The Ferret and The Weasel (Lia & Aislashu)

He raised an eyebrow. He wasn't going to as Weasley to take the sofa, and he said as much. "Sleep wherever you want, Weasley. I'm going to study until the Pepper up wears off." Draco sat back down at the desk and opened his Runes text. It wasn't a full minute before he turned back to the redhead. "For what it's worth, I appreciate you going with me." Sitting there, he contemplated saying more, but instead decided against it and turned back to his work. Nearly an hour later, Draco climbed into the bed and got comfortable, going over in his head what he would say to the headmaster in the morning.

Draco set an alarm charm as an afterthought before slipping off to sleep.

His internal clock woke him well before the alarm went off. The blond laid there for a while, but got bored quickly. The Slytherin slipped from the bed and moved into the bathroom to shower.
"I'm sure you do," Ron muttered, not believing it. It wasn't long before his sleepy, loudish snoring filled the room. His feet hung over the end of the sofa, tall as he was, but he was out cold. He slept through Draco getting up to shower, and would have slept through a good part of the morning if it hadn't been for the bloody alarm charm waking him up.

He snorted in his sleep and jerked awake, and then promptly ended up falling off the couch and onto the floor, cursing loudly.

"We're out of classes, the hell's the alarm charm for!" he shouted irritably, hair sticking up in all directions.
Hearing the thud, Draco rushed out of the bathroom while rubbing a towel through his hair. He now wished he'd learned a wandless drying charm instead of the wandless alarm charm. At least he was dressed...

The blond looked over at the Gryffindor and snorted a bit. "Didn't you hear Severus last night? We're expected to breakfast by eight. It's already six thirty... It's a good thing I got up early or else I'd never make it on time..." He bustled back into the bathroom to complete his morning routine, closing the door mostly over on his way in. "And you snore, Weasley!" he yelled through the door. "Either put a pillow over your head or sleep on your stomach tonight!"
"Severus now? Really? Do you suck him off in your off time Malfoy?" Ron grumbled, getting to his feet. "And when do we have to go see Dumbledore about the stupid bed?" he huffed.

They were still under restrictions, after all, so it would be fairly obvious Ron would have to accompany Draco to the Headmaster's office. He yawned, stretching and scratching his stomach, making his way into the bathroom. It was set up like a smaller version of the dorm showers, with privacy only at the toilets. He ignored Draco for the most part, starting to strip down.

"I snore, you bitch. Guess we just have to deal with each other don't we?"

He wasn't exactly shy. Six years of sharing a shower, plus being on the Quidditch team and dealing with those showers, he really didn't much think twice of stripping down in front of Draco. His tall body was lean and muscular, and utterly freckled head to foot. He did keep his back to the boy though, starting the shower and getting in under the spray.
"Shove it, wanker. He's a family friend." The weasel didn't need to know that Severus was like a second father to him, especially when Lucius was travelling on business. "And don't think you're going to get any information out of that meeting, either, Weasley!" Draco shuddered when he thought about giving away his secret to anyone he didn't have to. Looking over his shoulder, the blond stared rather shamelessly when he was sure the other wizard wasn't looking. Despite the ungodly freckles, Draco had to admit that the redhead was gorgeously built. He'd filled out with Quidditch, while Draco had stayed slim and lean to get the most speed out of his broom.

The last comment, though, made the blond growl. In a fit of revenge, he turned on the hot tap in the sink and waited for the ice cold water to hit in the shower.
"If I have to bloody go with I better get told what all the stupid fuss is about!" he retorted.

He started to wash, and then suddenly yelped loudly when the icy blast hit him, jumping out of the shower.

"BLOODY MERLIN ARSE-LICKING BASTARD!" he shouted. Water ran down his body and hard abs, wetting the light red trail that ran from his halfie belly-button and very neatly trimmed triangle of red pubes, uncut cock swinging between his legs.

Before Draco could move away from the tap, he was on the annoying blond, grabbing him and yanking him back to the showers, pushing him under the icy spray. "See how you like it, then!"
Oxygen caught in Draco's lungs with the sight before him. If he weren't a dignified Malfoy, he might have started to drool, because Weasley had an even more gorgeous body from the front than he did from the back. And then everything flashed white for a split second and the blond realized he'd been pushed under the cold spray. In a way, Draco was grateful for it because it had stopped his body from reacting to the redhead in front of him. But he'd never let Weasley know that, and he wasn't going to give the other wizard the satisfaction of being pissed off over it, either, he decided. Draco caught his breath and then stepped out from the spray of the water, giving his head a shake to get some of the excess water out. "Gel it is..."

