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Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

She nodded yes, shrinking into herself and tears forming in her eyes. "I told him my voice had ran away because it was scared... But he said I was crazy.."

((It's kinda her coping thing. She thinks she can't talk anymore, but physically she still can.))

Hidrmune frowned, "Your voice will be brave and come back soon, Onee-chan...promise. Come on, do you wanna go make some cookies and gobble them up like cookie monsters with me?" He asked
She nodded and quickly finished up washing her face, pulling her hair into a ponytail and standing. She took Hidemune's hand and followed him down the hall, her red cheeks almost back to their normal color.
Irohahime took a seat at the table and pulled out her note had. "Can we have curry for dinner if dad is late again?" She wrote.
Irohahime nodded and went back to doodling on her note pad, looking over at Hidemune every so often to see what he was doing.
Hidemune had made the cookie batter, humming softly. He took out a cookie sheet and started laying out the cookies for baking, "I hope you like the idea of smore cookies...~! Chocolate cookies with marshmellows and chocolate chunks...! My own invention~"
Irohahime didn't seem to really care, she just kept practicing her drawings, practicing writing some of the words she had learned to spell today as well.
((Tiny skip cuz I'm gettin' a little stuck~))

Irohahime was getting ready for her first day of high school back from summer break. It had been nearly eleven years and she still hadn't spoken a single word. Smoothing out her skirt and tucking in her uniform shirt, she ran a brush through her waist length raven colored hair. Her ribs still ached from last weeks fight and the gash on her shoulder was burning today, she must've slept on it. Ever since middle school, she had started to get into more and more physical fights with classmates. Grabbing her school bag she made her way down to the kitchen, getting her breakfast ready for school.

((Soon my plan shall come into play..~))
((She's like, what, 15 now...? Hide is 28...!))

Hidemune looked up and smiked, his longish hair pulled into a ponytail, "Ohayo, Onee-chan...!"
((Yup! Fifteen!))

Irohahime waved slightly as she grabbed last nights left overs from the fridge and chowed down on the cold food. After finishing her meal, she washed her dish and set it on the counter, looking back to Hidemune and giving him a small wave before heading out the door and to school.
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