The Ferret and The Weasel (Lia & Aislashu)

"That's just gross," Ron made a face. Ron looked at Draco then, surprise etched on his face when the boy spoke. He was about to answer when Draco abruptly left, and Ron rolled his eyes a bit, hurrying to catch up. Once he did, he fell into step beside the blond up until the doors of the Great Hall, when Ron stopped him.

Ron looked at Draco, then reached out, taking the boy's hand in his before they were even inside, entwining their fingers and giving the paler, smaller hand in his own a squeeze.
It was Draco's turn to be surprised. Looking up at the other wizard, Draco searched for any hint of malice or teasing. Finding none, though, the blond nodded and closed his fingers around the large, warm hand. I could get used to this... It was an odd thought. Usually lately, his thoughts regarding Weasley were all sexual. The fact that Draco was admitting, even to himself, that he was enjoying the soft intimacy of hand-holding was definitely new.

They entered the hall and moved to the front. The whispers and stares were less now than at breakfast. It seemed that they were fast becoming old news, which Draco was immensely happy about. He ignored the raised eyebrow of Severus as they sat, clasped hands on the table.
Ron held Draco's hand and stood tall as they walked in. It was definitely old news, but a few people did stare at their pre-clasped hands. Harry, in particular, had his jaw hanging open.

"If you're going to look like that, Harry, you should be on your knees. The cock will reach easier that way," he snipped at the raven-haired boy as they passed, Harry's eyes nearly bugging from his head and mouth snapping shut, cheeks going red.

He smirked to himself, settling down beside Draco, immediately reaching for the drumsticks with his free hand.
Draco snickered, trying hard to contain the out-right laugh that wanted to burst forth. But as Weasley reached for the food, Draco's own free hand shot out and grabbed the redhead's wrist. "Please. For the love of all that is holy. Try food that requires a fork tonight, yeah? Look, you even have your right hand free." He wasn't sure he could put up with watching the Gryffindor stuff his face the way he had for the past two meals together. As the blond pulled his hand away, Draco made sure to discretely brush his finger tips across the redhead's inner wrist.

He filled his own plate with pot pie and extra green beans, eating slowly. "I'll teach you manners yet, Weasley," he muttered, teasing.
Ron raised a brow, then grabbed the drumstick anyway, taking a large bite and chewing just for Draco's benefit.

"Maybe I'll teach you to loosen up," he grinned at the blond. He took another bite, then, his eyes twinkling, moved his drumstick and pushed it against the blonde's pretty pink lips. "So take a bite."
He pulled away from the vile food, turning his head to boot. He caught an angry face in the crowd that was largely ignoring them, though, and Draco pondered on this a bit. "If you're not careful, you might lose your friend, Weasley." The blond nodded towards the Gryffindor table while continuing to eat his own meal. Had he been in this situation with one of his Slytherin classmates, they would have happily played with Potter by acting the happy couple. But Weasley had told him just that afternoon that he had good reason (at least in his head) to be friends with the raven haired wizard, and so Draco left it.

"And I can loosen up," he pouted slightly. "But being laid back and eating like a barbarian are two separate things, Weasley."
Ron glanced over at Harry and watched the raven-haired boy glowering at him. He made an annoyed little sound and turned away.

"He can deal with it. He was an arse, he can live with the consequences, and if he wants to ditch me over it, bugger him."

He snickered softly at Draco's words. "Loosen up? You? Don't believe it. You're far too prissy," he teased, taking another bite from his drumstick, chewing hungrily.
"How was he an arse?" Perhaps he was too curious for his own good, and Draco fully expected the redhead to tell him to bugger off, but he had to ask. "Why would he ditch you? Over getting detention? He's gotten enough to last the both of you ten lifetimes!" The blond looked over and sneered at him. Why was he being protective over Weasley again?

He shrugged. "Don't believe it. But you've never seen the parties in the Slytherin dorms, either."
"The things he said to us the first night, that's how. And shouldn't, but he looks right pissed right now doesn't he?" Ron shook his head, shrugging.