Draco quickly stripped. He was fairly sure that no one in Hogwarts had a lot of modesty left after their second year here, and he hadn't had any at all. He was thin and lithe, but well muscled in the right places. Narrow hips led to strong and lightly haired legs, which met at his own, impressively sized cock. Draco grabbed the spare towel (that was supposed to be Weasley's) and began to dry himself. Starting at his feet and working his way up, he paid careful attention to his bits.
Ron simply stared, unable to believe that Draco, who could at times be as quick to rile as he was, could just stand there and calmly step out from under the cold water. He watched the pale blonde strip, eyes drifting over Draco's arse, feeling his own rather impressive cock give a throb at the sight.

He made a low growl in his throat when Draco grabbed his towel. He grabbed Draco's used one, spun it up, then cracked it over the boy's pale arse with a quick, loud snap.
Gasping, Draco moved quickly and pinned the redhead to the wall. "Listen, Weasley," he snarled. "The next time you touch me will be the last time that your bollocks are attached to your body." He wedged his thigh between the other wizard's legs to drive his point home, refusing to focus on their nakedness or just how nice the solidity of Weasley felt beneath him. "Next time you want a dry towel, don't force me into a second shower, arsehole." He stepped away then, and finished drying himself so that he could re-dress. It was nearing the time he wanted to leave for the Great Hall; if they were early, there would be less people there to witness their entrance.
Ron's taller, more stockily muscled body arched against Draco's lithe form, pressing skin to skin as he stared down at Draco, eyes narrowing, though the look on his face was more amused. He let Draco step away for a second, then it was him grabbing the blonde, twisting them around and pushing him back up to the wall.

He wasn't going to let Draco get the best of him that way, after all. To let Draco think he'd be able to manhandle him whenever.

"Then maybe you shouldn't ruin my shower by freezing the water, Malfoy," he murmured. "If you don't want the consequences, don't do it..." he smirked, his body pressing up against the blond's lithe form, chest to chest, crotch to crotch before he let the boy go. He, too, then moved to dry off and redress.
Hissing, Draco tried to push the redhead away from him. He hated the weak feeling that he felt when cornered like this, and it took quite a bit of inner strength to not panic. Only after Weasley stepped away did it occur to Draco just how they were pressed together, when he could still feel the heat from the other body. Swallowing, the Slytherin got a hold of himself quickly and moved to gel his hair in a style he hadn't worn it in since he was young. "We're going into Hogsmeade after my meeting with Dumbledore," he called into the other room, not giving the other wizard a choice. He needed more reading material, quills, and he wanted to stop at Honeydukes, too. Chocolate might be all that got him through this week. Besides, no one had told them that they couldn't go, and as long as they went together, then they were following the rules.
He rolled eyes eyes, drying his hair as he followed Draco out of the bathroom. He'd decided on his Weasley sweater over an old shirt, and the jeans he chose were just a little too snug on him, accentuating his muscled ass and his bulge a good bit. The joys of secondhand clothing. But it was still cool enough out for the sweater, and the sweater was one of his few articles of clothing that actually fit well.

"What, taking me on a date, Malfoy? Always figured you for a poof," he called back, tossing his towel to a random corner of the room.

He ran his fingers through his hair, combing it back a bit but leaving it with a long, slightly ruffled look.
Dressed in his usual tailored to perfection charcoal trousers and crisp, white button down shirt, Draco eyed the clothes that his 'roommate' wore with open disgust. "Really, Weasley? If I were to take you on a date, which I'm not, you'd certainly have to dress better than that." He bent to put on his black shoes, and then gathered his cloak. "Perhaps you'd consider a better wardrobe to save my sensitive eyes..." He gave his usual sneer and proceeded out of the room, waiting in the corridor for the other to catch up with him. Draco was glad for the time to cool down. Despite their atrociousness, the jeans that Weasley wore did wicked things to Draco's imagination, and having a noticeable erection was not acceptable. Especially considering that it was Weasley who was causing it.

