The Ferret and The Weasel (Lia & Aislashu)

((I laughed at that story again, and then imagined Draco as a spider animagus... Am I a horrible person?))

"They'd have been missing a few vital body parts," Draco answered, shuddering at the thought. The blond looked up, grey eyes searching blue. He was used to anticipating mocking, and insults. It was odd to know that they wouldn't come. "That does explain your boggart, though..." Draco thanked Merlin every day that Potter had been ahead of him in that line that day, and had ended the lesson for them all. He wasn't sure what form the creature would take for him, but he was sure he wasn't ready to face it.

He was about to say something else when there was a loud knock at the portrait. Raising an eyebrow, the blond looked over as voices from the hallway filtered in. "Open this bloody fucking door, Malfoy!" Groaning, his forehead bent to his knees again.

"That would be Blaise..."
Ron shuddered at the boggart mention. "Don't remind me," he huffed, shaking his head. He reached out, touching Draco's cheek gently, then glanced over when the portrait was banged on, frowning.

"The bloody hell do they want? And they couldn't have waited five bloody minutes?" he made a face, drawing his hand back.
He leaned into the brief touch and then laughed. "To make sure I'm alive, not under some potion, not under Imperius. The usual." Draco stood and took a step toward the door before turning back and leaning down, pressing his lips to the redhead's. Draco dragged his tongue briefly over Ron's full bottom lip and then pulled back to answer the door.

"Yes, I'm alive. No, I wasn't given a potion. No, there's no spell. Yes, whatever they're saying about ten minutes ago in the entrance hall is true. No, you can't come in tonight but maybe tomorrow when you're not beating my bloody door down." Smiling at his friends, who were gobsmacked at his responses, Draco shrugged at them. "Anything else? Because it's about to be curfew."

"It's Weasley!" Draco rolled his eyes.

"You don't say! The red hair must have hid it. Really, Greg. Is that the best you can come up with?" Blaise pushed forward now.

"Why can't we come in?"

"Because he's handcuffed naked to the bed. Do you really want to see that?" he answered without skipping a beat. The dark skinned boy in front of him shuddered a bit.
Ron blinked and laughed softly. He flushed to his ears at the kiss, returning it, giving a brief suck at Draco's tongue. He watched Draco, pausing as he heard Draco's side of the conversation. He about choked on his own spit though at the last bit.

"If I were, you arse, you'd be on the bloody couch!" he shot. "Though maybe you should, see how you like that damn thing. Or maybe I'll cuff you naked to the couch. That's an idea!" he shouted, smirking softly.
Laughing, Draco bit his tongue before the retort could bubble up. For now. His friends looked at him oddly, obvious concern flowing out of them. The blond could only shake his head. When would they learn he could take care of himself?

"Don't worry," he responded to his friends. "He hasn't killed me yet and I doubt he will tonight. We can talk after breakfast, okay? By the lake or something." Draco gave a few more reassurances, fended off a handsy flirting attempt by Pansy, and shut the portrait door for the night. The blond moved over to the sofa, straddling the redhead's hips and pressing their chests together. "Now what fun would it be to have you naked and vulnerable if I wasn't anywhere near you to torture you with pleasure?" he asked, voice low while his hands linked with Ron's at their sides.
His hands moved to Draco's hips, holding them gently as the blond straddled him. He leaned up, chest rubbing against Draco's smirking softly at the boy's words. He allowed Draco to take his hands instead, and entwined their fingers, leaning up to place a kiss to the boy's lips.

"Would you be able to have me naked and vulnerable on the bed?" he grinned. "Or, for that matter, would I be able to have you naked and vulnerable on it? The couch really seems rather annoying to deal with for that, and I do want to see you tied up and helpless...your arse is perfectly spankable, and you've had it coming for ages..." he teased, nuzzling Draco's neck, licking over the pale skin.
"Such a dirty mouth, Weasley," he teased back with a smirk of his own. "Maybe you're the one who's been asking for a spanking..." His head bent and Draco nipped at the redhead's own freckled neck and throat. Kissing up to Weasley's jaw, Draco nipped there too. He let go of the larger hands, bringing his own arms up to encircle Ron's neck, fingers carding through the soft locks at the base of his neck. "So you've wanted me for years, huh?" he asked, grinning with the thought.
"You like it," Ron murmured, chuckling. His head tilted to allow Draco access, hands sliding around to grope over the blond's ass. "You'd never be able to get me over your knee, Malfoy..." he murmured. He smacked the blond's ass playfully, tilting his head to capture Draco's lips briefly with his own. He flushed once more at the mention of how long he'd wanted Draco, kissing those sweet pink lips in answer.
He moaned when his arse was smacked, hips flexing forward. No one had had the gall to manhandle him the way Weasley was, and Draco found that he was rather liking it. Soft lips brushed over cheeks and neck once more until they reached the collar of his t-shirt. Draco smirked, tugging the collar out of the way to expose the redhead's collarbone. His mouth attacked, nipping and sucking at the sensitive flesh until he'd created a dark, purple mark. His wet tongue darted out to lave at the mark, Draco obviously proud of his work. He liked the idea that Weasley was now marked as his, and that only they would know the mark existed.
Ron smacked that ass again when Draco moaned and arched forward. He gripped that ass after, fingers digging into the crack as he squeezed and rubbed one of Draco's ass-cheeks. A soft sound escaped him and his head lolled back as Draco sucked and licked his neck to mark him. He brought his hand up from Draco's ass then, flipping them around and shoving Draco onto his back on the couch, holding the boy down as he pushed Draco's shirt up and yanked Draco's pants down on one side almost harshly enough to rip them, exposing one of the boy's hips.

