When spells go wrong... (Lounger x MellowYellow)

"Oh and how is it different hm? You're the one who's gonna get to do it more than once. Well.....unless I eat some more of that fish..." Harry looked towards the ocean rather mischievously, as if already planning to catch another fish when Ginny wasn't watching so he could 'require her help' once again. "A leaf condom huh? Well I suppose it would be possible to make one....we made the clothes after all, but given how much we seem to fill each other up I think any kind of condom would just explode within seconds.....unless we could get some kinda infinitely stretchy material or something.....maybe when we get back to Hogwarts" Harry licked his lips, slowly standing up. "I have a feeling we're gonna need plenty of them when we do get back..."
About two weeks went by with the two gradually adjusting to both life on the island and working toward a solution on getting back to Hogwarts. Given the magic-bending nature of the island it was hard to create a solution to the issue, but eventually the two were sure that they had managed to 'reverse engineer' the spell that brought them here. Hopefully that would let it all work out.... hopefully. Never any guarantees with magic. Ginny finished rounding up all the supplies they had gathered, the fruit and the preserved fish, and then she slid on her modified, enlarged uniform.

"Alright, that should be everything Harriet my dear," Ginny said, grinning and stroking down her lovers back "Ready to make a move?"
Harry shivered as Ginny stroked a hand down his spine, having finally managed to get his clothes repaired and enlarged enough to contain his gigantic breasts. "I'm thinking maybe I should find a way to sort of hide my appearance when we get back, at least make everyone else see me as....the old me. It'd sure be a lot less embarrassing..." Harry laughed nervously, then glanced over at the assortment of fruits they had brought back, quite a few of them that the pair hadn't even tried yet. "Looks like we're all set....ok....might wanna close your eyes and brace yourself, I really have no idea if this is gonna work....and if it does we could land absolutely anywhere in the school, from the grounds to someone's bedroom" Harry raised his wand, taking a few deep breaths before casting the spell to, hopefully, return them back to Hogwarts.
"You worry too much dear. I'm sure we'll be fine, I have the utmost faith in you..." Ginny said, rising on her toes and pecking the busty nerd on the cheek lovingly. How she had come to adore her companion. The flash engulfed them as it had when they first had their magical accident, their bodies being whipped across time and space until both of them erupted back out where this adventure began: Harry's bedroom back at Gryffindor. Ginny let out a yell of joy, hopping up and down on the spot with her heavy breasts jiggling under her grey jumper "You did it! I knew you could!" she said before hugging Harry tight to her heavy orbs.
When they rather violently landed Harry stumbled and fell onto the bed, glad that it was there to catch him. It took a moment but he glanced around and spotted where they were, his bedroom. "We made it! At least it looks like we did" Harry stood up quickly, hoping he hadn't accidentally done something like send them forward or backward in time, or into some other dimension. As Harry turned to Ginny he yelped, then laughed and returned the hug, or at least as best he could. With his breasts along with hers, they were barely within arms reach of one another. "Now....I definitely gotta find a way to either hide myself or explain this to everyone. Definitely gonna be awkward trying to explain things to Ron and Hermione if they see me like this"
As if on cue the door flung open, Ginny swiftly turning. Hermione, the attractive brainiac brunette, stood in the doorway, panting and slumped over. "I knew... I knew I heard a commotion up here..." She glanced at the two "Ginny, people have been worried sick about you and..." she trailed off, blinking in confusion and then shock when she noticed the raven haired girl with the huge tits and Ginny's own enlarged breasts. "H-Harry?!" She asked in a squeak, looking to be on the verge of fainting.
Harry had just been about to turn and look for a spellbook in his trunk that might let him temporarily hide his appearance before the door flung open loudly, Harry jumping and yelping as he looked around, seeing Hermione. She seemed to have spotted Ginny at first, but then she looked to him, Harry rubbing his head and glancing off to the side. "Um...hi Hermione. Well....you see there was a slight accident and....then there was this..." He reached for one of the pieces of fruit and held it up, though it was one of the ones that he and Ginny hadn't actually tried yet.
"What... on earth... p-people have been worried sick about you two, what exactly happened?" the brunette witch asked, glancing between the two busty figures that now put her body to shame. "Well... Harriet here," the ginger began, still rather insistent on using the feminine name for her lover, "Had an idea for creating a new powerful teleportation spell... but a slight accident led to the two of us landing on some strange tropical island filled with magic, and these strange fruit and fish being the only edible things around... but the funny thing is, when we bit into them, the magic... changed our bodies," Ginny explained.
