Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Irohahime got dressed in a big t-shirt and her pajama pants, opening the door a crack before shuffling over to her bed and crawling under the covers.
"Onee-chan...someone wants to talk to you..." Hidemune moves over with his cell phone and cclicked on speaker, "Go ahead." "Hey there, princess..." Masamune's voice sounded
When Irohahime heard Masamune's voice, she poked her head out from under the covers, lower lip quivering as she took the phone and held it close, eyes sad.
"I can only hope you're listening...I'm gonna bring your mom home soon...I'll stop by today and see you...Hidemune says you're really sad with me gone..." Masamune said
The more of her fathers voice she heard, the more her lip trembled. Soon tears streamed down her face and she was whimpering and sniffling, wiping her tears away with her arm, crying quietly.
Irohahime nodded, but soon she was a sniveling mess and pushed the phone back into Hidemune's hands before escaping under the covers to muffle her crying.
Irohahime wanted to say no, she wanted to cry loudly, she wanted to sleep all day. Unfortunately her body refused to produce a single word. Her voice was gone, much like her mother, and the thought only made her cry more, hugging the blue bunny close.
Jingu had just come up the stairs with Hidmune and Irohahime's snack when Hidemune left Irohahime's room. "I take it you'll be the only one eating today again?" She asked.
"Until Otou-sama stops by, yes..." He answered weakly. He looked crushed; he wanted nothing more than to help Irohahime but nothing he did worked. He felt like a failure as a brother, "I called him to see if talking to Onee-chan would help....but it only made things worse....."
Jingu frowned softly and placed a hand on his shoulder. "You shouldn't beat yourself up... Both of you saw something no child should ever have to see, why don't you have some food and go lay down..?"
Jingu handed him his snack and bowed her head, going into Irohahime's room to see if she'd eat anything.
Weeks passed and it was bordering on four months, but Megohime's condition never changed. A knock came at the door and the doctor entered with a heavy frown on his face. "Masamune-sama?"
"I'm afraid it's not... Megohime-dono's health hasn't improved at all in the past couple of months." He looked to Masamune. "Perhaps... Perhaps it is time to think about letting her go."
"Sir... I understand you not wanting to let your lover die... But the way she is now, well, she's in a persistent vegetated state, and only has a slim chance of waking. And even if she does wake, we can't guarantee she won't suffer brain damage." He said. "You have to understand how weak she is right now, Masamune-sama."
"I'm very sorry, Masamune-sama." The doctor bowed deeply. "In my earnest opinion I must tell you it'd be the best option to let her go." He said, a bit nervous.
The doctor nodded. "As you wish... We will arrange for a transport for Megohime-dono to your estate." He said, then left to call for an ambulance to take her back to Masamune's home so she wouldn't flatline on the ride home.
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