The Fourth Quarter Quell (Naomi David and Mercenary)

"Alright then. You're probably right." Thal said, chuckling to Shira a little.

Calin was over with the other boy from district two, and there was one more boy with them. A younger, less bulky kid who was maybe fourteen or fifteen. That was a replacement tribute from district one.
"Well I am looking very happy to teach you a great deal." shira replied with a smile.

Elizabeth was working on the knot tying station.
"Alright, then teach away!" Thal said, ready to learn.

The boy was looking over at Elizabeth every now and then, blushing a bit while Calin and Jordin talked to each other.
Shira began to teach him how to make a net, he could properly catch a person in the net or catch dinner while in the arena.

Elizabeth blushed, she felt eyes on her.
Thal listened closely and nodded to let her know he was listening.

The boy turned away for a bit before eventually looking back at her.

(Skip to night now?)

Elizabeth smiled and waved nicely at the boy who had taken to looking at her.

Shira spoke,"And there you have it! You know how to weave a net, or make clothes by looming!"
"Great, that'l come in handed when it gets cold, hopefully." Thal said, only mostly getting the hang of it.

The boy gave a weak smile and blushed a bit, giving a small wave in return. Then Calin said something and the kid nodded, walking away with the two towards the exit. It was getting late.
"Catch game with this when you can't kill it face to face. And if game is scarce, that is where plant knowledge comes into play." Shira replied.

She smiled prettily at him, a nice, genuine smile, getting disappointed when Calin pretty much shooed him away.
"Sounds simple enough..." Thal replied, going over what she was showing him in his head.

The three boys left the training room, heading of in the direction of Calin's room. It was almost time, and Elizabeth would realize that if she looked up at the clock.
"Now, remember what the major nonos are when it comes to plants?"

Elizabeth looked at the clock, noting that the boys were scramming, and she was even more depressed, and she slowly walked out of the room.
"Uh, red good, blue bad? But don't eat any unless you know for sure." Thal said, mostly guessing.

Calin and Jordin waited in Calin's room for Elizabeth, but this time they weren't the only two.
"Red might indicate poison berries, they may resemble cherries, strawberries... Blue might be nightlock, the worst of them all." she replied, smiling

Elizabeth slowly went up to Calin's room, it was obvious she was dragging.
"Oh, so red equals stay away, then." Thal said, feeling a little stupid at that moment.

The door opened for her, revealing the three boys standing there. Calin and Jordin were already mostly naked, only wearing underwear, while the younger boy was still wearing his shirt and pants. "How glad I am you could come, Liz. This is Jace, the other tribute from district one. He's going to join us tonight." Calin said with a smirk. The boy seemed a lot more shy than either Calin or Jordin could ever possibly be, barely glancing up at Elizabeth.
"But thankfully, nature gave us a way to tell what is what. If it looks to pretty, don't touch, 9 out of 10 times it'll kill you. If not, you'll get one hell of a stomach ache." Shira replied, smiling gently, taking his hand and spoke,"Have faith in your abilities."

Elizabeth looked shocked, or what could pass for shock, when she saw Jace. She spoke,"Means 'healer' in Greek."
"Well, that doesn't sound like a good idea either way." Thal said to her, nodding at what Shira told him.

"In fact it does. We found out Jace was pretty good with medicines. But that's not why he's here today. I think you know why he;s here. So why don't you be a dear and get him accustomed to what we do here." Calin said to her.
"We'll give you two a chance to do it together before we get down to the real fun." Jordin added, sneering. All Jace could do was blush a bit and look away.
"I've watched videos of all the old Games prior to these, getting a feel for our enemies styles, save for the ones that have never competed in a Games before..." Shira spoke, hoping he'd catch on.

Elizabeth wasn't happy. She didn't have the heart to bring the poor boy into the fold.
"Well, then we'll know what to do against most of the competitors. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they've done the same thing." Thal said.

"Oh come on. You might as well give him a good time before he's entered into the games. I'm playing to win, but with all these other victors, I might not live, and he'd get thrown into the killing. At least give him a night to remember." Calim said, using the same argument he had used to get the boy in on this in the first place.
"Everybody does it, but I've watched them ever since I can remember, because I knew I'd be in the Games one day. I somehow knew. I studied off that." she replied.

"It just doesn't seem right or fair to him. None of this is." Elizabeth spoke, her tone bitter.
"I'd say that's crazy, but I guess I can't, seeing as how it happened." Thal said, smiling.

"How not? What, you want him to die a virgin? Seems like a mean thing to do with him in the hunger games of all things." Calin said, smirking as he watched the younger Jace shuffle nervously.
"He's a bit young for me." she weakly replied.

"I'm happy knowing I have people I trust on my side, people I know that won't stab me in the back."
"I thought we had a deal here. Or do you not want our protection during the games?" Calin said almost threateningly,

"Yeah, me too, especially you. Not only are you a good partner for the games, but a good partner for life as well. I really do hope we make it far enough, and maybe even somehow make it out together." Thal said to her with a smile.
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