Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]


"Onii-chan..!" Irohahime whined as Hidemune pulled her hair into pig tails. "I wanna go and play!"
((Bonding time~~))

Irohahime bounced impatiently, puffing up her cheeks as she waited for her brother to finish putting up her shulder length hair, big sapphire eyes watching Hidemune as he worked on her hair.
Irohahime turned to stick her tongue out at him, full cheeks rosey. "I know I am..!" She said cheekily, jumping out of her chair. "Now it's your turn, Onii-chan!"
"I wanna do your hair!" She smiled bright and pointed at his hair. "Iroh, Hidemune's a boy, he doesn't do your hair like you do." Megohime had popped her head into the room, looking to Hidemune. "Make sure when you two go outside that the gate is all the way closed and you're close to the house, okay? And keep an eye on Iroh, she's starting to run off again."
"Business, in a way..." He answered, trying to think of a good way to explain it without going into detail. She was too young to know exactly what kind of work Masamune was involved in
"Oh... Okay.." She seemed a little sad. "Ne, Onii-chan?" She asked. "Is Tou-san coming home late again..?"
Irohahime laughed and tried to avoid the dogs tongue, cheeks pink.

((Now we just have to have Masamune come home early and snipe Mego when she comes out to greet him~))
"Tou-san!" Irohahime squealed, running to her father and wrapping her arms around his legs, grin ting happily. "You're home early!" She cheered. "Okaeri." Megohime greeted, coming out of the house, smiling softly and moving over, kissing Masamune on the cheek.
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