The Ferret and The Weasel (Lia & Aislashu)

Ron grinned when the kiss was returned. He got to his feet, blushing when he noticed Draco openly ogling him. But instead of looking away, he decided to return the favor, taking in Draco's nude form. He followed the teen to the bathroom, waiting for the water to warm up.

"Oh, Merlin, I don't even want to know..." he groaned softly, ears red. He walked over, standing behind Draco and wrapping his arms around him. " serious...was the stuff you said?" he murmured. "About the..parties, and all?"
He laughed, fully amused by the mental image of his mentor's reaction. Draco hoped it would be half as good as it was in his head. Humming softly, Draco settled back against the strong chest of the redhead. He felt safe when held like this, especially by someone Weasley's size, and Draco couldn't (wouldn't) deny that it felt nice.

Parties? He thought back until the blond realized what the other was talking about, and chuckled a little. Tilting his head up to look at the other wizard, Draco smiled. "Why? Jealous?" He let the answer drag out for another minute before laughing again. "Pure fiction. Not the parties, we always have parties. But they're definitely not sex parties." He kissed the redhead's chin and then stepped away from the embrace to enter the hot shower. He set to cleaning himself right away, careful around his tender nipples.
"Maybe?" Ron grumbled under his breath. Then what Draco said..."Oh, thank Merlin!" he exclaimed, then flushed. "And when you talked about me watching you?"

He stepped in behind Draco, slowly starting to wash the boy's back. His hands rubbed in slow circles, moving up over the blond's shoulders before sliding back down again. He stepped close, hands sliding down to Draco's hips, then moving around, fingers caressing along Draco's V.
"I guess you'll just have to wait and see," he answered casually with a small shrug. Standing there for a minute, Draco soaked in the sensations of the redhead's hands on his body. The touches were different than from just moments ago. Softer, more caring as opposed to rough and demanding. Draco liked both, if he were being honest. The blond chuckled at the caressing fingers, turning and beginning to wash the freckled chest and abdomen. "You're good, Weasley, but not that good. I don't think Merlin himself could get me up again that fast." Thumbs feathered past his nipples a few times, teasing. "Besides, I have to get some sort of studying done tonight." The Slytherin smiled up at the other, pecking a light kiss to Ron's jaw and then stepping out of the way of the spray of water.
"What if it's not something I want to see?" he mused softly, kissing just under Draco's ear. His hands slid up the boy's sides when Draco turned to face him, mming as he felt the blond's hands washing over his chest. He chuckled at Draco's words.

"What's getting you up have to do with anything?" he murmured. "Touching you doesn't always have to lead to shagging, does it?" he grinned, a little gasp escaping his lips when the thumbs brushed his nipples. He shut off the water when Draco stepped out from the spray, stepping out of the shower as well.
Humming, Draco tilted his head to the side. "Then I suppose you'll just have to keep me satisfied, so I won't have to resort to using my own hands."

The blond dried, and pulled on a pair of sleep pants and a t-shirt. Rubbing a towel through his hair, he looked over at the redhead, contemplating what had been said. "No, it doesn't have to be," he agreed. "But it's far more intimate. And, lets be honest, at the end of the week, we'll go back to our respective houses and while we may not fight the way we did in order to earn this punishment, I hardly see how some sort of relationship could continue past that." The blond shrugged. Anyone who thought about it knew he was right, and he was perfectly fine with a bit of casual sex to help cure their boredom. Draco didn't expect anything more from it.
Ron chuckled softly and started to dry himself off. His drying slowed though as he heard Draco's next words, the towel over his head as he'd been drying his hair. The towel dropped down to hide his face when he went from slow drying to completely stopped, just holding the towel against his head when he listened to everything the blond had to say. He stayed silent then though, turning his back to Draco as he continued to dry off.