"It was a total accident....we had hoped to get back a lot quicker..." Harry rubbed his head, blushing slightly at Ginny calling him Harriet. Sure the name made more sense, but he still wasn't sure if he'd be like this forever just yet, there was still a chance of getting at least partly back to normal.....though he had to admit, even if he did turn back into a man he'd rather like to keep the gigantic breasts....and the pussy wasn't half bad either. "So...yeah, like Ginny said, the food on the island was rather unusual...." He grinned slightly, walking over and placing one of the untested fruits into Hermione's hand. "Why don't you see for yourself if you don't believe us?"
"Have you gone daft from being in the sun too long?" Hermione asked as she rolled the strange red fruit in her hand. "These things gave you two wild proportions and you think it'd be a good idea for me to have one too?" she asked. Ginny snickered and laced an arm around her lovers waist "It's fun, try it dear," Ginny encouraged, gesturing to her chest and then to the lump just under her skirt. Hermione seemed no more convinced, giving Harry a quick glance for a bit of guidance.
Honestly, right now Harry did think it would be a good idea for Hermione to have one, a great idea infact, though he couldn't quite explain his reasons to her now could he? "Well Hermione, why don't you think of it as an experiment? Come on, admit it. You're incredibly curious about what'll happen aren't you? For all you know, this fruit will make you even smarter. Or maybe it's so magically charged it'll make you the most powerful witch who ever lived"
"Yes, I'm certain that'll happen," she replied sarcastically. Still, the brunette was a little interested in the prospect. She could test the fruit for herself, document the results, maybe grow some extra fruits from the seeds... so she relented. Hermione bit down on it, tearing a massive chunk clean off and chewing on it. After she swallowed there was a few seconds of nothing. Then a spike of pleasure and heat raced through her, the brainiac gasping in shock as her breasts suddenly ballooned to DD-cups and tore clean through her bra, blouse and sweater. She yelped and tried to grasp the shredded fabric, but before the embarrassed beauty could react further Hermione felt her groin heat as a trio of thick purple tentacles sprouted from above her pussy.

Thick, heavy... purple, almost two feet long and seemingly able to expand and retract further. "A-ah..." Hermione stammered out.
As expected, a simple appeal to Hermione's curiosity and intelligence was all it took....she was so easy to manipulate when it was someone she trusted. Harry did feel a slight twinge of guilt at tricking her into eating the fruit....but that feeling was soon pushed away when he saw Hermione's relatively small chest suddenly bulge out, tearing open her shirt and ripping her bra clean in half. For a moment he thought that would be the end of it, but then there was a second ripping sound. "Huh?" Harry blinked, looking at Hermione and wondering what on earth had caused the extra noise, until the three purple tentacles suddenly dropped down between her legs. "Oh wow...." Harry approached Hermione slowly, his giant breasts swinging and bouncing with every step, until he was right infront of her, kneeling down and reaching out to gently prod one of the tentacles, then give it a gentle stroke. "Well this is certainly new.....Ginny, maybe you should eat some of that fruit too....." Harry got a naughty grin on his face, licking his lips without even realising it.
"I'm not doing that. I've just gotten used to the cock, and I don't think I'm all too ready to become part calamari," the ginger futa remarked, smirking slightly. Hermione seemed to be more than a little panicked, as one would expect after such a transformation, but to her surprise she could control the motions of the tendrils with her thoughts. Two of them coiled up the length of Harry's legs while the third tentacle stroked over the transformed male's throat. "It's... a fascinating change, I suppose."
"That's a shame...." Harry looked at Ginny with a slight pout, then looked back to Hermione's tentacles, a plan already forming in his mind. What if he slipped some of the fruits juices into Ginny's normal food and drink....oh that could be so much fun. But right now there was something else to focus on. He watched as two of the tentacles grew longer and started to move around his legs, the third extending up to stroke at his throat, lifting Hermione's skirt up. "Oh wow Hermione, you seem to be getting the hang of them rather quickly...." Harry started to carefully stroke at the tip of the one around his throat, making sure to breathe out against it as well.
"It's strange... really... as if the magic is effecting every cell in my body. These tentacles, they feel as if they've always been a part of me. Like, an extension," Hermione said in between ragged lustful pants. They were new and sensitive, eager for any stimulation, and when he breathed over them it made the brunette moan even louder. Ginny watched, snickering slightly... well if someone else was involved in their fun, it would hardly be a bad thing. Fun for all. "Well, I'm sure she'd love to help you experimet more with them Hermione," Ginny said, grinning at the brunette.
