Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"That's good, I have dinner started, it should be done soon." "I helped!" Irohahime moved over to Megohime and grinned. "She did, and you were exce-" Mwgohime was cut off by two loud gunshots that rang through the air, body tensing as she was hit in the chest and the head, blood splattering on Irohahime's face as her mothers limp body crumpled to the ground at the young girls feet. Irohahime stood there stunned, eyes wide as her mothers blood ran down her face. "K-Kaa..san..?" She spoke weakly.
"Onee-chan!!" Hidemune ran over and grabbed Irohahime, picking her up and rushing inside. Masamune's eye widened as he stared down at Megohime, "M...Mego..." "Masamune-sama, get inside!!" Kojurou barked. Masamune picked up Megohime and numbly moved inside, stumbling as Kojurou forced him into the house.
Megohime hung limply in Masamune's arms, eyes closed and lips parted as blood soaked her shirt and trickled down her face. Even upon closer inspection, her chest was still, and no breath came from her mouth. "Kaa-san... Wh-What happened to Kaa-san?" Irohahime looked like she had seen a ghost, being paler than a sheet, blood still on her face.
Hidemune took Irohahime to her room and hid with her in her closet, wiping her face with his sleeve as best as he could. "She's fine. She's ok. We have to stay in here until Otou-sama comes to get us, ok?" He said. Masamune snapped out of it and rushed Megohime to the bedroom, having the in-home doctor keep her stable while he called the ambulance
Jingu stayed guard with the doctor and Megohime as the doctor worked. She had a collapsed lung but got lucky with the second bullet. It somehow had not killed her, but she was in critical condition. Irohahime nodded numbly, shaking and staring blankly at her shoes, frozen with fear.
Hidemune held Irohahime tight, trembling slightly. Masamune was screaming at the nurse to get an ambulance there soon or he would go on a murderous rampage; she was more than happy to comply after that
Soon the ambulance arrived and Megohime was put onto a gurney before they loaded her into the ambulance before speeding off, sirens blaring. Once she arrived at the hospital, they rushed her to the OR, preparing for surgery.
Jingu had gone up on the roof to search for the sniper from the rooftop, scowling softly. "Kojurou-dono! I see no sign of the sniper!"
Jingu stood, frowning softly and looking down at Kojurou. "We should still head inside... We don't know if they'll be coming back or not." She said before heading inside to check on the children.
"Hidemune-dono, Irohahime-dono?" Jingu went through the house in search of the two. "Kojurou-dono is searching the grounds, but there is no sign of the shooter."

After hours of surgery, the doctor came out to Masamune, a heavy frown on his face. "Date Masamune?"
The doctor jumped a bit, but sighed softly. "Yes, she's alive... For now." He picked his words carefully. "To be honest, she's in critical condition. It's a miracle that she survived really; the bullet didn't kill her, but it did cause a considerable amount of damage to her brain. Until she wakes up.. We won't know how much damage was done..." He frowned more. "Masamune-sama... In my honest opinion, I don't think she'll wake up... The chances of her surviving this are extremely low."
The doctor cleared his throat; obviously it'd be a waste of time telling him different. "You may go and see her now if you're ready." He said. "But don't expect her to wake any time soon."
Megohime was hooked up to many different machines, one to keep her breathing, one for her heart rate, and a few others that kept everything else in check. Her forehead was wrapped and she was very pale.
Megohime didn't respond, mostly because she was in a coma, but even if she was awake, the tube down her throat would keep her from speaking.
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