He didn't really know what he expected, if he was perfectly honest with himself. And really, he should have expected something like that. But still, he hadn't. But of course...Draco was Slytherin, and rich as hell. Why would the blond want to continue anything with him? There were surely better prospects in the boy's own house. Without a word, he left the bathroom and went to his trunk, yanking out his pajamas and pulling them on, practically tearing them in his roughness.
Turning around, Draco watched the redhead, confused. The mood in the room had shifted considerably, and negatively. He watched the other nearly destroy his pajamas and pondered what had changed. The blond pulled out his Runes text, still thinking, and sat at the desk to make notes, struggling yet again with the runes. And then, it clicked. The blond whirrled around to face the other wizard and studied him. "You meant that?" he asked, standing and crossing the room to stand in front of Weasley. "You said something about being possessive over what was yours. I..." He paused, examining his thoughts over it. "I thought that was Like the rest of it... I..." What else could he say? "Is that what you really want?"
Ron had gone to the couch and had lain over it, turning to face the back of the couch. He turned when Draco spoke again, frowning, staring stonily at Draco when the other boy made his way over it.

"What does it matter? You wouldn't want to be seen with me anyway. Too fucking poor and substandard for you," Ron snapped, turning away again, laying on his side with his back to Draco.
The tone of the redhead's voice made Draco's blood boil. "You're out of your fucking mind, Weasley!" Perhaps his own voice was a bit louder than was necessary. "What I said in there had nothing to do with you, or your money, or anything other than you're a Gryffindor and I'm a Slytherin and we've been at each other's throats for six years!" The blond moved over to the sofa and wedged his knees on either side of Weasley's hips, bending down so they were nose-to-nose. "If you were any of those things, Weasley, you would not have had your cock up my arse and your tongue down my throat not thirty minutes ago," he reminded him through clenched teeth.
Ron had rolled onto his back to stare at Draco when the boy practically began shouting. But soon enough, Draco was straddling him and they were nose to nose, and he blinked up at the blond, frowning. He didn't say anything for a long moment, staring up at Draco, then he just tilted his head, kissing the boy's pink lips gently.

"People from other houses get together all the time," Ron said quietly. "So why can't we?"

Ron wrapped his arms around Draco, pulling the boy's body more firmly down against his, kissing those lips again. "Merlin, part of why it's so easy for you to get under my bloody skin is because I've hated that I fancy an arse like you..." he murmured, grinning playfully, flushing at his admittance.
"Because," he answered, voice soft now. "Because you're Weasley and I'm Malfoy. What about your friends?" Draco shifted, freeing his right hand so that it could card through the soft red locks of hair at the other wizard's temple. "Potter would never speak to you again. What if you threw that friendship away for this, and it didn't work out in the end? Could you live with that?" Draco studied the boy beneath him, resisting the urge to forego talking about any of this and just smashing their mouths together. But they needed to discuss it, and Draco refused to back away as a coward would.

"You're gorgeous, you know? And you have a wicked brain for strategy, and you're loyal... Even my Slytherin side knows that I'd be a fool to walk away from anything you offer me. But I can appreciate your good looks, and your brain, and your loyalty without being a couple. Because if I take everything offered, then what will be left if it goes to shit?" Draco pressed up and kissed Weasley with a light brush of his lips before settling down, head using his firm chest for a pillow. "I'm not saying 'no'. I'm saying we shouldn't make this decision so quickly. Use that brain. Think five moves ahead, and what do you see?"
Ron was blushing and flustered by the time Draco was done speaking. He leaned his head to Draco's hand as the boy stroked his hair, and returned the light brush of lips. He didn't want to think that far ahead. He really didn't, because truly, he was afraid of what he would see.

"Worst-case scenarios don't always come true," Ron said, swallowing hard. But he was thinking about it.

Worst case scenario: Harry turns his back on him. Despises him. Finds a way to remove him from the Quidditch team. His family...

He looked away when he reached the thoughts on his family, lips going thin. Dating the son of one of Voldemort's biggest supporters, Death Eater of the inner circle? He felt a burning at the back of his throat and eyes, and he sat up, gently moving Draco off him. He got up and pulled his robes on over his pajamas. He needed to think.

"You'd be worth it," he said over his shoulder, before he disappeared out of the portrait hole.

