When spells go wrong... (Lounger x MellowYellow)

"Those b-breasts are... v-very impressive," Hermione said, almost mesmerised by the heavy orbs bouncing and swaying before her eyes. But she made sure not to get too distracted by them and tried to keep her tentacles pounding hard and deep into both of Harry's holes and letting the transformed male feel the warmth and girthy proportions of them. She hissed in white hot pleasure before giving a long cry as thick seed utterly flooded Harry's womb and backside, swelling his stomach until he looked as if he had swallowed a yoga ball. She slumped back, brown hair sticking to her sweaty skin.
"Aren't they? I love them..." Harry licked his lips, massaging his own breasts and groaning as he pinched at his own nipples as Hermione continued to fuck him harder and deeper with her tentacle cocks. "Ooooh...f-fuck.....oh fuck....th-they're going deeper! Deeper! Oh god yes please! Please!" Harry's voice started to turn into a squeal of orgasmic delight, his ass and pussy squeezing Hermione's tentacles even harder as she started to unload her seed inside of him, his stomach quickly swelling out, taking mere seconds to grow to the size of a yoga ball. "O-oh fuck Ginny....this is amazing...." He glanced at her over his shoulder. "Y-you gonna shower us both with your cum too...? That cock of yours looks ready to blow..."
And it seemed that pointing it out was enough to set Ginny off- thick salty white spurts shooting across the room, a few globs striking off Harry's cheeks and over her nose and then spattering over Hermione's own face, making the pretty brunette yelp in protest from the sudden drops hitting her face. Ginny sighed and sank in her chair, taking just a moment to give the duo a thumbs up. "The two of you really can put on a good show." Hermione made a small huff and swiftly retracted her new organs. "In any event, you still need to get to Dumbledore and explain all of this to him," the teen remarked.
Harry grinned as he was showered with Ginny's hot, thick cum, reaching up to rub it into his breasts, licking it off his face until Ginny was done, looking at Hermione now covered in plenty more cum than he had been. "Nnn....she's gonna be competition for you Ginny when she gets some practice..." Harry chuckled, then yelped as the tentacles swiftly withdrew from him and vanished up into Hermione's skirt. "Well at least you can hide yours..." Harry grumbled and folded his arms beneath his chest. "Dumbledore will just try to find a way to reverse it. I say we just hide it, maybe some Polyjuice potion or something"
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