Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Jingu headed toward Megohime's gun shop, which had been closed since she found out about her pregnancy. Pushing open the door, Jingu looked around for Megohime, frowning at the empty shop, then she perked when she heard loud hammering. Heading to the forge in the back. Opening the door, she scowled at the wave of heat that hit her in the face. Megohime was hard at work on making a new gun, covered in sweat, hair tied back. "Megohime-dono?" Jingu called, making Megohime stop hammering the glowing red metal and turn, lifting up the googles that protected her eyes. "Jingu..?" "Masamune-sama wanted to see if you're okay.." "Bullshit, if he was worried, he'd come here himself." Jingu frowned and watched as Megohime removed her gloves and moved over. Though she was covered in sweat, she looked much better. Her skin was no longer clammy and she had trimmed her hair, bags under her eyes almost completely gone. "How are... Things..?" "You mean my little addiction?" She asked, turning and dipping the hot metal into water. "I'm fine, I've been clean for a few days..." "That's good." There was silence for a moment before Megohime spoke again. "Do you know... If I can come back..?" Jingu frowned softly. "It isn't up to me.." "I know... I just... Maybe Masamune will let me at least see Iroh..." She said quietly. "It's always worth the try." Jingu agreed.
((Oh no she is! She's been keeping busy by making a shit ton of guns and other weapons! Even though she probably tried to find something three or four times.))

After locking up the shop and heading back to the estate, Jingu pressed the button on the outside gate and spoke into the microphone. "I'm back and Megohime-dono is with me."
Jingu and Megohime walked in together, Megohime letting out a breath and following Jingu up the steps and to the front door.
Megohime nodded and headed to the nursery, knocking on the newly repaired door and slowly opening it. "Masamune-sama..?"
Megohime took Irohahime and held her close to her chest, kissing her head and smiling softly. "She's gotten bigger.."
Megohime smiled and nodded, bowing her head to him. "Arigatou." She said, moving closer and kissing him softly.
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