The Police Chief's Conundrum (Sweetnothings)

Despite the size of her home, Lin still had sharpened senses and managed to pick up on the noise of her door being knocked on. She gave a hum and turned the oven off, seeing as how she hadn't even started cooking anything yet it was no big deal. She approached the door, still clad in her form fitting robe, and then opened the front door up. She was certainly surprised to see the teenage airbender standing at her door. The little bookworm sure had grown up cute... "Oh, hey kid," Lin greeted in her usual manner "What brings you by? Some issuesover on the island?"
It would be an understatement to say that Jinora was nervous. Why did she even agree to this? Korra had told her everything from Lin having an extra member and how her and Asami were pregnant now. The Avatar even told her to wear something a little revealing, so she wore a tight strapless dress that went down to her mid-thighs. She looked up at the police officer and managed a nervous smile. "One, I'm not a kid, Lin. Second, there are no issues on the island. I came here to see you," the airbender said with a sultry smile. Korra had definitely taught her had to seduce Lin.
"Geez..." she murmured, taking in the tight and revealing dress that the teen had very deliberately chosen to wear. "Is that what teenagers these days are wearing? My mom would've skinned me if I showed that much skin... well, if she couldv'e seen that I was." Lin took a step back and beckoned her in "Well, c'mon in then." Once Jinora was inside, Lin shut the front door to her large manor and led the way to her kitchen, firing the oven up again "You don't mind if I cook while we talk, right? I have some... guests upstairs that I need to feed," the silver-haired cougar explained.
When she noticed the older woman looking over her body with the dress on, Jinora felt her cheeks flush. It was something she usually never experienced with other people. It was always her mother scolding her for what she wore some times. "I-I don't usually wear this. I-I just chose something different today," she corrected. It was a little white lie. She sighed softly before walking inside Lin's home. Since she couldn't see the two pregnant ladies, she assumed they were upstairs sleeping. "I don't mind at all. I understand that," Jinora smiled and sat down. She decided she was going to wait until Lin finished cooking to advance.
Given that both of her lovers were eating for two, Lin decided they could do with something large. So she worked hard and fast, cooking and gradually preparing a pair of large omelettes formed from ostrich-horse eggs and loaded up with dashes of pepper, sliced onions and mushrooms, and peppers of varying shades. She'd had to learn a few recipes now that she was set to be a parent, meals her kids could enjoy. She set both steaming omelettes down on a pair of plates and returned her focus to the bookworm "So, what brings you by?"
There were a few times where Korra took discreet trips to airbender island. Tenzin would be more than pissed at her if he saw her now. It was so fun getting to talk to her about the pregnancy and just normal things again. One of the best things they had talked about was Lin. Ever since Jinora found out, she was fascinated by it. It helped her say yes to the offer. She watched as the older woman made the two omelettes for the two teenagers upstairs. She slowly stood up, walking over to her from behind. "I came here to see you," she whispered as she wrapped her arms around her waist, her hands moving lower.
That drug that had spiked her food had had a lasting effect on Lin, boosting her sex drive, her sensitivity and then making her cock a little bigger than it had been in the past. As such it only took the slightest of touches from the airbender to have her cock swell slightly, and she grinned slightly back at the brunette "Well well... Korra wasn't joking when she said we'd be having a special guest," she remarked. Lin turned, her robe loosening slightly to show more of her impressive cleavage, and the faintest hint of her impressive package "Well... I'm very happy to have you over..." she purred, stroking under Jinora's chin.
The Avatar had informed her about how her and Asami drugged Lin's food with a drug that had positive effects. Jinora was curious to see for herself if they were true. The way her friend described what it felt like to have sex was too good to pass up. She didn't want to be a virgin for so long considering how her father was. This was the perfect chance. She blushed and moved her fingers over her robe where Lin's cock was. "I'm assuming it's a good thing I'm special, hmm?" She teased, kissing her neck softly. "I'm a at this, I'll admit. I'm sorry if I'm not experienced like Korra and Asami," she apologized, smiling up at her nervously.