Ron leaned down then, sucking and biting at the skin of Draco's hip, just at the start of the boy's V, licking and sucking and leaving his own mark on a normally hidden spot, tugging firmly at the skin with his teeth as well.
Draco moaned again, unable (and unwilling) to stop himself, and pressed his hips forward with the second smack. He loved every second of it. Draco gave a surprised yelp when he was flipped over, but groaned when Ron's lips found his sensitive flesh and marked it. Hips pressed forward, silently asking for more. His hands lifted, carding through thick red hair and then using that to tug Ron back up, pressing their lips together harshly. "You drive me crazy, Weasley," he grunted, thrusting his hips up to meet the Gryffindor's.
He kissed back just as harshly, curling his fingers in Draco's hair, gripping it tightly, mussing it up. His hips rocked down against Draco's, giving a sharp pull to that blond hair to pull Draco up, crashing their lips together, teeth hitting teeth and catching their lips sharply between them, but Ron didn't care. His kiss was eager, messy, a bit clumsy. He tasted a hint of blood on his lip from the smash of teeth. He drew back, panting softly.

"You've driven me crazy for bloody years, Malfoy."
"You planned this detention, didn't you?" he teased, panting. The blond leaned up, movements slow, and stopped only when their mouths were centimeters from each other. "I fell for you in fourth year," he confessed softly. "I watched Potter going through that bloody tournament and saw how hurt you were when everyone else saw anger and jealousy. And then I saw your body in fifth year with Quidditch and have been hooked ever since." Draco closed the distance between their lips, kissing the redhead's sweet lips softly.
"I'm not THAT smart. And there's no bloody way I could have predicted this sort of punishment," Draco murmured, laughing. He blinked, and then was pretty much stunned senseless at Draco's admission, eyes widening. His words were cut off by Draco's kiss, and Ron returned the sweet gesture slowly, breaking away.

"You had the perfect opportunity then to steal away his best probably could have moved in on me there and had a good coup from Harry, taking his best friend away...why didn't you? It would have been a one up on you," his brows furrowed, tilted his head.
He shook his head. "If I had done that, and you found out that was part of my reasoning for my timing, I'd have lost you. I knew that even then." Draco nuzzled along Ron's cheek and jaw, pressing light kisses every now and then. "I didn't want you because you were his friend, even though he was being a bad one. I had no way to know if you felt the same way. I wasn't able to risk my pride like that, to come to you with the almost certainty of rejection." Lips pressed together again, briefly this time. "Be friends with anyone you want, Weasley. But don't be surprised if the infirmary fills up with those who hurt you." Draco's lips pressed to Ron's ear lightly. "I'm very...protective of what I consider to be mine," the blond whispered, nipping at the sensitive lobe.
Ron closed his eyes, nodding as Draco explained his reasoning. He enjoyed the kisses, turning his head to briefly catch Draco's lips with his own.

"You're right," he murmured. "I'd have hated hearing that was a reason." He kissed back at the second press of lips, brushing his fingers over Draco's jawline. "Likewise, Dray...if anyone hurts you, or touches you...they'll have a very angry Weasel to content with...the Ferret is mine and mine alone."

He shivered at the nipping, wrapping his arms tightly around Draco's slim frame.

"Do you know what I wonder?" he mused, drawing back. "I wonder if this was planned...Dumbledore tends to see deeper than most people thick. Set up by the twisted would that be?"
Draco snorted, even as he relaxed into the warm embrace. "I don't think Severus or McGonagall would have allowed it... Especially Severus. Besides, that is a highly disturbing mental image that I didn't need nor did I want, Weasley." The blond gave another, sharper nip at the redhead's earlobe and then relaxed a bit more, content to sit in the other wizard's arms.

After a few moments, he spoke again. "I'll, uh, need to go back to the owlery tomorrow before breakfast. My friends want to talk to me, but as soon as they do, they'll get word back to my parents. I want to be the one to tell them." Exactly what Draco was going to write was beyond him at that moment. How did you tell your father that you were gay and dating the son of the family who had been your own family's enemy for generations? He could only hope that the words would come to him when he sat down to write. "You might want to write to your family, too. Finnegan saw us in the entry hall. I don't doubt your sister or Potter know by now."
"He probably wouldn't have told them..." Ron shook his head. "But we'll never know, and I think that's a good thing," he laughed softly, turning his head to nip at Draco's nose.

His brows knit together as Draco spoke, then his eyes shot open at what the blond was getting at. "Oh, bloody fuckin' hell..." he hadn't thought of that. Why hadn't he thought of that? Shit. "You're right. We should probably go first thing, then."

