Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Irohahime slowly started to calm down, face red from crying, kicking her feet and grabbing Masamune's shirt.
Irohahime slowly calmed down, gurgling and chewing on his shirt, hiccuping and struggling to stay awake.
Irohahime squirmed a few more times before laying still, sucking on her thumb.

((Time for hardcore drug addiction~?))
((Time for drugs!))

A loud crash sounded from upstairs followed by stumbling footsteps and an angered voice. "Where is it!?" It was Megohime's voice, and she sounded like she was going to have a panic attack. She had already torn apart her room and was in the process of dumping out the trash can in the bathroom. "Where are they!?"
Megohime stiffened, then spun to face Hidemune. "I-I'm fine." She stood up and hugged herself, shaking. "Where's your father?" She asked; dark circles were under her eyes and she looked as though she hadn't left her bed in a week. She had also barely touched her food from this mornings breakfast.
"I said I was fine!" She snapped, then gripped her arm tightly. "I said I was fine.." She said softly, hurrying out of the room and to the range, hands shaking and skin clammy.
Hidemune frowned more and followed after her, concerned. Masamune took down every single wooden target he had up with his shotgun, ecstatic over how powerful it was
Megohime pushed open the door and moved inside, eyes darting back and forth. "Masamune-sama?" She moved closer to him, flinching every time his gun went off. "Where... Where are my pills?" She reached out to grab the front of his shirt. "What did you do with my pills..!? I need them! It hurts!"
Masamune looked to her and scowled softly, "Oh, you mean these?" Reaching into his coat pocket, Masamune pulled out her coveted bottle of Vicodin, holding them just out of her reach
Megohime's eyes widened and she lunged for the bottle. "Give me my pills!" She hissed. "You have no right taking them! I'm still in pain dammit!"
He took a step away, pointing his shotgun at her to keep her back, "You aren't in pain. You're fucking high! Now, I'm gonna give you a choice; the pills or your right to be here with my daughter."
"You don't understand..!" Megohime took a step forward, holding her hand out. "Please... Just... Just one more, I just need one more..!" She begged, tears forming in her eyes.
Megohime ground her teeth. "If I go, I'm taking my daughter with me!" She hissed, clenching her fists and glaring. "Give. Me. My. Pills."
Tears fell down Megohime's face. "I'm not a drug addict!" Her lower lip trembled and she looked away out of shame. "I'm in pain.." Her voice was weak and sounded hollow. "Iroh is mine and if I go, she goes!"

((The only way you're gonna get her off of the drugs is by force~))
((Just the way he likes it.))

Masamune scowled heavily and pushed passed her, "Try to keep up." He challenged, walking a brisk pace inside, heading to Irohahime's room
Megohime swallowed hard and followed after him, stumbling a few times as she tried to keep up with Masamune.

((They gon' have a smack down~~))
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