When spells go wrong... (Lounger x MellowYellow)

Ginny smiled and gave a wink Harry's way in passing. Ever since she ate that magically imbued fruit and gained this futa cock and amazing rack from it, well her confidence had just been bolstered. She was sexier than ever, and damn did she know it. "Alright sweetie. I'm pretty sure this stuff should be edible. I mean just try a small sample when you cook it just to be sure," the ginger futa explained. By the look of things, the fish seemed to be... just some normal species, with nothing inherently magic in them. But hell, those fruits had looked normal, and look what they did. Ginny resumed her fishing, snatching up a few more wrigglers that could be preserved for a later day.
It was strange seeing Ginny like this. Sure she had always been confident but....this was something else. And it wasn't just confidence either, every aspect of her seemed to have been enhanced in some way, both physically and mentally. Harry himself felt different....not just his body but his mind too. Normally he'd never let Ginny take the lead like this...but it was like her confidence was overwhelming him, like his defence against it was much less. It must've been another effect of the fruit, one they hadn't been able to feel or realise without being able to think straight, not that Harry thought Ginny was thinking straight.....she seriously needed to learn how to control that cock of hers....all 2 feet of it. At the moment it seemed to be controlling her.

Well their focus right now needed to be on finding a way back home, they couldn't stay on this island forever after all. Harry smiled slightly to himself as he cooked the fish, then before Ginny could volunteer to go first, he pulled one over, blowing on it and taking a bite, enjoying the taste but preparing himself for anything that might happen to him....
The confident futa kept herself hard at work while the fish cooked in the background, managing to magically snatch up a few more fish before the rest of them got wise to her scheme and swam away as fast as they could. Hm... this was actually kind of fun, but Ginny knew not to think too much about it. She'd have to get back to Hogwarts at some point... but she doubted she'd want to change her body back. Hell, maybe the other girls would want to try out the fruit. She approached Harry as he took a bite of the fish, and Ginny casually sat down beside him. "How does it taste?" she asked.
"It's pretty good actually....maybe I'm not so bad at cooking this kinda thing. Normally I've only ever cooked stuff that was partly prepared before already" He grinned slightly before taking another, larger bite of the fish. "Seems to be cooked all the way through, the others should be nearly ready too I think" Harry glanced at the fire, turning one of the fish over to make sure it was cooked thoroughly. "Normally I'd say have it with some fruit but uh....ehehe, yeah we know what happened there don't we?" Harry chuckled, then took another large bite of his fish, ignoring the slighting warm tingly sensation in his belly, just assuming it was due to the first hot food he'd had in a day or two.
"Well, we could still have the fruit. All it'll do is make us horny again, but that's going to happen naturally," Ginny replied. She gave him an appreciative nod and kissed at her lovers cheek before taking up one of the freshly cooked fish for herself. "Mm... smells delicious. I don't know how the battered stuff in chippers got so popular, this smells much nicer... probably much healthier too," she said. She gave a small shrug and took a bite, quickly chewing it into mulch and then swallowing it. To her there wasn't any sort of magical effect, so she took another bite quickly enough.
As Harry continued eating his fish the odd tingling sensation was growing stronger. It wasn't until he had finished the fish completely that he felt rather warm...and a little dizzy. "Ah..." He stood up slowly, touching his head. "I feel a little.....ah!" He gasped sharply, feeling a sudden surge between his legs, pussy juices suddenly gushing from the sides of his bikini bottoms as if he had been aroused all night and it had all just been released at once. A moment later though, the bikini bottoms were snapped off, flying straight into Ginny's face.

By the time she removed the leafy garment from blocking her vision, she would see a horse cock sprouting from between Harry's legs, his pussy shifting backover slightly in order to make way for the balls that were quickly growing, or perhaps re-growing, on his body. The growth was rapid and seemed like it wouldn't stop, though perhaps fortunately it did.....although only when Harry's cock was now a good foot longer than even Ginny's.....and his balls were now so large that even though Harry was stood up, the bottom of them was brushing against the sand. "Wh-what?! I.....I..." The horse cock twitched, which in turn caused pre-cum to flick all over Ginny.
Ginny yelped like a dog that just got it's leg caught in a door, the garment smacking her in the face and sending her toppling onto the sand. She struggled for a bit and tried to sit upright, sliding the goo-coated piece of clothing off her face. What a sight to open her eyes to again, a great big equine phallus that was even larger than Ginny's own protruding from Harry's crotch. "Whoa..." she said, too stunned to even register the rope of precum slapping her pretty face. "Okay... so the fruit turns guys into girls and girls into futa's... but the fish has no effect on futa's and turns girls into futa's with horse dicks... this island is bloody mad," the ginger futa remarked.
