normal. Not the feared princess of the fire nation, just an attractive teenage girl. Azula stood up and then made her way over to the sleeping bag, sitting her pert rear beside Ty Lee and giving her a little stroke under the chin, perhaps one of the few genuine affectionate gestures she had given. "Well... I suppose it would do well for us to rest up for the journey ahead."
Mai managed to keep her remark to herself. The Fire Lord had always scared her. Her family in general was scary. Iroh and Zuko were both okay. Fire Lord Ozai was the one that made her shudder. The gloomy teen had her hair down and out of its usual style for the sake of sleeping well. Her eyes went to the other two as Azula's finger stroked the hyper teen's chin. A slight tinge of jealousy ran through her body. Suddenly, Ty Lee said something shocking. "Azula. Did you know Mai had a crush on you when we were little?" She asked, grinning from ear to ear. Mai's face was one of shock and disbelief. "I...We were young. I don't have a..c-crush on her anymore."
Azula raised one brow up and smiled slightly "Ah, is that so Ty Lee? Well, all this time I thought she only had the eyes for my brother," the dark-haired princess said, before giving a haughty little chuckle. She rose up off the bed and casually moved over to the skilled assassin, casually gripping Mai's chin between her thumb and index finger "Lucky for you Mai, I've always found an appeal in your dark mood and elegant looks," she purred, a growing lust evident in her voice.
Mai couldn't help but cast a look of displeasure to Ty Lee. That was supposed to be forgotten. No one else was supposed to ever find out. "Maybe that was just a facade. Maybe she was just trying to be close to you," Ty Lee suggested, grinning at the blushing teen across the tent. Azula was taking this well which indicated the little plan was working. Mai bite the inside of her cheek to stop any gasps of surprise coming from her. Her eyes slightly widened at the revelation. "W-what? You r-really do?" This was a once in a life time opportunity for people to see Mai flustered. "I've always found you beautiful. Even with the extra member," she said softly, her hands moving up to brush across Azula's visible outline of her cock against the wrappings.
"Is that so? Flattery will get you everywhere," the regal princess purred. She gave Ty Lee a quick sideways glance, a teasing little smirk on her pretty face. Azula should have known not to underestimate Ty Lee's craftiness- when it came to matchmaking, she was a strategist all her own. Azula returned her focus to the gloomy assassin and felt a purr of arousal rise from her throat at the rubbing of her potent cock. Azula leaned down, claiming Mai's lips in a heated liplock to show that she was very much genuine in her affections.
"Standing there and doing nothing will get you nowhere," Mai replied quietly, referring to Azula's teasing. All she wanted was to actually have her feelings acted upon positively. The gloomy teen was no stranger to sex, the residents in her home often hearing the sounds of masturbation coming from her room. The assassin was momentarily caught off guard by the kiss before returning it, her lips pressing against the princess' with a stronger intensity. Ty Lee silently moved across the room to Mai from behind her, her hands moving to her covered breasts where she started to squeeze and fondle the lovely orbs.
Azula allowed herself to smirk again, looking like a hungry jungle predator who had just caught her prey. The sight of Ty Lee feeling up their gloomy lover was enough to sent her cock into a half erect state, the large piece of futa meat looking as imposing now as it had when the acrobat first got her crack at it. "Well then Mai, if you wish to sample my cock, since you see so fond of it..." She gripped her shaft b the base and gave another wicked smirk "Go for it."
The assassin had such wonderful breasts. They were no where near as impressive as the acrobat's, but they were still fun to play with. While her hands squeezed and squished the lovely mounds, her sharp nails cut through the wrappings to free them. Mai let out a loud moan, her eyes on Azula's cock. "As you wish, princess," her words flowed from her mouth like water. Without being shy, her tongue runs across the underside of the princess' cock before teasing the head. "You taste good."
A soft sigh of lust tumbled out of Azula's mouth, and the teenage princess felt herself tensing with a growing arousal. Ty Lee had been a ast learner at this thing and she had the attention span of a gnat. No doubt Mai would pick it up quickly as well. "Glad you like it. You may very well become familiar with the taste if you wish to travel with me," Azula breathed out. She smirked lightly and set a hand on the back of Mai's raven hair, caressing at the dark locks. "You might want to get this wet first otherwise the fit will be even tighter."
Anyone would be surprised to see such a scene. With the gloomy teenager sitting on her cot with the princess standing in front of her with her cock out in her mouth seemed to be a surprise. Mai let out a small grunt of satisfaction at the offer. "It's tempting. I was going to travel with you anyway. This gives me a better reason to enjoy it," she remarked before wrapping her lips around the shaft, taking it more than halfway. She started to suck lightly at first before upping the intensity. Ty Lee moved up to her feet to pull Azula into a deep kiss.
Azula gave a soft moan into Ty Lee's mouth, one of her strong hands moving down to cup at the happy acrobat's mouth. Alright, kissing did feel rather nice... not that Azula had any romantic feelings behind it, certainly not. "You planned for this to happen, didn't you?" Azula asked, raising up one trimmed eyebrow. She gave a small jerk of her hips, the fat head of her phallus pushing against the etrance to Mai's hot and tight throat, feeling the heat and moisture engulfing a good portion of her dick.
Ty Lee could tell Azula always enjoyed the kisses they shared. It didn't matter to her if there was no...spark. Everyone already knew the Fire Princess was as cold as they got despite being a firebender. It was interesting, however, when they made out in the carriage. "Of course I did. Why would I not?" The acrobat grinned during the kiss. Mai let out a moan when she felt the head of Azula's cock touch her throat. If that's what she wanted, then she'll get it. With only a slight hesitation, she took more of the cock, only gagging slightly at the unfamiliar feeling in her throat.
Azula gave a sharp gasp as she felt more of her cock sliding into the hot and snug walls of the goth assassin's throat. Sure enough a sensation of pleasure and growing arousal, mixed in with mild embarrassment from the unfamiliar sensations of affection she was receiving from her two lovers. If there was one thing that hadn't changed since they were kids, it was that Azula had no ability to handle emotions. "I... Mai... this feels... so good..." the princess murmured, feeling delicious pre ooze from her cock.
Mai could tell the princess was enjoying it. That was a good sign. If it felt good, it meant that they could keep doing this over and over. That's what the assassin wanted. She wanted to be able to have sex together. That would be amazing. She smiled with a mouth full of cock. When she felt the droplet of precum touch her throat, she pulled away. By now, she was dripping wet, wanting to feel the delicious cock inside of her for the first time. "Fuck me, Azula."
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