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Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

Irohahime jumped up and hurried grab her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder and hurrying to the door, bouncing on he heels, looking back at Hidemune to make sure he was coming.
The six year old hurried down the street, cheeks red from the cold morning air as she jogged to the large building in the distance.
Irohahime slowed down, but still she bounced excitedly on her heels. Grabbing Hidemune's hand, she continued on her way, where children were gathered out on the play ground.
She nodded as they reached the steps of the school, stopping and turning to say goodbye to her brother, which was two taps on her right cheek.
Hidemune made sure her ribbon was perfect before kissing her forehead, "Have a good day, Onee-chan...I'll pick you up right after school, I'll be waiting right here, ok?"
She nodded and leaned up on her tip toes to kiss his cheek before hurrying away to the playground, waving him goodbye one last time.
That day was rather quiet, and it had started to rain in the middle of the day, and soon school would be out.
By the time Hidemune got there, Irohahime was sitting on the steps, covered in mud. Her hair had been pulled from it's ponytail and she had scraped knees and red cheeks.
Hidemune's eyes widened and he rushed over, "Onee-chan!" He knelt in front of her, his face holding worry, "What happened...!? Are you ok...!?"
She pulled out he notebook, which was smudged with mud from writing her response. "He pulled my hair, so I hit him."
She shook her head frantically, digging a pencil out of her bag and writing quickly. "He can't know, please don't tell."
She nodded and stuffed her things in her pack before standing, walking home with him with a soft frown on her face.
Irohahime shook her head, squeezing his hand and clinging to his coat, watching the rain form puddles.
Irohahime sat still while Hidemune cleaned her knees and put band aids on them, using a wet cloth to scrub the dirt off of her face and arms.
Irohahime stopped scrubbing for a moment before she continued, avoiding eye contact with her older brother.
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