Harry was panting as he recovered from the transformation, shivering as every move caused his now immense testicles to brush against the sand beneath him, whilst his cock continued to twitch and drip large globs of pre-cum noisily onto the sand. "F-fuck....it....it feels really tight....like...ah god....!" Harry cried out as his balls seemed to shake, then bulge slightly, growing only a little, but noticeably, larger, though this time it seemed that they were growing because they were getting fuller. "Oh god....G-ginny...I...I gotta let it out....I can feel it...it's all building up...more and more, I gotta let it out, you gotta help me"
"Whoa..." Ginny murmured, watching the pulses and ripples of the equine rod of flesh. It was... rather imposing, even more so than the Weaseley girl's own impressive rod. "Well, I suppose I do owe you for letting me fuck you twice," she said, setting her half-eaten fish down on one smooth stone and then bending her plump rear over another large rock, wagging it Harry's way. "Alright, go for it! Start slow though! Ad out have to pull out when you cum, I did that much for you."
Harry was panting as Ginny turned and bent over for him, wiggling her hips right at his crotch. Harry shivered slightly, then pushed his cock downover in order to line it up with her. "Pull out when I cum huh...? Sure...just like you pulled outta me like you promised...." Harry pressed the tip of his massive cock against Ginny's entrance, the shaft at least 10 or 11 inches across. Without waiting for Ginny to say she was ready, Harry thrust his hips forward, though tripped and stumbled.....causing him to ram a full 12 inches of his cock into her at once, leaving him crying out and twitching inside of her. "O-oh fuck....oh fuck that's tight....so so tight....."
Huh... so that was what it was like to be on the receiving end. Dear lord did it hurt! A sharp shriek escaped Ginny, and had there been any people around them in a ten mile radius, then no doubt they would have heard her. She tensed up and gave a long shriek of pleasure and pain, her own cock giving a spurt of precum into the sand while her DD cup breasts ground firmly against the coarse material. "Oooooh you fucker..." she hissed, wincing back at Harry. "Could you have gone a little slower...? Seriously..."
"S-sorry! I...I tripped...so big I lost my balance..." Harry panted as he looked at a third of his cock buried inside of Ginny's body....but god he wanted to get all of it in her....he had to. He grunted, then groaned as he felt his balls swelling a little more once again. "Ah...f-fuck...I can't wait anymore Ginny....it keeps building....my balls are gonna explode if I don't....sorry...I can't stop it" Without waiting for Ginny to say she was ready, Harry started to push forward once again, his gargantuan cock keeping her pinned against the rock as inch after inch resumed sliding inside of her, stretching her body with his 3 foot horse cock.
Ginny gave a sharp yelp as the fat equine phallus started shoving deeper and deeper into her hot and tight pussy, splitting her nice and wide around that inhuman dick. She shuddered vigorously "I am gonna kill you... whenever the feeling returns to my legs..." she huffed out. Her breasts were grinding roughly against the coarse material of the rock, and the ginger futa could feel thick waves of her precum start to glop out onto the hot sands of the beach, forming a miniature lake of goo between her feet.
"S-sure...whatever...later" Harry clearly couldn't care less what she said about killing him, all he cared about now was fucking her, or more precisely about cumming. Fucking her was just the best way to achieve that goal. Without bothering to see if she was ok, Harry continued to shove forwards, now able to reach Ginny's hips and grab into her, using the extra leverage to suddenly tug himself forwards and her backwards, finally managing to ram the entirety of his 3 foot cock into Ginny's pussy and womb. "A-ahhh...." Harry's tongue rolled out of his mouth at the sensation, his huge breasts now squashed against Ginny's back as he allowed himself a moment to appreciate the sensation of her body squeezing his giant cock. It really was only a moment though, the sensation of his balls swelling slightly again spurred him into action, his hips beginning to work and tug himself a few inches back out, then ram himself back in again. "O-oh fuck....this....I can see why you loved this so much Ginny..."
Ginny honestly couldn't believe that she had taken so much of that equine phallus into her pussy, until her poor womanhood felt ready to give out under the strain of it. "Angh... fuckin... you stupid... I swear to..."in her current state it seemed almost impossible to make a cogerent sentence, and all that fell from her lips was agitated and lustful nonsense, and with every thrust burrowing into the depths of her womb her sentences just grew more absurd. She couldn't hold out for long of course, and while her pussy was drippig and her tits were bouncing the ginger futa found herself howling and blasting thick sprays of hot cum onto the sands, util it looked like a lake of hot goo was flowing down between the two of them.
It was all too much for Harry to take. Even when he'd had his own cock, he had never felt anything remotely like this before....maybe because his own cock had barely been pushing 6 inches, whilst this new one was more than 6 times the length, and almost twice that in thickness. His hips continued to thrust, though as Ginny began to cum it was enough to begin driving him over the edge as well. By this point though, even if he had wanted to there was no way he could pull his cock out. It was far too big for him to simply pull his hips back and get it out of her, and his balls had grown so big that they were pushing against the sand beneath him and blocking his legs from moving.
All Harry could do was lean forwards slightly, hooking his arms under Ginny's and tugging her into an upright position, squashing his breasts against her back as he leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "P-payback...." With a further loud grunt, Harry's horse cock suddenly erupted with a monumental amount of cum directly into Ginny's womb, gallon after gallon flooding into the girls body, the flow seemingly never ending as the hot, thick white substance just kept on coming.