He knew he'd be in deep trouble if they caught him, being away from Draco, but he'd deal with the consequences then.
"No, they don't," he agreed, eyes closing to listen to the strong heartbeat beneath him. And then he was moving and the heartbeat was gone. Draco moved, allowing the redhead to get up, but watching him carefully. He wasn't sure what had just happened. Part of him wanted to go after the other wizard, and the other part knew that he'd walked out because he needed space. "Shit." The blond hustled and grabbed both his own robe, and the larger, warmer one he'd purchased in Hogsmeade and rushed after Weasley. It wasn't yet curfew, at least.

He caught up with him quickly, reaching out and wrapping the robe around his shoulders. "I know you need space," he offered, walking so close that their shoulders bumped together every now and again. "It's not worth getting in trouble over. We can go to the pitch," he offered. "We'd technically still be together's a big sky. And I can stay in the stands." Draco reached out and took Weasley's hand, tugging on him to change directions, towards the main school entrance. "Come on."
Ron tensed when he felt something wrap around him, then he heard Draco's voice, frowning. He'd wanted to get away from Draco. Not have Draco come with him. And definitely not be with him on such a long walk. He'd left as to not do anything brash.

Which is just what he did in the main hall, in front of the grand staircase. Turning to Draco, he grabbed the boy's shoulders, staring down at him.

"I don't fucking care, Malfoy. I don't. I've pined after your sorry, arrogant, conniving little arse for years. I've hated myself for fancying such a stuck-up, bigoted piece of shite like you and I thought you'd never have one look at me outside of your contempt." He swallowed hard, clenching his jaw.

"But I've had you now, Dray, and to hell I'm letting you go. If they hate me for it, they were never my friends...or my family. I've wanted you for years, and I'm going to be a fucking Gryffindor and brave it out with you."

He leaned down, kissing Draco right there, where anyone could see, to hell with them. Gripping the blond's shoulders, he drew back, staring down at him.

"I don't want to think about it. I don't want you to think about it. But either stay or go, Dray. Make the choice."
The blond stopped in his tracks when his shoulders were grabbed, listening to the words carefully. It wasn't such an easy decision for him. He wasn't brave like Weasley. But he thought about it, and really, he wasn't a coward, either. "Stay," he answered, fists gripping the robes of the redhead and pulling him forward until their lips collided. Draco pulled their bodies together, arms coming around Weasley's waist, not caring who was staring at them (and there were plenty staring) or what they thought.
Arms sliding tightly around Draco's waist, he pulled the boy tightly against him and lifted Draco off his feet, kissing him eagerly. Ron didn't pay attention to the stares or whispers. Draco was in his arms, and Draco was his. That was all that mattered right then and there. He easily held Draco in the air against him, kissing the blond passionately, his tongue easing in to Draco's mouth.

It really wasn't until he heard someone hooting and catcalling that he finally set Draco down and drew away, ears and face red, looking around. Seamus was laughing, while Dean was practically face-palming and shaking his head. Seamus catcalled again, then gave Ron and Draco a thumbs up.

"About bloody time you gits kissed and made out!" he shouted.
Draco's arms wrapped around Ron's neck, fighting the urge to wrap his legs around his waist, too. The blond was glad he resisted when he heard the catcalls and was set on his feet. He rested forehead against the redhead's shoulder for a moment before straightening up to face Weasley's friends. At least it wasn't a hostile environment. "Glad we could offer you your nightly entertainment, Finnegan." It was said without malice in his voice, which was a first for the blond. Looking back at Ron, "So is your hissy fit over?"
"Hissy fit?!" Ron sputtered. "Like you have room to talk!" he huffed, crossing his arms. "I should ask you if you're happy, now that you've spurred me into declaring my shit for you here in front of everyone, bloody wanker," Ron grumped. He noticed Harry wasn't in the crowd, but he knew the boy would hear from Seamus soon enough. But as Harry was dating Ginny, an he was allowing it, he'd damn well expect Harry to deal with him and Draco.

"Can we go back now? And can you lay in bed with me without throwing a fit yet?"