You have the meeting with Dumbledore. Focus on that, Malfoy!

Draco stood scolding himself mentally, while preparing for the meeting he was dreading.
He rolled his eyes.

"Just because it's not bought with all the galleons in the world, Malfoy, doesn't make it shite. My mum works hard on these, and she puts her love into it, which is worth more than your bloody galleons. I don't see YOUR mother loving you enough to hand-make things for you," he shot back.

He may bitch about the sweaters, but he always wore them proudly. He wouldn't take Draco throwing it to shit. He stalked passed the blond, heading down towards the Great Hall and stopping a few feet ahead, which gave Draco a good view of his jean-clad ass.

"Are you coming or not? I'm starving. And you're sitting on the bloody left this morning."
"You've no idea what my mother does, Weasley." But Draco did take a second to admire the arse that was presented to him. The blond caught up to the other wizard in two long strides, falling into step with him. "It's a good thing I'm ambidextrous, then." Draco smirked, still looking straight ahead. He was proud of himself for having made Weasley suffer the night before. It had been entertaining, in a disgusting cave-man sort of way.

They were about half way to the Great Hall when Severus stopped them. "Your meeting with the Headmaster will be promptly at half nine, Draco." The blond nodded. "Mr. Weasley may wait for you in your room, or in the library." Draco breathed a sigh of relief that the redhead wasn't going to have to sit in on the meeting with him.

"Thank you, sir. We'll be going into Hogsmeade after my meeting with the Headmaster. What potions shall I expect to be brewing when classes resume? I'd like to have my kit well stocked."

"Polyjuice, Elixir to Induce Euphoria and Amortentia." He nodded.

"Thank you." Turning, Draco began back towards the Great Hall once more, making a list in his head of the ingredients he would need.
"Well, bugger for you," Ron glowered in annoyance at Draco. He frowned when they stopped, waiting not-so-patiently but saying nothing. Last thing he needed was to get on Snape's bad side.

"Must be nice," he muttered when Snape walked ahead of them again. "We get a new Potions teacher this year, and you still get preferential treatment for Potions," Ron groused, walking alongside the blond.

The buzz quieted a bit when they were lead in, but thankfully they didn't have to sit without a table first. He took the chair that would make Draco sit to the left, then placed his hand on the surface. He'd initiated the handholding last time, Draco could do it that morning.
"He'd have answered you, if you had the bollocks to ask." Draco shrugged it off, though. He knew from experience that he'd never get Weasley to agree with that statement, or believe it. "Besides, what are you complaining about? You now have knowledge that no one else in your house does. Use it to your advantage, Weasley." Draco ignored the quietened chatter as they entered the hall and walked to the table at the front. The blond had come to the conclussion that this was the least bad part of their punishment and he wasn't going to let it get to him anymore. He sat, and took the other's hand with ease and grace before serving himself a helping of eggs and kippers.

"You're pants at Potions, Weasley," he continued as if there hadn't just been a three minute gap in conversation between them. "But I'd be willing to help you with it." Having the redhead owe him a favor might come in handy, he figured.
"I got a good enough OWL to get into Slughorn's class," he grumped, glaring at Draco.

He served himself a heaping helping of eggs and bacon, entwining his fingers with Draco's without really thinking about it to make the handholding more comfortable. He grabbed the syrup and simply dowsed the entire pile on his plate with it, then stabbed his fork in and took a big mouthful.

"Why would you help me, anyway?" he said through his chewing.
He snorted. "Slughorn would let anyone in, Weasley. If Professor Snape was still the professor, you would never have made it, and you know it." Draco pulled a face at the soup Weasley had made out of his breakfast. It was revolting. He tried very hard to ignore it in favor of his own, much more dignified, meal. The Slytherin ate slowly, truly tasting each bite of food and enjoying it before swallowing. Humming very softly every now and again, the blond helped himself to a strip of bacon as well. "What do you want to look at in Hogsmeade?" he asked, ignoring the last question. Instead, Draco was trying to plan their limited time in the small village to their best advantage. "I need robes, quills, and a few books. And Honeydukes, of course."
"Only because he wants O's, Slughorn accepted E's. If anyone could get in, A's could too. And an E is bloody damn good considering how awful a teacher Snape is, unless you're a bloody snake. And don't say it's not true, you know damn well it is, you've been in classes with us," Ron snarled softly.