"I knew those two wouldn't keep their mouths shut on this..." Lin said with a small sigh. Her strong hands suddenly hooked under her lovers ass, raising her up and then planting the brunette's firm rear on the table. "I guess I don't mind. I can't fuck them as much as I'd like in their current conditions, so..." Her silver robe slipped off fully and fell to the ground, revealing her toned body and that generous piece of futa meat that had pleased her lovers so vigorously. "I really need this," she purred as she claimed Jinora's mouth in a rough and heated kiss.
"It was just this one time. They care about you. They don't want you to be without fucking for a while," Jinora corrected, smiling at the older woman. She let out a small squeal as Lin lifted her up onto the table. She wondered if the two teenagers could hear them from up there. The young airbender smiled while she began to take off her dress. "That's why I'm here. I'm an...outlet, I guess," she joked lightly. Her eyes fell to the piece of meat that was propping up by itself between Lin's legs. That's what they loved. She kissed her back deeply, her lips moving in tandem with hers.
"Sure, it starts that way, but then you'll be asking to live here too... and I'll have to put up with your father's complaints," the older woman said. She supposed she could put up with Tenzin's bitching if if meant three beauties to ravish on a daily basis. And lord knew she could do with the relief if she was going to be dealing with kids even remotely like Korra. Once Jinora had exposed herself, Lin's lips trailed languidly over her jawline, while two of her fingers slowly caressed at her damp naked folds, working to excite her and add to the sensations. She'd want to be wet for this...
"Wouldn't you like that, though, having me in the household to fuck?" Jinora asked curiously with an innocent look. She wanted to experience what the other two were. It was only fair. Plus, she got to lose her virginity to someone like Lin. It didn't get better from that. Her father would have a fit if he found out about this. Jinora's breathing hitched as she felt Lin's fingers stroke her wet lips. Already they were beginning to get very wet from the extra stimulation and the anticipation. She moaned softly, leaning her head against the older woman's shoulder, her lips kissing her soft skin.
"I certainly would enjoy that..." came her casual response, a lazy smirk etching its way onto her scarred yet still beautiful face. Lin moved her hand back and licked her digits clean, and then with a small push of her hips she started pushing her cock into Jinora's exposed depths. The teen was a virgin, that much was obvious, so she knew full well that she would have to take it slow on her. Still, the sensation of a hot and wet pussy wrapping around the head of her cock soon had her moaning weakly, making her recall her many passionate nights with Korra and Asami. Man, she really did miss this.
Jinora wanted to reply to the response from the older woman, but she was too busy moaning and biting her lip as Lin's fingers moved across her sensitive folds. Only once or twice had she touched herself like that. She was always too busy dealing with her father, or not feeling it. She panted softly as she watched her licked her fingers clean. Her eyes widened slightly once she began to push her cock inside of her tight virgin hole. She was not expecting that. She gripped her shoulders and whimpered softly, resting her head near hers. Even though it hurt like hell for her, she was glad to hear Lin moaning. At least she was doing something right. Soon, she felt the head of her cock push against her maidenhood. She took a deep breath before it tore through it.
Jinora had been tighter than the older woman had expected, even tighter than the attractive Avatar and wealthy heiress during their first time together. Oh well, Lin supposed she could hardly expect a teenage monk to have a wealth of experience. She pushed past Jinora's hymen, deliberately pausing at that point so the brunette could adjust to the great shape inside her pussy, planting gentle kisses along her cheek to soothe the pain. And then as soon as she felt Jinora relaxing around her, the futa gave a few small thrusts to loosen up Jinora a little bit further.
This was more painful that the airbender thought it was. Korra explained to her it was going to hurt a lot, but she didn't going into depth as to how much it was going to hurt. Never masturbating also increased the pain. To help ease the pain, she tried using one of the methods her father taught her. Breathe in, breathe out. It was like meditating but instead she was being fucked. Even though it was hurting like hell, she refused to cry. She was not a little kid anymore. She would show Lin. After the pain dissipated, she let out a few moans at the small thrusts. "Lin...." she murmured, not from the pain, but from the new found pleasure.
