The Fourth Quarter Quell (Naomi David and Mercenary)

Thal didn't really pay mind to anyone but maybe Shira as he ate, too busy gorging himself. If he was going to be forced out into woods to fight other children to survive, he was damn well going to get the benefits first.
Shira was watching Districts 1 and 2, both their victors and their back up tributes. She was also watching to make sure nobody was looking at her crew or her funny. She was also idly watching Thal's crew, watching for general behaviors...
Shira rolled her eyes when she saw Thal chowing down like nobody's business, it was such a guy thing, but something about Elizabeth's behavior struck her as odd, suspicious... She would watch her later, something about her didn't strike her as good.
That finished what was on his plate, then looked at Elizabeth's. "You gonna finish that?" he's asked, to which Elizabeth replied "No. I'm not hungry." still looking uneasy. The male tribute from district one was eyeing her, and she tried to look everywhere but at him. That had already gone into Elizabeth's plate.
There was just something between the District 1 boy and Elizabeth, something was wrong, their reactions were odd. She smiled her shark smile at the District 1 boy, and held up her cutting knife like she was going to throw it at him, which was something she was considering, and his eyes went wide with fear, he instinctively touched his cheek, where she had thrown her hair pin, and he was trying to find a space where she wouldn't be able to throw her knife at him, but there was no space where she couldn't throw the knife. She was going to get him in the Arena first.
Soon enough Thal was done, and eventually he got up and began heading back to his room. But as he was nearing it, a large explosion came out from his room, knocking him on his but. Thal had no clue what was going on, he was so confused. "What the hell?" He asked loudly to no one in particular as he got up, his ears ringing.
Shira heard the explosion, and she vaulted over the table, much to the cheers of the twins, running to see what was wrong. She saw Thal sitting on his ass, and his room was all blackened. She spoke,"Man, you all right?" Peacekeepers were at the floor in seconds.
"YEAH, I'M FINE." Thal replies loudly, his gearing not at the best if inabilities. "BUT MY ROOMS NOT. SOMETHONG BLEW UP, AND THEN THIS." He told Shira.
Shira winced, his ears were ringing... Hearing damage. Peacekeepers immediately swept the room for more explosives. She took his hand, and she spoke,"Come, I shall take you to the Medical Center."
"No, really Shira. I'm fine. My butt's just a little sore. The only thing I need right now is a place to stay." Thal told her, looking down at his hand in hers.
"You need to get your hearing checked, and it's better to be safe than sorry... And I think you need to talk to your partner, theres something going on between her and the District 1 boy." Shira replied, knowing that she still held his hand, and she slowly walked with him to the Medical Center.
"Fine, I'll get my hearing checked. But I already know that Elizabeth is in with district one, and not because of her abilities in the arena. That's as much as I'm going to say about that." Thal said, his hearing already getting better.
"I already have something against 1, so they'll be my first targets in the arena, both the victors and the back up tributes." Shira replied somply, taking the elevator with him down to the Medical Center.
"Well, I guess they're my first target then, too. I stay with you, I fight with you." Thal told Shira as he followed her.
"And I think the District 1 boy is terrified of me, but hey, I'm just bragging." Shira happily replied, and then told the Doctors what had happened to Thal.
"That's good, right?" Thsl replied. The doctor nodded and began checking his ears. "Just give it some time and they'll be back to normal." he said.
Shira spoke,"Thal, you can stay with me if you want to." She smiled at the doctors' evaluations, but she spoke,"Will his hearing be better by the time the Games start?"
Thal smiled at her. "Thanks, Shira." he said to her. Then the doctor spoke up. "Oh yes, easily. It might even be back by the end of the day. He didn't receive much damage to his war drums." the doctor said.
"Still, I thought it to be better safe than sorry, which was why I brought him down here. Hearing is a very delicate sense." Shira spoke, smiling a genuine smile at Thal. She spoke,"Up for more training?"
"Yes. Good thinking. No wonder you won last year. May the odds be ever in your favor this year as well." The doctor said with a nod. Thal looked at Shira and smiled. "Sure." He said.
Shira spoke,"How good are you at identifying edible plants? We should go to that station first!" She blushed in response to his compliment, but one could never be too sure about their health.
"Well, I know a few. But I'm no expert." Thal told her, standing up.

(sorry for short posts, in the middle of something.)
(It happens)

"Well, we all know some of the obvious ones that we shouldn't eat, like crabapple, nightlock, nightshade..." Shira replied lightly.
"And you just stated the three I know." Thal said. " If you want someone who can identify berries, you might want to find someone else." Thal said, recommending the obvious.
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