"And what does it matter?" Ron stabbed his eggs rather viciously, sending bits of egg and syrup spilling over the side of his plate. "Not like I could afford it, as you well rub into my face every chance you get."
"I was in classes with you, but your perceptions are incorrect." Setting his cutlery on his plate, Draco sipped his pumpkin juice and relaxed for a few moments. "He is demanding, and a perfectionist. But when you're in a classroom with twenty amateur potions brewers, and one bit of diced daisy root can blow up the lot of us, wouldn't you be, too?" He looked over at the redhead, studying him. "You lack patience, Weasley. You want to chop and dice and crush all of your ingredients as fast as humanly possible, and you want the stages of the potion to come in your time. But that's not how it works. You could have gotten an O if you had slowed down."

Shrugging Draco stood and stretched. It was coming up on nine, and he didn't want to be late for his meeting. "Whether or not you wish to buy something doesn't affect whether or not you wish to browse certain shops." The blond saw Severus rise and leave the Great Hall, and he nodded to himself. "I'll meet you back in the room at half eleven. That should give me enough time with the headmaster." Draco left the Great Hall then, winding his way up towards Dumbledore's office.
"It's not that rough first year," Ron rolled his eyes. "He gives you lot all the help you want, or he goes easy on you, even your bloody idiot goons. Crabbe and Goyle cut theirs much worse than I ever did."

He just shook his head and waved Draco off when the boy left, making a face at his retreating back. He got up and left not long after, ignoring the other Gryffindor boys, even Harry, after the shit they said last night, not very pleased with them.

He decided to go back to the room, as Hermione would likely be in the Library, and he wasn't much keen on hearing a lecture from her, either. He stepped into the room after giving the password, and simply stared at his books.

Charms...couldn't do it. Transfiguration...couldn't do it.

It hadn't occurred to him til just then, how the hell was he supposed to get the homework assigned over the Holidays done with no wand!?

He glowered at his books as if it were their fault, then sat down and decided to do Snape's Dark Arts essay, loathe as he was to work on it.
The meeting had been rocky, at first. Draco was glad to have Severus there for support, especially because Dumbledore thought that he was lying about what he had told him. But when his Potions master had assured him that it was the truth, the headmaster had all but apologized for not understanding his request. Draco nearly snorted, but held himself in check. It wouldn't do to insult the old wizard when he was about to get what he wanted.

"I will instruct the room to return to how Professor Snape set it last night, and to remain that way for the remainder of the week." Draco had been hoping for another bed, really, but the sofa would do. He'd have taken a squishy sleeping back with cushioning charms on the floor over having to share a bed.

"Thank you, Headmaster." Draco spoke to both wizards for a few minutes longer before leaving the office. He hadn't managed to get their wands back for the practical parts of their homework, which had been bothering him, but Dumbledore had assured him that they would be exempt from that part of the homework so long as they studied the theory and could sit an exam at the end of their first week back.

It was past twelve by the time Draco entered the room. He tossed his robe onto the bed and moved to dig out something else to wear to Hogsmeade, all without saying a word to Weasley. It wasn't that he was attempting to be rude, he just didn't have anything to say to him.
"Well?" Ron glanced over at Draco when the boy came in. "Did you get your way, as usual? Threaten to have your father come in and do all sorts of nasty things if Dumbledore didn't listen? Or do you have to man up and share the bloody bed?" he asked.

Ron had about half the essay finished at least, even if it was a bit messy. He made sure he hadn't been using one of the twins' stupid mis-spell quills, though.
Draco stiffened considerably at the words. "Are you ready to go?" he asked through clenched teeth while trying to concentrate on his breathing. The blond reminded himself, over and over, that Weasley had no idea what was going on. How could the redhead be at fault for taunting when that was what they did? He sat on the new sofa to put his boots on. It was still chilly out, and his usual shoes would do nothing to keep him warm on the walk. He stood and gathered his warmer cloak then waited for the other. He thought about where to go first, deciding that the books would be easiest. They could be owled ahead, and then he could enjoy browsing through clothes and chocolate without the demands of school hanging over him.
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