She was almost impossibly tight, to the point where Lin doubted she had even used her fingers on herself in the past. Still, Jinora was proving herself to be a tough and brave teenager, so Lin wouldn't fault her for it. The silver haired woman was still going slow, managing a smirk when she started hearing pleasured moans in place of pained whimpers. "Not bad, is it? You're pretty damn wet, Jinora..." she remarked in a husky murmur, wanting to make the brunette's spine tingle.
Whenever Jinora would get the chance, she was going to yell at Korra. Maybe being more in depth on how big Lin actually was would've helped her. Then she would've gotten the chance to finally use her fingers for once just to prepare herself. However, she was doing pretty well with the initial pain the futa had caused. After the pain was completely gone, she started to really moan, bucking her hips slowly. " that a good thing, Ms. Beifong?" She asked, licking her lips after calling her in formality.
"Hehe... very good, don't you worry. The wetter you are, then the easier this whole process will be for you. Trust me, it'll make it much easier to be wet from the get go," she explained. Lin continued her thrusting motions, powerful jerks of her hips that showed just how she had longed for a pussy to fuck these past few months. Faster she went, harder and then deeper, ramming repeatedly into the teen's hot core until at last she groaned loudly and started venting hot ropes of cum into Jinora's hot and tight pussy.
Jinora listened as best as she could while Lin continued to pound into her once virgin pussy. Her thoughts got mixed up when she tried to think of an answer. All she could do was nod and moan in agreement. "T-that...makes a lot...of sense," the teenager managed after much time used to think about it. She panted and threw her head back, moaning loudly, pretty sure that the two pregnant teens could hear her very clearly upstairs. She doubted they would still be sleeping through this all. Finally, she let out gasp, "Lin!" She screamed out as her very first orgasm came crashing through her young body.
The two of them were coming down from their highs at roughly the same time and the same rate. She sighed happily, and then with a low murmur Lin pulled her fading and deflating cock out of Jinora's used and abused pussy. "Phew... I better get these upstairs," she said, pecking the younger woman on the lips. She gripped both plates of omelette's and headed upstairs, wanting to hand them over before they got too cold.
Korra and Asami grinned to each as they listened to the after sex sounds coming from their beloved friend Jinora. They were so happy that their lover had found some relief. Both of them hated to see that she couldn't get the satisfaction she wanted. Asami was the first one to get up when she heard the older woman coming up the steps. "I see you met our friend, Jinora, Lin," she giggled as she took her plate and Korra's plate to the bedroom for her.
Lin smiled "I want to thank you too. I mean, after all, I can't trust myself not to get to rough in your pussies, but Jinora provides the perfect release. And she's adorable to boot," Lin said. She smiled as the duo started eating "Now then, I want the two of you to eat up. You're both eating for two after all," she remarked casually, before approaching and giving both of her lovers a kiss on the cheek. "I should tend to my new lover."
Asami giggled at Lin's gratitude. It always made her smile to see her lover happy. Korra soon stood up with Asami to grab her plate. Just a few more months with a big stomach, and things would go back to normal with a new addition. "Of course, "Mom." We're eating, Lin. Don't worry," Korra laughed as both of them ate. They giggled like school girls before watching her leave. Jinora was a perfect addition to the relationship.

The young teenager was still sitting on the counter, having trouble catching a breath. It was amazing what had happened to her. She was so thankful for Asami and Korra. If it weren't for them, she would be inside her house training like there was no tomorrow. After spending what seemed like an eternity on the counter, she stood up on her shaky legs.
Lin was wiping her brow clean of any lingering beads of sweat once she came downstairs, rounding one corner and then walking over to the kitchen once again. Lin blinked when she saw the shivering running along Jinora's slim frame, and she was quick to approach the airbending teenager and give her a shoulder to support her weight on. "You okay half-pint?" she teased lightly. She was grown now, but Jinora lacked the height of the other three in the house. "Don't push yourself too hard."
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