Dragons Fangs and Tiger Claws {1x1 with DarkMudkip}

"Another...?" Akihime echoed softly, "Come...let's take him to the Hall of the Dead...we'll prepare him for a funeral pyre..." She said gently and requested a hold guard help her carry Nobuchika's body.
((Would a hold guard help them?? Nobu is a Stormcloak))

After Morichika had gotten Motochika to a safe distance from Solitude's main hold, he turned to Ieyasu and his father. "I'm going back for Kaa-san." He said firmly.
((He can't really tell the Oracle no >.> ))

"That wouldn't be a very wise idea, Morichika. Not now." Ieyasu said, "A lot of good men and women lost their lives getting Motochika free. We lost a valued kinsman, as well." "Lady Akihime will guard her for now..." Motochika said softly, "I trust her...let us wait...we'll get your mother back."
((Would they take Nobu to Windhelm's hall of the dead?))

Morichika clenched his fists tight, wanting to protest, but after seeing his brother killed before him, he had no more fight left in him. "Aye.."
It wasn't too long later a full retreat was called and Nana could be seen making her way down the pathway with Akihime and a few dozen Stormcloaks, two of which held a covered body on a splint. Nana's face was blank and eyes unfocused, having to be led by Akihime down to where her husband waited, eyes red and cheeks stained with tears.
((The priests would actually help at that point...! They prepare him in Solitude's Hall of the Dead and then Aki and the priests would place him on a cart and take him to be cremated in Windhelm! Yoshitsugu and Mitsunari can't intervene because Aki is doing her job~))

Akihime walked with Nana, holding her arm gently to help her stay on her feet. Nana had requested Nobuchika be taken to Windhelm and prepared for the pyre there; even though Akihime had almost insisted Solitude would be easier, she could not go against a grieving mother's wish for her child. So Akihime had ordered the guard to not harm any Stormcloak that came close to Solitude after she had returned from healing a few wounded who had fled to the marshes and away from the sight of the Solitude militant force. So the two walked ahead of the soldiers carrying Nobuchika to Windhelm from the carriage from Solitude. She instructed they take him to the Hall of the Dead, where she would oversee the preparation after tending to the grieving family. She helped Nana to Motochika, who took her into his arms and held her tight - even in his weakened state.
Once Nana was embraced by Motochika, her legs gave out beneath her, and she started to cry once more. She could barely form any audible speech, crying much too hard to talk clearly, but it was clear in what she was crying about. Her lost son.
Motochika held her tighter and sat on the floor with her, cooing and soothing her gently. Akihime frowned heavily, keeping her mind focused on the task at hand, though the crippling thoughts of her own son were prickling the back of her mind. "You both have my deepest regards...I would not wish this grief on anyone.." She said softly. Motochika nodded, "Thank you, Lady Akihime...your kindness means much to us.."
Morichika did his best to avoid crying aloud, tears streaming down his cheeks, chest heavy and heart empty. Listening to his mothers cries of anguish, he stared down at the ground, avoiding looking at his brothers corpse.
Akihime frowned and left them to themselves, moving into the Hall of the Dead to help prepare Nobuchika. Motochika continued to try and soothe Nana, fighting his own grief to be strong for his wife and son.
Motochika, Nana, and Morichika were taken to the local in within Windhelm, getting two rooms curtesy of Ieyasu himself. Nana laid down to rest in the bed in one room, sniffling still, while Morichika helped Motochika while his mother rested. "Kaa-san will be okay, Tou-san.."
"Tou-san... Kaa-san can't take much more... I think the both of you should leave... Leave Skyrim maybe, go somewhere the both of you can be safe." He said, looking at the cup of ale before him.
"And you, lad?" He asked, glancing up at his son, "What will you do? Your mother and I won't rightly sleep well at night if you weren't a fish cast away."
"I'm going to stay here and fight under lord Ieyasu, in the Stormcloaks." He answered, still rather numb from his brothers sudden death.
Motochika frowned a bit, "Is that what you really wish to do?" He asked, "Nana will be especially unhappy. She may even force you to come with us."
"I want to stay and help protect our homeland so you both may come back one day and live in peace." He said, looking up at his father. "Please just, don't tell Kaa-san just yet.."
"Aye, I will, father." He said, nodding firmly.

Over the next few days, Nana would often remain in bed at days at a time, and would drink not only when she was awake in bed, but when Motochika managed to get her out of bed as well. Today was another day in bed with a bottle of wine, and a few bottles of ale. She was no longer crying openly, but tears of anguish fell from her eyes as she drank straight from the wine bottle, barely having enough energy and will to lift the bottle.
Nana wiped her lips on the back of her hand, face flushed from both crying and her drunken state. "Nobuchika's dead.." She muttered, her speech slurred.
Motochika frowned more, 'Yes, I know...but he's watching from Shor's Hall and I don't think he would approve of this form of mourning..." He replied, gently reaching to take the bottle from her.
Nana shied away slightly when Motochika tried to take the bottle, but didn't fight to keep ahold of it once his hand wrapped around the neck of the bottle. "I should've been the one to die, not him.."
He shook his head and took the bottle from her, setting it aside, "And he would be in the same position, saying the same things. He did it to protect you, Nana..."
Nana shook her head, looking a sickly pale. "But I'm his mother... He's not supposed to die before me.." At this point, Nana looked like she'd be sick any moment, skin clammy, and an upset frown on her face.
"I know, love...I know...would you like to speak with Akihime? She's here another day before returning to Solitude." He said. He hated seeing Nana this way, his heart ached and he wanted to help her but anytime he tried she would brush him away and seclude herself.
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