The Fourth Quarter Quell (Naomi David and Mercenary)

She took his hand, leading him into the elevator, and she spoke,"So, what do you want to work on first?"

Elizabeth weakly nodded, licking her lips and swallowing.
"I guess I could touch up on some combat training." Thal said to her as he went into the elevator with Shira.

"Now get over on the bed and get yourself ready..." Calin siad to her deviously, a grin on his face. "For round two."
"Weapons, weapons, weapons." she replied, thinking of blades and bows, unarmed and armed.

Elizabeth prayed her horror didn't show on her face, and she got up onto the bed...
"Alright, weapons training it is then, I assume. How to make and use?" Thal said to Shira.

"Good. Now spread 'em." Calin told her like an order, which it pretty much was.
"Yeah. Sometimes, I like to improvise with what I have." Shira replied.

Elizabeth numbly nodded, spreading her legs for him.
"Sounds smart. Make it fit you instead of trying to adjust to it." Thal commented on her statement.

"Now entice me. Play with yourself a little." Calin said to Elizabeth, his member just starting to harden again.
"Well, some times certain weapons just don't work in certain conditions, hence, improvisation." she sweetly spoke.

Elizabeth bit back a complaint, and she began to rub her pussy.
"Also true. So, shall we get to it?" Thal said with a nod.

Calin just smirked as he 'helped' his dick get hard until it was pretty straight. "Alright, time to begin. I'm going to enjoy the feel of your hair this time." He told Elizabeth with a sneer.
"Yes, get right to it!" She happily spoke, she wondered which weapons to start with though.

Elizabeth sighed, a non commital sigh, when he spoke, and she simply replied,"What ever works best for you!"
"Alright then, I'm following your lead." Thal told her, waiting.

"But of course. Otherwise you wouldn't be here." Calin said to her mockingly before pushing inside of her, hard and fast. Most of his dock went inside of her, before he pulled back some, watching Elizabeth.
Shira smiled, and she spoke,"Good!" She walked to one of the corners of the place, and she spoke, her tone questioning, like she knew the answer but wanted to see if he knew,"Now, if you have no weapons like a blade or a bow, why is it important to have something heavy with you?"

Elizabeth hated his mocking tone as he spoke, sighing, it was mixed with pain and a little bit of pleasure, feeling him fuck her fast and hard.
"Um, too bludgeon someone or use as a makeshift weapon?" Thal replied, though his tone was unsure and it was obvious he was mostly guessing.

"Like that?" Calin asked her, not caring in the least if she did or not. He picked up the pace quickly and drove his length al the way inside of her.
"Correct, you can use anything as a weapon, even if it's not heavy. A paper clip, for example, when untwisted, can gouge eyes out." Shira replied.

Elizabeth spoke slowly,"Does it matter?"
"Or part of a douche-bag's cheek." Thal commented with a chuckle.

"No, but the question still remains." Calin said to her as he rammed his large, hard member vigorously into Elizabeth's pussy.
She smirked, remembering how she had thrown a pin into the District 1 guy's cheek so hard, it had stuck there.

She didn't like the roughness, it hurt very much... She supposed she'd get used to it, but she doubted she'd like it.
"That was a pretty nice through, I must say. I'm glad I'm on your team, and for more than just your survival skills." Thal said to Shira with a smile.

Calin payed her feelings no mind as he fucked Elizabeth's small, but no longer virgin, pussy. It was still tight, even though he had broken her hymen. Calin was starting to consider fucking her during the games as well, if Elizabeth even made it past the start.
She nuzzled him for his last few words, Shira did, and she spoke,"What can you use a wire for, other than for electrical purposes?"

Elizabeth was hoping this torture would soon be over...
"Well, you could strangle someone or tie something. Maybe use it as a part to build a trap?" Thal said, saying the possibilities that popped into his mind.

Calin reached down with his finger and poked her asshole with it. "You'll be losing this virgin hole tonight, just to let you know. So get prepared." Calin said to her. He then slipped the finger into her tight ass as he pounded her pussy hard, feeling his climax would be coming soon.
"Correct, but one must be careful with wires, since they might break easily, depending on what it is made of!" Shira replied.

Elizabeth gulped at his words, knowing her ass would be hurting tonight.
"I guess you're right about that, as usual." Thal said, smirking.

Her gulp put a sneer on Calin's face, along with the nearing of his peak. A few more thrusts and Calin came once again into Elizabeth's tight vagina. "Be back here tonight, and be ready to be stuffed full of jizz." The large tribute told her as he pulled out, cumming one more time over her back.
"Or you might get electrocuted, depends, really." Shira fairly spoke.

She moaned, feeling him cum in her pussy, and she sighed, feeling him cum on her back...
"Well, it would have to be connects to a power source, though." Thal replied with a shrug.

"Don't be late tonight. I'm sure you'll *love* this surprise." Calin told her with a grim smirk on his face before walking into the bathroom.
"Fair point, but you'd be surprised at what you can use as a power source..." Shira reasonably replied.

She numbly nodded her head, and she made her way back to her room, where she showered, cleaned up, and got dressed.
"I guess you should teach me, then." Thal said to her with a smile.

Caliin had already left by the time Elizabeth was finished, walking off to train.
"Food is an obvious one. I could go into a whole lecture on it, but you'd fall asleep."

She went to train when she was done cleaning up, Elizabeth did.
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