Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Everything's good on our side." Jingu reported. "Hidemune-dono and Irohahime-dono are safe, but the shooter is long gone."
There was silence on the other side for a moment. "She's in shock, but the doctor is taking care of her. She'll be okay. How is Megohime-dono?"
"I'm so sorry, Masamune-sama.." She said, peering into Irohahime, the doctor checking her pulse and giving her a juice box, which she took numbly.
Hidemune didn't know what to do with himself. He tried cleaning but there was nothing to tidy up. He didn't dare go outside to clean Megohime's blood stain on the cement; just the thought made bile pool in his throat. So he just sat against the wall in the foyer, waiting for Masamune to come home. Masamune made a noise, "You and Kojurou are in charge of the house and kids til I can bring Mego home." He told her
"They'll be safe." She promised, moving to check on Hidemune. He looked pale as well; she couldn't blame him. "I'll keep you updated." She said, closing her phone and moving over to Hidemune. "Hidemune-dono?"
She frowned and held out a hand. "Why don't we get you checked out by the doctor?" She asked softly. "I think Irohahime-dono kisses you."
Jingu lead Hidemune into the infirmary, sitting him on the bed beside Irohahime, who was drinking her juice slowly, staring at the wall with dull eyes. "Just rest." Jingu said softly to Hidemune.
"Kojurou-sama...?" Jingu stepped outside, moving over to him. "Megohime-dono is alive." She said, leaving out her comatose state. "Irohahime-dono and Hidemune-dono are in shock, but they're okay."
"Hai..." She shifted her weight from foot to foot. "But..." She had to tell him. "She isn't doing well.."
"Megohime-dono is in a coma... And Masamune-sama said the doctors didn't know if she'll ever wake." She said softly.
Jingu stared at the red stain on the driveway, frowning heavily. "We can only hope they'll all be okay..."
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