He brushed Draco's hair gently. "Think you'll be able to get on the bed with me?" he spoke softly, brushing his lips over Draco's nose before kissing those lips.
"I'll try?" he offered. In reality, Draco's heart was hammering in his chest. It baffled him that he could feel so safe with the redhead's arms wrapped around him here on the sofa, but that the mere thought of moving to the bed sent him into a blind panic. It was stupid. Grey eyes closed and the blond steeled himself, drawing in a deep breath to help calm his racing heart and starve off the oncoming panic attack. He was determined to do this; determined to be able to be normal and share a bed with his bloody boyfriend.

Draco moved and stood, moving towards the bed at a glacial pace. When he was standing at the side of it, it took him another minute to gather his courage once again. Reaching over, he took Ron by the wrist and tugged him over, nudging him until he was sitting on the bed. Draco was hoping it'd be easier if Ron was already in the bed. Besides, he didn't think he could handle being near the middle of the bed, at least not at first.
Ron felt Draco go tense, frowning softly. He didn't want to put Draco in this sort of position, and he was about to stop it when Draco got to his feet. He let the blond pull him up and over, moving at Draco's insistence, not fighting it. He'd let Draco call it here. He sat on the edge of the bed, looking up at the blond. He moved his hands, rubbing Draco's sides, drawing the boy close and kissing the center of his chest.

"You don't have to. We can wait and work up to it later if you want," Ron said softly.
"No." The blond's voice wasn't anywhere near as sure as he wanted it to sound. But Draco was determined. "I'm going to do this. Just lie down. I'll be fine." He really wished that he could believe his own words but that was proving to be more difficult that he had anticipated. He took another deep breath and then moved to kneel on the bed, going slowly for the time being. "Really," he coaxed, trying to get the redhead to lie down so that he could get himself into a position that would be the least likely to set him into a panic attack.
"All right, if you're sure," Ron said, a look of concern on his face. He shifted onto the bed and swung his legs up onto the mattress. He allowed Draco to position him and lay him back, and he settled back into the plush mattress as his eyes watched the blond. He reached out, rubbing his hand over Draco's chest slowly, sliding his hand upwards to caress his fingers over the blond's neck before cupping Draco's cheek.

"If you need to stop, just stop, okay? It's fine" he spoke quietly, brushing his thumb over Draco's lips.
Draco moved over another few bits onto the bed and then stopped cold. Something inside of him wasn't going to let him go any further. And Ron touching him sent him running. "No. No just. I'll be back." He had to get out of the room. Draco felt like he was suffocating as the walls closed in and in on him. The blond ran from the room, not bothering to stop to grab a robe or shoes nor stopping to answer the guardian portrait's calls after him. Draco fled, going to the one source of light in the whole castle in that moment; the one place he was free to let himself explode before him imploded.

Banging on the matron's door, Draco was near frantic by the time the mediwitch opened it and ushered him in without a word. Silence reigned as Madame Pompfrey called for tea and settled a blanket around his shoulders. Most probably would have expected Draco to seek comfort in Severus, but Severus was too close. The school nurse was objective, and offered soft words only where they were needed. She waited a few minutes before prodding Draco to speak about what had sent him there in such a panic.

And speak he did. Draco told her about the detentions, the feelings towards the Gryffindor, the conversation after Ron had given him the first panic attack on the bed. "You lied to him?" Draco shrugged.

"Not... Not really? It happened!"

"But you did not reveal the whole truth." Draco shook his head, not able to meet the witch's eyes. "You must find a way to tell him the truth behind your panic. You will never have a true relationship if you do not." Draco whimpered softly at that.

It was many hours before he'd exhausted himself talking. With a note to give to the headmaster and Professor McGonagall to excuse his leaving the room without Weasley at his side, Draco returned to their room. He knew that the matron was right, but Draco still couldn't find any of that Gryffindor courage that she expected him to have, in order to hold such a conversation.
Ron sat up, calling after Draco, but it was too late. He sat up in bed, sighing and burying his face in his hands. He was hoping he hadn't just ruined things. When Draco wasn't back in an hour or so, Ron moved over to the couch and settled down onto it, drifting off to sleep. His loud snoring filled the room when Draco came back, his larger form easily seen on the couch near the fireplace, only embers left glowing within. He'd once more left the more comfortable bed for Draco, and had even made an attempt to straighten the ruffled sheets.
After having taken a deep breath to steel himself, Draco entered the room. He was slightly surprised to see that Ron had passed out on the sofa, but the blond smiled a little at the scene before him. He was glad that the redhead hadn't combusted from not knowing exactly what was going on. Moving further into the room, Draco took the blanket off of the bed and swung it around his shoulders. Carefully, he then maneuvered his way on top of the sleeping Gryffindor, blanket settling over the both of them as Draco pulled Ron's arms to settle around him. He breathed in deeply, head resting on the other wizard's chest. Both of them sleeping on the sofa wasn't the most comfortable of things, but for the moment it was what Draco needed.
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