((I'll let you decide how big and full Ginny gets before it just starts pouring out instead of further inflating her ^^))
When he came from that inhuman phallus, it felt almost like some sort of atomic blast erupting inside her womb. Her eyes rolled back in her had head and she barely heard anything he had to say as her pussy was flooded. Her gut expanded out rapidly until a massive beachball like bump had formed into existence on her torso, before all the excess started gushing and flooding out of her cunt and joining her own cum on the hot sands to form an even larger lake of semen. "Ugh... can't eat the fruit... can't eat the fish... damn..." she grumbled, er knees wobbling in a failing bid to support her tired body.
Harry's orgasm lasted a full 5 minutes at full force, cum pumping into Ginny in a continuous flow rather than just in spurts. Finally though, the flow began to slow down, then become spurt after spurt, until finally it ceased entirely, Harry's balls having shrunk almost entirely away by this point now that they had rather literally emptied their load. The lake of cum around their feet was approaching a literal lake at this point due to how much had overflowed back out of Ginny, 10s of gallons easily. Fortunately they were close enough to the shore that most of it had flowed away. Had they been in some kind of enclosed dip, they would probably have had to literally swim their way out. "Oooh...fuck...." Harry collapsed against Ginny's back, panting as he recovered, then groaning as his horse cock shifted and started to shrink. Within seconds, it had withdrawn from Ginny and shrank back inside of Harry's body, leaving no trace it had ever been there, the same thing happening to his previously gigantic balls. "Ahhh....I feel so much better now..."
"Agh... I think you just impregnated every fish in the ocean," the ginger replied, breathing out a small sigh of relief. She herself was still aching, so there wasn't a whole heaping lot she could do to get back at him right now. "Well I hope you had your fun, because you are so going to pay for it soon." Ginny glanced up to the top of the nearest tree and spied some more fruit, particularly focusing on one golden one glinting in the sunlight. She stood up, tossing Harry onto his back on the sand, and gave her expanded stomach a firm squeeze to send thick gushings of cum clean out of her abused pussy.
"Ahhhh...." As Ginny moved out from under him, Harry ended up falling to the beach, looking up at the sky with a contented look on his face, huge breasts rising and falling with every breath. "Mmm.....you're gonna make me pay for it? I thought that was my payback on you for breaking your promise that first time remember?" He glanced up between his breasts and stuck his tongue out, watching as she started to squeeze all of his cum out. "Geez.....I really did cum a lot didn't I? Wow....wish I could've done that all along.....I should've gotten myself stuck on this island years ago...." He leaned his head back and licked his lips. "Yeah....definitely gotta bring this island back home..."
"As if. Phew... even someone as skilled as you can't fit an entire island into Gryffindor house," she replied, panting once she spurted out the last few spurts of cum (With a little aid from her wand). Ginny flicked her hair back and then snapped one f the candy-flavoured fruits from the branches, glancing over it "Still these things do have seeds in them. We can very easily grow more back at Hogwarts." She glared Harry's way "No more fish! I certainly don't trust you with them," she grumbled. Ginny dumped the fruit onto the sands "I'll eat the fish and you eat the fruit. That way, no more side effects."
"Maybe I could fit it into the Room of Requirement" Harry glanced up between his breasts and grinned brightly to Ginny, watching as she emptied herself of all his cum, adding to the substantial lake already on the beach at her feet. "Oh we're definitely taking all the seeds we can carry...I even saw plenty of other kinds of fruit when I was looking around the island too, so we gotta make sure we get at least one of each" He licked his lips, then blinked. "Ehhhh, but if I eat that fruit I'll get....insanely horny. How's that fair?"
"Hm... Well maybe we could use a bit of magic on the fruit? Remove the arousing powers behind it... that or we could use magic to make the fish arousing when I eat it," Ginny replied. It wasn't a perfect idea, but she had no plans on being impaled like that every day. "I mean, if you fuck me like that so much you'd probably kill me. And I certainly can't trust you because you're even less likely to pull out in the future. At least I pulled out, twice..."
"You wanna try using a spell on that fruit hm? Given how magically charged it is I'm not so sure it's a good idea.....so if you do that I think I'll let you take the first bite" Harry smirked as he sat up, folding his arms atop his breasts. "Oh come on, you enjoyed it just as much as I did. And besides, I seem to remember you losing control that first time too didn't you?" He grinned rather sheepishly when she complained about him not pulling out. "Well hey! It was the first time and you didn't pull out of me on your first time either. Besides, my cock was so big that even if my balls hadn't stopped me moving I probably couldn't have taken the whole thing out in time anyway..."
Ginny gave him an accusing point "It's different when I do it!" she said jokingly. She gave a small sigh and then glanced to her wand "Lucky for you, McGonnagal was kind enough to teach some spermicidal spells during sex ed," the ginger remarked with a small shrug from her slim shoulders. She sighed then and turned her focus to the palm tree leaves lazily being blown in the tropical breeze. "Too bad you can't make a leaf condom," she mused simply.
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