Short Change Heroes [Sengoku AU] [DarkMudkip/Jikkah]

"Hey..! Don't, stop touching me..!" Megohime's voice came from her room, the sound of a struggle coming from her room, two men holding Megohime by her arms dragging her from her room, still in her pajamas.

((Will you play the boss ass face~?))
Even in her drugged state, Megohime struggled the best she could, but the two men were obviously stronger than her. "Masamune-sama!"
"Let her go!" Masamune brandished his shotgun, hesitating when he heard the sound of a baby crying. A man walked out, holding the screaming Irohahime
Megohime's eyes widened and she stopped breathing. "My baby..." A look of anger crossed over her face and she struggled hard, making the two men have to really struggle. "Leave my baby alone!"
Megohime's eyes widened and her face flushed red when she was groped, making her look away from Masamune and bite her lip hard as one of the men forced his hand into her shirt, both men snickering. "Boss!" Two more men came from the hallway, each dragging a limp form; Kojurou and Jingu.
"Kojurou! Jingu!" Masamune gnashed his teeth and glared death at the man, "I can't wai to paint that wall behind you with your fucking brains." He growled
Megohime struggled, trying to push the men's hands away as they tried to feel more than just her chest, grinding her teeth. "Shoot him!" She hissed.
Megohime tensed hard when one of the men was able to slip his hand into her panties and she let out a small cry, trying to close her legs and force him to remove his hand but the other man pried her legs open. "Stop!" She felt tears well up in her eyes, shame making her face flush dark red as he tried to make her moan.
"Let her go!!" Masamune hissed. His eye widened when the thug with his hand in Megohime's pants threw his head back, a hole in his head. The leader gasped, "What the hell?!" His eyes bugged out of his skull when the other thug dropped with a similar hole in his head
Megohime's eyes widened when she suddenly lurched forward, the two men's grasp loosening and sending her down the stairs, stopping at Masamune's feet limply. The other two men holding Jingu and Kojurou looked around. "I though you said that there were only five of 'em boss!"
Masamune picked up Megohime and held her, smirking, "Oh, I guess you didn't account for my son." "Son?!" The men holding Kojurou and Jingu suddenly got a good sized bullet in their brains, Hidemune hiding belly down in a doorway with Jingu's sniper rifle
Jingu hit the ground and groaned, rubbing her head and slowly getting to her feet, moving to Kojurou to check on him. He had been whacked in the head a few times. Megohime had a bump on her head, and she looked like she was out cold, but other than that she was fine, except for the blood that started to flower on her shirt, her stitches had opened up.
"Shit." Masamune growled lowly. "Hey, mister! If you don't wanna end up like your friends, gently return Nee-chan to Jingu-dono!" Hidemune yelled. The man scowled heavily, not happy how this turned out
Jingu moved away from the man as his body fell to the ground at her feet, frowning heavily and holding Irohahime tightly against her chest, trying to stop her from crying.
"Trade me...take Mego to the healer and I'll calm Iroh down..." Masamune told Jingu. Kojurou groaned and rubbed his head. Masamune looked to the second story, "Hidemune, take Kojurou and go with Jingu!" "Hai!" Hidemune called and got up, jogging over
Jingu handed Masamune the screeching baby and took Megohime, heading to the doctor to have her patched up.
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