Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

She nodded, folding her hands together in her lap. A couple of days passed and Irohahime hadn't gotten out of bed, had rarely touched her food, and refused to speak to anyone. Her blue eyes stared out the window as she held her blue bunny that had been made to resemble her father, it even had an eye patch.
((I totally still have Yukimune and that would be amazing.))

Irohahime didn't take her eyes away from the window, hugging her bunny closer to her chest, she didn't show any signs that she heard Hidemune at all. Her hair had gone unbrushed and big tangles where starting to form in her hair since she refused to take a bath.
Hidemune frowned and moved over. He grabbed the brush and forced a weak smile, "N-Ne, why don't we do a braid today with some tsubaki flowers...? That would be really cute, wouldn't it...?"
Again Irohahime was unresponsive, the only thing she'd done the whole day was stare out the window at the front gate, waiting. Her breakfast still sat on her dresser where Jingu had set it, cold and mostly untouched.
Irohahime tensed when he started to brush her hair, but she didn't move away. Jingu knocked and poked her head in the room. "How is she..?"
Hidemune looked over with defeated eyes before returning his gaze to his sister's rat nest of hair, "Not good, as you can see..." He said softly
Though Irohahime didn't give any verbal response, she did not her head yes slowly, pulling back the bed sheets and getting out of her bed. Jingu closed the door quietly and headed to the kitchen to cook some food for the both of them.
Hidemune prepared her a bubble bath, making sure the water was perfect for her before turning away so she could get undressed, "Let me know when its safe, ok?"
Irohahime undressed and got into the bath, pushing some of the bubbles around and sinking into the water so it was just below her nose.
Irohahime simply pinched her nose and dunked her head underwater, setting her hair and sitting up, wiping the soapy bubbles from her face and away from her eyes.
Hidemune started washing her hair, trying not to make more rats and tangles, "Just think of how great it'll be when Otou-sama and Megohime comes home."
Irohahime reached out to write on the wall in soap suds, slowly writing Okaa-san, wiping away the soap that was starting to get in her ear.
She nodded weakly and let him wash her hair, playing with the bubbles and washing her arms and legs, a heavy weight on her heart.
Hidemune took the blue toy dragon she.usually played with and slid it through the bubbles like it was a shark, hoping it would get a small smile att least
Disinterested eyes watched the plastic dragon for a few moments before she rested her head against the side of the tub. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she sighed softly, not in the mood to play.
Once she was clean, Irohahime grabbed her towel and stepped out of the tub, wrapping the fluffy fabric around her and heading down the hall to her room, closing the door behind her so she could get dressed.
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