"Parties? What kinds of parties?" he snickered softly. "Pin the dagger on the back? Compare bank vault parties?" he teased, dipping the leg in his mashed potatoes before taking the last bite off.
"Ugh, that's disgusting, Weasley..." At least he was now sufficiently distracted from Potter? Draco shuddered and turned back to his own food. "Like I would tell you. You're a lowly Gryffindor. You would just be jealous at how epic our weekends are, so really, I'm only looking out for you by not going into detail." Draco finished his supper, and chose a slice of apple pie for pudding. It was one of his favorite desserts, that he didn't often get.

"Have you looked at any of the classwork? The Potions theory looks simple enough."
"Your face is disgusting, Malfoy," Ron shot back childishly, sticking out his tongue. He rolled his eyes at the boasts, shaking his head.

"We've had parties in Gryffindor go on til almost 2 in the morning. Should have seen McGonagall's face..." he said wistfully, chuckling. "I doubt your parties could be as epic..."

Ron made a face at the mention of classwork.

"I'm about half-done with Snape's essay. I was saving Potions for last."
He scoffed. "I'm gorgeous, Weasley. It's okay to admit it. In fact, it's encouraged!"

Draco ignored the comment on parties. He could imagine Gryffindor parties. Everyone sitting around and telling each other how much they liked them and why, drinking Butterbeer and pretending that it got you buzzed. Pathetic. "Only half done? He only wants eighteen inches... And it's almost all in the notes from class..." How was Weasley passing any class? "You're going to put it all off until the night before classes start, aren't you?" he asked, unbelieving that someone would do inferior work just so that they could put off doing the work for as long as possible.
Ron snickered.

"So that must be Slytherin parties then, is it? You sitting on some stupid gold throne while people praise your supposed good looks?"

Ron smirked softly. "Only eighteen inches? Most blokes can't do more than seven, you know. If they're lucky." Dirty mind? Perhaps just a little.

"Notes? 'Mione takes the notes, and as I'm not quite able to see her right now..." Ron huffed. "I'm rather stuck going through the book on my own and trying to figure it out. And if I were gonna wait til then I wouldn't have started already, would I?"
"We don't need parties for that, Weasley. I'm praised on my good looks daily." Draco preened a little bit. He was well aware of the fact that many students would undress him with their eyes, and he was perfectly okay with that fact, too. "Good thing I'm not most blokes then..." was muttered under his breath, and the blond only half hoped that the chatter of the Great Hall drowned it out. "Why don't you take your own notes, Weasley? Are you finished? We can stop by the library for books to help with the essays on the way back from the owlery."
"By people looking to kiss your arse, I'm sure," Ron rolled his eyes, laughing a bit. "And no?" he heard it, grinning. "Maybe a little less, then?" he quipped.

"Have you seen my writing? I'm surprised the teachers can read's horrible. It's a lot easier to read with her, and she's more thorough, She tends to catch what people don't think will be on the exams," he shrugged. "Yeah, I'm done..and I guess, if we must." He made a little face. "As long as it lets me pass, sure."

He got to his feet, but didn't release Draco's hand.
"You'll never know, Weasley." Draco gave a smirk and stood as well. He didn't notice that they were still holding hands, though it likely wouldn't have bothered him if he had. "I offered to help you, and you scoffed at me. Don't cry to me if you get all T's on the assignments." The owlery was their first stop, and only then did Draco realize that their hands were still clasped, because he had to pull away to tie the letter to the leg of his eagle owl. "Take these to Slug and Jiggers, and Flourish & Blotts," he told him. The words were barely out of his mouth before the large, graceful owl swooped out the window.

Draco turned to face the redhead. "Library, then?" The blond began moving to the exit, his hand easily slipping back into the larger one on its own accord.
Ron hadn't realized it, either. He'd only meant to hold the blond's hand on the way out of the Great Hall and release it, but he hadn't done that. He actually liked holding Draco's hand. His ears and cheeks flushed a bit as he realized they'd held hands all that way, and then nodded when Draco asked about the library. When Draco's hand slipped back into his on the way there, Ron had a hard time believing it.