"That sounds about right....you freak out at first...but then it just feels right" Harry knew exactly what Hermione meant....he felt like he'd always had these gigantic breasts, though he had to admit he did miss having his cock. He'd have to eat some of that fish again sometime....whether Ginny liked it or not. "Oh well I know how much Hermione likes to experiment, so I'd be all too glad to help out..." Harry smirked, then flicked his tongue out, drawing it over the tip of one of the tentacles, whilst he shifted his breasts so that they engulfed the shaft of it at the same time.
There was something odd to those tentacles, aside from the obvious. While the texture and heat was comparable to a normal human cock (which Harry had doubtless gotten used to on the island) it had a far sweeter tang to it, almost the same flavour of the fruit that had given them form. Though these wouldn't cause one to transform. Hermione shuddered, knees trembling from a growing sensation of want and desire when her lover started to suck on one tentacle. The other two moved upward, the girthy tip of one toying at his pussy while the other prodded against Harry's asshole.
"Hmmm....well these taste rather...fruity" Harry licked his lips and then took another lick of Hermione's new tentacles. "A familiar kinda fruity....mmm....yeah, I gotta get a better taste of these..." He leaned down to suckle on the tip of one of Hermione's cocks this time, getting a good slurp of it. He was so busy sucking that he didn't notice Hermione's other two tentacles sliding up, starting to push against his leafy panties and prod his ass and pussy. "Ah....wow Hermione..." Harry looked up at her. "And just what do you think you're doing hmm?" He looked up at her rather cute and innocently, still stroking at the third tentacle with his delicate fingertips.
"oh hush, don't think you have any sort of moral high ground... since you're the one who got me like this..." the normally bookish student said in between quick groans of mounting arousal. So that was what a blowjob felt like, the wet snugness of a mouth wrapping around the tip of the thick tentacle. The other two moved, spurred on by Hermione's pleasured thoughts, and they swiftly moved under Harry's panties and started forcing up into both holes, a low moan being pulled from her throat. Ginny took a seat to watch the show unfold, grinning faintly from the spectacle of Hermione's tentacles in action.
"Well you're the one who ate the fruit knowing what might happen now aren't you?" Harry glanced up at her and smirked, especially when she started to groan in arousal. It was unusual to hear Ginny make such noises....but god did he love them all of a sudden, and he wanted to hear more....so much more from her.
When Harry felt two of the tentacles shift his underwear aside he shivered, looking back up to Hermione again, but before he could say anything he felt them suddenly shove inside of him, eliciting a loud yelp, then gurgles of pleasure. "A-ah....ooooh.....H-Hermione....what are you doing....?" Harry giggled, pushing his hips down onto her tentacles further. "C-come on....you can do better than that....Ginny got way deeper..."
"I-I'm still getting used to them! I'm sure I can reach far deeper than Ginny can," Hermione replied with a note of slight indignation resonating in her tone. Ginny raised a brow at the brunette's bold boast "I'm standing right here you know," she said matter of factly, as if her companions had forgotten about her. She shrugged and adjusted in her seat so she could slowly beat off from mounting arousal. Sure enough Hermione was starting to reel in more control of her new extremities, and they were hammering deeper with each passing second, wrapped snugly in both of Harry's holes.
"If you're so sure...then...you better do it..." Harry smirked, glancing over at Ginny as she sat down to take her cock out. Harry couldn't help licking his lips as he watched her getting erect, then groaned loudly as Hermione suddenly shoved her tentacles even deeper into both his ass and pussy, his tight stomach starting to bulge with their outline. "A-ah! C-come on....G-Ginny is still getting bigger Hermione...you're...gonna have to do better than that. J-just look how big her cock is get- ah fuck!" He cried out in pleasure as Hermione pushed up through his cervix, his womb starting to bulge and stretch as his legs twitched from the pleasure.
"I am a rather gifted young lady," Ginny said in a somewhat boastful fashion, smiling playfully at her lover and her seeming rival. Hermione fumed a bit, before smirking when she heard the sweet moans and other pleasured noises rising from Harry's throat. "Hm, what was that? I couldn't hear you over the sound of you squealing like a pig," the tentacled futa remarked. She smirked and kept hard at work, both thick purple dicks driving back and forth like a pair of pistons. Still she was knew to this, inexperienced, and from how the brunette was moaning it was clear her limit was fast approaching on her.
"Gifted.....sure...nothing to do with fruit that I took you to" Harry smirked, rather enjoying stirring up a bit of rivalry between Hermione and Ginny...it would certainly make his life rather more enjoyable. "A-ahhh...oooh....H-Hermione...you're getting so deep...j-just...just a bit more...oh god a little more and you'll have more in me than Ginny did! C-come on Hermione! Get more in me and give me all you got!!" Harry's breasts were bouncing wildly right in Hermione's face, inadvertently stroking Hermione's third tentacle that was still around Harry's face.
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