Being together didn't mean Ron stopped speaking without thinking, after all.
He stiffened. "I think that conversation is best held in private, Weasley," he answered softly, the tips of his ears tinging pink. "And I did nothing of the sort. I didn't want you to get into more trouble, Merlin knows why, and so I offered to walk out to the pitch with you; the one place I could think of where we'd still be in each other's presence but giving you the most amount of room to be on your own." The blond lifted his head and turned, taking the redhead's hand before beginning back towards their room. "Definitely going to have to work on your thinking before opening your mouth," he added, being mostly serious.
Ron just sighed, shaking his head, entwining their fingers. "I needed space so I wouldn't be bloody brash and throw everything to the wind and tell you to be my bleedin' boyfriend. Right well that worked out," he said without venom, sighing. He squeezed Draco's hand, smiling a bit. "Sorry, it's did throw a right hissy fit that first night, don't say you didn't." He walked with Draco, pulling the boy close. "I'll try, but I can't promise anything," he laughed.
Draco said nothing until they were in their room, door shut securely behind them. The blond removed his robe and hung it up, thoughts swirling about. "Don't you dare toss that robe into your trunk, Weasley," he threw over his shoulder. "Hang it up unless you want it wrinkled and ruined." Draco turned and stuck his tongue out at the redhead, moving to sit on the sofa for the time being. He knew that Weasley had questions, and Draco thought that he was ready to answer most of them. "It wasn't a hissy fit," he started, sitting with his back resting against the arm of the sofa and his knees pulled to his chest. "It was panic. And fear. Not because I was being made to share a bed with you, but because I was being made to at all."
"Why would I toss it into MY trunk?" Ron frowned, shaking his head. "It's yours, did you forget?" he laughed a bit, setting it on Draco's trunk. "If you want it hung so badly, hang it yourself."

He walked over to the sofa and sat down next to Draco, turning to face the pretty blond, reaching a hand out to stroke Draco's leg gently.

"Okay, I kinda got the panic and fear part, but..why?" he frowned softly. "You said you haven't been abused or anything...what is it about sharing a bed that scares you?" He looked at Draco, concerned, wanting to understand.
Draco shook his head at the other wizard. "It's too long for me," he answered by way of explanation.

Even though he knew the question had been coming, that didn't mean that the blond was prepared for it. Draco bent his head so that his forehead was resting against his knees now. Maybe it'd be easier to talk without having to look at the redhead... "I wasn't," he answered, voice muffled slightly. "But I could have been, I guess. I don't know. I was young, maybe seven or something, and my parents were throwing a party. Seven's a magical number, and it was the seventh year since Voldemort... It was just an excuse for my mother to throw a party, really.

"Anyway, my friends were there, because their parents were mostly. A 'sleepover' I guess? We all wore ourselves out and fell asleep, sprawled everywhere, and in the middle of the night I woke up not able to breathe. I must have made some sort of noise, though, because Vince and Greg woke up. I guess one of my parents' guests got drunk and miscalculated how many doors he'd passed on his way to the guestroom. He'd passed out on my bed, I suppose, turned over in his sleep and pinned me. Vince and Greg woke Blaise, and they got me out from under him."

It was the first time Draco had ever told the full story, mostly because the only people he trusted with it had been there. He wasn't sure of the details. There was no way for him to know if the man was really drunk, or a pervert. It was just easier for Draco to believe that he had been drunk. "The house elves got him to another room and we just... Never spoke of it again."
Ron's brows furrowed when Draco said the robe was too long for him. But Ron knew it wasn't part of anything he owned. Maybe Draco bought the wrong size? Ron glanced over as Draco began to tell the story, listening. Some people may have reacted in a 'That's IT?' sort of way, but Ron knew what it was like to wake up to something traumatic.

"Waking up not being able to breath...that would be scary," he shook his head. "When I was real young, I had this teddy bear I really liked. I was about 3...i was sleeping with it one night, and Fred and George turned it into this big spider. I woke up when it started moving and screamed my head off...I've been scared bloody shitless of spiders since."
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