He squeezed Draco's hand, stopping and pulling Draco over to him, looking down at the blond-haired boy that had tormented him so much over the years. Deep blue eyes met lovely greys, and then his other hand was up, cupping the back of Draco's neck and lower part of his skull gently as his lips came down, kissing the Slytherin boy firmly.
"Wha-" His words were stolen when warm lips met his. Draco gasped lightly, unresponsive for a second due to complete shock. Was this really happening? But the hand at the back of his skull and the slightly sweet taste of the Gryffindor were definitely there. Coming to his senses, Draco took a step closer and fell into the kiss, hands coming to rest on the redhead's hips. He stepped back softly after a moment, looking up to study the other wizard. "Who knew you had talents, Weasley?" he teased with a small smile. Whatever else he'd ever said about him, Ron Weasley could kiss.
Ron felt Draco step closer. Those hands were on his hips then, and the hand that had once been holding Draco's was now free to wrap around the more lithe body against him. When Draco broke the kiss, he let the boy step back, yet still kept the other boy close.

"Do you always have to ruin something nice by talking?" Ron teased back, ears bright red.

One hand slid down to Malfoy's ass, drawing the Slytherin back against him to kiss him once more, his tongue easing forward this time, flicking over Draco's lips, dipping between them, teasing, before drawing away.
He smiled. "It's what I do."

Draco moaned softly with the next kiss, returning it immediately. He pressed their bodies together tightly, enjoying the thicker body against his own, and as the redhead's lips left his, Draco dragged his own down to press a line of kisses along his neck. When he reached the collar of the Gryffindor's t-shirt, Draco leaned his head forward and rested against the strong shoulder.

What were they doing? In a week they'd be back in their own houses, with their own friends... Draco knew that none of this was realistic. And yet, he once more found himself with his lips pressed to Ron's, this time Draco seeking out the kiss.
"Talk and ruin things?" he grinned playfully.

Then they were kissing again, before Draco broke it to kiss down along his neck. Ron let out a pleased little sound, head tilting to expose his neck to Draco. His arms tightened around the blond, feeling the head rest on his shoulder, enjoying the other boy against him. He did his best not to think about what was going was Malfoy, after all...but it just felt so...right.

Ron moaned when Draco sought out the kiss, and his tongue moved forward again, this time parting the other teen's lips fully to slide into Draco's mouth. He gripped the blond's ass, pulling that body tightly to his own as his tongue explored Draco's mouth, licking over the boy's teeth and tongue, letting the other male feel the hardness in his jeans pressing to him.
Draco's arms slid fully around Weasley's waist then, mouth opening to accept the tongue while his own teased back. He couldn't explain why he felt safe in the redhead's embrace, but knew that he did. The blond groaned softly with the press of the hard cock against him, pulling away just slightly. "I must not be ruining it too much," he muttered, pressing his thigh tightly against the hard on and resuming the kiss in one, graceful action. Hands sought out bare, warm flesh at the base of the broad back. Draco pressed his own hips forward, seeking out pressure for his own throbbing prick.
Ron swirled his tongue around Draco's, curling his around the boy's and then drawing back, lifting his tongue to lick over the roof of Draco's mouth. His tongue slid along it, teasing at the entrance of Draco's throat. A low groan escaped when Draco pulled back, and he nipped at Draco's lips when the boy spoke and kissed him again. A shiver ran along his spine when Draco's hands slid under his shirt, and he rocked his hips to the boy's thigh, pulling Draco tighter against him so the boy's hardness rubbed against him.

"Keep talking," he broke the kiss with a small gasp, tilting his head to nibble and kiss Draco's nose, "and I'll stuff that mouth with other things to make you stop..." he growled playfully, pinching the boy's mounds.
He whimpered then, and was tempted to continue speaking. Hands slid inside of the jeans that the redhead wore, his own hands squeezing and massaging the firm arse that was there while pulling the hips forward more. Draco's mouth moved to Ron's throat, nipping and then licking over his Adam's apple and at the hollow while his own hips thrust forward in rhythm, seeking release.

"More," he whispered, lips still pressed to the other wizard's throat, just between his collar bones. "Fuck, I want more." He thrust his hips harder with a groan.
Ron let out a gasp when those hands slid under his jeans, over his firm, muscled ass. He tilted his head when Draco's lips were once more at his throat, and he groaned quietly.

"I can give you more..." Ron said hoarsely. He stepped back though, and leaned down, shoulder pushing against Draco's hips and arms sliding around the boy's knees as he was suddenly rising again, Draco slung over his shoulder. He gave the blond's arse a playful smack before he carried the boy off, quite literally, heading towards their shared room.
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